106 resultados para Two-domain architecture

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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In prokaryotes, in the absence of protein serine/threonine/tyrosine kinases, protein histidine kinases play a major role in signal transduction involved in cellular adaptation to various environmental changes and stresses. Histidine kinases phosphorylate their cognate response regulators at a specific aspartic acid residue with ATP in response to particular environmental signals. In this His-Asp phosphorelay signal transduction system, it is still unknown how the histidine kinase exerts its enzymatic function. Here we demonstrate that the cytoplasmic kinase domain of EnvZ, a transmembrane osmosensor of Escherichia coli can be further divided into two distinct functional subdomains: subdomain A [EnvZ(C)⋅(223–289); 67 residues] and subdomain B [EnvZ(C)⋅(290–450); 161 residues]. Subdomain A, with a high helical content, contains the autophosphorylation site, H–243, and forms a stable dimer having the recognition site for OmpR, the cognate response regulator of EnvZ. Subdomain B, an α/β-protein, exists as a monomer. When mixed, the two subdomains reconstitute the kinase function to phosphorylate subdomain A at His-243 in the presence of ATP. Subsequently, the phosphorylated subdomain A is able to transfer its phosphate group to OmpR. The two-domain structure of this histidine kinase provides an insight into the structural arrangement of the enzyme and its transphosphorylation mechanism.


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To investigate the molecular basis of the voltage sensor that triggers excitation–contraction (EC) coupling, the four-domain pore subunit of the dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR) was cut in the cytoplasmic linker between domains II and III. cDNAs for the I-II domain (α1S 1–670) and the III-IV domain (α1S 701-1873) were expressed in dysgenic α1S-null myotubes. Coexpression of the two fragments resulted in complete recovery of DHPR intramembrane charge movement and voltage-evoked Ca2+ transients. When fragments were expressed separately, EC coupling was not recovered. However, charge movement was detected in the I-II domain expressed alone. Compared with I-II and III-IV together, the charge movement in the I-II domain accounted for about half of the total charge (Qmax = 3 ± 0.23 vs. 5.4 ± 0.76 fC/pF, respectively), and the half-activation potential for charge movement was significantly more negative (V1/2 = 0.2 ± 3.5 vs. 22 ± 3.4 mV, respectively). Thus, interactions between the four internal domains of the pore subunit in the assembled DHPR profoundly affect the voltage dependence of intramembrane charge movement. We also tested a two-domain I-II construct of the neuronal α1A Ca2+ channel. The neuronal I-II domain recovered charge movements like those of the skeletal I-II domain but could not assist the skeletal III-IV domain in the recovery of EC coupling. The results demonstrate that a functional voltage sensor capable of triggering EC coupling in skeletal myotubes can be recovered by the expression of complementary fragments of the DHPR pore subunit. Furthermore, the intrinsic voltage-sensing properties of the α1A I-II domain suggest that this hemi-Ca2+ channel could be relevant to neuronal function.


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Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) represents a structurally and functionally distinct class of immunoglobulin superfamily molecules that bind leukocyte integrins and are involved in inflammatory and immune functions. X-ray crystallography defines the three-dimensional structure of the N-terminal two-domain fragment that participates in ligand binding. Residues in domain 1 important for ligand binding reside in the C-D loop, which projects markedly from one face of the molecule near the contact between domains 1 and 2. A cyclic peptide that mimics this loop inhibits binding of alpha 4 beta 1 integrin-bearing cells to VCAM-1. These data demonstrate how crystallographic structural information can be used to design a small molecule inhibitor of biological function.


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The crystal structure of the large fragment of the Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase (Klentaq1), determined at 2.5-A resolution, demonstrates a compact two-domain architecture. The C-terminal domain is identical in fold to the equivalent region of the Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I (Klenow pol I). Although the N-terminal domain of Klentaq1 differs greatly in sequence from its counterpart in Klenow pol I, it has clearly evolved from a common ancestor. The structure of Klentaq1 reveals the strategy utilized by this protein to maintain activity at high temperatures and provides the structural basis for future improvements of the enzyme.


