11 resultados para Voils and fats in animal nutrtion

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Inhibitors of glycosylation provide a tool for studying the biology of glycoconjugates. One class of inhibitors consists of glycosides that block glycoconjugate synthesis by acting as primers of free oligosaccharide chains. A typical primer contains one sugar linked to a hydrophobic aglycone. In this report, we describe a way to use disaccharides as primers. Chinese hamster ovary cells readily take up glycosides containing a pentose linked to naphthol, but they take up hexosides less efficiently and disaccharides not at all. Linking phenanthrol to a hexose improves its uptake dramatically but has no effect on disaccharides. To circumvent this problem, analogs of Xyl beta 1-->6Gal beta-O-2-naphthol were tested as primers of glycosaminoglycan chains. The unmodified disaccharide did not prime, but methylated derivatives had activity in the order Xyl beta 1-->6Gal(Me)3-beta-O-2-naphthol > Xyl beta 1-->6Gal (Me)2 beta-O-2-naphthol >> Xyl beta 1-->6Gal(Me)beta-O-2-naphthol. Acetylated Xyl beta 1-->6Gal beta-O-2-naphthol also primed glycosaminoglycans efficiently, suggesting that the terminal xylose residue was exposed by removing the acetyl groups. The general utility of using acetyl groups to create disaccharide primers was shown by the priming of oligosaccharides on peracetylated Gal beta 1-->4GlcNAc beta-O-naphthalenemethanol. This disaccharide inhibited sialyl Lewis X expression on HL-60 cells.


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In mammalian muscle a postnatal switch in functional properties of neuromuscular transmission occurs when miniature end plate currents become shorter and the conductance and Ca2+ permeability of end plate channels increases. These changes are due to replacement during early neonatal development of the γ-subunit of the fetal acetylcholine receptor (AChR) by the ɛ-subunit. The long-term functional consequences of this switch for neuromuscular transmission and motor behavior of the animal remained elusive. We report that deletion of the ɛ-subunit gene caused in homozygous mutant mice the persistence of γ-subunit gene expression in juvenile and adult animals. Neuromuscular transmission in these animals is based on fetal type AChRs present in the end plate at reduced density. Impaired neuromuscular transmission, progressive muscle weakness, and atrophy caused premature death 2 to 3 months after birth. The results demonstrate that postnatal incorporation into the end plate of ɛ-subunit containing AChRs is essential for normal development of skeletal muscle.


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Animals have evolved diverse appendages adapted for locomotion, feeding and other functions. The genetics underlying appendage formation are best understood in insects and vertebrates. The expression of the Distal-less (Dll) homeoprotein during arthropod limb outgrowth and of Dll orthologs (Dlx) in fish fin and tetrapod limb buds led us to examine whether expression of this regulatory gene may be a general feature of appendage formation in protostomes and deuterostomes. We find that Dll is expressed along the proximodistal axis of developing polychaete annelid parapodia, onychophoran lobopodia, ascidian ampullae, and even echinoderm tube feet. Dll/Dlx expression in such diverse appendages in these six coelomate phyla could be convergent, but this would have required the independent co-option of Dll/Dlx several times in evolution. It appears more likely that ectodermal Dll/Dlx expression along proximodistal axes originated once in a common ancestor and has been used subsequently to pattern body wall outgrowths in a variety of organisms. We suggest that this pre-Cambrian ancestor of most protostomes and the deuterostomes possessed elements of the genetic machinery for and may have even borne appendages.


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The transcription factor NF-κB is a pivotal regulator of inflammatory responses. While the activation of NF-κB in the arthritic joint has been associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), its significance is poorly understood. Here, we examine the role of NF-κB in animal models of RA. We demonstrate that in vitro, NF-κB controlled expression of numerous inflammatory molecules in synoviocytes and protected cells against tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) and Fas ligand (FasL) cytotoxicity. Similar to that observed in human RA, NF-κB was found to be activated in the synovium of rats with streptococcal cell wall (SCW)-induced arthritis. In vivo suppression of NF-κB by either proteasomal inhibitors or intraarticular adenoviral gene transfer of super-repressor IκBα profoundly enhanced apoptosis in the synovium of rats with SCW- and pristane-induced arthritis. This indicated that the activation of NF-κB protected the cells in the synovium against apoptosis and thus provided the potential link between inflammation and hyperplasia. Intraarticular administration of NF-kB decoys prevented the recurrence of SCW arthritis in treated joints. Unexpectedly, the severity of arthritis also was inhibited significantly in the contralateral, untreated joints, indicating beneficial systemic effects of local suppression of NF-κB. These results establish a mechanism regulating apoptosis in the arthritic joint and indicate the feasibility of therapeutic approaches to RA based on the specific suppression of NF-κB.


