25 resultados para by-product recovery

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Enzymatic transformations of macromolecular substrates such as DNA repair enzyme/DNA transformations are commonly interpreted primarily by active-site functional-group chemistry that ignores their extensive interfaces. Yet human uracil–DNA glycosylase (UDG), an archetypical enzyme that initiates DNA base-excision repair, efficiently excises the damaged base uracil resulting from cytosine deamination even when active-site functional groups are deleted by mutagenesis. The 1.8-Å resolution substrate analogue and 2.0-Å resolution cleaved product cocrystal structures of UDG bound to double-stranded DNA suggest enzyme–DNA substrate-binding energy from the macromolecular interface is funneled into catalytic power at the active site. The architecturally stabilized closing of UDG enforces distortions of the uracil and deoxyribose in the flipped-out nucleotide substrate that are relieved by glycosylic bond cleavage in the product complex. This experimentally defined substrate stereochemistry implies the enzyme alters the orientation of three orthogonal electron orbitals to favor electron transpositions for glycosylic bond cleavage. By revealing the coupling of this anomeric effect to a delocalization of the glycosylic bond electrons into the uracil aromatic system, this structurally implicated mechanism resolves apparent paradoxes concerning the transpositions of electrons among orthogonal orbitals and the retention of catalytic efficiency despite mutational removal of active-site functional groups. These UDG/DNA structures and their implied dissociative excision chemistry suggest biology favors a chemistry for base-excision repair initiation that optimizes pathway coordination by product binding to avoid the release of cytotoxic and mutagenic intermediates. Similar excision chemistry may apply to other biological reaction pathways requiring the coordination of complex multistep chemical transformations.


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Although it is believed that little recovery occurs after adult mammalian spinal cord injury, in fact significant spontaneous functional improvement commonly occurs after spinal cord injury in humans. To investigate potential mechanisms underlying spontaneous recovery, lesions of defined components of the corticospinal motor pathway were made in adult rats in the rostral cervical spinal cord or caudal medulla. Following complete lesions of the dorsal corticospinal motor pathway, which contains more than 95% of all corticospinal axons, spontaneous sprouting from the ventral corticospinal tract occurred onto medial motoneuron pools in the cervical spinal cord; this sprouting was paralleled by functional recovery. Combined lesions of both dorsal and ventral corticospinal tract components eliminated sprouting and functional recovery. In addition, functional recovery was also abolished if dorsal corticospinal tract lesions were followed 5 weeks later by ventral corticospinal tract lesions. We found extensive spontaneous structural plasticity as a mechanism correlating with functional recovery in motor systems in the adult central nervous system. Experimental enhancement of spontaneous plasticity may be useful to promote further recovery after adult central nervous system injury.


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Oxidation of d-ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (ribulose-P2) during synthesis and/or storage produces d-glycero-2,3-pentodiulose-1,5-bisphosphate (pentodiulose-P2), a potent slow, tight-binding inhibitor of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) ribulose-P2 carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). Differing degrees of contamination with pentodiulose-P2 caused the decline in Rubisco activity seen during Rubisco assay time courses to vary between different preparations of ribulose-P2. With some ribulose-P2 preparations, this compound can be the dominant cause of the decline, far exceeding the significance of the catalytic by-product, d-xylulose-1,5-bisphosphate. Unlike xylulose-1,5-bisphosphate, pentodiulose-P2 did not appear to be a significant by-product of catalysis by wild-type Rubisco at saturating CO2 concentration. It was produced slowly during frozen storage of ribulose-P2, even at low pH, more rapidly in Rubisco assay buffers at room temperature, and particularly rapidly on deliberate oxidation of ribulose-P2 with Cu2+. Its formation was prevented by the exclusion of transition metals and O2. Pentodiulose-P2 was unstable and decayed to a variety of other less-inhibitory compounds, particularly in the presence of some buffers. However, it formed a tight, stable complex with carbamylated spinach Rubisco, which could be isolated by gel filtration, presumably because its structure mimics that of the enediol intermediate of Rubisco catalysis. Rubisco catalyzes the cleavage of pentodiulose-P2 by H2O2, producing P-glycolate.


