7 resultados para Y translocation

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The molecular identity and function of the Drosophila melanogaster Y-linked fertility factors have long eluded researchers. Although the D. melanogaster genome sequence was recently completed, the fertility factors still were not identified, in part because of low cloning efficiency of heterochromatic Y sequences. Here we report a method for iterative blast searching to assemble heterochromatic genes from shotgun assemblies, and we successfully identify kl-2 and kl-3 as 1β- and γ-dynein heavy chains, respectively. Our conclusions are supported by formal genetics with X-Y translocation lines. Reverse transcription–PCR was successful in linking together unmapped sequence fragments from the whole-genome shotgun assembly, although some sequences were missing altogether from the shotgun effort and had to be generated de novo. We also found a previously undescribed Y gene, polycystine-related (PRY). The closest paralogs of kl-2, kl-3, and PRY (and also of kl-5) are autosomal and not X-linked, suggesting that the evolution of the Drosophila Y chromosome has been driven by an accumulation of male-related genes arising de novo from the autosomes.


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We previously have demonstrated that insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) down-regulate growth hormone (GH) binding in osteoblasts by reducing the number of surface GH receptors (GHRs). The present study was undertaken to investigate the mechanism of GHR down-regulation. Treatment with 5 nM insulin or IGF-I for 18 hr significantly decreased surface GH binding to 26.4 ± 2.9% and 23.0 ± 2.7% of control (mean ± SE; P < 0.05), respectively. No corresponding reductions in the mRNA level and total cellular content of GHR were found, nor was the rate of receptor internalization affected. The effects on GHR translocation were assessed by measuring the reappearance of GH binding of whole cells after trypsinization to remove the surface receptors. GH binding of control cultures significantly increased (P < 0.05) over 2 hr after trypsinization, whereas no recovery of binding activity was detected in insulin and IGF-I-treated cultures, indicating that GHR translocation was impaired. Studies on the time course of GHR down-regulation revealed that surface GH binding was reduced significantly by 3-hr treatment (P ≤ 0.0005), whereas GHR translocation was completely abolished by 75–90 min with insulin and IGF-I. The inhibition of receptor translocation by insulin, but not IGF-I, was attenuated by wortmannin. In conclusion, insulin and IGF-I down-regulated GH binding in osteoblasts by acutely impairing GHR translocation, with their effects exerted through distinct postreceptor signaling pathways.


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We have recently demonstrated that thrombin induces expression of the platelet-derived growth factor B-chain gene in endothelial cells (EC) through activation of the Y-box binding protein DNA-binding protein B (dbpB). We now present evidence that dbpB is activated by a novel mechanism: proteolytic cleavage leading to release from mRNA, nuclear translocation, and induction of thrombin-responsive genes. Cytosolic, full-length dbpB (50 kDa) was rapidly cleaved to a 30-kDa species upon thrombin stimulation of EC. This truncated, “active” dbpB exhibited nuclear localization and binding affinity for the thrombin response element sequence, which is distinct from the Y-box sequence. Oligo(dT) affinity chromatography revealed that cytosolic dbpB from control EC, but not active dbpB from thrombin-treated EC, was bound to mRNA. Latent dbpB immunoprecipitated from cytosolic extracts of control EC was activated by ribonuclease treatment. Furthermore, when EC cytosolic extracts were subjected to Nycodenz gradient centrifugation, latent dbpB fractionated with mRNA, whereas active dbpB fractionated with free proteins. The cytosolic retention domain of dbpB, which we localized to the region 247–267, was proteolytically cleaved during its activation. In contrast to full-length dbpB, truncated dbpB stimulated platelet-derived growth factor B-chain and tissue factor promoter activity by over 5-fold when transiently cotransfected with reporter constructs. These results suggest a novel mode of transcription factor activation in which an agonist causes release from mRNA of a latent transcription factor leading to its transport to the nucleus and its regulation of target gene expression.


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HIV-1 replication requires the translocation of viral genome into the nucleus of a target cell. We recently reported the synthesis of an arylene bis(methyl ketone) compound (CNI-H0294) that inhibits nuclear targeting of the HIV-1 genome and thus HIV-1 replication in monocyte cultures. Here we demonstrate that CNI-H0294 inhibits nuclear targeting of HIV-1-derived preintegration complexes by inactivating the nuclear localization sequence of the HIV-1 matrix antigen in a reaction that absolutely requires reverse transcriptase. This drug/reverse transcriptase interaction defines the specificity of its antiviral effect and is most likely mediated by the pyrimidine side-chain of CNI-H0294. After binding to reverse transcriptase, the carbonyl groups of CNI-H0294 react with the nuclear localization sequence of matrix antigen and prevent its binding to karyopherin alpha, the cellular receptor for nuclear localization sequences that carries proteins into the nucleus. Our results provide a basis for the development of a novel class of compounds that inhibit nuclear translocation and that can, in principle, be modified to target specific infectious agents.