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It is becoming clear that the cationic antimicrobial peptides are an important component of the innate defenses of all species of life. Such peptides can be constitutively expressed or induced by bacteria or their products. The best peptides have good activities vs. a broad range of bacterial strains, including antibiotic-resistant isolates. They kill very rapidly, do not easily select resistant mutants, are synergistic with conventional antibiotics, other peptides, and lysozyme, and are able to kill bacteria in animal models. It is known that bacterial infections, especially when treated with antibiotics, can lead to the release of bacterial products such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and lipoteichoic acid, resulting in potentially lethal sepsis. In contrast to antibiotics, the peptides actually prevent cytokine induction by bacterial products in tissue culture and human blood, and they block the onset of sepsis in mouse models of endotoxemia. Consistent with this, transcriptional gene array experiments using a macrophage cell line demonstrated that a model peptide, CEMA, blocks the expression of many genes whose transcription was induced by LPS. The peptides do this in part by blocking LPS interaction with the serum protein LBP. In addition, CEMA itself has a direct effect on macrophage gene expression. Because cationic antimicrobial peptides are induced by LPS and are able to dampen the septic response of animal cells to LPS, we propose that, in addition to their role in direct and lysozyme-assisted killing of microbes, they have a role in feedback regulation of cytokine responses. We are currently developing variant peptides as therapeutics against antibiotic-resistant infections.


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The hepatocyte growth factor (HGF/SF) receptor, Met, regulates mitogenesis, motility, and morphogenesis in a cell type-dependent fashion. Activation of Met via autocrine, paracrine, or mutational mechanisms can lead to tumorigenesis and metastasis and numerous studies have linked inappropriate expression of this ligand-receptor pair to most types of human solid tumors. To prepare mAbs to human HGF/SF, mice were immunized with native and denatured preparations of the ligand. Recloned mAbs were tested in vitro for blocking activity against scattering and branching morphogenesis. Our results show that no single mAb was capable of neutralizing the in vitro activity of HGF/SF, and that the ligand possesses a minimum of three epitopes that must be blocked to prevent Met tyrosine kinase activation. In vivo, the neutralizing mAb combination inhibited s.c. growth in athymic nu/nu mice of tumors dependent on an autocrine Met-HGF/SF loop. Importantly, growth of human glioblastoma multiforme xenografts expressing Met and HGF/SF were markedly reduced in the presence of HGF/SF-neutralizing mAbs. These results suggest interrupting autocrine and/or paracrine Met-HGF/SF signaling in tumors dependent on this pathway is a possible intervention strategy.


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Coronatine is a phytotoxin produced by some plant-pathogenic bacteria. It has been shown that coronatine mimics the action of methyl jasmonate (MeJA) in plants. MeJA is a plant-signaling molecule involved in stress responses such as wounding and pathogen attack. In Arabidopsis thaliana, MeJA is essential for pollen grain development. The coi1 (for coronatine-insensitive) mutant of Arabidopsis, which is insensitive to coronatine and MeJA, produces sterile male flowers and shows an altered response to wounding. When the differential display technique was used, a message that was rapidly induced by coronatine in wild-type plants but not in coi1 was identified and the corresponding cDNA was cloned. The coronatine-induced gene ATHCOR1 (for A. thaliana coronatine-induced) is expressed in seedlings, mature leaves, flowers, and siliques but was not detected in roots. The expression of this gene was dramatically reduced in coi1 plants, indicating that COI1 affects its expression. ATHCOR1 was rapidly induced by MeJA and wounding in wild-type plants. The sequence of ATHCOR1 shows no strong homology to known proteins. However, the predicted polypeptide contains a conserved amino acid sequence present in several bacterial, animal, and plant hydrolases and includes a potential ATP/GTP-binding-site motif (P-loop).


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DNA vaccines expressing herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) full-length glycoprotein D (gD), or a truncated form of HSV-2 glycoprotein B (gB) were evaluated for protective efficacy in two experimental models of HSV-2 infection. Intramuscular (i.m.) injection of mice showed that each construction induced neutralizing serum antibodies and protected the mice from lethal HSV-2 infection. Dose-titration studies showed that low doses (< or = 1 microgram) of either DNA construction induced protective immunity, and that a single immunization with the gD construction was effective. The two DNAs were then tested in a low-dosage combination in guinea pigs. Immune sera from DNA-injected animals had antibodies to both gD and gB, and virus neutralizing activity. When challenged by vaginal infection with HSV-2, the DNA-immunized animals were significantly protected from primary genital disease.


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The very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) receptor is a recently cloned member of the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor family that mediates the binding and uptake of VLDL when overexpressed in animal cells. Its sequence is 94% identical in humans and rabbits and 84% identical in humans and chickens, implying a conserved function. Its high level expression in muscle and adipose tissue suggests a role in VLDL triacylglycerol delivery. Mutations in the chicken homologue cause female sterility, owing to impaired VLDL and vitellogenin uptake during egg yolk formation. We used homologous recombination in mouse embryonic stem cells to produce homozygous knockout mice that lack immunodetectable VLDL receptors. Homozygous mice of both sexes were viable and normally fertile. Plasma levels of cholesterol, triacylglycerol, and lipoproteins were normal when the mice were fed normal, high-carbohydrate, or high-fat diets. The sole abnormality detected was a modest decrease in body weight, body mass index, and adipose tissue mass as determined by the weights of epididymal fat pads. We conclude that the VLDL receptor is not required for VLDL clearance from plasma or for ovulation in mice.