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Cardiac myocytes express both constitutive and cytokine-inducible nitric oxide syntheses (NOS). NO and its congeners have been implicated in the regulation of cardiac contractile function. To determine whether NO could affect myocardial energetics, 31P NMR spectroscopy was used to evaluate high-energy phosphate metabolism in isolated rat hearts perfused with the NO donor S-nitrosoacetylcysteine (SNAC). All hearts were exposed to an initial high Ca2+ (3.5 mM) challenge followed by a recovery period, and then, either in the presence or absence of SNAC, to a second high Ca2+ challenge. This protocol allowed us to monitor simultaneously the effect of SNAC infusion on both contractile reserve (i.e., baseline versus high workload contractile function) and high-energy phosphate metabolism. The initial high Ca2+ challenge caused the rate-pressure product to increase by 74 +/- 5% in all hearts. As expected, ATP was maintained as phosphocreatine (PCr) content briefly dropped and then returned to baseline during the subsequent recovery period. Control hearts responded similarLy to the second high Ca2+ challenge, but SNAC-treated hearts did not demonstrate the expected increase in rate-pressure product. In these hearts, ATP declined significantly during the second high Ca2+ challenge, whereas phosphocreatine did not differ from controls, suggesting that phosphoryl transfer by creatine kinase (CK) was inhibited. CK activity, measured biochemically, was decreased by 61 +/- 13% in SNAC-treated hearts compared to controls. Purified CK in solution was also inhibited by SNAC, and reversal could be accomplished with DTT, a sulfhydryl reducing agent. Thus, NO can regulate contractile reserve, possibly by reversible nitrosothiol modification of CK.


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Pulmonary neuroepithelial bodies (NEB) are widely distributed throughout the airway mucosa of human and animal lungs. Based on the observation that NEB cells have a candidate oxygen sensor enzyme complex (NADPH oxidase) and an oxygen-sensitive K+ current, it has been suggested that NEB may function as airway chemoreceptors. Here we report that mRNAs for both the hydrogen peroxide sensitive voltage gated potassium channel subunit (KH2O2) KV3.3a and membrane components of NADPH oxidase (gp91phox and p22phox) are coexpressed in the NEB cells of fetal rabbit and neonatal human lungs. Using a microfluorometry and dihydrorhodamine 123 as a probe to assess H2O2 generation, NEB cells exhibited oxidase activity under basal conditions. The oxidase in NEB cells was significantly stimulated by exposure to phorbol esther (0.1 μM) and inhibited by diphenyliodonium (5 μM). Studies using whole-cell voltage clamp showed that the K+ current of cultured fetal rabbit NEB cells exhibited inactivating properties similar to KV3.3a transcripts expressed in Xenopus oocyte model. Exposure of NEB cells to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2, the dismuted by-product of the oxidase) under normoxia resulted in an increase of the outward K+ current indicating that H2O2 could be the transmitter modulating the O2-sensitive K+ channel. Expressed mRNAs or orresponding protein products for the NADPH oxidase membrane cytochrome b as well as mRNA encoding KV3.3a were identified in small cell lung carcinoma cell lines. The studies presented here provide strong evidence for an oxidase-O2 sensitive potassium channel molecular complex operating as an O2 sensor in NEB cells, which function as chemoreceptors in airways and in NEB related tumors. Such a complex may represent an evolutionary conserved biochemical link for a membrane bound O2-signaling mechanism proposed for other cells and life forms.


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The large size of many novel therapeutics impairs their transport through the tumor extracellular matrix and thus limits their therapeutic effectiveness. We propose that extracellular matrix composition, structure, and distribution determine the transport properties in tumors. Furthermore, because the characteristics of the extracellular matrix largely depend on the tumor–host interactions, we postulate that diffusion of macromolecules will vary with tumor type as well as anatomical location. Diffusion coefficients of macromolecules and liposomes in tumors growing in cranial windows (CWs) and dorsal chambers (DCs) were measured by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. For the same tumor types, diffusion of large molecules was significantly faster in CW than in DC tumors. The greater diffusional hindrance in DC tumors was correlated with higher levels of collagen type I and its organization into fibrils. For molecules with diameters comparable to the interfibrillar space the diffusion was 5- to 10-fold slower in DC than in CW tumors. The slower diffusion in DC tumors was associated with a higher density of host stromal cells that synthesize and organize collagen type I. Our results point to the necessity of developing site-specific drug carriers to improve the delivery of molecular medicine to solid tumors.