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Effects of environmental stresses on the subcellular localization of PKN were investigated in NIH 3T3, BALB/c 3T3, and Rat-1 cells. The immunofluorescence of PKN resided prominently in the cytoplasmic region in nonstressed cells. When these cells were treated at 42 degrees C, there was a time-dependent decrease of the immunofluorescence of PKN in the cytoplasmic region that correlated with an increase within the nucleus as observed by confocal microscope. After incubation at 37 degrees C following beat shock, the immunofluorescence of PKN returned to the perinuclear and cytoplasmic regions from the nucleus. The nuclear translocation of PKN by heat shock was supported by the biochemical subcellular fractionation and immunoblotting. The nuclear localization of PKN was also observed when the cells were exposed to other stresses such as sodium arsenite and serum starvation. These results raise the possibility that there is a pathway mediating stress signals from the cytosol to the nucleus through PKN.


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Recent experimental evidence has focused attention to the role of two molecules, insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase), in linking the insulin receptor to glucose uptake; IRS-1 knockout mice are insulin resistant, and pharmacological inhibitors of PI3-kinase block insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. To investigate the role of PI3-kinase and IRS-1 in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake we examined whether stimulation of insulin-sensitive cells with platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) or with interleukin 4 (IL-4) stimulates glucose uptake; the activated PDGF receptor (PDGFR) directly binds and activates PI3-kinase, whereas the IL-4 receptor (IL-4R) activates PI3-kinase via IRS-1 or the IRS-1-related molecule 4PS. We found that stimulation of 3T3-L1 adipocytes with PDGF resulted in tyrosine phosphorylation of the PDGFR and activation of PI3-kinase in these cells. To examine whether IL-4 stimulates glucose uptake, L6 myoblasts were engineered to overexpress GLUT4 as well as both chains of the IL-4R (L6/IL-4R/GLUT4); when these L6/IL-4R/GLUT4 myoblasts were stimulated with IL-4, IRS-1 became tyrosine phosphorylated and associated with PI3-kinase. Although PDGF and IL-4 can activate PI3-kinase in the respective cell lines, they do not possess insulin's ability to stimulate glucose uptake and GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane. These findings indicate that activation of PI3-kinase is not sufficient to stimulate GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane. We postulate that activation of a second signaling pathway by insulin, distinct from PI3-kinase, is necessary for the stimulation of glucose uptake in insulin-sensitive cells.


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The acute effects of contraction and insulin on the glucose transport and GLUT4 glucose transporter translocation were investigated in rat soleus muscles by using a 3-O-methylglucose transport assay and the sensitive exofacial labeling technique with the impermeant photoaffinity reagent 2-N-4-(1-azi-2,2,2-trifluoroethyl)benzoyl-1,3-bis(D-mannose-4-y loxy)-2- propylamine (ATB-BMPA), respectively. Addition of wortmannin, which inhibits phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, reduced insulin-stimulated glucose transport (8.8 +/- 0.5 mumol per ml per h vs. 1.4 +/- 0.1 mumol per ml per h) and GLUT4 translocation [2.79 +/- 0.20 pmol/g (wet muscle weight) vs. 0.49 +/- 0.05 pmol/g (wet muscle weight)]. In contrast, even at a high concentration (1 microM), wortmannin had no effect on contraction-mediated glucose uptake (4.4 +/- 0.1 mumol per ml per h vs. 4.1 +/- 0.2 mumol per ml per h) and GLUT4 cell surface content [1.75 +/- 0.16 pmol/g (wet muscle weight) vs. 1.52 +/- 0.16 pmol/g (wet muscle weight)]. Contraction-mediated translocation of the GLUT4 transporters to the cell surface was closely correlated with the glucose transport activity and could account fully for the increment in glucose uptake after contraction. The combined effects of contraction and maximal insulin stimulation were greater than either stimulation alone on glucose transport activity (11.5 +/- 0.4 mumol per ml per h vs. 5.6 +/- 0.2 mumol per ml per h and 9.0 +/- 0.2 mumol per ml per h) and on GLUT4 translocation [4.10 +/- 0.20 pmol/g (wet muscle weight) vs. 1.75 +/- 0.25 pmol/g (wet muscle weight) and 3.15 +/- 0.18 pmol/g (wet muscle weight)]. The results provide evidence that contraction stimulates translocation of GLUT4 in skeletal muscle through a mechanism distinct from that of insulin.