52 resultados para bacterial outer membrane

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Translocation of mitochondrial precursor proteins across the mitochondrial outer membrane is facilitated by the translocase of the outer membrane (TOM) complex. By using site-specific photocrosslinking, we have mapped interactions between TOM proteins and a mitochondrial precursor protein arrested at two distinct stages, stage A (accumulated at 0°C) and stage B (accumulated at 30°C), in the translocation across the outer membrane at high resolution not achieved previously. Although the stage A and stage B intermediates were assigned previously to the forms bound to the cis site and the trans site of the TOM complex, respectively, the results of crosslinking indicate that the presequence of the intermediates at both stage A and stage B is already on the trans side of the outer membrane. The mature domain is unfolded and bound to Tom40 at stage B whereas it remains folded at stage A. After dissociation from the TOM complex, translocation of the stage B intermediate, but not of the stage A intermediate, across the inner membrane was promoted by the intermembrane-space domain of Tom22. We propose a new model for protein translocation across the outer membrane, where translocation of the presequence and unfolding of the mature domain are not necessarily coupled.


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The rat mitochondrial outer membrane-localized benzodiazepine receptor (MBR) was expressed in wild-type and TspO− (tryptophan-rich sensory protein) strains of the facultative photoheterotroph, Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1, and was shown to retain its structure within the bacterial outer membrane as assayed by its binding properties with a variety of MBR ligands. Functionally, it was able to substitute for TspO by negatively regulating the expression of photosynthesis genes in response to oxygen. This effect was reversed pharmacologically with the MBR ligand PK11195. These results suggest a close evolutionary and functional relationship between the bacterial TspO and the MBR. This relationship provides further support for the origin of the mammalian mitochondrion from a “photosynthetic” precursor. Finally, these findings provide novel insights into the physiological role that has been obscure for the MBR in situ.


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Using the representation difference analysis technique, we have identified a novel gene, Ian4, which is preferentially expressed in hematopoietic precursor 32D cells transfected with wild-type versus mutant forms of the Bcr/Abl oncogene. Ian4 expression was undetectable in 32D cells transfected with v-src, oncogenic Ha-ras or v-Abl. Murine Ian4 maps to chromosome 6, 25 cM from the centromere. The Ian4 mRNA contains two open reading frames (ORFs) separated by 5 nt. The first ORF has the potential to encode for a polypeptide of 67 amino acids without apparent homology to known proteins. The second ORF encodes a protein of 301 amino acids with a GTP/ATP-binding site in the N-terminus and a hydrophobic domain in the extreme C-terminus. The IAN-4 protein resides in the mitochondrial outer membrane and the last 20 amino acids are necessary for this localization. The IAN-4 protein has GTP-binding activity and shares sequence homology with a novel family of putative GTP-binding proteins: the immuno-associated nucleotide (IAN) family.


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The 2H,13C,15N-labeled, 148-residue integral membrane protein OmpX from Escherichia coli was reconstituted with dihexanoyl phosphatidylcholine (DHPC) in mixed micelles of molecular mass of about 60 kDa. Transverse relaxation-optimized spectroscopy (TROSY)-type triple resonance NMR experiments and TROSY-type nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectra were recorded in 2 mM aqueous solutions of these mixed micelles at pH 6.8 and 30°C. Complete sequence-specific NMR assignments for the polypeptide backbone thus have been obtained. The 13C chemical shifts and the nuclear Overhauser effect data then resulted in the identification of the regular secondary structure elements of OmpX/DHPC in solution and in the collection of an input of conformational constraints for the computation of the global fold of the protein. The same type of polypeptide backbone fold is observed in the presently determined solution structure and the previously reported crystal structure of OmpX determined in the presence of the detergent n-octyltetraoxyethylene. Further structure refinement will have to rely on the additional resonance assignment of partially or fully protonated amino acid side chains, but the present data already demonstrate that relaxation-optimized NMR techniques open novel avenues for studies of structure and function of integral membrane proteins.