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p75/AIRM-1 is a recently identified inhibitory receptor expressed by natural killer and myeloid cells displaying high homology with CD33. Crosslinking of p75/AIRM-1 or CD33 has been shown to sharply inhibit the in vitro proliferation of both normal myeloid cells and chronic myeloid leukemias. In this study, we analyzed acute myeloid leukemic cells for the expression of p75/AIRM-1. p75/AIRM-1 marked the M5 (11/12) and M4 (2/2) but not the M1, M2, and M3 subtypes according to the French–American–British classification. Cell samples from 12 acute myeloid leukemias were cultured in the presence of granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Addition to these cultures of anti-CD33 antibody resulted in ≈70% inhibition of cell proliferation as assessed by [3H]thymidine uptake or by the recovery of viable cells. Anti-p75/AIRM-1 antibody exerted a strong inhibitory effect only in two cases characterized by a high in vitro proliferation rate. After crosslinking of CD33 (but not of p75/AIRM-1), leukemic cells bound Annexin V and displayed changes in their light-scattering properties and nucleosomal DNA fragmentation, thus providing evidence for the occurrence of apoptotic cell death. Remarkably, when anti-CD33 antibody was used in combination with concentrations of etoposide insufficient to induce apoptosis when used alone, a synergistic effect could be detected in the induction of leukemic cell death. These studies provide the rationale for new therapeutic approaches in myeloid leukemias by using both chemotherapy and apoptosis-inducing mAbs.


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Fluid and macromolecule secretion by submucosal glands in mammalian airways is believed to be important in normal airway physiology and in the pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis (CF). An in situ fluorescence method was applied to measure the ionic composition and viscosity of freshly secreted fluid from airway glands. Fragments of human large airways obtained at the time of lung transplantation were mounted in a humidified perfusion chamber and the mucosal surface was covered by a thin layer of oil. Individual droplets of secreted fluid were microinjected with fluorescent indicators for measurement of [Na+], [Cl−], and pH by ratio imaging fluorescence microscopy and viscosity by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. After carbachol stimulation, 0.1–0.5 μl of fluid accumulated in spherical droplets at gland orifices in ≈3–5 min. In gland fluid from normal human airways, [Na+] was 94 ± 8 mM, [Cl−] was 92 ± 12 mM, and pH was 6.97 ± 0.06 (SE, n = 7 humans, more than five glands studied per sample). Apparent fluid viscosity was 2.7 ± 0.3-fold greater than that of saline. Neither [Na+] nor pH differed in gland fluid from CF airways, but viscosity was significantly elevated by ≈2-fold compared to normal airways. These results represent the first direct measurements of ionic composition and viscosity in uncontaminated human gland secretions and indicate similar [Na+], [Cl−], and pH to that in the airway surface liquid. The elevated gland fluid viscosity in CF may be an important factor promoting bacterial colonization and airway disease.


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In this paper, a new way to think about, and to construct, pairwise as well as multiple alignments of DNA and protein sequences is proposed. Rather than forcing alignments to either align single residues or to introduce gaps by defining an alignment as a path running right from the source up to the sink in the associated dot-matrix diagram, we propose to consider alignments as consistent equivalence relations defined on the set of all positions occurring in all sequences under consideration. We also propose constructing alignments from whole segments exhibiting highly significant overall similarity rather than by aligning individual residues. Consequently, we present an alignment algorithm that (i) is based on segment-to-segment comparison instead of the commonly used residue-to-residue comparison and which (ii) avoids the well-known difficulties concerning the choice of appropriate gap penalties: gaps are not treated explicity, but remain as those parts of the sequences that do not belong to any of the aligned segments. Finally, we discuss the application of our algorithm to two test examples and compare it with commonly used alignment methods. As a first example, we aligned a set of 11 DNA sequences coding for functional helix-loop-helix proteins. Though the sequences show only low overall similarity, our program correctly aligned all of the 11 functional sites, which was a unique result among the methods tested. As a by-product, the reading frames of the sequences were identified. Next, we aligned a set of ribonuclease H proteins and compared our results with alignments produced by other programs as reported by McClure et al. [McClure, M. A., Vasi, T. K. & Fitch, W. M. (1994) Mol. Biol. Evol. 11, 571-592]. Our program was one of the best scoring programs. However, in contrast to other methods, our protein alignments are independent of user-defined parameters.


