13 resultados para carotenoids

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Carotenoids are important biomolecules that are ubiquitous in nature and find widespread application in medicine. In photosynthesis, they have a large role in light harvesting (LH) and photoprotection. They exert their LH function by donating their excited singlet state to nearby (bacterio)chlorophyll molecules. In photosynthetic bacteria, the efficiency of this energy transfer process can be as low as 30%. Here, we present evidence that an unusual pathway of excited state relaxation in carotenoids underlies this poor LH function, by which carotenoid triplet states are generated directly from carotenoid singlet states. This pathway, operative on a femtosecond and picosecond timescale, involves an intermediate state, which we identify as a new, hitherto uncharacterized carotenoid singlet excited state. In LH complex-bound carotenoids, this state is the precursor on the reaction pathway to the triplet state, whereas in extracted carotenoids in solution, this state returns to the singlet ground state without forming any triplets. We discuss the possible identity of this excited state and argue that fission of the singlet state into a pair of triplet states on individual carotenoid molecules constitutes the mechanism by which the triplets are generated. This is, to our knowledge, the first ever direct observation of a singlet-to-triplet conversion process on an ultrafast timescale in a photosynthetic antenna.


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Carotenoids in the photosynthetic membranes of plants typically contain two β-rings (e.g., β-carotene and zeaxanthin) or one ɛ- and one β-ring (e.g., lutein). Carotenoids with two ɛ-rings are uncommon. We reported earlier that the Arabidopsis thaliana lycopene ɛ-cyclase (LCYe) adds one ɛ-ring to the symmetrical linear substrate lycopene, whereas the structurally related lycopene β-cyclase (LCYb) adds two β-rings. Here we describe a cDNA encoding LCYe in romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. romaine), one of the few plant species known to accumulate substantial quantities of a carotenoid with two ɛ-rings: lactucaxanthin. The product of the lettuce cDNA, similar in sequence to the Arabidopsis LCYe (77% amino acid identity), efficiently converted lycopene into the bicyclic ɛ-carotene in a heterologous Escherichia coli system. Regions of the lettuce and Arabidopsis ɛ-cyclases involved in the determination of ring number were mapped by analysis of chimeric ɛ-cyclases constructed by using an inverse PCR approach. A single amino acid was found to act as a molecular switch: lettuce LCYe mutant H457L added only one ɛ-ring to lycopene, whereas the complementary Arabidopsis LCYe mutant, L448H, added two ɛ-rings. An R residue in this position also yields a bi-ɛ-cyclase for both the lettuce and Arabidopsis enzymes. Construction and analysis of chimera of related enzymes with differing catalytic activities provide an informative approach that may be of particular utility for studying membrane-associated enzymes that cannot easily be crystallized or modeled to existing crystal structures.


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Abscisic acid (ABA), an apocarotenoid synthesized from cleavage of carotenoids, regulates seed maturation and stress responses in plants. The viviparous seed mutants of maize identify genes involved in synthesis and perception of ABA. Two alleles of a new mutant, viviparous14 (vp14), were identified by transposon mutagenesis. Mutant embryos had normal sensitivity to ABA, and detached leaves of mutant seedlings showed markedly higher rates of water loss than those of wild type. The ABA content of developing mutant embryos was 70% lower than that of wild type, indicating a defect in ABA biosynthesis. vp14 embryos were not deficient in epoxy-carotenoids, and extracts of vp14 embryos efficiently converted the carotenoid cleavage product, xanthoxin, to ABA, suggesting a lesion in the cleavage reaction. vp14 was cloned by transposon tagging. The VP14 protein sequence is similar to bacterial lignostilbene dioxygenases (LSD). LSD catalyzes a double-bond cleavage reaction that is closely analogous to the carotenoid cleavage reaction of ABA biosynthesis. Southern blots indicated a family of four to six related genes in maize. The Vp14 mRNA is expressed in embryos and roots and is strongly induced in leaves by water stress. A family of Vp14-related genes evidently controls the first committed step of ABA biosynthesis. These genes are likely to play a key role in the developmental and environmental control of ABA synthesis in plants.