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Chlamydial attachment to columnar conjunctival or urogenital epithelial cells is an initial and critical step in the pathogenesis of chlamydial mucosal infections. The chlamydial major outer membrane protein (MOMP) has been implicated as a putative chlamydial cytoadhesin; however, direct evidence supporting this hypothesis has not been reported. The function of MOMP as a cytoadhesin was directly investigated by expressing the protein as a fusion with the Escherichia coli maltose binding protein (MBP-MOMP) and studying its interaction with human epithelial cells. The recombinant MBP-MOMP bound specifically to HeLa cells at 4 degrees C but was not internalized after shifting the temperature to 37 degrees C. The MBP-MOMP competitively inhibited the infectivity of viable chlamydiae for epithelial cells, indicating that the MOMP and intact chlamydiae bind the same host receptor. Heparan sulfate markedly reduced binding of the MBP-MOMP to cells, whereas chondroitin sulfate had no effect on binding. Enzymatic treatment of cells with heparitinase but not chondroitinase inhibited the binding of MBP-MOMP. These same treatments were also shown to reduce the infectivity of chlamydiae for epithelial cells. Mutant cell lines defective in heparan sulfate synthesis but not chondroitin sulfate synthesis showed a marked reduction in the binding of MBP-MOMP and were also less susceptible to infection by chlamydiae. Collectively, these findings provide strong evidence that the MOMP functions as a chlamydial cytoadhesin and that heparan sulfate proteoglycans are the host-cell receptors to which the MOMP binds.


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Functional expression of the multidrug resistance protein P-glycoprotein (P-gp) in Escherichia coli is providing an appropriate system for structure/function studies and might provide an invaluable tool to screen potential P-gp substrates and inhibitors. The major problem encountered in such studies, however, is the impermeability of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, which protects microorganisms against the cytotoxic effects of many lipophilic cancer drugs and blocks accessibility of P-gp reversal agents. In the present study we have constructed, by mutagenesis, a "leaky" (containing a permeable outer membrane) strain of E. coli, which is significantly more susceptible to the toxic effect of known P-gp substrates and cytotoxic agents. Expression of mouse Mdr1 in the mutant confers cross-resistance to daunomycin, quinidine, chloroquine, rhodamine 6G, and puromycin. Most importantly, reserpine and doxorubicin completely abolish Mdr1-mediated rhodamine resistance. The results provide strong support for previous observations, suggesting that Mdr1 can be expressed functionally in E. coli and indicate that the leaky mutant will be useful for further structure/function studies of the heterologously expressed eukaryotic drug efflux protein.


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Haemophilus influenzae is a major cause of otitis media and other respiratory tract disease in children. The pathogenesis of disease begins with colonization of the upper respiratory mucosa, a process that involves evasion of local immune mechanisms and adherence to epithelial cells. Several studies have demonstrated that human milk is protective against H. influenzae colonization and disease. In the present study, we examined the effect of human milk on the H. influenzae IgA1 protease and Hap adhesin, two autotransported proteins that are presumed to facilitate colonization. Our results demonstrated that human milk lactoferrin efficiently extracted the IgA1 protease preprotein from the bacterial outer membrane. In addition, lactoferrin specifically degraded the Hap adhesin and abolished Hap-mediated adherence. Extraction of IgA1 protease and degradation of Hap were localized to the N-lobe of the bilobed lactoferrin molecule and were inhibited by serine protease inhibitors, suggesting that the lactoferrin N-lobe may contain serine protease activity. Additional experiments revealed no effect of lactoferrin on the H. influenzae P2, P5, and P6 outer-membrane proteins, which are distinguished from IgA1 protease and Hap by the lack of an N-terminal passenger domain or an extracellular linker region. These results suggest that human milk lactoferrin may attenuate the pathogenic potential of H. influenzae by selectively inactivating IgA1 protease and Hap, thereby interfering with colonization. Future studies should examine the therapeutic potential of lactoferrin, perhaps as a supplement in infant formulas.


