15 resultados para age related diseases

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The effects upon memory of normal aging and two age-related neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer disease (AD) and Parkinson disease, are analyzed in terms of memory systems, specific neural networks that mediate specific mnemonic processes. An occipital memory system mediating implicit visual-perceptual memory appears to be unaffected by aging or AD. A frontal system that may mediate implicit conceptual memory is affected by AD but not by normal aging. Another frontal system that mediates aspects of working and strategic memory is affected by Parkinson disease and, to a lesser extent, by aging. The aging effect appears to occur during all ages of the adult life-span. Finally, a medial-temporal system that mediates declarative memory is affected by the late onset of AD. Studies of intact and impaired memory in age-related diseases suggest that normal aging has markedly different effects upon different memory systems.


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To study the pathogenesis of central nervous system abnormalities in Down syndrome (DS), we have analyzed a new genetic model of DS, the partial trisomy 16 (Ts65Dn) mouse. Ts65Dn mice have an extra copy of the distal aspect of mouse chromosome 16, a segment homologous to human chromosome 21 that contains much of the genetic material responsible for the DS phenotype. Ts65Dn mice show developmental delay during the postnatal period as well as abnormal behaviors in both young and adult animals that may be analogous to mental retardation. Though the Ts65Dn brain is normal on gross examination, there is age-related degeneration of septohippocampal cholinergic neurons and astrocytic hypertrophy, markers of the Alzheimer disease pathology that is present in elderly DS individuals. These findings suggest that Ts65Dn mice may be used to study certain developmental and degenerative abnormalities in the DS brain.


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Normal aging is associated with a significant reduction in cognitive function across primate species. However, the structural and molecular basis for this age-related decline in neural function has yet to be defined clearly. Extensive cell loss does not occur as a consequence of normal aging in human and nonhuman primate species. More recent studies have demonstrated significant reductions in functional neuronal markers in subcortical brain regions in primates as a consequence of aging, including dopaminergic and cholinergic systems, although corresponding losses in cortical innervation from these neurons have not been investigated. In the present study, we report that aging is associated with a significant 25% reduction in cortical innervation by cholinergic systems in rhesus monkeys (P < 0.001). Further, these age-related reductions are ameliorated by cellular delivery of human nerve growth factor to cholinergic somata in the basal forebrain, restoring levels of cholinergic innervation in the cortex to those of young monkeys (P = 0.89). Thus, (i) aging is associated with a significant reduction in cortical cholinergic innervation; (ii) this reduction is reversible by growth-factor delivery; and (iii) growth factors can remodel axonal terminal fields at a distance, representing a nontropic action of growth factors in modulating adult neuronal structure and function (i.e., administration of growth factors to cholinergic somata significantly increases axon density in terminal fields). These findings are relevant to potential clinical uses of growth factors to treat neurological disorders.


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To determine the importance of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species toxicity in aging and senescence, we analyzed changes in mitochondrial function with age in mice with partial or complete deficiencies in the mitochondrial antioxidant enzyme manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). Liver mitochondria from homozygous mutant mice, with a complete deficiency in MnSOD, exhibited substantial respiration inhibition and marked sensitization of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore. Mitochondria from heterozygous mice, with a partial deficiency in MnSOD, showed evidence of increased proton leak, inhibition of respiration, and early and rapid accumulation of mitochondrial oxidative damage. Furthermore, chronic oxidative stress in the heterozygous mice resulted in an increased sensitization of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore and the premature induction of apoptosis, which presumably eliminates the cells with damaged mitochondria. Mice with normal MnSOD levels show the same age-related mitochondrial decline as the heterozygotes but occurring later in life. The premature decline in mitochondrial function in the heterozygote was associated with the compensatory up-regulation of oxidative phosphorylation enzyme activity. Thus mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production, oxidative stress, functional decline, and the initiation of apoptosis appear to be central components of the aging process.


