69 resultados para adenosine triphosphatase (potassium)

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The yeast Ca2+ adenosine triphosphatase Pmr1, located in medial-Golgi, has been implicated in intracellular transport of Ca2+ and Mn2+ ions. We show here that addition of Mn2+ greatly alleviates defects of pmr1 mutants in N-linked and O-linked protein glycosylation. In contrast, accurate sorting of carboxypeptidase Y (CpY) to the vacuole requires a sufficient supply of intralumenal Ca2+. Most remarkably, pmr1 mutants are also unable to degrade CpY*, a misfolded soluble endoplasmic reticulum protein, and display phenotypes similar to mutants defective in the stress response to malfolded endoplasmic reticulum proteins. Growth inhibition of pmr1 mutants on Ca2+-deficient media is overcome by expression of other Ca2+ pumps, including a SERCA-type Ca2+ adenosine triphosphatase from rabbit, or by Vps10, a sorting receptor guiding non-native luminal proteins to the vacuole. Our analysis corroborates the dual function of Pmr1 in Ca2+ and Mn2+ transport and establishes a novel role of this secretory pathway pump in endoplasmic reticulum-associated processes.


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Deflagellation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and other flagellated and ciliated cells, is a highly specific process that involves signal-induced severing of the outer doublet microtubules at a precise site in the transition region between the axoneme and basal body. Although the machinery of deflagellation is activated by Ca2+, the mechanism of microtubule severing is unknown. Severing of singlet microtubules has been observed in vitro to be catalyzed by katanin, a heterodimeric adenosine triphosphatase that can remove tubulin subunits from the walls of stable microtubules. We found that purified katanin induced an ATP-dependent severing of the Chlamydomonas axoneme. Using Western blot analysis and indirect immunofluorescence, we demonstrate that Chlamydomonas expresses a protein that is recognized by an anti-human katanin antibody and that this protein is localized, at least in part, to the basal body complex. Using an in vitro severing assay, we show that the protein(s) responsible for Ca2+-activated outer doublet severing purify with the flagellar-basal body complex. Furthermore, deflagellation of purified flagellar-basal body complexes is significantly blocked by the anti-katanin antibody. Taken together, these data suggest that a katanin-like mechanism may mediate the severing of the outer doublet microtubules during Chlamydomonas deflagellation.


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The mechanism by which the endogenous vasodilator adenosine causes ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels in arterial smooth muscle to open was investigated by the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Adenosine induced voltage-independent, potassium-selective currents, which were inhibited by glibenclamide, a blocker of KATP currents. Glibenclamide-sensitive currents were also activated by the selective adenosine A2-receptor agonist 2-p-(2-carboxethyl)-phenethylamino-5'-N- ethylcarboxamidoadenosine hydrochloride (CGS-21680), whereas 2-chloro-N6-cyclopentyladenosine (CCPA), a selective adenosine A1-receptor agonist, failed to induce potassium currents. Glibenclamide-sensitive currents induced by adenosine and CGS-21680 were largely reduced by blockers of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (Rp-cAMP[S], H-89, protein kinase A inhibitor peptide). Therefore, we conclude that adenosine can activate KATP currents in arterial smooth muscle through the following pathway: (i) Adenosine stimulates A2 receptors, which activates adenylyl cyclase; (ii) the resulting increase intracellular cAMP stimulates protein kinase A, which, probably through a phosphorylation step, opens KATP channels.


