7 resultados para base-age invariant dynamic equation
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
The rodent liver displays marked age- and sex-dependent changes in androgen sensitivity due to the sexually dimorphic and temporally programmed expression of the androgen receptor (AR) gene. We have altered this normal phenotype by constitutive overexpression of the rat AR transgene in the mouse liver by targeting it via the human phenylalanine hydroxylase (hPAH) gene promoter. These transgenic animals in their heterozygous state produce an approximately 30-fold higher level of the AR in the liver as compared with the nontransgenic control. Androgen inactivation via sulfonation of the hormone by dehydroepiandrosterone sulfotransferase (DST), an androgen-repressible enzyme, also contributes to the age- and sex-dependent regulation of hepatic androgen sensitivity. DST has a broad range of substrate specificity and is responsible for the age- and sex-specific activation of certain polycyclic aromatic hepatocarcinogens as well, by converting them to electrophilic sulfonated derivatives. In the transgenic female, the hepatic expression of DST was approximately 4-fold lower than in normal females, a level comparable to that in normal males. The hPAH-AR mice will serve as a valuable model for studying the sex- and age-invariant expression of liver-specific genes, particularly those involved in the activation of environmental hepatocarcinogens such as the aromatic hydrocarbons.
The Pleistocene was a dynamic period for Holarctic mammal species, complicated by episodes of glaciation, local extinctions, and intercontinental migration. The genetic consequences of these events are difficult to resolve from the study of present-day populations. To provide a direct view of population genetics in the late Pleistocene, we measured mitochondrial DNA sequence variation in seven permafrost-preserved brown bear (Ursus arctos) specimens, dated from 14,000 to 42,000 years ago. Approximately 36,000 years ago, the Beringian brown bear population had a higher genetic diversity than any extant North American population, but by 15,000 years ago genetic diversity appears similar to the modern day. The older, genetically diverse, Beringian population contained sequences from three clades now restricted to local regions within North America, indicating that current phylogeographic patterns may provide misleading data for evolutionary studies and conservation management. The late Pleistocene phylogeographic data also indicate possible colonization routes to areas south of the Cordilleran ice sheet.
A transition as a function of increasing temperature from harmonic to anharmonic dynamics has been observed in globular proteins by using spectroscopic, scattering, and computer simulation techniques. We present here results of a dynamic neutron scattering analysis of the solvent dependence of the picosecond-time scale dynamic transition behavior of solutions of a simple single-subunit enzyme, xylanase. The protein is examined in powder form, in D2O, and in four two-component perdeuterated single-phase cryosolvents in which it is active and stable. The scattering profiles of the mixed solvent systems in the absence of protein are also determined. The general features of the dynamic transition behavior of the protein solutions follow those of the solvents. The dynamic transition in all of the mixed cryosolvent–protein systems is much more gradual than in pure D2O, consistent with a distribution of energy barriers. The differences between the dynamic behaviors of the various cryosolvent protein solutions themselves are remarkably small. The results are consistent with a picture in which the picosecond-time scale atomic dynamics respond strongly to melting of pure water solvent but are relatively invariant in cryosolvents of differing compositions and melting points.
The allometric relationships for plant annualized biomass production (“growth”) rates, different measures of body size (dry weight and length), and photosynthetic biomass (or pigment concentration) per plant (or cell) are reported for multicellular and unicellular plants representing three algal phyla; aquatic ferns; aquatic and terrestrial herbaceous dicots; and arborescent monocots, dicots, and conifers. Annualized rates of growth G scale as the 3/4-power of body mass M over 20 orders of magnitude of M (i.e., G ∝ M3/4); plant body length L (i.e., cell length or plant height) scales, on average, as the 1/4-power of M over 22 orders of magnitude of M (i.e., L ∝ M1/4); and photosynthetic biomass Mp scales as the 3/4-power of nonphotosynthetic biomass Mn (i.e., Mp ∝ Mn3/4). Because these scaling relationships are indifferent to phylogenetic affiliation and habitat, they have far-reaching ecological and evolutionary implications (e.g., net primary productivity is predicted to be largely insensitive to community species composition or geological age).
U2449 is one of many invariant residues in the central loop of domain V of 23S rRNA, a region that constitutes part of the peptidyltransferase center of the ribosome. In Escherichia coli, this U is post-transcriptionally modified to dihydrouridine (D) and is the only D modification found in E.coli rRNAs. To analyze the role of this base and its modification in ribosomal function, all three base substitutions were constructed on a plasmid copy of the rrnB operon and assayed for their ability to support cell growth in a strain of E.coli lacking chromosomal rrn operons. Both purine substitution mutations were not viable. However, growth and antibiotic sensitivity of cells expressing only the mutant D2449C rRNA was indistinguishable from wild type. We conclude that while a pyrimidine is required at position 2449 for proper ribosomal function, the D modification is dispensable.
We have investigated the dynamic properties of the switch I region of the GTP-binding protein Ras by using mutants of Thr-35, an invariant residue necessary for the switch function. Here we show that these mutants, previously used as partial loss-of-function mutations in cell-based assays, have a reduced affinity to Ras effector proteins without Thr-35 being involved in any interaction. The structure of Ras(T35S)⋅GppNHp was determined by x-ray crystallography. Whereas the overall structure is very similar to wildtype, residues from switch I are completely invisible, indicating that the effector loop region is highly mobile. 31P-NMR data had indicated an equilibrium between two rapidly interconverting conformations, one of which (state 2) corresponds to the structure found in the complex with the effectors. 31P-NMR spectra of Ras mutants (T35S) and (T35A) in the GppNHp form show that the equilibrium is shifted such that they occur predominantly in the nonbinding conformation (state 1). On addition of Ras effectors, Ras(T35S) but not Ras(T35A) shift to positions corresponding to the binding conformation. The structural data were correlated with kinetic experiments that show two-step binding reaction of wild-type and (T35S)Ras with effectors requires the existence of a rate-limiting isomerization step, which is not observed with T35A. The results indicate that minor changes in the switch region, such as removing the side chain methyl group of Thr-35, drastically affect dynamic behavior and, in turn, interaction with effectors. The dynamics of the switch I region appear to be responsible for the conservation of this threonine residue in GTP-binding proteins.
Heteroduplex joints are general intermediates of homologous genetic recombination in DNA genomes. A heteroduplex joint is formed between a single-stranded region (or tail), derived from a cleaved parental double-stranded DNA, and homologous regions in another parental double-stranded DNA, in a reaction mediated by the RecA/Rad51-family of proteins. In this reaction, a RecA/Rad51-family protein first forms a filamentous complex with the single-stranded DNA, and then interacts with the double-stranded DNA in a search for homology. Studies of the three-dimensional structures of single-stranded DNA bound either to Escherichia coli RecA or Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad51 have revealed a novel extended DNA structure. This structure contains a hydrophobic interaction between the 2′ methylene moiety of each deoxyribose and the aromatic ring of the following base, which allows bases to rotate horizontally through the interconversion of sugar puckers. This base rotation explains the mechanism of the homology search and base-pair switch between double-stranded and single-stranded DNA during the formation of heteroduplex joints. The pivotal role of the 2′ methylene-base interaction in the heteroduplex joint formation is supported by comparing the recombination of RNA genomes with that of DNA genomes. Some simple organisms with DNA genomes induce homologous recombination when they encounter conditions that are unfavorable for their survival. The extended DNA structure confers a dynamic property on the otherwise chemically and genetically stable double-stranded DNA, enabling gene segment rearrangements without disturbing the coding frame (i.e., protein-segment shuffling). These properties may give an extensive evolutionary advantage to DNA.