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Collectively, the xanthophyll class of carotenoids perform a variety of critical roles in light harvesting antenna assembly and function. The xanthophyll composition of higher plant photosystems (lutein, violaxanthin, and neoxanthin) is remarkably conserved, suggesting important functional roles for each. We have taken a molecular genetic approach in Arabidopsis toward defining the respective roles of individual xanthophylls in vivo by using a series of mutant lines that selectively eliminate and substitute a range of xanthophylls. The mutations, lut1 and lut2 (lut = lutein deficient), disrupt lutein biosynthesis. In lut2, lutein is replaced mainly by a stoichiometric increase in violaxanthin and antheraxanthin. A third mutant, aba1, accumulates normal levels of lutein and substitutes zeaxanthin for violaxanthin and neoxanthin. The lut2aba1 double mutant completely lacks lutein, violaxanthin, and neoxanthin and instead accumulates zeaxanthin. All mutants were viable in soil and had chlorophyll a/b ratios ranging from 2.9 to 3.5 and near wild-type rates of photosynthesis. However, mutants accumulating zeaxanthin exhibited a delayed greening virescent phenotype, which was most severe and often lethal when zeaxanthin was the only xanthophyll present. Chlorophyll fluorescence quenching kinetics indicated that both zeaxanthin and lutein contribute to nonphotochemical quenching; specifically, lutein contributes, directly or indirectly, to the rapid rise of nonphotochemical quenching. The results suggest that the normal complement of xanthophylls, while not essential, is required for optimal assembly and function of the light harvesting antenna in higher plants.


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Abscisic acid (ABA), a cleavage product of carotenoids, is involved in stress responses in plants. A well known response of plants to water stress is accumulation of ABA, which is caused by de novo synthesis. The limiting step of ABA biosynthesis in plants is presumably the cleavage of 9-cis-epoxycarotenoids, the first committed step of ABA biosynthesis. This step generates the C15 intermediate xanthoxin and C25-apocarotenoids. A cDNA, PvNCED1, was cloned from wilted bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) leaves. The 2,398-bp full-length PvNCED1 has an ORF of 615 aa and encodes a 68-kDa protein. The PvNCED1 protein is imported into chloroplasts, where it is associated with the thylakoids. The recombinant protein PvNCED1 catalyzes the cleavage of 9-cis-violaxanthin and 9′-cis-neoxanthin, so that the enzyme is referred to as 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase. When detached bean leaves were water stressed, ABA accumulation was preceded by large increases in PvNCED1 mRNA and protein levels. Conversely, rehydration of stressed leaves caused a rapid decrease in PvNCED1 mRNA, protein, and ABA levels. In bean roots, a similar correlation among PvNCED1 mRNA, protein, and ABA levels was observed. However, the ABA content was much less than in leaves, presumably because of the much smaller carotenoid precursor pool in roots than in leaves. At 7°C, PvNCED1 mRNA and ABA were slowly induced by water stress, but, at 2°C, neither accumulated. The results provide evidence that drought-induced ABA biosynthesis is regulated by the 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid cleavage reaction and that this reaction takes place in the thylakoids, where the carotenoid substrate is located.


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How evergreen species store and protect chlorophyll during exposure to high light in winter remains unexplained. This study reveals that the evergreen snow gum (Eucalyptus pauciflora Sieb. ex Spreng.) stores and protects its chlorophylls by forming special complexes that are unique to the winter-acclimated state. Our in vivo spectral and kinetic characterizations reveal a prominent component of the chlorophyll fluorescence spectrum around 715 nm at 77 K. This band coincides structurally with a loss of chlorophyll and an increase in energy-dissipating carotenoids. Functionally, the band coincides with an increased capacity to dissipate excess light energy, absorbed by the chlorophylls, as heat without intrathylakoid acidification. The increased heat dissipation helps protect the chlorophylls from photo-oxidative bleaching and thereby facilitates rapid recovery of photosynthesis in spring.


