25 resultados para Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine)/BM 40/osteonectin is a matricellular protein shown to function as a counteradhesive factor that induces cell rounding and as an inhibitor of cell proliferation. These activities have been defined in cell culture, in which interpretation has been complicated by the presence of endogenous SPARC. We therefore sought to determine whether cell shape and proliferation would be affected by the absence of SPARC. Mesangial cells, fibroblasts, and aortic smooth muscle cells were isolated from SPARC-null and age-matched, wild-type mice. In contrast to wild-type cells, SPARC-null mesangial cells exhibited a flat morphology and an altered actin cytoskeleton. In addition, vinculin-containing focal adhesions were distributed over the center of SPARC-null cells, whereas in wild-type cells, the number of focal adhesions was reduced, and these structures were restricted largely to the cell periphery. Although the SPARC-null fibroblasts did not display overt differences in cell morphology, the cells responded to exogenous recombinant SPARC by rounding up in a manner similar to that of wild-type fibroblasts. Thus, the expression of endogenous SPARC is not required for the response of cells to SPARC. Additionally, SPARC-null mesangial cells, fibroblasts, and smooth muscle cells proliferated faster than their respective wild-type counterparts. Null cells also showed a greater sensitivity to the inhibition of cell cycle progression by the addition of recombinant SPARC. The increased proliferation rate of SPARC-null cells appeared to be mediated, at least in part, by an increase in the cell cycle regulatory protein cyclin A. We conclude that the expression of SPARC influences the cellular architecture of mesangial cells and that SPARC plays a role in the regulation of cell cycle in mesangial cells, fibroblasts, and smooth muscle cells.


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Cells of the craniofacial skeleton are derived from a common mesenchymal progenitor. The regulatory factors that control their differentiation into various cell lineages are unknown. To investigate the biological function of dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP1), an extracellular matrix gene involved in calcified tissue formation, stable transgenic cell lines and adenovirally infected cells overexpressing DMP1 were generated. The findings in this paper demonstrate that overexpression of DMP1 in pluripotent and mesenchyme-derived cells such as C3H10T1/2, MC3T3-E1, and RPC-C2A can induce these cells to differentiate and form functional odontoblast-like cells. Functional differentiation of odontoblasts requires unique sets of genes being turned on and off in a growth- and differentiation-specific manner. The genes studied include transcription factors like core binding factor 1 (Cbfa1), bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2), and BMP4; early markers for extracellular matrix deposition like alkaline phosphatase (ALP), osteopontin, osteonectin, and osteocalcin; and late markers like DMP2 and dentin sialoprotein (DSP) that are expressed by terminally differentiated odontoblasts and are responsible for the formation of tissue-specific dentin matrix. However, this differentiation pathway was limited to mesenchyme-derived cells only. Other cell lines tested by the adenoviral expression system failed to express odontoblast-phenotypic specific genes. An in vitro mineralized nodule formation assay demonstrated that overexpressed cells could differentiate and form a mineralized matrix. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that phosphorylation of Cbfa1 (osteoblast-specific transcription factor) was not required for the expression of odontoblast-specific genes, indicating the involvement of other unidentified odontoblast-specific transcription factors or coactivators. Cell lines that differentiate into odontoblast-like cells are useful tools for studying the mechanism involved in the terminal differentiation process of these postmitotic cells.


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We have developed a universally applicable system for conditional gene expression in embryonic stem (ES) cells that relies on tamoxifen-dependent Cre recombinase-loxP site-mediated recombination and bicistronic gene-trap expression vectors that allow transgene expression from endogenous cellular promoters. Two vectors were introduced into the genome of recipient ES cells, successively: (i) a bicistronic gene-trap vector encoding the β-galactosidase/neoR fusion protein and the Cre-ERT2 (Cre recombinase fused to a mutated ligand-binding domain of the human estrogen receptor) and (ii) a bicistronic gene-trap vector encoding the hygroR protein and the human alkaline phosphatase (hAP), the expression of which is prevented by tandemly repeated stop-of-transcription sequences flanked by loxP sites. In selected clones, hAP expression was shown to be regulated accurately by 4′hydroxy-tamoxifen. Strict hormone-dependent expression of hAP was achieved (i) in vitro in undifferentiated ES cells and embryoid bodies, (ii) in vivo in virtually all the tissues of the 10-day-old chimeric fetus (after injection of 4′hydroxy-tamoxifen to foster mothers), and (iii) ex vivo in primary embryonic fibroblasts isolated from chimeric fetuses. Therefore, this approach can be applied to drive conditional expression of virtually any transgene in a large variety of cell types, both in vitro and in vivo.