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In the COS7 cells transfected with cDNAs of the Kir6.2, SUR2A, and M1 muscarinic receptors, we activated the ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel with a K+ channel opener and recorded the whole-cell KATP current. The KATP current was reversibly inhibited by the stimulation of the M1 receptor, which is linked to phospholipase C (PLC) by the Gq protein. The receptor-mediated inhibition was observed even when protein kinase C (PKC) was inhibited by H-7 or by chelating intracellular Ca2+ with 10 mM 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetate (BAPTA) included in the pipette solution. However, the receptor-mediated inhibition was blocked by U-73122, a PLC inhibitor. M1-receptor stimulation failed to inhibit the KATP current activated by the injection of exogenous phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) through the whole-cell patch pipette. The receptor-mediated inhibition became irreversible when the replenishment of PIP2 was blocked by wortmannin (an inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol kinases), or by including adenosine 5′-[β,γ–imido]triphosphate (AMPPNP, a nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue) in the pipette solution. In inside-out patch experiments, the ATP sensitivity of the KATP channel was significantly higher when the M1 receptor in the patch membrane was stimulated by acetylcholine. The stimulatory effect of pinacidil was also attenuated under this condition. We postulate that stimulation of PLC-linked receptors inhibited the KATP channel by increasing the ATP sensitivity, not through PKC activation, but most probably through changing PIP2 levels.


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We have cloned two inwardly rectifying K+ channels that occur selectively in neurons in the brain and are designated BIRK (brain inwardly rectifying K+) channels. BIRK1 mRNA is extremely abundant and is enriched in specific brainstem nuclei, BIRK1 displays a consensus phosphate-binding loop, and expression in Xenopus oocytes has shown that its conductance is inhibited by ATP and adenosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate. BIRK2 is far less abundant and is selectively localized in telencephalic neurons. BIRK2 has a consensus sequence for cAMP-dependent phosphorylation.


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Adenosine released during cardiac ischemia exerts a potent, protective effect in the heart. A newly recognized adenosine receptor, the A3 subtype, is expressed on the cardiac ventricular cell, and its activation protects the ventricular heart cell against injury during a subsequent exposure to ischemia. A cultured chicken ventricular myocyte model was used to investigate the cardioprotective role of a novel adenosine A3 receptor. The protection mediated by prior activation of A3 receptors exhibits a significantly longer duration than that produced by activation of the adenosine A1 receptor. Prior exposure of the myocytes to brief ischemia also protected them against injury sustained during a subsequent exposure to prolonged ischemia. The adenosine A3 receptor-selective antagonist 3-ethyl 5-benzyl-2-methyl-6-phenyl-4-phenylethynyl-1,4-(±)-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate (MRS1191) caused a biphasic inhibition of the protective effect of the brief ischemia. The concomitant presence of the A1 receptor antagonist 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine (DPCPX) converted the MRS1191-induced dose inhibition curve to a monophasic one. The combined presence of both antagonists abolished the protective effect induced by the brief ischemia. Thus, activation of both A1 and A3 receptors is required to mediate the cardioprotective effect of the brief ischemia. Cardiac atrial cells lack native A3 receptors and exhibit a shorter duration of cardioprotection than do ventricular cells. Transfection of atrial cells with cDNA encoding the human adenosine A3 receptor causes a sustained A3 agonist-mediated cardioprotection. The study indicates that cardiac adenosine A3 receptor mediates a sustained cardioprotective function and represents a new cardiac therapeutic target.


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The tissue distributions and physiological properties of a variety of cloned voltage-gated potassium channel genes have been characterized extensively, yet relatively little is known about the mechanisms controlling expression of these genes. Here, we report studies on the regulation of Kv1.1 expressed endogenously in the C6 glioma cell line. We demonstrate that elevation of intracellular cAMP leads to the accelerated degradation of Kv1.1 RNA. The cAMP-induced decrease in Kv1.1 RNA is followed by a decrease in Kv1.1 protein and a decrease in the whole cell sustained K+ current amplitude. Dendrotoxin-I, a relatively specific blocker of Kv1.1, blocks 96% of the sustained K+ current in glioma cells, causing a shift in the resting membrane potential from −40 mV to −7 mV. These data suggest that expression of Kv1.1 contributes to setting the resting membrane potential in undifferentiated glioma cells. We therefore suggest that receptor-mediated elevation of cAMP reduces outward K+ current density by acting at the translational level to destabilize Kv1.1 RNA, an additional mechanism for regulating potassium channel gene expression.