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Carotenoid pigments in plants fulfill indispensable functions in photosynthesis. Carotenoids that accumulate as secondary metabolites in chromoplasts provide distinct coloration to flowers and fruits. In this work we investigated the genetic mechanisms that regulate accumulation of carotenoids as secondary metabolites during ripening of tomato fruits. We analyzed two mutations that affect fruit pigmentation in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum): Beta (B), a single dominant gene that increases β-carotene in the fruit, and old-gold (og), a recessive mutation that abolishes β-carotene and increases lycopene. Using a map-based cloning approach we cloned the genes B and og. Molecular analysis revealed that B encodes a novel type of lycopene β-cyclase, an enzyme that converts lycopene to β-carotene. The amino acid sequence of B is similar to capsanthin-capsorubin synthase, an enzyme that produces red xanthophylls in fruits of pepper (Capsicum annum). Our results prove that β-carotene is synthesized de novo during tomato fruit development by the B lycopene cyclase. In wild-type tomatoes B is expressed at low levels during the breaker stage of ripening, whereas in the Beta mutant its transcription is dramatically increased. Null mutations in the gene B are responsible for the phenotype in og, indicating that og is an allele of B. These results confirm that developmentally regulated transcription is the major mechanism that governs lycopene accumulation in ripening fruits. The cloned B genes can be used in various genetic manipulations toward altering pigmentation and enhancing nutritional value of plant foods.


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The membrane proteins of peripheral light-harvesting complexes (LHCs) bind chlorophylls and carotenoids and transfer energy to the reaction centers for photosynthesis. LHCs of chlorophytes, chromophytes, dinophytes, and rhodophytes are similar in that they have three transmembrane regions and several highly conserved Chl-binding residues. All LHCs bind Chl a, but in specific taxa certain characteristic pigments accompany Chl a: Chl b and lutein in chlorophytes, Chl c and fucoxanthin in chromophytes, Chl c and peridinin in dinophytes, and zeaxanthin in rhodophytes. The specificity of pigment binding was examined by in vitro reconstitution of various pigments with a simple light-harvesting protein (LHCaR1), from a red alga (Porphyridium cruentum), that normally has eight Chl a and four zeaxanthin molecules. The pigments typical of a chlorophyte (Spinacea oleracea), a chromophyte (Thallasiosira fluviatilis), and a dinophyte (Prorocentrum micans) were found to functionally bind to this protein as evidenced by their participation in energy transfer to Chl a, the terminal pigment. This is a demonstration of a functional relatedness of rhodophyte and higher plant LHCs. The results suggest that eight Chl-binding sites per polypeptide are an ancestral trait, and that the flexibility to bind various Chl and carotenoid pigments may have been retained throughout the evolution of LHCs.


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We analyzed the kinetics of nonphotochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence (qN) in spinach (Spinacia oleracea) leaves, chloroplasts, and purified light-harvesting complexes. The characteristic biphasic pattern of fluorescence quenching in dark-adapted leaves, which was removed by preillumination, was evidence of light activation of qN, a process correlated with the de-epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle carotenoids. Chloroplasts isolated from dark-adapted and light-activated leaves confirmed the nature of light activation: faster and greater quenching at a subsaturating transthylakoid pH gradient. The light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding complexes of photosystem II were isolated from dark-adapted and light-activated leaves. When isolated from light-activated leaves, these complexes showed an increase in the rate of quenching in vitro compared with samples prepared from dark-adapted leaves. In all cases, the quenching kinetics were fitted to a single component hyperbolic function. For leaves, chloroplasts, and light-harvesting complexes, the presence of zeaxanthin was associated with an increased rate constant for the induction of quenching. We discuss the significance of these observations in terms of the mechanism and control of qN.