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The Dali Domain Dictionary (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/dali/domain) is a numerical taxonomy of all known structures in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The taxonomy is derived fully automatically from measurements of structural, functional and sequence similarities. Here, we report the extension of the classification to match the traditional four hierarchical levels corresponding to: (i) supersecondary structural motifs (attractors in fold space), (ii) the topology of globular domains (fold types), (iii) remote homologues (functional families) and (iv) homologues with sequence identity above 25% (sequence families). The computational definitions of attractors and functional families are new. In September 2000, the Dali classification contained 10 531 PDB entries comprising 17 101 chains, which were partitioned into five attractor regions, 1375 fold types, 2582 functional families and 3724 domain sequence families. Sequence families were further associated with 99 582 unique homologous sequences in the HSSP database, which increases the number of effectively known structures several-fold. The resulting database contains the description of protein domain architecture, the definition of structural neighbours around each known structure, the definition of structurally conserved cores and a comprehensive library of explicit multiple alignments of distantly related protein families.


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The three-dimensional structure of tRNA is organized into two domains—the acceptor-TΨC minihelix with the amino acid attachment site and a second, anticodon-containing, stem–loop domain. Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases have a structural organization that roughly recapitulates the two-domain organization of tRNAs—an older primary domain that contains the catalytic center and interacts with the minihelix and a secondary, more recent, domain that makes contacts with the anticodon-containing arm. The latter contacts typically are essential for enhancement of the catalytic constant kcat through domain–domain communication. Methanococcus jannaschii tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase is a miniature synthetase with a tiny secondary domain suggestive of an early synthetase evolving from a one-domain to a two-domain structure. Here we demonstrate functional interactions with the anticodon-containing arm of tRNA that involve the miniaturized secondary domain. These interactions appear not to include direct contacts with the anticodon triplet but nonetheless lead to domain–domain communication. Thus, interdomain communication may have been established early in the evolution from one-domain to two-domain structures.


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Natural killer (NK) cell cytotoxicity is regulated in large part by the expression of NK cell receptors able to bind class I major histocompatibility complex glycoproteins. The receptors associated with recognition of HLA-C allospecificities are the two-domain Ig-like molecules, p50 and p58 proteins, with highly homologous extracellular domains but differing in that they have either an activating or inhibitory function, respectively, depending on the transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tails that they possess. We have compared the binding to HLA-Cw7 of an inhibitory p58 molecule, NKAT2, the highly homologous activating p50 molecule, clone 49, and a second activating p50 molecule, clone 39, which has homologies to both NKAT1 and NKAT2. NKAT2 binds to HLA-Cw7 with very rapid association and dissociation rates. However, the p50 receptors bind only very weakly, if at all, to HLA-C. The molecular basis of this difference is analyzed, and the functional significance of these observations is discussed.


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The immunoglobulin (Ig) molecule is composed of two identical heavy chains and two identical light chains (H2L2). Transport of this heteromeric complex is dependent on the correct assembly of the component parts, which is controlled, in part, by the association of incompletely assembled Ig heavy chains with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) chaperone, BiP. Although other heavy chain-constant domains interact transiently with BiP, in the absence of light chain synthesis, BiP binds stably to the first constant domain (CH1) of the heavy chain, causing it to be retained in the ER. Using a simplified two-domain Ig heavy chain (VH-CH1), we have determined why BiP remains bound to free heavy chains and how light chains facilitate their transport. We found that in the absence of light chain expression, the CH1 domain neither folds nor forms its intradomain disulfide bond and therefore remains a substrate for BiP. In vivo, light chains are required to facilitate both the folding of the CH1 domain and the release of BiP. In contrast, the addition of ATP to isolated BiP–heavy chain complexes in vitro causes the release of BiP and allows the CH1 domain to fold in the absence of light chains. Therefore, light chains are not intrinsically essential for CH1 domain folding, but play a critical role in removing BiP from the CH1 domain, thereby allowing it to fold and Ig assembly to proceed. These data suggest that the assembly of multimeric protein complexes in the ER is not strictly dependent on the proper folding of individual subunits; rather, assembly can drive the complete folding of protein subunits.