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Adenosine has been identified in the anterior pituitary gland and is secreted from cultured folliculostellate (FS) cells. To determine whether adenosine controls the secretion of anterior pituitary hormones in vitro, adenosine was incubated with anterior pituitaries. It stimulated prolactin (PRL) release at the lowest concentration used (10−10 M); the stimulation peaked at 10−8 M with a threefold increase in release and declined to minimal stimulation at 10−4 and 10−3 M. Follicle-stimulating hormone release was maximally inhibited at 10−8 M, whereas luteinizing hormone release was not significantly inhibited. Two selective A1 adenosine receptor antagonists (10−7 or 10−5 M) had no effect on basal PRL release, but either antagonist completely blocked the response to the most effective concentration of adenosine (10−8 M). In contrast, a highly specific A2 receptor antagonist (10−7 or 10−5 M) had no effect on basal PRL release or the stimulation of PRL release induced by adenosine (10−8 M). We conclude that adenosine acts to stimulate PRL release in vitro by activating A1 receptors. Since the A1 receptors decrease intracellular-free calcium, this would decrease the activation of nitric oxide synthase in the FS cells, resulting in decreased release of nitric oxide (NO). NO inhibits PRL release by activating guanylate cyclase that synthesizes cGMP from GTP; cGMP concentrations increase in the lactotrophs leading to inhibition of PRL release. In the case of adenosine, NO release from the FS cells decreases, resulting in decreased concentrations of NO in the lactotrophs, consequent decreased cGMP formation, and resultant increased PRL release.


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Editing of RNA changes the read-out of information from DNA by altering the nucleotide sequence of a transcript. One type of RNA editing found in all metazoans uses double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) as a substrate and results in the deamination of adenosine to give inosine, which is translated as guanosine. Editing thus allows variant proteins to be produced from a single pre-mRNA. A mechanism by which dsRNA substrates form is through pairing of intronic and exonic sequences before the removal of noncoding sequences by splicing. Here we report that the RNA editing enzyme, human dsRNA adenosine deaminase (DRADA1, or ADAR1) contains a domain (Zα) that binds specifically to the left-handed Z-DNA conformation with high affinity (KD = 4 nM). As formation of Z-DNA in vivo occurs 5′ to, or behind, a moving RNA polymerase during transcription, recognition of Z-DNA by DRADA1 provides a plausible mechanism by which DRADA1 can be targeted to a nascent RNA so that editing occurs before splicing. Analysis of sequences related to Zα has allowed identification of motifs common to this class of nucleic acid binding domain.


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Oxidation of amino acid residues in proteins can be caused by a variety of oxidizing agents normally produced by cells. The oxidation of methionine in proteins to methionine sulfoxide is implicated in aging as well as in pathological conditions, and it is a reversible reaction mediated by a ubiquitous enzyme, peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase. The reversibility of methionine oxidation suggests that it could act as a cellular regulatory mechanism although no such in vivo activity has been demonstrated. We show here that oxidation of a methionine residue in a voltage-dependent potassium channel modulates its inactivation. When this methionine residue is oxidized to methionine sulfoxide, the inactivation is disrupted, and it is reversed by coexpression with peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase. The results suggest that oxidation and reduction of methionine could play a dynamic role in the cellular signal transduction process in a variety of systems.


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The gene for hSK4, a novel human small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel, or SK channel, has been identified and expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells. In physiological saline hSK4 generates a conductance of approximately 12 pS, a value in close agreement with that of other cloned SK channels. Like other members of this family, the polypeptide encoded by hSK4 contains a previously unnoted leucine zipper-like domain in its C terminus of unknown function. hSK4 appears unique, however, in its very high affinity for Ca2+ (EC50 of 95 nM) and its predominant expression in nonexcitable tissues of adult animals. Together with the relatively low homology of hSK4 to other SK channel polypeptides (approximately 40% identical), these data suggest that hSK4 belongs to a novel subfamily of SK channels.


