9 resultados para Wesley Enoch

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The twin-domain model [Liu, L. F. & Wang, J. C. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84, 7024–7027] suggests that closely spaced, divergent, superhelically sensitive promoters can affect the transcriptional activity of one another by transcriptionally induced negative DNA supercoiling generated in the divergent promoter region. This gene arrangement is observed for many LysR-type-regulated operons in bacteria. We have examined the effects of divergent transcription in the prototypic LysR-type system, the ilvYC operon of Escherichia coli. Double-reporter constructs with the lacZ gene under transcriptional control of the ilvC promoter and the galK gene under control of the divergent ilvY promoter were used to demonstrate that a down-promoter mutation in the ilvY promoter severely decreases in vivo transcription from the ilvC promoter. However, a down-promoter mutation in the ilvC promoter only slightly affects transcription from the ilvY promoter. In vitro transcription assays with DNA topoisomers showed that transcription from the ilvC promoter increases over the entire range of physiological superhelical densities, whereas transcription initiation from the ilvY promoter exhibits a broad optimum at a midphysiological superhelical density. Evidence that this promoter coupling is DNA supercoiling-dependent is provided by the observation that a novobiocin-induced decrease in global negative superhelicity results in an increase in ilvY promoter activity and a decrease in ilvC promoter activity predicted by the in vitro data. We suggest that this transcriptional coupling is important for coordinating basal level expression of the ilvYC operon with the nutritional and environmental conditions of cell growth.


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Ribonucleotide reductase activity is required for generating deoxyribonucleotides for DNA replication. Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells lacking ribonucleotide reductase activity arrest during S phase of the cell cycle. In a screen for hydroxyurea-sensitive mutants in S. pombe, we have identified a gene, liz1+, which when mutated reveals an additional, previously undescribed role for ribonucleotide reductase activity during mitosis. Inactivation of ribonucleotide reductase, by either hydroxyurea or a cdc22-M45 mutation, causes liz1− cells in G2 to undergo an aberrant mitosis, resulting in chromosome missegregation and late mitotic arrest. liz1+ encodes a 514-amino acid protein with strong similarity to a family of transmembrane transporters, and localizes to the plasma membrane of the cell. These results reveal an unexpected G2/M function of ribonucleotide reductase and establish that defects in a transmembrane protein can affect cell cycle progression.


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The zinc finger protein ZPR1 translocates from the cytoplasm to the nucleus after treatment of cells with mitogens. The function of nuclear ZPR1 has not been defined. Here we demonstrate that ZPR1 accumulates in the nucleolus of proliferating cells. The role of ZPR1 was examined using a gene disruption strategy. Cells lacking ZPR1 are not viable. Biochemical analysis demonstrated that the loss of ZPR1 caused disruption of nucleolar function, including preribosomal RNA expression. These data establish ZPR1 as an essential protein that is required for normal nucleolar function in proliferating cells.


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The fission yeast Rad3p checkpoint protein is a member of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related family of protein kinases, which includes human ATMp. Mutation of the ATM gene is responsible for the disease ataxia-telangiectasia. The kinase domain of Rad3p has previously been shown to be essential for function. Here, we show that although this domain is necessary, it is not sufficient, because the isolated kinase domain does not have kinase activity in vitro and cannot complement a rad3 deletion strain. Using dominant negative alleles of rad3, we have identified two sites N-terminal to the conserved kinase domain that are essential for Rad3p function. One of these sites is the putative leucine zipper, which is conserved in other phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related family members. The other is a novel motif, which may also mediate Rad3p protein–protein interactions.


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Although many new diseases have emerged within the past 2 decades [Cohen, M. L. (1998) Brit. Med. Bull. 54, 523–532], attributing low numbers of animal hosts to the existence of even a new pathogen is problematic. This is because very rarely does one have data on host abundance before and after the epizootic as well as detailed descriptions of pathogen prevalence [Dobson, A. P. & Hudson, P. J. (1985) in Ecology of Infectious Diseases in Natural Populations, eds. Grenfell, B. T. & Dobson, A. P. (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, U.K.), pp. 52–89]. Month by month we tracked the spread of the epizootic of an apparently novel strain of a widespread poultry pathogen, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, through a previously unknown host, the house finch, whose abundance has been monitored over past decades. Here we are able to demonstrate a causal relationship between high disease prevalence and declining house finch abundance throughout the eastern half of North America because the epizootic reached different parts of the house finch range at different times. Three years after the epizootic arrived, house finch abundance stabilized at similar levels, although house finch abundance had been high and stable in some areas but low and rapidly increasing in others. This result, not previously documented in wild populations, is as expected from theory if transmission of the disease was density dependent.