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11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD-1) intracellularly regenerates active corticosterone from circulating inert 11-dehydrocorticosterone (11-DHC) in specific tissues. The hippocampus is a brain structure particularly vulnerable to glucocorticoid neurotoxicity with aging. In intact hippocampal cells in culture, 11β-HSD-1 acts as a functional 11β-reductase reactivating inert 11-DHC to corticosterone, thereby potentiating kainate neurotoxicity. We examined the functional significance of 11β-HSD-1 in the central nervous system by using knockout mice. Aged wild-type mice developed elevated plasma corticosterone levels that correlated with learning deficits in the watermaze. In contrast, despite elevated plasma corticosterone levels throughout life, this glucocorticoid-associated learning deficit was ameliorated in aged 11β-HSD-1 knockout mice, implicating lower intraneuronal corticosterone levels through lack of 11-DHC reactivation. Indeed, aged knockout mice showed significantly lower hippocampal tissue corticosterone levels than wild-type controls. These findings demonstrate that tissue corticosterone levels do not merely reflect plasma levels and appear to play a more important role in hippocampal functions than circulating blood levels. The data emphasize the crucial importance of local enzymes in determining intracellular glucocorticoid activity. Selective 11β-HSD-1 inhibitors may protect against hippocampal function decline with age.


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The hypothesis that age-associated impairment of cognitive and motor functions is due to oxidative molecular damage was tested in the mouse. In a blind study, senescent mice (aged 22 months) were subjected to a battery of behavioral tests for motor and cognitive functions and subsequently assayed for oxidative molecular damage as assessed by protein carbonyl concentration in different regions of the brain. The degree of age-related impairment in each mouse was determined by comparison to a reference group of young mice (aged 4 months) tested concurrently on the behavioral battery. The age-related loss of ability to perform a spatial swim maze task was found to be positively correlated with oxidative molecular damage in the cerebral cortex, whereas age-related loss of motor coordination was correlated with oxidative molecular damage within the cerebellum. These results support the view that oxidative stress is a causal factor in brain senescence. Furthermore, the findings suggest that age-related declines of cognitive and motor performance progress independently, and involve oxidative molecular damage within different regions of the brain.


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The beta-amyloid precursor protein (beta-APP), from which the beta-A4 peptide is derived, is considered to be central to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease (AD). Transgenic mice expressing the 751-amino acid isoform of human beta-APP (beta-APP751) have been shown to develop early AD-like histopathology with diffuse deposits of beta-A4 and aberrant tau protein expression in the brain, particularly in the hippocampus, cortex, and amygdala. We now report that beta-APP751 transgenic mice exhibit age-dependent deficits in spatial learning in a water-maze task and in spontaneous alternation in a Y maze. These deficits were mild or absent in 6-month-old transgenic mice but were severe in 12-month-old transgenic mice compared to age-matched wild-type control mice. No other behavioral abnormalities were observed. These mice therefore model the progressive learning and memory impairment that is a cardinal feature of AD. These results provide evidence for a relationship between abnormal expression of beta-APP and cognitive impairments.


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Werner syndrome (WS) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by genomic instability and the premature onset of a number of age-related diseases. The gene responsible for WS encodes a member of the RecQ-like subfamily of DNA helicases. Here we show that its murine homologue maps to murine chromosome 8 in a region syntenic with the human WRN gene. We have deleted a segment of this gene and created Wrn-deficient embryonic stem (ES) cells and WS mice. While displaying reduced embryonic survival, live-born WS mice otherwise appear normal during their first year of life. Nonetheless, although several DNA repair systems are apparently intact in homozygous WS ES cells, such cells display a higher mutation rate and are significantly more sensitive to topoisomerase inhibitors (especially camptothecin) than are wild-type ES cells. Furthermore, mouse embryo fibroblasts derived from homozygous WS embryos show premature loss of proliferative capacity. At the molecular level, wild-type, but not mutant, WS protein copurifies through a series of centrifugation and chromatography steps with a multiprotein DNA replication complex.


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Angiogenesis underlies the majority of eye diseases that result in catastrophic loss of vision. Recent evidence has implicated the integrins alpha v beta 3 and alpha v beta 5 in the angiogenic process. We examined the expression of alpha v beta 3 and alpha v beta 5 in neovascular ocular tissue from patients with subretinal neovascularization from age-related macular degeneration or the presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome or retinal neovascularization from proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). Only alpha v beta 3 was observed on blood vessels in ocular tissues with active neovascularization from patients with age-related macular degeneration or presumed ocular histoplasmosis, whereas both alpha v beta 3 and alpha v beta 5 were present on vascular cells in tissues from patients with PDR. Since we observed both integrins on vascular cells from tissues of patients with retinal neovascularization from PDR, we examined the effects of a systemically administered cyclic peptide antagonist of alpha v beta 3 and alpha v beta 5 on retinal angiogenesis in a murine model. This antagonist specifically blocked new blood vessel formation with no effect on established vessels. These results not only reinforce the concept that retinal and subretinal neovascular diseases are distinct pathological processes, but that antagonists of alpha v beta 3 and/or alpha v beta 5 may be effective in treating individuals with blinding eye disease associated with angiogenesis.