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An intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channel, hIK1, was cloned from human pancreas. The predicted amino acid sequence is related to, but distinct from, the small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel subfamily, which is ≈50% conserved. hIK1 mRNA was detected in peripheral tissues but not in brain. Expression of hIK1 in Xenopus oocytes gave rise to inwardly rectifying potassium currents, which were activated by submicromolar concentrations of intracellular calcium (K0.5 = 0.3 μM). Although the K0.5 for calcium was similar to that of small conductance calcium-activated potassium channels, the slope factor derived from the Hill equation was significantly reduced (1.7 vs. 3.5). Single-channel current amplitudes reflected the macroscopic inward rectification and revealed a conductance level of 39 pS in the inward direction. hIK1 currents were reversibly blocked by charybdotoxin (Ki = 2.5 nM) and clotrimazole (Ki = 24.8 nM) but were minimally affected by apamin (100 nM), iberiotoxin (50 nM), or ketoconazole (10 μM). These biophysical and pharmacological properties are consistent with native intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channels, including the erythrocyte Gardos channel.


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We have studied the effect of the cholinergic agonist carbachol on the spontaneous release of glutamate in cultured rat hippocampal cells. Spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents (sEPSCs) through glutamatergic α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)-type channels were recorded by means of the patch-clamp technique. Carbachol increased the frequency of sEPSCs in a concentration-dependent manner. The kinetic properties of the sEPSCs and the amplitude distribution histograms were not affected by carbachol, arguing for a presynaptic site of action. This was confirmed by measuring the turnover of the synaptic vesicular pool by means of the fluorescent dye FM 1–43. The carbachol-induced increase in sEPSC frequency was not mimicked by nicotine, but could be blocked by atropine or by pirenzepine, a muscarinic cholinergic receptor subtype M1 antagonist. Intracellular Ca2+ signals recorded with the fluorescent probe Fluo-3 indicated that carbachol transiently increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration. Since, however, carbachol still enhanced the sEPSC frequency in bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetra-acetate-loaded cells, this effect could not be attributed to the rise in intracellular Ca2+ concentration. On the other hand, the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine as well as a down-regulation of protein kinase C by prolonged treatment of the cells with 4β-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate inhibited the carbachol effect. This argues for an involvement of protein kinase C in presynaptic regulation of spontaneous glutamate release. Adenosine, which inhibits synaptic transmission, suppressed the carbachol-induced stimulation of sEPSCs by a G protein-dependent mechanism activated by presynaptic A1-receptors.


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The n-type K+ channel (n-K+, Kv1.3) in lymphocytes has been recently implicated in the regulation of Fas-induced programmed cell death. Here, we demonstrate that ceramide, a lipid metabolite synthesized upon Fas receptor ligation, inhibits n-K+ channel activity and induces a tyrosine phosphorylation of the Kv1.3 protein in Jurkat T lymphocytes. Tyrosine phosphorylation of the n-K+ channel correlated with an activation of the Src-like tyrosine kinase p56lck upon cellular treatment with the ceramide analog C6-ceramide. Because genetic deficiency of p56lck or inhibition of Src-like tyrosine kinases by herbimycin A prevented ceramide-mediated n-K+ channel inhibition and tyrosine phosphorylation, we propose a ceramide-initiated activation of p56lck resulting in tyrosine phosphorylation and inhibition of the n-K+ channel protein.


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A K+ channel gene has been cloned from Drosophila melanogaster by complementation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells defective for K+ uptake. Naturally expressed in the neuromuscular tissues of adult flies, this gene confers K+ transport capacity on yeast cells when heterologously expressed. In Xenopus laevis oocytes, expression yields an ungated K+-selective current whose attributes resemble the “leak” conductance thought to mediate the resting potential of vertebrate myelinated neurons but whose molecular nature has long remained elusive. The predicted protein has two pore (P) domains and four membrane-spanning helices and is a member of a newly recognized K+ channel family. Expression of the channel in flies and yeast cells makes feasible studies of structure and in vivo function using genetic approaches that are not possible in higher animals.