11 resultados para World Wide Web -- Design

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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GOLD is a comprehensive resource for accessing information related to completed and ongoing genome projects world-wide. The database currently provides information on 350 genome projects, of which 48 have been completely sequenced and their analysis published. GOLD was created in 1997 and since April 2000 it has been licensed to Integrated Genomics. The database is freely available through the URL: http://igweb.integratedgenomics.com/GOLD/.


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A computational system for the prediction of polymorphic loci directly and efficiently from human genomic sequence was developed and verified. A suite of programs, collectively called pompous (polymorphic marker prediction of ubiquitous simple sequences) detects tandem repeats ranging from dinucleotides up to 250 mers, scores them according to predicted level of polymorphism, and designs appropriate flanking primers for PCR amplification. This approach was validated on an approximately 750-kilobase region of human chromosome 3p21.3, involved in lung and breast carcinoma homozygous deletions. Target DNA from 36 paired B lymphoblastoid and lung cancer lines was amplified and allelotyped for 33 loci predicted by pompous to be variable in repeat size. We found that among those 36 predominately Caucasian individuals 22 of the 33 (67%) predicted loci were polymorphic with an average heterozygosity of 0.42. Allele loss in this region was found in 27/36 (75%) of the tumor lines using these markers. pompous provides the genetic researcher with an additional tool for the rapid and efficient identification of polymorphic markers, and through a World Wide Web site, investigators can use pompous to identify polymorphic markers for their research. A catalog of 13,261 potential polymorphic markers and associated primer sets has been created from the analysis of 141,779,504 base pairs of human genomic sequence in GenBank. This data is available on our Web site (pompous.swmed.edu) and will be updated periodically as GenBank is expanded and algorithm accuracy is improved.


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Operon structure is an important organization feature of bacterial genomes. Many sets of genes occur in the same order on multiple genomes; these conserved gene groupings represent candidate operons. This study describes a computational method to estimate the likelihood that such conserved gene sets form operons. The method was used to analyze 34 bacterial and archaeal genomes, and yielded more than 7600 pairs of genes that are highly likely (P ≥ 0.98) to belong to the same operon. The sensitivity of our method is 30–50% for the Escherichia coli genome. The predicted gene pairs are available from our World Wide Web site http://www.tigr.org/tigr-scripts/operons/operons.cgi.


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The EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/embl/) is maintained at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) in an international collaboration with the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) and GenBank at the NCBI (USA). Data is exchanged amongst the collaborating databases on a daily basis. The major contributors to the EMBL database are individual authors and genome project groups. Webin is the preferred web-based submission system for individual submitters, whilst automatic procedures allow incorporation of sequence data from large-scale genome sequencing centres and from the European Patent Office (EPO). Database releases are produced quarterly. Network services allow free access to the most up-to-date data collection via ftp, email and World Wide Web interfaces. EBI’s Sequence Retrieval System (SRS), a network browser for databanks in molecular biology, integrates and links the main nucleotide and protein databases plus many specialized databases. For sequence similarity searching a variety of tools (e.g. Blitz, Fasta, BLAST) are available which allow external users to compare their own sequences against the latest data in the EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database and SWISS-PROT.


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Ligand-Gated Ion Channels (LGIC) are polymeric transmembrane proteins involved in the fast response to numerous neurotransmitters. All these receptors are formed by homologous subunits and the last two decades revealed an unexpected wealth of genes coding for these subunits. The Ligand-Gated Ion Channel database (LGICdb) has been developed to handle this increasing amount of data. The database aims to provide only one entry for each gene, containing annotated nucleic acid and protein sequences. The repository is carefully structured and the entries can be retrieved by various criteria. In addition to the sequences, the LGICdb provides multiple sequence alignments, phylogenetic analyses and atomic coordinates when available. The database is accessible via the World Wide Web (http://www.pasteur.fr/recherche/banques/LGIC/LGIC.html), where it is continuously updated. The version 16 (September 2000) available for download contained 333 entries covering 34 species.


