em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Carcinoma of the cervix is one of the most common malignancies. Papanicolaou (Pap) smear tests have reduced mortality by up to 70%. Nevertheless their interpretation is notoriously difficult with high false-negative rates and frequently fatal consequences. We have addressed this problem by using affinity-purified antibodies against human proteins that regulate DNA replication, namely Cdc6 and Mcm5. These antibodies were applied to sections and smears of normal and diseased uterine cervix by using immunoperoxidase or immunofluorescence to detect abnormal precursor malignant cells. Antibodies against Cdc6 and Mcm5 stain abnormal cells in cervical smears and sections with remarkably high specificity and sensitivity. Proliferation markers Ki-67 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen are much less effective. The majority of abnormal precursor malignant cells are stained in both low-grade and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions. Immunostaining of cervical smears can be combined with the conventional Pap stain so that all the morphological information from the conventional method is conserved. Thus antibodies against proteins that regulate DNA replication can reduce the high false-negative rate of the Pap smear test and may facilitate mass automated screening.


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Detection of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) by comparison of normal and tumor genotypes using PCR-based microsatellite loci provides considerable advantages over traditional Southern blotting-based approaches. However, current methodologies are limited by several factors, including the numbers of loci that can be evaluated for LOH in a single experiment, the discrimination of true alleles versus "stutter bands," and the use of radionucleotides in detecting PCR products. Here we describe methods for high throughput simultaneous assessment of LOH at multiple loci in human tumors; these methods rely on the detection of amplified microsatellite loci by fluorescence-based DNA sequencing technology. Data generated by this approach are processed by several computer software programs that enable the automated linear quantitation and calculation of allelic ratios, allowing rapid ascertainment of LOH. As a test of this approach, genotypes at a series of loci on chromosome 4 were determined for 58 carcinomas of the uterine cervix. The results underscore the efficacy, sensitivity, and remarkable reproducibility of this approach to LOH detection and provide subchromosomal localization of two regions of chromosome 4 commonly altered in cervical tumors.


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We have chosen tumors of the uterine cervix as a model system to identify chromosomal aberrations that occur during carcinogenesis. A phenotype/genotype correlation was established in defined regions of archived, formalin-fixed, and hematoxylin/eosin-stained tissue sections that were dissected from normal cervical epithelium (n = 3), from mild (n = 4), moderate (n = 6), and severe dysplasias/carcinomas in situ (CIS) (n = 13), and from invasive carcinomas (n = 10) and investigated by comparative genomic hybridization. The same tissues were analyzed for DNA ploidy, proliferative activity, and the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) sequences. The results show that an increase in proliferative activity and tetraploidization had occurred already in mildly dysplastic lesions. No recurrent chromosomal aberrations were observed in DNA extracted from normal epithelium or from mild and moderate dysplasias, indicating that the tetraploidization precedes the loss or gain of specific chromosomes. A gain of chromosome 3q became visible in one of the severe dysplasias/CIS. Notably, chromosome 3q was overrepresented in 90% of the carcinomas and was also found to have undergone a high-level copy-number increase (amplification). We therefore conclude that the gain of chromosome 3q that occurs in HPV16-infected, aneuploid cells represents a pivotal genetic aberration at the transition from severe dysplasia/CIS to invasive cervical carcinoma.


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Skeletal formation is a fundamental element of body patterning and is strictly regulated both temporally and spatially by a variety of molecules. Among these, retinoic acid (RA) has been shown to be involved in normal skeletal development. However, its pleiotropic effects have caused difficulty in identifying its crucial target cells and molecular mechanisms for each effect. Development of cartilage primordia is an important process in defining the skeletal structures. To address the role of RA in skeletal formation, we have generated mice expressing a dominant-negative retinoic acid receptor (RAR) in chondrogenic cells by using the type II collagen α1 promoter, and we have analyzed their phenotypes. These mice exhibited small cartilage primordia during development and retarded skeletal formation in both embryonic and postnatal periods. They also showed selective degeneration in their cervical vertebrae combined with homeotic transformations, but not in their extremities. The cervical phenotypes are reminiscent of phenotypes involving homeobox genes. We found that the expression of Hoxa-4 was indeed reduced in the cartilage primordia of cervical vertebrae of embryonic day 12.5 embryos. These observations demonstrate that endogenous RA acts directly on chondrogenic cells to promote skeletal growth in both embryonic and growing periods, and it regulates the proper formation of cervical vertebrae. Furthermore, RA apparently specifies the identities of the cervical vertebrae through the regulation of homeobox genes in the chondrogenic cells. Great similarities of the phenotypes between our mice and reported RAR knockout mice revealed that chondrogenic cells are a principal RA target during complex cascades of skeletal development.


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HLA-G is a nonclassical major histocompatibility complex class I molecule selectively expressed on cytotrophoblasts at the feto–maternal interface, where it may play an important role in maternal tolerance of the fetus. We provide direct evidence under physiological conditions that supports the role of HLA-G in protecting cytotrophoblasts against natural killer (NK) cytolysis in 6 semiallogenic combinations of maternal uterine NK cells and their own trophoblast counterparts, as well as in 20 allogenic combinations of maternal uterine NK cells and trophoblasts from different mothers. We show that, in all cases studied, this HLA-G-mediated protection was abolished by treatment of cytotrophoblasts with an HLA-G-specific mAb. The HLA class I-negative K562 cell line transfected with the predominant HLA-G1 isoform results in similar protection and abolition from maternal uterine NK lysis. Because maternal uterine NK cells express killer inhibitory receptors for HLA-G, we conclude that their interactions contribute to the survival of the fetal semiallograft by confering immunological tolerance to its tissues.