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Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) effect cellular responses by binding to FGF receptors (FGFRs). FGF bound to extracellular domains on the FGFR in the presence of heparin activates the cytoplasmic receptor tyrosine kinase through autophosphorylation. We have crystallized a complex between human FGF1 and a two-domain extracellular fragment of human FGFR2. The crystal structure, determined by multiwavelength anomalous diffraction analysis of the selenomethionyl protein, is a dimeric assemblage of 1:1 ligand:receptor complexes. FGF is bound at the junction between the two domains of one FGFR, and two such units are associated through receptor:receptor and secondary ligand:receptor interfaces. Sulfate ion positions appear to mark the course of heparin binding between FGF molecules through a basic region on receptor D2 domains. This dimeric assemblage provides a structural mechanism for FGF signal transduction.


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Insolubility of full-length HIV-1 integrase (IN) limited previous structure analyses to individual domains. By introducing five point mutations, we engineered a more soluble IN that allowed us to generate multidomain HIV-1 IN crystals. The first multidomain HIV-1 IN structure is reported. It incorporates the catalytic core and C-terminal domains (residues 52–288). The structure resolved to 2.8 Å is a Y-shaped dimer. Within the dimer, the catalytic core domains form the only dimer interface, and the C-terminal domains are located 55 Å apart. A 26-aa α-helix, α6, links the C-terminal domain to the catalytic core. A kink in one of the two α6 helices occurs near a known proteolytic site, suggesting that it may act as a flexible elbow to reorient the domains during the integration process. Two proteins that bind DNA in a sequence-independent manner are structurally homologous to the HIV-1 IN C-terminal domain, suggesting a similar protein–DNA interaction in which the IN C-terminal domain may serve to bind, bend, and orient viral DNA during integration. A strip of positively charged amino acids contributed by both monomers emerges from each active site of the dimer, suggesting a minimally dimeric platform for binding each viral DNA end. The crystal structure of the isolated catalytic core domain (residues 52–210), independently determined at 1.6-Å resolution, is identical to the core domain within the two-domain 52–288 structure.


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Biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids in plants, many bacteria, and microbes relies on the enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate 3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase, a prime target for drugs and herbicides. We have identified the interaction of EPSP synthase with one of its two substrates (shikimate 3-phosphate) and with the widely used herbicide glyphosate by x-ray crystallography. The two-domain enzyme closes on ligand binding, thereby forming the active site in the interdomain cleft. Glyphosate appears to occupy the binding site of the second substrate of EPSP synthase (phosphoenol pyruvate), mimicking an intermediate state of the ternary enzyme⋅substrates complex. The elucidation of the active site of EPSP synthase and especially of the binding pattern of glyphosate provides a valuable roadmap for engineering new herbicides and herbicide-resistant crops, as well as new antibiotic and antiparasitic drugs.


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Osmoregulated porin gene expression in Escherichia coli is controlled by the two-component regulatory system EnvZ and OmpR. EnvZ, the osmosensor, is an inner membrane protein and a histidine kinase. EnvZ phosphorylates OmpR, a cytoplasmic DNA-binding protein, on an aspartyl residue. Phospho-OmpR binds to the promoters of the porin genes to regulate the expression of ompF and ompC. We describe the use of limited proteolysis by trypsin and ion spray mass spectrometry to characterize phospho-OmpR and the conformational changes that occur upon phosphorylation. Our results are consistent with a two-domain structure for OmpR, an N-terminal phosphorylation domain joined to a C-terminal DNA-binding domain by a flexible linker region. In the presence of acetyl phosphate, OmpR is phosphorylated at only one site. Phosphorylation induces a conformational change that is transmitted to the C-terminal domain via the central linker. Previous genetic analysis identified a region in the C-terminal domain that is required for transcriptional activation. Our results indicate that this region is within a surface-exposed loop. We propose that this loop contacts the alpha subunit of RNA polymerase to activate transcription. Mass spectrometry also reveals an unusual dephosphorylated form of OmpR, the potential significance of which is discussed.