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Cells from transgenic mice expressing a human mini-gene for collagen I were used as markers to follow the fate of mesenchymal precursor cells from marrow that were partially enriched by adherence to plastic, expanded in culture, and then injected into irradiated mice. Sensitive PCR assays for the marker collagen I gene indicated that few of the donor cells were present in the recipient mice after 1 week, but 1-5 months later, the donor cells accounted for 1.5-12% of the cells in bone, cartilage, and lung in addition to marrow and spleen. A PCR in situ assay on lung indicated that the donor cells diffusely populated the parenchyma, and reverse transcription-PCR assays indicated that the marker collagen I gene was expressed in a tissue-specific manner. The results, therefore, demonstrated that mesenchymal precursor cells from marrow that are expanded in culture can serve as long-lasting precursors for mesenchymal cells in bone, cartilage, and lung. They suggest that cells may be particularly attractive targets for gene therapy ex vivo.


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Pulmonary neuroendocrine cells are localized predominantly at airway branchpoints. Previous work showed that gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP), a major pulmonary bombesin-like peptide, occurred in neuroendocrine cells exclusively in branching human fetal airways. We now demonstrate that GRP and GRP receptor genes are expressed in fetal mouse lung as early as embryonic day 12 (E12), when lung buds are beginning to branch. By in situ hybridization, GRP receptor transcripts were at highest levels in mesenchymal cells at cleft regions of branching airways and blood vessels. To explore the possibility that bombesin-like peptides might play a role in branching morphogenesis, E12 lung buds were cultured for 48 hr in serum-free medium. In the presence of 0.10-10 microM bombesin, branching was significantly augmented as compared with control cultures, with a peak of 94% above control values at 1 microM (P < 0.005). The bombesin receptor antagonist [Leu13- psi(CH2NH)Leu14]bombesin alone (100 nM) had no effect on baseline branching but completely abolished bombesin-induced branching. A bombesin-related peptide, [Leu8]phyllolitorin also increased branching (65% above control values at 10 nM, P < 0.005). [Leu8]Phyllolitorin also significantly augmented thymidine incorporation in cultured lung buds. Fibronectin, which is abundant at branchpoints, induces GRP gene expression in undifferentiated cell lines. These observations suggest that BLPs secreted by pulmonary neuroendocrine cells may contribute to lung branching morphogenesis. Furthermore, components of branchpoints may induce pulmonary neuroendocrine cell differentiation as part of a positive feedback loop, which could account in part for the high prevalence of these cells at branchpoints.


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The tissue distributions and physiological properties of a variety of cloned voltage-gated potassium channel genes have been characterized extensively, yet relatively little is known about the mechanisms controlling expression of these genes. Here, we report studies on the regulation of Kv1.1 expressed endogenously in the C6 glioma cell line. We demonstrate that elevation of intracellular cAMP leads to the accelerated degradation of Kv1.1 RNA. The cAMP-induced decrease in Kv1.1 RNA is followed by a decrease in Kv1.1 protein and a decrease in the whole cell sustained K+ current amplitude. Dendrotoxin-I, a relatively specific blocker of Kv1.1, blocks 96% of the sustained K+ current in glioma cells, causing a shift in the resting membrane potential from −40 mV to −7 mV. These data suggest that expression of Kv1.1 contributes to setting the resting membrane potential in undifferentiated glioma cells. We therefore suggest that receptor-mediated elevation of cAMP reduces outward K+ current density by acting at the translational level to destabilize Kv1.1 RNA, an additional mechanism for regulating potassium channel gene expression.


