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Four unrelated patients are described with a syndrome that included developmental delay, seizures, ataxia, recurrent infections, severe language deficit, and an unusual behavioral phenotype characterized by hyperactivity, short attention span, and poor social interaction. These manifestations appeared within the first few years of life. Each patient displayed abnormalities on EEG. No unusual metabolites were found in plasma or urine, and metabolic testing was normal except for persistent hypouricosuria. Investigation of purine and pyrimidine metabolism in cultured fibroblasts derived from these patients showed normal incorporation of purine bases into nucleotides but decreased incorporation of uridine. De novo synthesis of purines and cellular phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate content also were moderately decreased. The distribution of incorporated purines and pyrimidines did not reveal a pattern suggestive of a deficient enzyme activity. Assay of individual enzymes in fibroblast lysates showed no deficiencies. However, the activity of cytosolic 5′-nucleotidase was elevated 6- to 10-fold. Based on the possibility that the observed increased catabolic activity and decreased pyrimidine salvage might be causing a deficiency of pyrimidine nucleotides, the patients were treated with oral pyrimidine nucleoside or nucleotide compounds. All patients showed remarkable improvement in speech and behavior as well as decreased seizure activity and frequency of infections. A double-blind placebo trial was undertaken to ascertain the efficacy of this supplementation regimen. Upon replacement of the supplements with placebo, all patients showed rapid regression to their pretreatment states. These observations suggest that increased nucleotide catabolism is related to the symptoms of these patients, and that the effects of this increased catabolism are reversed by administration of uridine.
Phalangeal curvature and positional behavior in extinct sloth lemurs (Primates, Palaeopropithecidae)
Recent paleontological discoveries in Madagascar document the existence of a diverse clade of palaeopropithecids or “sloth lemurs”: Mesopropithecus (three species), Babakotia (one species), Palaeopropithecus (three species), and Archaeoindris (one species). This mini-radiation of now extinct (“subfossil) lemurs is most closely related to the living indrids (Indri, Propithecus, and Avahi). Whereas the extant indrids are known for their leaping acrobatics, the palaeopropithecids (except perhaps for the poorly known giant Archaeoindris) exhibit numerous skeletal design features for antipronograde or suspensory positional behaviors (e.g., high intermembral indices and mobile joints). Here we analyze the curvature of the proximal phalanges of the hands and feet. Computed as the included angle (θ), phalangeal curvature develops in response to mechanical use and is known to be correlated in primates with hand and foot function in different habitats; terrestrial species have straighter phalanges than their arboreal counterparts, and highly suspensory forms such as the orangutan possess the most curved phalanges. Sloth lemurs as a group are characterized by very curved proximal phalanges, exceeding those seen in spider monkeys and siamangs, and approaching that of orangutans. Indrids have curvatures roughly half that of sloth lemurs, and the more terrestrial, subfossil Archaeolemur possesses the least curved phalanges of all the indroids. Taken together with many other derived aspects of their postcranial anatomy, phalangeal curvature indicates that the sloth lemurs are one of the most suspensory clades of mammals ever to evolve.
The trp gene of Drosophila encodes a subunit of a class of Ca2+-selective light-activated channels that carry the bulk of the phototransduction current. Transient receptor potential (TRP) homologs have been identified throughout animal phylogeny. In vertebrates, TRP-related channels have been suggested to mediate “store-operated Ca2+ entry,” which is important in Ca2+ homeostasis in a wide variety of cell types. However, the mechanisms of activation and regulation of the TRP channel are not known. Here, we report on the Drosophila inaF gene, which encodes a highly eye-enriched protein, INAF, that appears to be required for TRP channel function. A null mutation in this gene significantly reduces the amount of the TRP protein and, in addition, specifically affects the TRP channel function so as to nearly shut down its activity. The inaF mutation also dramatically suppresses the severe degeneration caused by a constitutively active mutation in the trp gene. Although the reduction in the amount of the TRP protein may contribute to these phenotypes, several lines of evidence support the view that inaF mutations also more directly affect the TRP channel function, suggesting that the INAF protein may have a regulatory role in the channel function.
Vaccinia uses actin-based motility for virion movement in host cells, but the specific protein components have yet to be defined. A cardinal feature of Listeria and Shigella actin-based motility is the involvement of vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP). This essential adapter recognizes and binds to actin-based motility 1 (ABM-1) consensus sequences [(D/E)FPPPPX(D/E), X = P or T] contained in Listeria ActA and in the p90 host-cell vinculin fragment generated by Shigella infection. VASP, in turn, provides the ABM-2 sequences [XPPPPP, X = G, P, L, S, A] for binding profilin, an actin-regulatory protein that stimulates actin filament assembly. Immunolocalization using rabbit anti-VASP antibody revealed that VASP concentrates behind motile virions in HeLa cells. Profilin was also present in these actin-rich rocket tails, and microinjection of 10 μM (intracellular) ABM-2 peptide (GPPPPP)3 blocked vaccinia actin-based motility. Vinculin did not colocalize with VASP on motile virions and remained in focal adhesion contacts; however, another ABM-1-containing host protein, zyxin, was concentrated at the rear of motile virions. We also examined time-dependent changes in the location of these cytoskeletal proteins during vaccinia infection. VASP and zyxin were redistributed dramatically several hours before the formation of actin rocket tails, concentrating in the viral factories of the perinuclear cytoplasm. Our findings underscore the universal involvement of ABM-1 and ABM-2 docking sites in actin-based motility of Listeria, Shigella, and now vaccinia.
In many organisms, there are multiple isoforms of cytoplasmic dynein heavy chains, and division of labor among the isoforms would provide a mechanism to regulate dynein function. The targeted disruption of somatic genes in Tetrahymena thermophila presents the opportunity to determine the contributions of individual dynein isoforms in a single cell that expresses multiple dynein heavy chain genes. Substantial portions of two Tetrahymena cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain genes were cloned, and their motor domains were sequenced. Tetrahymena DYH1 encodes the ubiquitous cytoplasmic dynein Dyh1, and DYH2 encodes a second cytoplasmic dynein isoform, Dyh2. The disruption of DYH1, but not DYH2, resulted in cells with two detectable defects: 1) phagocytic activity was inhibited, and 2) the cells failed to distribute their chromosomes correctly during micronuclear mitosis. In contrast, the disruption of DYH2 resulted in a loss of regulation of cell size and cell shape and in the apparent inability of the cells to repair their cortical cytoskeletons. We conclude that the two dyneins perform separate tasks in Tetrahymena.