12 resultados para Unicode Common Locale Data Repository

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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A dynamic capsid is critical to the events that shape the viral life cycle; events such as cell attachment, cell entry, and nucleic acid release demand a highly mobile viral surface. Protein mass mapping of the common cold virus, human rhinovirus 14 (HRV14), revealed both viral structural dynamics and the inhibition of such dynamics with an antiviral agent, WIN 52084. Viral capsid digestion fragments resulting from proteolytic time-course experiments provided structural information in good agreement with the HRV14 three-dimensional crystal structure. As expected, initial digestion fragments included peptides from the capsid protein VP1. This observation was expected because VP1 is the most external viral protein. Initial digestion fragments also included peptides belonging to VP4, the most internal capsid protein. The mass spectral results together with x-ray crystallography data provide information consistent with a “breathing” model of the viral capsid. Whereas the crystal structure of HRV14 shows VP4 to be the most internal capsid protein, mass spectral results show VP4 fragments to be among the first digestion fragments observed. Taken together this information demonstrates that VP4 is transiently exposed to the viral surface via viral breathing. Comparative digests of HRV14 in the presence and absence of WIN 52084 revealed a dramatic inhibition of digestion. These results indicate that the binding of the antiviral agent not only causes local conformational changes in the drug binding pocket but actually stabilizes the entire viral capsid against enzymatic degradation. Viral capsid mass mapping provides a fast and sensitive method for probing viral structural dynamics as well as providing a means for investigating antiviral drug efficacy.


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The small subunit of calpain, a calcium-dependent cysteine protease, was found to interact with the cytoplasmic domain of the common cytokine receptor γ chain (γc) in a yeast two-hybrid interaction trap assay. This interaction was functional as demonstrated by the ability of calpain to cleave in vitro-translated wild-type γc, but not γc containing a mutation in the PEST (proline, glutamate, serine, and threonine) sequence in its cytoplasmic domain, as well as by the ability of endogenous calpain to mediate cleavage of γc in a calcium-dependent fashion. In T cell receptor-stimulated murine thymocytes, calpain inhibitors decreased cleavage of γc. Moreover, in single positive CD4+ thymocytes, not only did a calpain inhibitor augment CD3-induced proliferation, but antibodies to γc blocked this effect. Finally, treatment of cells with ionomycin could inhibit interleukin 2-induced STAT protein activation, but this inhibition could be reversed by calpain inhibitors. Together, these data suggest that calpain-mediated cleavage of γc represents a mechanism by which γc-dependent signaling can be controlled.


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We introduce a method of functionally classifying genes by using gene expression data from DNA microarray hybridization experiments. The method is based on the theory of support vector machines (SVMs). SVMs are considered a supervised computer learning method because they exploit prior knowledge of gene function to identify unknown genes of similar function from expression data. SVMs avoid several problems associated with unsupervised clustering methods, such as hierarchical clustering and self-organizing maps. SVMs have many mathematical features that make them attractive for gene expression analysis, including their flexibility in choosing a similarity function, sparseness of solution when dealing with large data sets, the ability to handle large feature spaces, and the ability to identify outliers. We test several SVMs that use different similarity metrics, as well as some other supervised learning methods, and find that the SVMs best identify sets of genes with a common function using expression data. Finally, we use SVMs to predict functional roles for uncharacterized yeast ORFs based on their expression data.


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Converging TGF-β and insulin-like neuroendocrine signaling pathways regulate whether Caenorhabditis elegans develops reproductively or arrests at the dauer larval stage. We examined whether neurotransmitters act in the dauer entry or recovery pathways. Muscarinic agonists promote recovery from dauer arrest induced by pheromone as well as by mutations in the TGF-β pathway. Dauer recovery in these animals is inhibited by the muscarinic antagonist atropine. Muscarinic agonists do not induce dauer recovery of either daf-2 or age-1 mutant animals, which have defects in the insulin-like signaling pathway. These data suggest that a metabotropic acetylcholine signaling pathway activates an insulin-like signal during C. elegans dauer recovery. Analogous and perhaps homologous cholinergic regulation of mammalian insulin release by the autonomic nervous system has been noted. In the parasitic nematode Ancylostoma caninum, the dauer larval stage is the infective stage, and recovery to the reproductive stage normally is induced by host factors. Muscarinic agonists also induce and atropine potently inhibits in vitro recovery of A. caninum dauer arrest. We suggest that host or parasite insulin-like signals may regulate recovery of A. caninum and could be potential targets for antihelminthic drugs.