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The tmRNA database (tmRDB) is maintained at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler, Texas, and accessible on the World Wide Web at the URL http://psyche.uthct.edu/dbs/tmRDB/tmRDB.html. Mirror sites are located at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama (http://www.ag.auburn.edu/mirror/tmRDB/) and the Institute of Biological Sciences, Aarhus, Denmark (http://www.bioinf.au.dk/tmRDB/). The tmRDB provides information and citation links about tmRNA, a molecule that combines functions of tRNA and mRNA in trans-translation. tmRNA is likely to be present in all bacteria and has been found in algae chloroplasts, the cyanelle of Cyanophora paradoxa and the mitochondrion of the flagellate Reclinomonas americana. This release adds 26 new sequences and corresponding predicted tmRNA-encoded tag peptides for a total of 86 tmRNAs, ordered alphabetically and phylogenetically. Secondary structures and three-dimensional models in PDB format for representative molecules are being made available. tmRNA alignments prove individual base pairs and are generated manually assisted by computational tools. The alignments with their corresponding structural annotation can be obtained in various formats, including a new column format designed to improve and simplify computational usability of the data.


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The ARKdb genome databases provide comprehensive public repositories for genome mapping data from farmed species and other animals (http://www.thearkdb.org) providing a resource similar in function to that offered by GDB or MGD for human or mouse genome mapping data, respectively. Because we have attempted to build a generic mapping database, the system has wide utility, particularly for those species for which development of a specific resource would be prohibitive. The ARKdb genome database model has been implemented for 10 species to date. These are pig, chicken, sheep, cattle, horse, deer, tilapia, cat, turkey and salmon. Access to the ARKdb databases is effected via the World Wide Web using the ARKdb browser and Anubis map viewer. The information stored includes details of loci, maps, experimental methods and the source references. Links to other information sources such as PubMed and EMBL/GenBank are provided. Responsibility for data entry and curation is shared amongst scientists active in genome research in the species of interest. Mirror sites in the United States are maintained in addition to the central genome server at Roslin.


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GOBASE (http://megasun.bch.umontreal.ca/gobase/) is a network-accessible biological database, which is unique in bringing together diverse biological data on organelles with taxonomically broad coverage, and in furnishing data that have been exhaustively verified and completed by experts. So far, we have focused on mitochondrial data: GOBASE contains all published nucleotide and protein sequences encoded by mitochondrial genomes, selected RNA secondary structures of mitochondria-encoded molecules, genetic maps of completely sequenced genomes, taxonomic information for all species whose sequences are present in the database and organismal descriptions of key protistan eukaryotes. All of these data have been integrated and organized in a formal database structure to allow sophisticated biological queries using terms that are inherent in biological concepts. Most importantly, data have been validated, completed, corrected and standardized, a prerequisite of meaningful analysis. In addition, where critical data are lacking, such as genetic maps and RNA secondary structures, they are generated by the GOBASE team and collaborators, and added to the database. The database is implemented in a relational database management system, but features an object-oriented view of the biological data through a Web/Genera-generated World Wide Web interface. Finally, we have developed software for database curation (i.e. data updates, validation and correction), which will be described in some detail in this paper.


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The Homeodomain Resource is an annotated collection of non-redundant protein sequences, three-dimensional structures and genomic information for the homeodomain protein family. Release 3.0 contains 795 full-length homeodomain-containing sequences, 32 experimentally-derived structures and 143 homeo­box loci implicated in human genetic disorders. Entries are fully hyperlinked to facilitate easy retrieval of the original records from source databases. A simple search engine with a graphical user interface is provided to query the component databases and assemble customized data sets. A new feature for this release is the addition of DNA recognition sites for all human homeodomain proteins described in the literature. The Homeodomain Resource is freely available through the World Wide Web at http://genome.nhgri.nih.gov/homeodomain.


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We have analyzed DNA sequences from world-wide geographic strains of Plasmodium falciparum and found a complete absence of synonymous DNA polymorphism at 10 gene loci. We hypothesize that all extant world populations of the parasite have recently derived (within several thousand years) from a single ancestral strain. The upper limit of the 95% confidence interval for the time when this most recent common ancestor lived is between 24,500 and 57,500 years ago (depending on different estimates of the nucleotide substitution rate); the actual time is likely to be much more recent. The recent origin of the P. falciparum populations could have resulted from either a demographic sweep (P. falciparum has only recently spread throughout the world from a small geographically confined population) or a selective sweep (one strain favored by natural selection has recently replaced all others). The selective sweep hypothesis requires that populations of P. falciparum be effectively clonal, despite the obligate sexual stage of the parasite life cycle. A demographic sweep that started several thousand years ago is consistent with worldwide climatic changes ensuing the last glaciation, increased anthropophilia of the mosquito vectors, and the spread of agriculture. P. falciparum may have rapidly spread from its African tropical origins to the tropical and subtropical regions of the world only within the last 6,000 years. The recent origin of the world-wide P. falciparum populations may account for its virulence, as the most malignant of human malarial parasites.