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Transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) was found to inhibit differentiation of myogenic cells only when they were grown to high density. Inhibition also occurred when myogenic cells were cocultured with other types of mesenchymal cells but not when they were cocultured with epithelial cells. It is therefore possible that some density-dependent signaling mediates the intracellular response to TGF-β. Within 30 min of treatment, TGF-β induced translocation of MEF2, but not MyoD, myogenin, or p21, to the cytoplasm of myogenic cells grown to high density. Translocation was reversible on withdrawal of TGF-β. By using immune electron microscopy and Western blot analysis on subcellular fractions, MEF2 was shown to be tightly associated with cytoskeleton membrane components. To test whether MEF2 export from the nucleus was causally related to the inhibitory action of TGF-β, we transfected C2C12 myoblasts with MEF2C containing the nuclear localization signal of simian virus 40 large T antigen (nlsSV40). Myogenic cells expressing the chimerical MEF2C/nlsSV40, but not wild-type MEF2C, retained this transcription factor in the nucleus and were resistant to the inhibitory action of TGF-β. We propose a mechanism in which the inhibition of myogenesis by TGF-β is mediated through MEF2 localization to the cytoplasm, thus preventing it from participating in an active transcriptional complex.


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This study aimed at characterizing the Sonic hedgehog (shh) gene in newt limbs, which encodes a signaling molecule of the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) responsible for determining the anterior–posterior axis of the embryonic chicken and mouse limbs. The reverse transcription–PCR showed that adult newt regenerating limbs express shh genes. In situ hybridization experiments demonstrated that shh genes were expressed in mesenchymal cells of the posterior region of both embryonic buds and regenerating blastemas of newt limbs, strongly suggesting the presence of ZPA in these tissues. Experiments of the axial reversal graft of blastemas further supported this suggestion. The grafted blastemas regenerated supernumerary limbs, and this has been explained by three models: the polar coordinate model, the boundary model, and the polarizing zone model. In favor of the third model, the shh gene was expressed not only in the original region (new anterior region) of the graft, but also ectopically in the other region (new posterior region) of the same graft. This study implies that the regenerating limb blastema produces ZPA as the signaling center of the AP patterning as in the developing limb bud and, therefore, supports the notion that the limb regeneration recapitulates the limb development.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) are important participants in signal transduction that could provide the cellular basis for activity-dependent regulation of neuronal excitability. In young rat cortical brain slices and undifferentiated PC12 cells, paired application of depolarization/agonist stimulation and oxidation induces long-lasting potentiation of subsequent Ca2+ signaling that is reversed by hypoxia. This potentiation critically depends on NO production and involves cellular ROS utilization. The ability to develop the Ca2+ signal potentiation is regulated by the developmental stage of nerve tissue, decreasing markedly in adult rat cortical neurons and differentiated PC12 cells.


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Cleft lip and palate syndromes are among the most common congenital malformations in humans. Mammalian palatogenesis is a complex process involving highly regulated interactions between epithelial and mesenchymal cells of the palate to permit correct positioning of the palatal shelves, the remodeling of the extracellular matrix (ECM), and subsequent fusion of the palatal shelves. Here we show that several matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), including a cell membrane-associated MMP (MT1-MMP) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2) were highly expressed by the medial edge epithelium (MEE). MMP-13 was expressed both in MEE and in adjacent mesenchyme, whereas gelatinase A (MMP-2) was expressed by mesenchymal cells neighboring the MEE. Transforming growth factor (TGF)-β3-deficient mice, which suffer from clefting of the secondary palate, showed complete absence of TIMP-2 in the midline and expressed significantly lower levels of MMP-13 and slightly reduced levels of MMP-2. In concordance with these findings, MMP-13 expression was strongly induced by TGF-β3 in palatal fibroblasts. Finally, palatal shelves from prefusion wild-type mouse embryos cultured in the presence of a synthetic inhibitor of MMPs or excess of TIMP-2 failed to fuse and MEE cells did not transdifferentiate, phenocopying the defect of the TGF-β3-deficient mice. Our observations indicate for the first time that the proteolytic degradation of the ECM by MMPs is a necessary step for palatal fusion.