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In an effort to identify nuclear receptors important in retinal disease, we screened a retina cDNA library for nuclear receptors. Here we describe the identification of a retina-specific nuclear receptor (RNR) from both human and mouse. Human RNR is a splice variant of the recently published photoreceptor cell-specific nuclear receptor [Kobayashi, M., Takezawa, S., Hara, K., Yu, R. T., Umesono, Y., Agata, K., Taniwaki, M., Yasuda, K. & Umesono, K. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 4814–4819] whereas the mouse RNR is a mouse ortholog. Northern blot and reverse transcription–PCR analyses of human mRNA samples demonstrate that RNR is expressed exclusively in the retina, with transcripts of ≈7.5 kb, ≈3.0 kb, and ≈2.3 kb by Northern blot analysis. In situ hybridization with multiple probes on both primate and mouse eye sections demonstrates that RNR is expressed in the retinal pigment epithelium and in Müller glial cells. By using the Gal4 chimeric receptor/reporter cotransfection system, the ligand binding domain of RNR was found to repress transcriptional activity in the absence of exogenous ligand. Gel mobility shift assays revealed that RNR can interact with the promoter of the cellular retinaldehyde binding protein gene in the presence of retinoic acid receptor (RAR) and/or retinoid X receptor (RXR). These data raise the possibility that RNR acts to regulate the visual cycle through its interaction with cellular retinaldehyde binding protein and therefore may be a target for retinal diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration.


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A progressive decline in muscle performance in the rapidly expanding aging population is causing a dramatic increase in disability and health care costs. A decrease in muscle endurance capacity due to mitochondrial decay likely contributes to this decline in muscle performance. We developed a novel stable isotope technique to measure in vivo rates of mitochondrial protein synthesis in human skeletal muscle using needle biopsy samples and applied this technique to elucidate a potential mechanism for the age-related decline in the mitochondrial content and function of skeletal muscle. The fractional rate of muscle mitochondrial protein synthesis in young humans (24 ± 1 year) was 0.081 ± 0.004%·h−1, and this rate declined to 0.047 ± 0.005%·h−1 by middle age (54 ± 1 year; P < 0.01). No further decline in the rate of mitochondrial protein synthesis (0.051 ± 0.004%·h−1) occurred with advancing age (73 ± 2 years). The mitochondrial synthesis rate was about 95% higher than that of mixed protein in the young, whereas it was approximately 35% higher in the middle-aged and elderly subjects. In addition, decreasing activities of mitochondrial enzymes were observed in muscle homogenates (cytochrome c oxidase and citrate synthase) and in isolated mitochondria (citrate synthase) with increasing age, indicating declines in muscle oxidative capacity and mitochondrial function, respectively. The decrease in the rates of mitochondrial protein synthesis is likely to be responsible for this decline in muscle oxidative capacity and mitochondrial function. These changes in muscle mitochondrial protein metabolism may contribute to the age-related decline in aerobic capacity and muscle performance.


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Relationships were examined between spatial learning and hippocampal concentrations of the α, β2, and γ isoforms of protein kinase C (PKC), an enzyme implicated in neuronal plasticity and memory formation. Concentrations of PKC were determined for individual 6-month-old (n = 13) and 24-month-old (n = 27) male Long–Evans rats trained in the water maze on a standard place-learning task and a transfer task designed for rapid acquisition. The results showed significant relationships between spatial learning and the amount of PKC among individual subjects, and those relationships differed according to age, isoform, and subcellular fraction. Among 6-month-old rats, those with the best spatial memory were those with the highest concentrations of PKCγ in the particulate fraction and of PKCβ2 in the soluble fraction. Aged rats had increased hippocampal PKCγ concentrations in both subcellular fractions in comparison with young rats, and memory impairment was correlated with higher PKCγ concentrations in the soluble fraction. No age difference or correlations with behavior were found for concentrations of PKCγ in a comparison structure, the neostriatum, or for PKCα in the hippocampus. Relationships between spatial learning and hippocampal concentrations of calcium-dependent PKC are isoform-specific. Moreover, age-related spatial memory impairment is associated with altered subcellular concentrations of PKCγ and may be indicative of deficient signal transduction and neuronal plasticity in the hippocampal formation.