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IL-4 is a pleiotropic immune cytokine secreted by activated TH2 cells that inhibits bone resorption both in vitro and in vivo. The cellular targets of IL-4 action as well as its intracellular mechanism of action remain to be determined. We show here that IL-4 inhibits receptor activator of NF-κB ligand-induced osteoclast differentiation through an action on osteoclast precursors that is independent of stromal cells. Interestingly, this inhibitory effect can be mimicked by both natural as well as synthetic peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ1 (PPARγ1) ligands and can be blocked by the irreversible PPARγ antagonist GW 9662. These findings suggest that the actions of IL-4 on osteoclast differentiation are mediated by PPARγ1, an interpretation strengthened by the observation that IL-4 can activate a PPARγ1-sensitive luciferase reporter gene in RAW264.7 cells. We also show that inhibitors of enzymes such as 12/15-lipoxygenase and the cyclooxygenases that produce known PPARγ1 ligands do not abrogate the IL-4 effect. These findings, together with the observation that bone marrow cells from 12/15-lipoxygenase-deficient mice retain sensitivity to IL-4, suggest that the cytokine may induce novel PPARγ1 ligands. Our results reveal that PPARγ1 plays an important role in the suppression of osteoclast formation by IL-4 and may explain the beneficial effects of the thiazolidinedione class of PPARγ1 ligands on bone loss in diabetic patients.


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Two groups of humans are found in the Near East ≈100,000 years ago, the late archaic Neanderthals and the early modern Skhul/Qafzeh humans. Observations that Neanderthals were more heavily muscled, had stronger upper-limb bones, and possessed unusual shapes and orientations of some upper-limb joint complexes relative to the Skhul/Qafzeh hominids, have led some researchers to conclude that significant between-group upper-limb-related behavioral differences must have been present, despite the association of the two groups with similar Middle Paleolithic archeological complexes. A three-dimensional morphometric analysis of the hand remains of the Skhul/Qafzeh hominids, Neanderthals, early and late Upper Paleolithic humans, and Holocene humans supports the dichotomy. The Skhul/Qafzeh carpometacarpal remains do not have any unique morphologies relative to the other fossil samples remains examined. However, in the functionally significant metacarpal 1 and 3 bases they resemble Upper Paleolithic humans, not Neanderthals. Furthermore, the Skhul/Qafzeh sample differs significantly from the Neanderthals in many other aspects of hand functional anatomy. Given the correlations between changes in tool technologies and functional adaptations seen in the hands of Upper Paleolithic humans, it is concluded that the Skhul/Qafzeh hand remains were adapted to Upper Paleolithic-like manipulative repertoires. These results support the inference of significant behavioral differences between Neanderthals and the Skhul/Qafzeh hominids and indicate that a significant shift in human manipulative behaviors was associated with the earliest stages of the emergence of modern humans.


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The expression of virulence determinants in Staphylococcus aureus is controlled by global regulatory loci (e.g., sarA and agr). The sar (Staphylococcus accessory regulator) locus is composed of three overlapping transcripts (sarA P1, P3, and P2, transcripts initiated from the P1, P3, and P2 promoters, respectively), all encoding the 124-aa SarA protein. The level of SarA, the major regulatory protein, is partially controlled by the differential activation of the sarA promoters. We previously partially purified a 13.6-kDa protein, designated SarR, that binds to the sarA promoter region to down-modulate sarA transcription from the P1 promoter and subsequently SarA expression. SarR shares sequence similarity to SarA, and another SarA homolog, SarS. Here we report the 2.3 Å-resolution x-ray crystal structure of the dimeric SarR-MBP (maltose binding protein) fusion protein. The structure reveals that the SarR protein not only has a classic helix–turn–helix module for DNA binding at the major grooves, but also has an additional loop region involved in DNA recognition at the minor grooves. This interaction mode could represent a new functional class of the “winged helix” family. The dimeric SarR structure could accommodate an unusually long stretch of ≈27 nucleotides with two or four bending points along the course, which could lead to the bending of DNA by 90° or more, similar to that seen in the catabolite activator protein (CAP)–DNA complex. The structure also demonstrates the molecular basis for the stable dimerization of the SarR monomers and possible motifs for interaction with other proteins.


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Members of the lipoxygenase multigene family, found widely in eukaryotes, have been proposed to function in nitrogen partitioning and storage in plants. Lipoxygenase gene responses to source-sink manipulations in mature soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) leaves were examined using gene-specific riboprobes to the five vegetative lipoxygenases (vlxA–vlxE). Steady-state levels of all vlx mRNAs responded strongly to sink limitation, but specific transcripts exhibited differential patterns of response as well. During reproductive sink limitation, vlxA and vlxB messages accumulated to high levels, whereas vlxC and vlxD transcript levels were modest. Immunolocalization using peptide-specific antibodies demonstrated that under control conditions, VLXB was present in the cytosol of the paraveinal mesophyll and with pod removal accumulated additionally in the bundle-sheath and adjacent cells. With sink limitation VLXD accumulated to apparent high levels in the vacuoles of the same cells. Segregation of gene products at the cellular and subcellular levels may thus permit complex patterns of differential regulation within the same cell type. Specific lipoxygenase isoforms may have a role in short-term nitrogen storage (VLXC/D), whereas others may simultaneously function in assimilate partitioning as active enzymes (VLXA/B).