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The hair follicle is a cyclic, self renewing epidermal structure which is thought to be controlled by signals from the dermal papilla, a specialized cluster of mesenchymal cells within the dermis. Topical treatments with 17-beta-estradiol to the clipped dorsal skin of mice arrested hair follicles in telogen and produced a profound and prolonged inhibition of hair growth while treatment with the biologically inactive stereoisomer, 17-alpha-estradiol, did not inhibit hair growth. Topical treatments with ICI 182,780, a pure estrogen receptor antagonist, caused the hair follicles to exit telogen and enter anagen, thereby initiating hair growth. Immunohistochemical staining for the estrogen receptor in skin revealed intense and specific staining of the nuclei of the cells of the dermal papilla. The expression of the estrogen receptor in the dermal papilla was hair cycle-dependent with the highest levels of expression associated with the telogen follicle. 17-beta-Estradiol-treated epidermis demonstrated a similar number of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdUrd) S-phase cells as the control epidermis above telogen follicles; however, the number of BrdUrd S-phase basal cells in the control epidermis varied according to the phase of the cycle of the underlying hair follicles and ranged from 2.6% above telogen follicles to 7.0% above early anagen follicles. These findings indicate an estrogen receptor pathway within the dermal papilla regulates the telogen-anagen follicle transition and suggest that diffusible factors associated with the anagen follicle influence cell proliferation in the epidermis.


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Oligogalacturonides are plant cell wall-derived regulatory molecules which stimulate defense gene expression during pathogenesis. In vitro, these compounds enhance the phosphorylation of an approximately 34-kDa protein (pp34) in purified plasma membranes from potato and tomato leaves. We now show that polygalacturonate-enhanced phosphorylation of pp34 occurs in plasma membranes purified from tomato roots, hypocotyls, and stems and from undifferentiated potato cells. Furthermore, a similar phosphorylation is detected in leaf plasma membranes from soybean, a plant distantly related to tomato. Purified oligogalacturonides 13 to at least 26 residues long stimulate pp34 thiophosphorylation in vitro. This stimulation pattern differs from the induction of many known defense responses in vivo, where a narrower range of smaller fragments, between approximately 10 and 15 residues long, are active. On the basis of these differences we suggest that observed effects of applied exogenous oligogalacturonides on defense responses may not necessarily reflect the situation during pathogenesis. The cell wall could act as a barrier to many exogenous oligo- and polygalacturonides as well as other large regulatory ligands.


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One of the more intriguing aspects of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF beta 1) is its ability to function as both a mitogenic factor for certain mesenchymal cells and a potent growth inhibitor of lymphoid, endothelial, and epithelial cells. Data are presented indicating that c-myc may play a pivotal role in both the mitogenic and antiproliferative actions of TGF beta 1. In agreement with previous studies using C3H/10T1/2 fibroblasts constitutively expressing an exogenous c-myc cDNA, we show that AKR-2B fibroblasts expressing a chimeric estrogen-inducible form of c-myc (mycER) are able to form colonies in soft agar in the presence of TGF beta 1 only when c-myc is activated by hormone. Whereas these findings support a synergistic role for c-myc in mitogenic responses to TGF beta 1, we also find that c-myc can antagonize the growth-inhibitory response to TGF beta 1. Mouse keratinocytes (BALB/MK), which are normally growth-arrested by TGF beta 1, are rendered insensitive to the growth-inhibitory effects of TGF beta 1 upon mycER activation. This ability of mycER activation to block TGF beta 1-induced growth arrest was found to occur only when the fusion protein was induced with hormone in the early part of G1. Addition of estradiol late in G1 had no suppressive effect on TGF beta 1-induced growth inhibition.


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Retinoids, vitamin A (retinol) and its metabolic derivatives, are required for normal vertebrate development. In murine embryonic stem (ES) cells, which remain undifferentiated when cultured in the presence of LIF (leukemia inhibitory factor), little metabolism of exogenously added retinol takes place. After LIF removal, ES cells metabolize exogenously added retinol to 4-hydroxyretinol and 4-oxoretinol and concomitantly differentiate. The conversion of retinol to 4-oxoretinol is a high-capacity reaction because most of the exogenous retinol is metabolized rapidly, even when cells are exposed to physiological (≈1 μM) concentrations of retinol in the medium. No retinoic acid or 4-oxoRA synthesis from retinol was detected in ES cells cultured with or without LIF. The cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP26 (retinoic acid hydroxylase) is responsible for the metabolism of retinol to 4-oxoretinol, and CYP26 mRNA is greatly induced (>15-fold) after LIF removal. Concomitant with the expression of CYP26, differentiating ES cells grown in the absence of LIF activate the expression of the differentiation marker gene FGF-5 whereas the expression of the stem cell marker gene FGF-4 decreases. The strong correlation between the production of polar metabolites of retinol and the differentiation of ES cells upon removal of LIF suggests that one important action of LIF in these cells is to prevent retinol metabolism to biologically active, polar metabolites such as 4-oxoretinol.