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A better understanding of the molecular effects of aging in the brain may help to reveal important aspects of organismal aging, as well as processes that lead to age-related brain dysfunction. In this study, we have examined differences in gene expression in the hypothalamus and cortex of young and aged mice by using high-density oligonucleotide arrays. A number of key genes involved in neuronal structure and signaling are differentially expressed in both the aged hypothalamus and cortex, including synaptotagmin I, cAMP-dependent protein kinase C β, apolipoprotein E, protein phosphatase 2A, and prostaglandin D. Misregulation of these proteins may contribute to age-related memory deficits and neurodegenerative diseases. In addition, many proteases that play essential roles in regulating neuropeptide metabolism, amyloid precursor protein processing, and neuronal apoptosis are up-regulated in the aged brain and likely contribute significantly to brain aging. Finally, a subset of these genes whose expression is affected by aging are oppositely affected by exposure of mice to an enriched environment, suggesting that these genes may play important roles in learning and memory.


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Transcription-coupled repair (TCR) plays an important role in removing DNA damage from actively transcribed genes. It has been speculated that TCR is the most important mechanism for repairing DNA damage in non-dividing cells such as neurons. Therefore, abnormal TCR may contribute to the development of many age-related and neurodegenerative diseases. However, the molecular mechanism of TCR is not well understood. Oligonucleotide DNA triplex formation provides an ideal system to dissect the molecular mechanism of TCR since triplexes can be formed in a sequence-specific manner to inhibit transcription of target genes. We have recently studied the molecular mechanism of triplex-forming oligonucleotide (TFO)-mediated TCR in HeLa nuclear extracts. Using plasmid constructs we demonstrate that the level of TFO-mediated DNA repair activity is directly correlated with the level of transcription of the plasmid in HeLa nuclear extracts. TFO-mediated DNA repair activity was further linked with transcription since the presence of rNTPs in the reaction was essential for AG30-mediated DNA repair activity in HeLa nuclear extracts. The involvement of individual components, including TFIID, TFIIH, RNA polymerase II and xeroderma pigmentosum group A (XPA), in the triplex-mediated TCR process was demonstrated in HeLa nuclear extracts using immunodepletion assays. Importantly, our studies also demonstrated that XPC, a component involved in global genome DNA repair, is involved in the AG30-mediated DNA repair process. The results obtained in this study provide an important new understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the TCR process in mammalian cells.


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Single-gene mutations that extend lifespan provide valuable tools for the exploration of the molecular basis for age-related changes in cell and tissue function and for the pathophysiology of age-dependent diseases. We show here that mice homozygous for loss-of-function mutations at the Pit1 (Snell dwarf) locus show a >40% increase in mean and maximal longevity on the relatively long-lived (C3H/HeJ × DW/J)F1 background. Mutant dwJ/dw animals show delays in age-dependent collagen cross-linking and in six age-sensitive indices of immune system status. These findings thus demonstrate that a single gene can control maximum lifespan and the timing of both cellular and extracellular senescence in a mammal. Pituitary transplantation into dwarf mice does not reverse the lifespan effect, suggesting that the effect is not due to lowered prolactin levels. In contrast, homozygosity for the Ghrhrlit mutation, which like the Pit1dw mutation lowers plasma growth hormone levels, does lead to a significant increase in longevity. Male Snell dwarf mice, unlike calorically restricted mice, become obese and exhibit proportionately high leptin levels in old age, showing that their exceptional longevity is not simply due to alterations in adiposity per se. Further studies of the Pit1dw mutant, and the closely related, long-lived Prop-1df (Ames dwarf) mutant, should provide new insights into the hormonal regulation of senescence, longevity, and late life disease.