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This study was undertaken to determine the modulation of uterine function by chorionic gonadotrophin (CG) in a nonhuman primate. Infusion of recombinant human CG (hCG) between days 6 and 10 post ovulation initiated the endoreplication of the uterine surface epithelium to form distinct epithelial plaques. These plaque cells stained intensely for cytokeratin and the proliferating cell nuclear antigen. The stromal fibroblasts below the epithelial plaques stained positively for α-smooth muscle actin (αSMA). Expression of αSMA is associated with the initiation of decidualization in the baboon endometrium. Synthesis of the glandular secretory protein glycodelin, as assessed by Western blot analysis, was markedly up-regulated by hCG, and this increase was confirmed by immunocytochemistry, Northern blot analysis, and reverse transcriptase-PCR. To determine whether hCG directly modulated these uterine responses, we treated ovariectomized baboons sequentially with estradiol and progesterone to mimic the hormonal profile of the normal menstrual cycle. Infusion of hCG into the oviduct of steroid-hormone-treated ovariectomized baboons induced the expression of αSMA in the stromal cells and glycodelin in the glandular epithelium. The epithelial plaque reaction, however, was not readily evident. These studies demonstrate a physiological effect of CG on the uterine endometrium in vivo and suggest that the primate blastocyst signal, like the blastocyst signals of other species, modulates the uterine environment prior to implantation.


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In over 90% of cervical cancers and cancer-derived cell lines, the p53 tumor suppressor pathway is disrupted by human papillomavirus (HPV). The HPV E6 protein promotes the degradation of p53 and thus inhibits the stabilization and activation of p53 that would normally occur in response to HPV E7 oncogene expression. Restoration of p53 function in these cells by blocking this pathway should promote a selective therapeutic affect. Here we show that treatment with the small molecule nuclear export inhibitor, leptomycin B, and actinomycin D leads to the accumulation of transcriptionally active p53 in the nucleus of HeLa, CaSki, and SiHa cells. Northern blot analyses showed that both actinomycin D and leptomycin B reduced the amount of HPV E6-E7 mRNA whereas combined treatment with the drugs showed almost complete disappearance of the viral mRNA. The combined treatment activated p53-dependant transcription, and increases in both p21WAF1/CIP1 and Hdm2 mRNA were seen. The combined treatment resulted in apoptotic death in the cells, as evidenced by nuclear fragmentation and PARP-cleavage indicative of caspase 3 activity. These effects were greatly reduced by expressing a dominant negative p53 protein. The present study shows that small molecules can reactivate p53 in cervical carcinoma cells, and this reactivation is associated with an extensive biological response, including the induction of the apoptotic death of the cells.


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Expression of the bovine papillomavirus E2 regulatory protein in human cervical carcinoma cell lines repressed expression of the resident human papillomavirus E6 and E7 oncogenes and within a few days caused essentially all of the cells to synchronously display numerous phenotypic markers characteristic of cells undergoing replicative senescence. This process was accompanied by marked but in some cases transient alterations in the expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins and by decreased telomerase activity. We propose that the human papillomavirus E6 and E7 proteins actively prevent senescence from occurring in cervical carcinoma cells, and that once viral oncogene expression is extinguished, the senescence program is rapidly executed. Activation of endogenous senescence pathways in cancer cells may represent an alternative approach to treat human cancers.


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We have used a combination of computerized database mining and experimental expression analyses to identify a gene that is preferentially expressed in normal male and female reproductive tissues, prostate, testis, fallopian tube, uterus, and placenta, as well as in prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and uterine cancer. This gene is located on the human X chromosome, and it is homologous to a family of genes encoding GAGE-like proteins. GAGE proteins are expressed in a variety of tumors and in testis. We designate the novel gene PAGE-1 because the expression pattern in the Cancer Genome Anatomy Project libraries indicates that it is predominantly expressed in normal and neoplastic prostate. Further database analysis indicates the presence of other genes with high homology to PAGE-1, which were found in cDNA libraries derived from testis, pooled libraries (with testis), and in a germ cell tumor library. The expression of PAGE-1 in normal and malignant prostate, testicular, and uterine tissues makes it a possible target for the diagnosis and possibly for the vaccine-based therapy of neoplasms of prostate, testis, and uterus.


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Fourier-transform IR (FT-IR) spectra of pelleted exfoliated cervical cells from patients with cervical cancer or dysplasia differ from those from normal women. To study the origin of these spectral changes, we obtained the FT-IR spectra of individual cervical cells from normal, dysplastic, and malignant cervical samples. Ninety five percent of normal superficial and intermediate cells displayed two distinct spectral patterns designated A and B, and 5% displayed an intermediate pattern, suggesting extensive structural heterogeneity among these cells. Parabasal and endocervical cells showed pattern B spectra. The spectra of malignant, dysplastic, and other abnormal cells also were characterized. Analysis of FT-IR spectra of over 2,000 individual cells from 10 normal females, 7 females with dysplasia, and 5 females with squamous cell carcinoma revealed that the spectra of normal-appearing intermediate and superficial cells of the cervix from women with either dysplasia or cancer differed from those of normal women. Chemometric and classical spectroscopic analysis showed a continuum of changes paralleling the transition from normalcy to malignancy. These findings suggest that (i) the structural changes underlying the spectroscopic changes are involved in or are a product of cervical carcinogenesis and (ii) the neoplastic process may be more extensive than currently recognized with morphological criteria. This approach may be useful for the structural study of neoplasia and also may be of help in the diagnosis or classification of cervical disorders.