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Regulation of isoprenoid end-product synthesis required for normal growth and development in plants is not well understood. To investigate the extent to which specific genes for the enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGR) are involved in end-product regulation, we manipulated expression of the HMG1 and HMG2 genes in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) fruit using arachidonic acid (AA). In developing young fruit AA blocked fruit growth, inhibited HMG1, and activated HMG2 expression. These results are consistent with other reports indicating that HMG1 expression is closely correlated with growth processes requiring phytosterol production. In mature-green fruit AA strongly induced the expression of HMG2, PSY1 (the gene for phytoene synthase), and lycopene accumulation before the normal onset of carotenoid synthesis and ripening. The induction of lycopene synthesis was not blocked by inhibition of HMGR activity using mevinolin, suggesting that cytoplasmic HMGR is not required for carotenoid synthesis. Our results are consistent with the function of an alternative plastid isoprenoid pathway (the Rohmer pathway) that appears to direct the production of carotenoids during tomato fruit ripening.


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Abscisic acid (ABA) is a plant hormone involved in the control of a wide range of physiological processes, including adaptation to environmental stress and seed development. In higher plants ABA is a breakdown product of xanthophyll carotenoids (C40) via the C15 intermediate xanthoxin. The ABA2 gene of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia encodes zeaxanthin epoxidase, which catalyzes the conversion of zeaxanthin to violaxanthin. In this study we analyzed steady-state levels of ABA2 mRNA in N. plumbaginifolia. The ABA2 mRNA accumulated in all plant organs, but transcript levels were found to be higher in aerial parts (stems and leaves) than in roots and seeds. In leaves ABA2 mRNA accumulation displayed a day/night cycle; however, the ABA2 protein level remained constant. In roots no diurnal fluctuation in mRNA levels was observed. In seeds the ABA2 mRNA level peaked around the middle of development, when ABA content has been shown to increase in many species. In conditions of drought stress, ABA levels increased in both leaves and roots. A concomitant accumulation of ABA2 mRNA was observed in roots but not in leaves. These results are discussed in relation to the role of zeaxanthin epoxidase both in the xanthophyll cycle and in the synthesis of ABA precursors.


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The bacterium Myxococcus xanthus responds to blue light by producing carotenoids. It also responds to starvation conditions by developing fruiting bodies, where the cells differentiate into myxospores. Each response entails the transcriptional activation of a separate set of genes. However, a single gene, carD, is required for the activation of both light- and starvation-inducible genes. Gene carD has now been sequenced. Its predicted amino acid sequence includes four repeats of a DNA-binding domain present in mammalian high mobility group I(Y) proteins and other nuclear proteins from animals and plants. Other peptide stretches on CarD also resemble functional domains typical of eukaryotic transcription factors, including a very acidic region and a leucine zipper. High mobility group yI(Y) proteins are known to bind the minor groove of A+T-rich DNA. CarD binds in vitro an A+T-rich element that is required for the proper operation of a carD-dependent promoter in vivo.


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The role of carotenoids in quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence in the major light-harvesting complex of photosystem II has been studied with a view to understanding the molecular basis of the control of photoprotective nonradiative energy dissipation by the xanthophyll cycle in vivo. The control of chlorophyll fluorescence quenching in the isolated complex has been investigated in terms of the number of the conjugated double bonds for a series of carotenoids ranging from n = 5-19, giving an estimated first excited singlet state energy from 20,700 cm-1 to 10,120 cm-1. At pH 7.8 the addition of exogenous carotenoids with >=10 conjugated double bonds (including zeaxanthin) stimulated fluorescence quenching relative to the control with no added carotenoid, whereas those with n carotenoids with n carotenoids tested, quenching induced by the addition of the tertiary amine compound, dibucaine, to isolated light-harvesting complex of photosystem II could only be reversed by violaxanthin. These results are discussed in terms of the two theories developed to explain the role of zeaxanthin and violaxanthin in nonphotochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence.