7 resultados para acquisition and tracking (PAT)

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Buchnera aphidicola is an obligate, strictly vertically transmitted, bacterial symbiont of aphids. It supplies its host with essential amino acids, nutrients required by aphids but deficient in their diet of plant phloem sap. Several lineages of Buchnera show adaptation to their nutritional role in the form of plasmid-mediated amplification of key-genes involved in the biosynthesis of tryptophan (trpEG) and leucine (leuABCD). Phylogenetic analyses of these plasmid-encoded functions have thus far suggested the absence of horizontal plasmid exchange among lineages of Buchnera. Here, we describe three new Buchnera plasmids, obtained from species of the aphid host families Lachnidae and Pemphigidae. All three plasmids belong to the repA1 family of Buchnera plasmids, which is characterized by the presence of a repA1-replicon responsible for replication initiation. A comprehensive analysis of this family of plasmids unexpectedly revealed significantly incongruent phylogenies for different plasmid and chromosomally encoded loci. We infer from these incongruencies a case of horizontal plasmid transfer in Buchnera. This process may have been mediated by secondary endosymbionts, which occasionally undergo horizontal transmission in aphids.


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The basal forebrain complex, which includes the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM), provides widespread cholinergic and γ-aminobutyric acid-containing projections throughout the brain, including the insular and pyriform cortices. A number of studies have implicated the cholinergic neurons in the mediation of learning and memory processes. However, the role of basal forebrain activity in information retrieval mechanisms is less known. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effects of reversible inactivation of the NBM by tetrodotoxin (TTX, a voltage-sensitive sodium channel blocker) during the acquisition and retrieval of conditioned taste aversion (CTA) and to measure acetylcholine (ACh) release during TTX inactivation in the insular cortex, by means of the microdialysis technique in free-moving rats. Bilateral infusion of TTX in the NBM was performed 30 min before the presentation of gustative stimuli, in either the CTA acquisition trial or retrieval trial. At the same time, levels of extracellular ACh release were measured in the insular cortex. The behavioral results showed significant impairment in CTA acquisition when the TTX was infused in the NBM, whereas retrieval was not affected when the treatment was given during the test trial. Biochemical results showed that TTX infusion into the NBM produced a marked decrease in cortical ACh release as compared with the controls during consumption of saccharin in the acquisition trial. Depleted ACh levels were found during the test trial in all groups except in the group that received TTX during acquisition. These results suggest a cholinergic-dependent process during acquisition, but not during memory retrieval, and that NBM-mediated cholinergic cortical release may play an important role in early stages of learning, but not during recall of aversive memories.


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Behavioral and neurophysiological studies suggest that skill learning can be mediated by discrete, experience-driven changes within specific neural representations subserving the performance of the trained task. We have shown that a few minutes of daily practice on a sequential finger opposition task induced large, incremental performance gains over a few weeks of training. These gains did not generalize to the contralateral hand nor to a matched sequence of identical component movements, suggesting that a lateralized representation of the learned sequence of movements evolved through practice. This interpretation was supported by functional MRI data showing that a more extensive representation of the trained sequence emerged in primary motor cortex after 3 weeks of training. The imaging data, however, also indicated important changes occurring in primary motor cortex during the initial scanning sessions, which we proposed may reflect the setting up of a task-specific motor processing routine. Here we provide behavioral and functional MRI data on experience-dependent changes induced by a limited amount of repetitions within the first imaging session. We show that this limited training experience can be sufficient to trigger performance gains that require time to become evident. We propose that skilled motor performance is acquired in several stages: “fast” learning, an initial, within-session improvement phase, followed by a period of consolidation of several hours duration, and then “slow” learning, consisting of delayed, incremental gains in performance emerging after continued practice. This time course may reflect basic mechanisms of neuronal plasticity in the adult brain that subserve the acquisition and retention of many different skills.


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CD4+ T cell activation, required for virus replication in these cells, occurs in local microenvironmental domains in transient bursts. Thus, although most HIV originates from short-lived virus-producing cells, it is unlikely that chronic infection is generally sustained in rapid continuous cycles of productive infection as has been proposed. Such continuity of productive infection cycles would depend on efficient long-range transmission of HIV from one set of domains to another, in turn requiring the maintenance of sufficiently high concentrations of cell-free virus across lymphoid tissues at all times. By contrast, long-lived cellular sources of HIV maintain the capacity to infect newly activated cells at close range despite the temporal and spatial discontinuities of activation events. Such proximal activation and transmission (PAT) involving chronically and latently infected cells may be responsible for sustained infection, particularly when viral loads are low. Once CD4 cells are productively infected through PAT, they can infect other activated cells in their immediate vicinity. Such events propagate locally but generally do not spread systemically, unlike in the acute phase of the infection, because of the early establishment of protective anergy. Importantly, antiretroviral drug treatment is likely to differentially impact long-range transmission and PAT.


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Classical eyeblink conditioning is a well-characterized model paradigm that engages the septohippocampal cholinergic system. This form of associative learning is impaired in normal aging and severely disrupted in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Some nicotinic cholinergic receptor subtypes are lost in AD, making the use of nicotinic allosterically potentiating ligands a promising therapeutic strategy. The allosterically potentiating ligand galantamine (Gal) modulates nicotinic cholinergic receptors to increase acetylcholine release as well as acting as an acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor. Gal was tested in two preclinical experiments. In Experiment 1 with 16 young and 16 older rabbits, Gal (3.0 mg/kg) was administered for 15 days during conditioning, and the drug significantly improved learning, reduced AChE levels, and increased nicotinic receptor binding. In Experiment 2, 53 retired breeder rabbits were tested over a 15-wk period in four conditions. Groups of rabbits received 0.0 (vehicle), 1.0, or 3.0 mg/kg Gal for the entire 15-wk period or 3.0 mg/kg Gal for 15 days and vehicle for the remainder of the experiment. Fifteen daily conditioning sessions and subsequent retention and relearning assessments were spaced at 1-month intervals. The dose of 3.0 mg/kg Gal ameliorated learning deficits significantly during acquisition and retention in the group receiving 3.0 mg/kg Gal continuously. Nicotinic receptor binding was significantly increased in rabbits treated for 15 days with 3.0 mg/kg Gal, and all Gal-treated rabbits had lower levels of brain AChE. The efficacy of Gal in a learning paradigm severely impaired in AD is consistent with outcomes in clinical studies.


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Cerebral organization during sentence processing in English and in American Sign Language (ASL) was characterized by employing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at 4 T. Effects of deafness, age of language acquisition, and bilingualism were assessed by comparing results from (i) normally hearing, monolingual, native speakers of English, (ii) congenitally, genetically deaf, native signers of ASL who learned English late and through the visual modality, and (iii) normally hearing bilinguals who were native signers of ASL and speakers of English. All groups, hearing and deaf, processing their native language, English or ASL, displayed strong and repeated activation within classical language areas of the left hemisphere. Deaf subjects reading English did not display activation in these regions. These results suggest that the early acquisition of a natural language is important in the expression of the strong bias for these areas to mediate language, independently of the form of the language. In addition, native signers, hearing and deaf, displayed extensive activation of homologous areas within the right hemisphere, indicating that the specific processing requirements of the language also in part determine the organization of the language systems of the brain.


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This study examined glucocorticoid-adrenergic interactions in modulating acquisition and memory storage for inhibitory avoidance training. Systemically (s.c.) administered amphetamine (1 mg/kg), but not epinephrine (0.1 mg/kg) or the peripherally acting amphetamine derivative 4-OH amphetamine (2 mg/kg), given to rats shortly before training facilitated acquisition performance in a continuous multiple-trial inhibitory avoidance (CMIA) task. Adrenocortical suppression with the 11beta-hydroxylase inhibitor metyrapone (50 mg/kg; s.c.), given to rats 90 min before training, did not block the effect of amphetamine and did not affect acquisition performance of otherwise untreated animals. Retention of CMIA and one-trial inhibitory avoidance was enhanced by either pre- or posttraining injections of amphetamine as well as 4-OH amphetamine and epinephrine. The finding that injections of amphetamine and epinephrine have comparable effects on memory is consistent with the view that amphetamine may modulate memory storage, at least in part, by inducing the release of epinephrine from the adrenal medulla. Metyrapone pretreatment blocked the memory-enhancing effects of amphetamine, 4-OH amphetamine, and epinephrine but did not affect retention performance of otherwise untreated animals. Posttraining injections of different doses of epinephrine (ranging from 0.0001 to 1.0 mg/kg) produced a dose-dependent memory enhancement for inhibitory avoidance training and metyrapone blocked the memory-enhancing effects of all these doses. These findings provide further evidence that the sympathoadrenal and adrenocortical systems are intimately coupled during processes of memory storage.