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High-efficiency entry of the enteropathogenic bacterium Yersinia pseudotuberculosis into nonphagocytic cells is mediated by the bacterial outer membrane protein invasin. Invasin-mediated uptake requires high affinity binding of invasin to multiple β1 chain integrin receptors on the host eukaryotic cell. Previous studies using inhibitors have indicated that high-efficiency uptake requires tyrosine kinase activity. In this paper we demonstrate a requirement for focal adhesion kinase (FAK) for invasin-mediated uptake. Overexpression of a dominant interfering form of FAK reduced the amount of bacterial entry. Specifically, the autophosphorylation site of FAK, which is a reported site of c-Src kinase binding, is required for bacterial internalization, as overexpression of a derivative lacking the autophosphorylation site had a dominant interfering effect as well. Cultured cells expressing interfering variants of Src kinase also showed reduced bacterial uptake, demonstrating the involvement of a Src-family kinase in invasin-promoted uptake.


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Previous studies have demonstrated that presecretory proteins such as maltose binding protein (MBP) and outer membrane protein A (OmpA) are targeted to the Escherichia coli inner membrane by the molecular chaperone SecB, but that integral membrane proteins are targeted by the signal recognition particle (SRP). In vitro studies have suggested that trigger factor binds to a sequence near the N terminus of the mature region of OmpA and shunts the protein into the SecB pathway by blocking an interaction between SRP and the signal peptide. By contrast, we have found that the targeting pathway of a protein under physiological conditions is dictated by the composition of its targeting signal. Replacement of the MBP or OmpA signal peptide with the first transmembrane segment of AcrB abolished the dependence on SecB for transport and rerouted both proteins into the SRP targeting pathway. More modest alterations of the MBP signal peptide that simply increase its hydrophobicity also promoted SRP binding. Furthermore, we obtained evidence that SRP has a low affinity for typical signal peptides in vivo. These results imply that different classes of E. coli proteins are targeted by distinct pathways because bacterial SRP binds to a more restricted range of targeting signals than its eukaryotic counterpart.


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The zinc-containing d-alanyl-d-alanine (d-Ala-d-Ala) dipeptidase VanX has been detected in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, where it appears to have adapted to at least three distinct physiological roles. In pathogenic vancomycin-resistant enterococci, vanX is part of a five-gene cluster that is switched on to reprogram cell-wall biosynthesis to produce peptidoglycan chain precursors terminating in d-alanyl-d-lactate (d-Ala-d-lactate) rather than d-Ala-d-Ala. The modified peptidoglycan exhibits a 1,000-fold decrease in affinity for vancomycin, accounting for the observed phenotypic resistance. In the glycopeptide antibiotic producers Streptomyces toyocaensis and Amylocatopsis orientalis, a vanHAX operon may have coevolved with antibiotic biosynthesis genes to provide immunity by reprogramming cell-wall termini to d-Ala-d-lactate as antibiotic biosynthesis is initiated. In the Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli, which is never challenged by the glycopeptide antibiotics because they cannot penetrate the outer membrane permeability barrier, the vanX homologue (ddpX) is cotranscribed with a putative dipeptide transport system (ddpABCDF) in stationary phase by the transcription factor RpoS (σs). The combined action of DdpX and the permease would permit hydrolysis of d-Ala-d-Ala transported back into the cytoplasm from the periplasm as cell-wall crosslinks are refashioned. The d-Ala product could then be oxidized as an energy source for cell survival under starvation conditions.


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Most mitochondrial proteins are imported into mitochondria through transmembrane channels composed largely, and perhaps exclusively, of proteins. We have determined the effective internal diameter of the protein import channel in the mitochondrial outer membrane to be between 20 Å and 26 Å during translocation. The diameter of the import channel in the inner membrane is smaller than the diameter of the outer membrane import channel. These results were obtained by measuring the effect of rigid steric bulk introduced into precursor proteins on import.