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Atomic level structures have been determined for the soluble forms of several colicins and toxins, but the structural changes that occur after membrane binding have not been well characterized. Changes occurring in the transition from the soluble to membrane-bound state of the C-terminal 190-residue channel polypeptide of colicin E1 (P190) bound to anionic membranes are described. In the membrane-bound state, the α-helical content increases from 60–64% to 80–90%, with a concomitant increase in the average length of the helical segments from 12 to 16 or 17 residues, close to the length required to span the membrane bilayer in the open channel state. The average distance between helical segments is increased and interhelix interactions are weakened, as shown by a major loss of tertiary structure interactions, decreased efficiency of fluorescence resonance energy transfer from an energy donor on helix V of P190 to an acceptor on helix IX, and decreased resonance energy transfer at higher temperatures, not observed in soluble P190, implying freedom of motion of helical segments. Weaker interactions are also shown by a calorimetric thermal transition of low cooperativity, and the extended nature of the helical array is shown by a 3- to 4-fold increase in the average area subtended per molecule to 4,200 Å2 on the membrane surface. The latter, with analysis of the heat capacity changes, implies the absence of a developed hydrophobic core in the membrane-bound P190. The membrane interfacial layer thus serves to promote formation of a highly helical extended two-dimensional flexible net. The properties of the membrane-bound state of the colicin channel domain (i.e., hydrophobic anchor, lengthened and loosely coupled α-helices, and close association with the membrane interfacial layer) are plausible structural features for the state that is a prerequisite for voltage gating, formation of transmembrane helices, and channel opening.


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The Pointed (PNT) domain and an adjacent mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase phosphorylation site are defined by sequence conservation among a subset of ets transcription factors and are implicated in two regulatory strategies, protein interactions and posttranslational modifications, respectively. By using NMR, we have determined the structure of a 110-residue fragment of murine Ets-1 that includes the PNT domain and MAP kinase site. The Ets-1 PNT domain forms a monomeric five-helix bundle. The architecture is distinct from that of any known DNA- or protein-binding module, including the helix-loop-helix fold proposed for the PNT domain of the ets protein TEL. The MAP kinase site is in a highly flexible region of both the unphosphorylated and phosphorylated forms of the Ets-1 fragment. Phosphorylation alters neither the structure nor monomeric state of the PNT domain. These results suggest that the Ets-1 PNT domain functions in heterotypic protein interactions and support the possibility that target recognition is coupled to structuring of the MAP kinase site.


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Host Cell Factor-1 (HCF-1, C1) was first identified as a cellular target for the herpes simplex virus transcriptional activator VP16. Association between HCF and VP16 leads to the assembly of a multiprotein enhancer complex that stimulates viral immediate-early gene transcription. HCF-1 is expressed in all cells and is required for progression through G1 phase of the cell cycle. In addition to VP16, HCF-1 associates with a cellular bZIP protein known as LZIP (or Luman). Both LZIP and VP16 contain a four-amino acid HCF-binding motif, recognized by the N-terminal β-propeller domain of HCF-1. Herein, we show that the N-terminal 92 amino acids of LZIP contain a potent transcriptional activation domain composed of three elements: the HCF-binding motif and two LxxLL motifs. LxxLL motifs are found in a number of transcriptional coactivators and mediate protein–protein interactions, notably recognition of the nuclear hormone receptors. LZIP is an example of a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein that uses LxxLL motifs within its activation domain to stimulate transcription. The LxxLL motifs are not required for association with the HCF-1 β-propeller and instead interact with other regions in HCF-1 or recruit additional cofactors.