3 resultados para banded preconditioner

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Stress fibers were isolated from cultured human foreskin fibroblasts and bovine endothelial cells, and their contraction was demonstrated in vitro. Cells in culture dishes were first treated with a low-ionic-strength extraction solution and then further extracted using detergents. With gentle washes by pipetting, the nucleus and the apical part of cells were removed. The material on the culture dish was scraped, and the freed material was forced through a hypodermic needle and fractionated by sucrose gradient centrifugation. Isolated, free-floating stress fibers stained brightly with fluorescently labeled phalloidin. When stained with anti-α-actinin or anti-myosin, isolated stress fibers showed banded staining patterns. By electron microscopy, they consisted of bundles of microfilaments, and electron-dense areas were associated with them in a semiperiodic manner. By negative staining, isolated stress fibers often exhibited gentle twisting of microfilament bundles. Focal adhesion–associated proteins were also detected in the isolated stress fiber by both immunocytochemical and biochemical means. In the presence of Mg-ATP, isolated stress fibers shortened, on the average, to 23% of the initial length. The maximum velocity of shortening was several micrometers per second. Polystyrene beads on shortening isolated stress fibers rotated, indicating spiral contraction of stress fibers. Myosin regulatory light chain phosphorylation was detected in contracting stress fibers, and a myosin light chain kinase inhibitor, KT5926, inhibited isolated stress fiber contraction. Our study demonstrates that stress fibers can be isolated with no apparent loss of morphological features and that they are truly contractile organelle.


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The small fourth chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster (3.5% of the genome) presents a puzzle. Cytological analysis suggests that the bulk of the fourth, including the portion that appears banded in the polytene chromosomes, is heterochromatic; the banded region includes blocks of middle repetitious DNA associated with heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1). However, genetic screens indicate 50–75 genes in this region, a density similar to that in other euchromatic portions of the genome. Using a P element containing an hsp70-white gene and a copy of hsp26 (marked with a fragment of plant DNA designated pt), we have identified domains that allow for full expression of the white marker (R domains), and others that induce a variegating phenotype (V domains). In the former case, the hsp26-pt gene shows an accessibility and heat-shock-inducible activity similar to that seen in euchromatin, whereas in the latter case, accessibility and inducible expression are reduced to levels typical of heterochromatin. Mapping by in situ hybridization and by hybridization of flanking DNA sequences to a collection of cosmid and bacterial artificial chromosome clones shows that the R domains (euchromatin-like) and V domains (heterochromatin-like) are interspersed. Examination of the effect of genetic modifiers on the variegating transgenes shows some differences among these domains. The results suggest that heterochromatic and euchromatic domains are interspersed and closely associated within this 1.2-megabase region of the genome.


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Geological, geophysical, and geochemical data support a theory that Earth experienced several intervals of intense, global glaciation (“snowball Earth” conditions) during Precambrian time. This snowball model predicts that postglacial, greenhouse-induced warming would lead to the deposition of banded iron formations and cap carbonates. Although global glaciation would have drastically curtailed biological productivity, melting of the oceanic ice would also have induced a cyanobacterial bloom, leading to an oxygen spike in the euphotic zone and to the oxidative precipitation of iron and manganese. A Paleoproterozoic snowball Earth at 2.4 Giga-annum before present (Ga) immediately precedes the Kalahari Manganese Field in southern Africa, suggesting that this rapid and massive change in global climate was responsible for its deposition. As large quantities of O2 are needed to precipitate this Mn, photosystem II and oxygen radical protection mechanisms must have evolved before 2.4 Ga. This geochemical event may have triggered a compensatory evolutionary branching in the Fe/Mn superoxide dismutase enzyme, providing a Paleoproterozoic calibration point for studies of molecular evolution.