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Tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease recognizes a 7-aa consensus sequence, Glu-Xaa-Xaa-Tyr-Xaa-Gln-Ser, where Xaa can be almost any amino acyl residue. Cleavage occurs between the conserved Gln and Ser residues. Because of its distinct specificity, TEV protease can be expressed in the cytoplasm without interfering with viability. Polypeptides that are not natural substrates of TEV protease are proteolyzed if they carry the appropriate cleavage site. Thus, this protease can be used to study target proteins in their natural environment in vivo, as well as in vitro. We describe two Tn5-based mini-transposons that insert TEV protease cleavage sites at random into target proteins. TnTIN introduces TEV cleavage sites into cytoplasmic proteins. TnTAP facilitates the same operation for proteins localized to the bacterial cell envelope. By using two different target proteins, SecA and TolC, we show that such modified proteins can be cleaved in vivo and in vitro by TEV protease. Possible applications of the site-specific proteolysis approach are topological studies of soluble as well as of inner and outer membrane proteins, protein inactivation, insertion mutagenesis experiments, and protein tagging.


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The complete genome sequence of Caulobacter crescentus was determined to be 4,016,942 base pairs in a single circular chromosome encoding 3,767 genes. This organism, which grows in a dilute aquatic environment, coordinates the cell division cycle and multiple cell differentiation events. With the annotated genome sequence, a full description of the genetic network that controls bacterial differentiation, cell growth, and cell cycle progression is within reach. Two-component signal transduction proteins are known to play a significant role in cell cycle progression. Genome analysis revealed that the C. crescentus genome encodes a significantly higher number of these signaling proteins (105) than any bacterial genome sequenced thus far. Another regulatory mechanism involved in cell cycle progression is DNA methylation. The occurrence of the recognition sequence for an essential DNA methylating enzyme that is required for cell cycle regulation is severely limited and shows a bias to intergenic regions. The genome contains multiple clusters of genes encoding proteins essential for survival in a nutrient poor habitat. Included are those involved in chemotaxis, outer membrane channel function, degradation of aromatic ring compounds, and the breakdown of plant-derived carbon sources, in addition to many extracytoplasmic function sigma factors, providing the organism with the ability to respond to a wide range of environmental fluctuations. C. crescentus is, to our knowledge, the first free-living α-class proteobacterium to be sequenced and will serve as a foundation for exploring the biology of this group of bacteria, which includes the obligate endosymbiont and human pathogen Rickettsia prowazekii, the plant pathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and the bovine and human pathogen Brucella abortus.


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Most plants have the ability to respond to fluctuations in light to minimize damage to the photosynthetic apparatus. A proteolytic activity has been discovered that is involved in the degradation of the major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein of photosystem II (LHCII) when the antenna size of photosystem II is reduced upon acclimation of plants from low to high light intensities. This ATP-dependent proteolytic activity is of the serine or cysteine type and is associated with the outer membrane surface of the stroma-exposed thylakoid regions. The identity of the protease is not known, but it does not correspond to the recently identified chloroplast ATP-dependent proteases Clp and FtsH, which are homologs to bacterial enzymes. The acclimative response shows a delay of 2 d after transfer of the leaves to high light. This lag period was shown to be attributed to expression or activation of the responsible protease. Furthermore, the LHCII degradation was found to be regulated at the substrate level. The degradation process involves lateral migration of LHCII from the appressed to the nonappressed thylakoid regions, which is the location for the responsible protease. Phosphorylated LHCII was found to be a poor substrate for degradation in comparison with the unphosphorylated form of the protein. The relationship between LHCII degradation and other regulatory proteolytic processes in the thylakoid membrane, such as D1-protein degradation, is discussed.


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The Gram-negative bacterial pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae is naturally competent for transformation with species-related DNA. We show here that two phase-variable pilus-associated proteins, the major pilus subunit (pilin, or PilE) and PilC, a factor known to function in the assembly and adherence of gonococcal pili, are essential for transformation competence. The PilE and PilC proteins are necessary for the conversion of linearized plasmid DNA carrying the Neisseria-specific DNA uptake signal into a DNase-resistant form. The biogenesis of typical pilus fibers is neither essential nor sufficient for this process. DNA uptake deficiency of defined piliated pilC1,2 double mutants can be complemented by expression of a cloned pilC2 gene in trans. The PilC defect can also be restored by the addition of purified PilC protein, or better, pili containing PilC protein, to the mutant gonococci. Our data suggest that the two phase-variable Pil proteins act on the bacterial cell surface and cooperate in DNA recognition and/or outer membrane translocation.