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Retinoids serve two main functions in biology: retinaldehyde forms the chromophore bound to opsins, and retinoic acid (RA) is the activating ligand of transcription factors. These two functions are linked in the vertebrate eye: we describe here that illumination of the retina results in an increase in RA synthesis, as detected with a RA bioassay and by HPLC. The synthesis is mediated by retinaldehyde dehydrogenases which convert some of the chromophore all-trans retinaldehyde, released from bleached rhodopsin, into RA. As the eye contains high levels of retinaldehyde dehydrogenases, and as the oxidation of retinaldehyde is an irreversible reaction, RA production has to be considered an unavoidable by-product of light. Through RA synthesis, light can thus directly influence gene transcription in the eye, which provides a plausible mechanism for light effects that cannot be explained by electric activity. Whereas the function of retinaldehyde as chromophore is conserved from bacteria to mammals, RA-mediated transcription is fully evolved only in vertebrates. Invertebrates differ from vertebrates in the mechanism of chromophore regeneration: while in the invertebrate visual cycle the chromophore remains bound, it is released as free all-trans retinaldehyde from illuminated vertebrate rhodopsin. RA synthesis occurring as corollary of dark regeneration in the vertebrate visual cycle may have given rise to the expansion of RA-mediated transcriptional regulation.


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We have identified a novel β amyloid precursor protein (βAPP) mutation (V715M-βAPP770) that cosegregates with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in a pedigree. Unlike other familial AD-linked βAPP mutations reported to date, overexpression of V715M-βAPP in human HEK293 cells and murine neurons reduces total Aβ production and increases the recovery of the physiologically secreted product, APPα. V715M-βAPP significantly reduces Aβ40 secretion without affecting Aβ42 production in HEK293 cells. However, a marked increase in N-terminally truncated Aβ ending at position 42 (x-42Aβ) is observed, whereas its counterpart x-40Aβ is not affected. These results suggest that, in some cases, familial AD may be associated with a reduction in the overall production of Aβ but may be caused by increased production of truncated forms of Aβ ending at the 42 position.


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CM101, an antiangiogenic polysaccharide derived from group B streptococcus, was administered by i.v. injection 1 hr post-spinal-cord crush injury in an effort to prevent inflammatory angiogenesis and gliosis (scarring) in a mouse model. We postulated that gliosis would sterically prevent the reestablishment of neuronal connectivity; thus, treatment with CM101 was repeated every other day for five more infusions for the purpose of facilitating regeneration of neuronal function. Twenty-five of 26 mice treated with CM101 survived 28 days after surgery, and 24 of 26 recovered walking ability within 2–12 days. Only 6 of 14 mice in the control groups survived 24 hr after spinal cord injury, and none recovered function in paralyzed limbs. MRI analysis of injured untreated and treated animals showed that CM101 reduced the area of damage at the site of spinal cord compression, which was corroborated by histological analysis of spinal cord sections from treated and control animals. Electrophysiologic measurements on isolated central nervous system and neurons in culture showed that CM101 protected axons from Wallerian degeneration; reversed γ-aminobutyrate-mediated depolarization occurring in traumatized neurons; and improved recovery of neuronal conductivity of isolated central nervous system in culture.


