9 resultados para Xanthomonas campestris pv. vignicola

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Xcv) carrying avrBs2 are specifically recognized by Bs2 pepper plants, resulting in localized cell death and plant resistance. Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression of the Xcv avrBs2 gene in plant cells results in Bs2-dependent cell death, indicating that the AvrBs2 protein alone is sufficient for the activation of disease resistance-mediated cell death in planta. We now provide evidence that AvrBs2 is secreted from Xcv and that secretion is type III (hrp) dependent. N- and C-terminal deletion analysis of AvrBs2 has identified the effector domain of AvrBs2 recognized by Bs2 pepper plants. By using a truncated Pseudomonas syringae AvrRpt2 effector reporter devoid of type III signal sequences, we have localized the minimal region of AvrBs2 required for type III secretion in Xcv. Furthermore, we have identified the region of AvrBs2 required for both type III secretion and translocation to host plants. The mapping of AvrBs2 sequences sufficient for type III delivery also revealed the presence of a potential mRNA secretion signal.


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Bacterial pathogens have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to interact with their hosts. A specialized type III protein secretion system capable of translocating bacterial proteins into host cells has emerged as a central factor in the interaction between a variety of mammalian and plant pathogenic bacteria with their hosts. Here we describe AvrA, a novel target of the centisome 63 type III protein secretion system of Salmonella enterica. AvrA shares sequence similarity with YopJ of the animal pathogen Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and AvrRxv of the plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria. These proteins are the first examples of putative targets of type III secretion systems in animal and plant pathogenic bacteria that share sequence similarity. They may therefore constitute a novel family of effector proteins with related functions in the cross-talk of these pathogens with their hosts.


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The Bs2 resistance gene of pepper specifically recognizes and confers resistance to strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria that contain the corresponding bacterial avirulence gene, avrBs2. The involvement of avrBs2 in pathogen fitness and its prevalence in many X. campestris pathovars suggests that the Bs2 gene may be durable in the field and provide resistance when introduced into other plant species. Employing a positional cloning strategy, the Bs2 locus was isolated and the gene was identified by coexpression with avrBs2 in an Agrobacterium-mediated transient assay. A single candidate gene, predicted to encode motifs characteristic of the nucleotide binding site–leucine-rich repeat class of resistance genes, was identified. This gene specifically controlled the hypersensitive response when transiently expressed in susceptible pepper and tomato lines and in a nonhost species, Nicotiana benthamiana, and was designated as Bs2. Functional expression of Bs2 in stable transgenic tomatoes supports its use as a source of resistance in other Solanaceous plant species.


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Yersiniae, causative agents of plague and gastrointestinal diseases, secrete and translocate Yop effector proteins into the cytosol of macrophages, leading to disruption of host defense mechanisms. It is shown in this report that Yersinia enterocolitica induces apoptosis in macrophages and that this effect depends on YopP. Functional secretion and translocation mechanisms are required for YopP to act, strongly suggesting that this protein exerts its effect intracellularly, after translocation into the macrophages. YopP shows a high level of sequence similarity with AvrRxv, an avirulence protein from Xanthomonas campestris, a plant pathogen that induces programmed cell death in plant cells. This indicates possible similarities between the strategies used by pathogenic bacteria to elicit programmed cell death in both plant and animal hosts.


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Albicidin phytotoxins are pathogenicity factors in a devastating disease of sugarcane known as leaf scald, caused by Xanthomonas albilineans. A gene (albD) from Pantoea dispersa has been cloned and sequenced and been shown to code for a peptide of 235 amino acids that detoxifies albicidin. The gene shows no significant homology at the DNA or protein level to any known sequence, but the gene product contains a GxSxG motif that is conserved in serine hydrolases. The AlbD protein, purified to homogeneity by means of a glutathione S-transferase gene fusion system, showed strong esterase activity on p-nitrophenyl butyrate and released hydrophilic products during detoxification of albicidins. AlbD hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl butyrate and detoxification of albicidins required no complex cofactors. Both processes were strongly inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, a serine enzyme inhibitor. These data strongly suggest that AlbD is an albicidin hydrolase. The enzyme detoxifies albicidins efficiently over a pH range from 5.8 to 8.0, with a broad temperature optimum from 15 to 35°C. Expression of albD in transformed X. albilineans strains abolished the capacity to release albicidin toxins and to incite disease symptoms in sugarcane. The gene is a promising candidate for transfer into sugarcane to confer a form of disease resistance.