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Methylation of cytosine in the 5 position of the pyrimidine ring is a major modification of the DNA in most organisms. In eukaryotes, the distribution and number of 5-methylcytosines (5mC) along the DNA is heritable but can also change with the developmental state of the cell and as a response to modifications of the environment. While DNA methylation probably has a number of functions, scientific interest has recently focused on the gene silencing effect methylation can have in eukaryotic cells. In particular, the discovery of changes in the methylation level during cancer development has increased the interest in this field. In the past, a vast amount of data has been generated with different levels of resolution ranging from 5mC content of total DNA to the methylation status of single nucleotides. We present here a database for DNA methylation data that attempts to unify these results in a common resource. The database is accessible via WWW (http://www.methdb.de). It stores information about the origin of the investigated sample and the experimental procedure, and contains the DNA methylation data. Query masks allow for searching for 5mC content, species, tissue, gene, sex, phenotype, sequence ID and DNA type. The output lists all available information including the relative gene expression level. DNA methylation patterns and methylation profiles are shown both as a graphical representation and as G/A/T/C/5mC-sequences or tables with sequence positions and methylation levels, respectively.


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Census data on endangered species are often sparse, error-ridden, and confined to only a segment of the population. Estimating trends and extinction risks using this type of data presents numerous difficulties. In particular, the estimate of the variation in year-to-year transitions in population size (the “process error” caused by stochasticity in survivorship and fecundities) is confounded by the addition of high sampling error variation. In addition, the year-to-year variability in the segment of the population that is sampled may be quite different from the population variability that one is trying to estimate. The combined effect of severe sampling error and age- or stage-specific counts leads to severe biases in estimates of population-level parameters. I present an estimation method that circumvents the problem of age- or stage-specific counts and is markedly robust to severe sampling error. This method allows the estimation of environmental variation and population trends for extinction-risk analyses using corrupted census counts—a common type of data for endangered species that has hitherto been relatively unusable for these analyses.


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Mobile element dynamics in seven alleles of the chalcone synthase D locus (CHS-D) of the common morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea) are analyzed in the context of synonymous nucleotide sequence distances for CHS-D exons. By using a nucleotide sequence of CHS-D from the sister species Ipomoea nil (Japanese morning glory [Johzuka-Hisatomi, Y., Hoshino, A., Mori, T., Habu, Y. & Iida, S. (1999) Genes Genet. Syst. 74, 141–147], it is also possible to determine the relative frequency of insertion and loss of elements within the CHS-D locus between these two species. At least four different types of transposable elements exist upstream of the coding region, or within the single intron of the CHS-D locus in I. purpurea. There are three distinct families of miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITES), and some recent transpositions of Activator/Dissociation (Ac/Ds)-like elements (Tip100), of some short interspersed repetitive elements (SINEs), and of an insertion sequence (InsIpCHSD) found in the neighborhood of this locus. The data provide no compelling evidence of the transposition of the mites since the separation of I. nil and I. purpurea roughly 8 million years ago. Finally, it is shown that the number and frequency of mobile elements are highly heterogeneous among different duplicate CHS loci, suggesting that the dynamics observed at CHS-D are locus-specific.


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Molecular and morphological data have important roles in illuminating evolutionary history. DNA data often yield well resolved phylogenies for living taxa, but are generally unattainable for fossils. A distinct advantage of morphology is that some types of morphological data may be collected for extinct and extant taxa. Fossils provide a unique window on evolutionary history and may preserve combinations of primitive and derived characters that are not found in extant taxa. Given their unique character complexes, fossils are critical in documenting sequences of character transformation over geologic time and may elucidate otherwise ambiguous patterns of evolution that are not revealed by molecular data alone. Here, we employ a methodological approach that allows for the integration of molecular and paleontological data in deciphering one of the most innovative features in the evolutionary history of mammals—laryngeal echolocation in bats. Molecular data alone, including an expanded data set that includes new sequences for the A2AB gene, suggest that microbats are paraphyletic but do not resolve whether laryngeal echolocation evolved independently in different microbat lineages or evolved in the common ancestor of bats and was subsequently lost in megabats. When scaffolds from molecular phylogenies are incorporated into parsimony analyses of morphological characters, including morphological characters for the Eocene taxa Icaronycteris, Archaeonycteris, Hassianycteris, and Palaeochiropteryx, the resulting trees suggest that laryngeal echolocation evolved in the common ancestor of fossil and extant bats and was subsequently lost in megabats. Molecular dating suggests that crown-group bats last shared a common ancestor 52 to 54 million years ago.