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Cockayne syndrome (CS) is a human genetic disorder characterized by UV sensitivity, developmental abnormalities, and premature aging. Two of the genes involved, CSA and CSB, are required for transcription-coupled repair (TCR), a subpathway of nucleotide excision repair that removes certain lesions rapidly and efficiently from the transcribed strand of active genes. CS proteins have also been implicated in the recovery of transcription after certain types of DNA damage such as those lesions induced by UV light. In this study, site-directed mutations have been introduced to the human CSB gene to investigate the functional significance of the conserved ATPase domain and of a highly acidic region of the protein. The CSB mutant alleles were tested for genetic complementation of UV-sensitive phenotypes in the human CS-B homologue of hamster UV61. In addition, the CSB mutant alleles were tested for their ability to complement the sensitivity of UV61 cells to the carcinogen 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4-NQO), which introduces bulky DNA adducts repaired by global genome repair. Point mutation of a highly conserved glutamic acid residue in ATPase motif II abolished the ability of CSB protein to complement the UV-sensitive phenotypes of survival, RNA synthesis recovery, and gene-specific repair. These data indicate that the integrity of the ATPase domain is critical for CSB function in vivo. Likewise, the CSB ATPase point mutant failed to confer cellular resistance to 4-NQO, suggesting that ATP hydrolysis is required for CSB function in a TCR-independent pathway. On the contrary, a large deletion of the acidic region of CSB protein did not impair the genetic function in the processing of either UV- or 4-NQO-induced DNA damage. Thus the acidic region of CSB is likely to be dispensable for DNA repair, whereas the ATPase domain is essential for CSB function in both TCR-dependent and -independent pathways.


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An analysis of the x-ray structure of homodimeric avian farnesyl diphosphate synthase (geranyltransferase, EC coupled with information about conserved amino acids obtained from a sequence alignment of 35 isoprenyl diphosphate synthases that synthesize farnesyl (C15), geranylgeranyl (C20), and higher chain length isoprenoid diphosphates suggested that the side chains of residues corresponding to F112 and F113 in the avian enzyme were important for determining the ultimate length of the hydrocarbon chains. This hypothesis was supported by site-directed mutagenesis to transform wild-type avian farnesyl diphosphate synthase (FPS) into synthases capable of producing geranylgeranyl diphosphate (F112A), geranylfarnesyl (C25) diphosphate (F113S), and longer chain prenyl diphosphates (F112A/F113S). An x-ray analysis of the structure of the F112A/F113S mutant in the apo state and with allylic substrates bound produced the strongest evidence that these mutations caused the observed change in product specificity by directly altering the size of the binding pocket for the growing isoprenoid chain in the active site of the enzyme. The proposed binding pocket in the apo mutant structure was increased in depth by 5.8 Å as compared with that for the wild-type enzyme. Allylic diphosphates were observed in the holo structures, bound through magnesium ions to the aspartates of the first of two conserved aspartate-rich sequences (D117–D121), with the hydrocarbon tails of all the ligands growing down the hydrophobic pocket toward the mutation site. A model was constructed to show how the growth of a long chain prenyl product may proceed by creation of a hydrophobic passageway from the FPS active site to the outside surface of the enzyme.


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Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), a processivity factor for DNA polymerases δ and ɛ, is involved in DNA replication as well as in diverse DNA repair pathways. In quiescent cells, UV light-induced bulky DNA damage triggers the transition of PCNA from a soluble to an insoluble chromatin-bound form, which is intimately associated with the repair synthesis by polymerases δ and ɛ. In this study, we investigated the efficiency of PCNA complex formation in response to ionizing radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in normal and radiation-sensitive Ataxia telangiectasia (AT) cells by immunofluorescence and western blot techniques. Exposure of normal cells to γ-rays rapidly triggered the formation of PCNA foci in a dose-dependent manner in the nuclei and the PCNA foci (40–45%) co-localized with sites of repair synthesis detected by bromodeoxyuridine labeling. The chromatin-bound PCNA gradually declined with increasing post-irradiation times and almost reached the level of unirradiated cells by 6 h. The PCNA foci formed after γ-irradiation was resistant to high salt extraction and the chromatin association of PCNA was lost after DNase I digestion. Interestingly, two radiosensitive primary fibroblast cell lines, derived from AT patients harboring homozygous mutations in the ATM gene, displayed an efficient PCNA redistribution after γ-irradiation. We also analyzed the PCNA complex induced by a radiomimetic agent, Bleomycin (BLM), which produces predominantly single- and double-strand DNA breaks. The efficiency and the time course of PCNA complex induced by BLM were identical in both normal and AT cells. Our study demonstrates for the first time that the ATM gene product is not required for PCNA complex assembly in response to DNA strand breaks. Additionally, we observed an increased interaction of PCNA with the Ku70 and Ku80 heterodimer after DNA damage, suggestive of a role for PCNA in the non-homologous end-joining repair pathway of DNA strand breaks.