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Self-incompatibility in Brassica is controlled by a single multi-allelic locus (S locus), which contains at least two highly polymorphic genes expressed in the stigma: an S glycoprotein gene (SLG) and an S receptor kinase gene (SRK). The putative ligand-binding domain of SRK exhibits high homology to the secretory protein SLG, and it is believed that SLG and SRK form an active receptor kinase complex with a self-pollen ligand, which leads to the rejection of self-pollen. Here, we report 31 novel SLG sequences of Brassica oleracea and Brassica campestris. Sequence comparisons of a large number of SLG alleles and SLG-related genes revealed the following points. (i) The striking sequence similarity observed in an inter-specific comparison (95.6% identity between SLG14 of B. oleracea and SLG25 of B. campestris in deduced amino acid sequence) suggests that SLG diversification predates speciation. (ii) A perfect match of the sequences in hypervariable regions, which are thought to determine S specificity in an intra-specific comparison (SLG8 and SLG46 of B. campestris) and the observation that the hypervariable regions of SLG and SRK of the same S haplotype were not necessarily highly similar suggests that SLG and SRK bind different sites of the pollen ligand and that they together determine S specificity. (iii) Comparison of the hypervariable regions of SLG alleles suggests that intragenic recombination, together with point mutations, has contributed to the generation of the high level of sequence variation in SLG alleles. Models for the evolution of SLG/SRK are presented.


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PV-1 is a novel endothelial protein shown by immunocytochemical tests to be specifically associated with the stomatal diaphragms of caveolae in lung endothelium. Although the highest expression levels of both mRNA and protein are in the lung, PV-1 also has been found to be expressed in other organs. Using a specific antibody to the extracellular domain of PV-1, we have extended the survey on the presence of this protein at light and electron microscope level in several rat organs. Here we show that by immunofluorescence the antibody recognizes with high specificity the endothelium of the fenestrated peritubular capillaries of the kidney and those of the intestinal villi, pancreas, and adrenals. By immunolocalization at electron microscope level, the antibody recognizes specifically the diaphragms of the fenestrae and the stomatal diaphragms of caveolae and transendothelial channels in the endothelia of these vascular beds. No signal was detected in the continuous endothelium of the heart, skeletal muscle, intestinal muscularis, or brain capillaries or the nondiaphragmed fenestrated endothelium of kidney glomeruli. Taken together, our findings define the only antigen to be localized thus far in fenestral diaphragms. They also show that the stomatal diaphragms of caveolae and transendothelial channels and the fenestral diaphragms might be biochemically related, in addition to being morphologically similar structures.


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Many flowering plants possess self-incompatibility (SI) systems that prevent inbreeding. In Brassica, SI is controlled by a single polymorphic locus, the S locus. Two highly polymorphic S locus genes, SLG (S locus glycoprotein) and SRK (S receptor kinase), have been identified, both of which are expressed predominantly in the stigmatic papillar cell. We have shown recently that SRK is the determinant of the S haplotype specificity of the stigma. SRK is thought to serve as a receptor for a pollen ligand, which presumably is encoded by another polymorphic gene at the S locus. We previously have identified an S locus gene, SP11 (S locus protein 11), of the S9 haplotype of Brassica campestris and proposed that it potentially encodes the pollen ligand. SP11 is a novel member of the PCP (pollen coat protein) family of proteins, some members of which have been shown to interact with SLG. In this work, we identified the SP11 gene from three additional S haplotypes and further characterized the gene. We found that (i) SP11 showed an S haplotype-specific sequence polymorphism; (ii) SP11 was located in the immediate flanking region of the SRK gene of the four S haplotypes examined; (iii) SP11 was expressed in the tapetum of the anther, a site consistent with sporophytic control of Brassica SI; and (iv) recombinant SP11 of the S9 haplotype applied to papillar cells of S9 stigmas, but not of S8 stigmas, elicited SI response, resulting in inhibition of hydration of cross-pollen. All these results taken together strongly suggest that SP11 is the pollen S determinant in SI.


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The formation of ventral mesoderm has been traditionally viewed as a result of a lack of dorsal signaling and therefore assumed to be a default state of mesodermal development. The discovery that bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) can induce ventral mesoderm led to the suggestion that the induction of the ventral mesoderm requires a different signaling pathway than the induction of the dorsal mesoderm. However, the individual components of this pathway remained largely unknown. Here we report the identification of a novel Xenopus homeobox gene PV.1 (posterior-ventral 1) that is capable of mediating induction of ventral mesoderm. This gene is activated in blastula stage Xenopus embryos, its expression peaks during gastrulation and declines rapidly after neurulation is complete. PV.1 is expressed in the ventral marginal zone of blastulae and later in the posterior ventral area of gastrulae and neurulae. PV.1 is inducible in uncommited ectoderm by the ventralizing growth factor BMP4 and counteracts the dorsalizing effects of the dominant negative BMP4 receptor. Overexpression of PV.1 yields ventralized tadpoles and rescues embryos partially dorsalized by LiCl treatment. In animal caps, PV.1 ventralizes induction by activin and inhibits expression of dorsal specific genes. All of these effects mimic those previously reported for BMP4. These observations suggest that PV.1 is a critical component in the formation of ventral mesoderm and possibly mediates the effects of BMP4.