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We have investigated the spatial distributions of expansion and cell cycle in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) leaves located at two positions on the stem, from leaf initiation to the end of expansion. Relative expansion rate (RER) was analyzed by following the deformation of a grid drawn on the lamina; relative division rate (RDR) and flow-cytometry data were obtained in four zones perpendicular to the midrib. Calculations for determining in situ durations of the cell cycle and of S-G2-M in the epidermis are proposed. Area and cell number of a given leaf zone increased exponentially during the first two-thirds of the development duration. RER and RDR were constant and similar in all zones of a leaf and in all studied leaves during this period. Reduction in RER occurred afterward with a tip-to-base gradient and lagged behind that of RDR by 4 to 5 d in all zones. After a long period of constancy, cell-cycle duration increased rapidly and simultaneously within a leaf zone, with cells blocked in the G0-G1 phase of the cycle. Cells that began their cycle after the end of the period with exponential increase in cell number could not finish it, suggesting that they abruptly lost their competence to cross a critical step of the cycle. Differences in area and in cell number among zones of a leaf and among leaves of a plant essentially depended on the timing of two events, cessation of exponential expansion and of exponential division.


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Trichomonads are among the earliest eukaryotes to diverge from the main line of eukaryotic descent. Keeping with their ancient nature, these facultative anaerobic protists lack two "hallmark" organelles found in most eukaryotes: mitochondria and peroxisomes. Trichomonads do, however, contain an unusual organelle involved in carbohydrate metabolism called the hydrogenosome. Like mitochondria, hydrogenosomes are double-membrane bounded organelles that produce ATP using pyruvate as the primary substrate. Hydrogenosomes are, however, markedly different from mitochondria as they lack DNA, cytochromes and the citric acid cycle. Instead, they contain enzymes typically found in anaerobic bacteria and are capable of producing molecular hydrogen. We show here that hydrogenosomes contain heat shock proteins, Hsp70, Hsp60, and Hsp10, with signature sequences that are conserved only in mitochondrial and alpha-Gram-negative purple bacterial Hsps. Biochemical analysis of hydrogenosomal Hsp60 shows that the mature protein isolated from the organelle lacks a short, N-terminal sequence, similar to that observed for most nuclear-encoded mitochondrial matrix proteins. Moreover, phylogenetic analyses of hydrogenosomal Hsp70, Hsp60, and Hsp10 show that these proteins branch within a monophyletic group composed exclusively of mitochondrial homologues. These data establish that mitochondria and hydrogenosomes have a common eubacterial ancestor and imply that the earliest-branching eukaryotes contained the endosymbiont that gave rise to mitochondria in higher eukaryotes.


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Woody Sonchus and five related genera (Babcockia, Taeckholmia, Sventenia, Lactucosonchus, and Prenanthes) of the Macaronesian islands have been regarded as an outstanding example of adaptive radiation in angiosperms. Internal transcribed spacer region of the nuclear rDNA (ITS) sequences were used to demonstrate that, despite the extensive morphological and ecological diversity of the plants, the entire alliance in insular Macaronesia has a common origin. The sequence data place Lactucosonchus as sister group to the remainder of the alliance and also indicate that four related genera are in turn sister groups to subg. Dendrosonchus and Taeckholmia. This implies that the woody members of Sonchus were derived from an ancestor similar to allied genera now present on the Canary Islands. It is also evident that the alliance probably occurred in the Canary Islands during the late Miocene or early Pliocene. A rapid radiation of major lineages in the alliance is consistent with an unresolved polytomy near the base and low ITS sequence divergence. Increase of woodiness is concordant with other insular endemics and refutes the relictural nature of woody Sonchus in the Macaronesian islands.


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Gene targeting was used to create mice with a null mutation of the gene encoding the common beta subunit (beta C) of the granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), interleukin 3 (IL-3; multi-CSF), and interleukin 5 (IL-5) receptor complexes (beta C-/- mice). High-affinity binding of GM-CSF was abolished in beta C-/- bone marrow cells, while cells from heterozygous animals (beta C+/- mice) showed an intermediate number of high-affinity receptors. Binding of IL-3 was unaffected, confirming that the IL-3-specific beta chain remained intact. Eosinophil numbers in peripheral blood and bone marrow of beta C-/- animals were reduced, while other hematological parameters were normal. In clonal cultures of beta C-/- bone marrow cells, even high concentrations of GM-CSF and IL-5 failed to stimulate colony formation, but the cells exhibited normal quantitative responsiveness to stimulation by IL-3 and other growth factors. beta C-/- mice exhibited normal development and survived to young adult life, although they developed pulmonary peribronchovascular lymphoid infiltrates and areas resembling alveolar proteinosis. There was no detectable difference in the systemic clearance and distribution of GM-CSF between beta C-/- and wild-type littermates. The data establish that beta C is normally limiting for high-affinity binding of GM-CSF and demonstrate that systemic clearance of GM-CSF is not mediated via such high-affinity receptor complexes.