10 resultados para Tunneling (Physics)

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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We present evidence that the size of an active site side chain may modulate the degree of hydrogen tunneling in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction. Primary and secondary kH/kT and kD/kT kinetic isotope effects have been measured for the oxidation of benzyl alcohol catalyzed by horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase at 25°C. As reported in earlier studies, the relationship between secondary kH/kT and kD/kT isotope effects provides a sensitive probe for deviations from classical behavior. In the present work, catalytic efficiency and the extent of hydrogen tunneling have been correlated for the alcohol dehydrogenase-catalyzed hydride transfer among a group of site-directed mutants at position 203. Val-203 interacts with the opposite face of the cofactor NAD+ from the alcohol substrate. The reduction in size of this residue is correlated with diminished tunneling and a two orders of magnitude decrease in catalytic efficiency. Comparison of the x-ray crystal structures of a ternary complex of a high-tunneling (Phe-93 → Trp) and a low-tunneling (Val-203 → Ala) mutant provides a structural basis for the observed effects, demonstrating an increase in the hydrogen transfer distance for the low-tunneling mutant. The Val-203 → Ala ternary complex crystal structure also shows a hyperclosed interdomain geometry relative to the wild-type and the Phe-93 → Trp mutant ternary complex structures. This demonstrates a flexibility in interdomain movement that could potentially narrow the distance between the donor and acceptor carbons in the native enzyme and may enhance the role of tunneling in the hydride transfer reaction.


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The crystal structure of raite was solved and refined from data collected at Beamline Insertion Device 13 at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, using a 3 × 3 × 65 μm single crystal. The refined lattice constants of the monoclinic unit cell are a = 15.1(1) Å; b = 17.6(1) Å; c = 5.290(4) Å; β = 100.5(2)°; space group C2/m. The structure, including all reflections, refined to a final R = 0.07. Raite occurs in hyperalkaline rocks from the Kola peninsula, Russia. The structure consists of alternating layers of a hexagonal chicken-wire pattern of 6-membered SiO4 rings. Tetrahedral apices of a chain of Si six-rings, parallel to the c-axis, alternate in pointing up and down. Two six-ring Si layers are connected by edge-sharing octahedral bands of Na+ and Mn3+ also parallel to c. The band consists of the alternation of finite Mn–Mn and Na–Mn–Na chains. As a consequence of the misfit between octahedral and tetrahedral elements, regions of the Si–O layers are arched and form one-dimensional channels bounded by 12 Si tetrahedra and 2 Na octahedra. The channels along the short c-axis in raite are filled by isolated Na(OH,H2O)6 octahedra. The distorted octahedrally coordinated Ti4+ also resides in the channel and provides the weak linkage of these isolated Na octahedra and the mixed octahedral tetrahedral framework. Raite is structurally related to intersilite, palygorskite, sepiolite, and amphibole.


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There are several classes of homogeneous Fermi systems that are characterized by the topology of the energy spectrum of fermionic quasiparticles: (i) gapless systems with a Fermi surface, (ii) systems with a gap in their spectrum, (iii) gapless systems with topologically stable point nodes (Fermi points), and (iv) gapless systems with topologically unstable lines of nodes (Fermi lines). Superfluid 3He-A and electroweak vacuum belong to the universality class 3. The fermionic quasiparticles (particles) in this class are chiral: they are left-handed or right-handed. The collective bosonic modes of systems of class 3 are the effective gauge and gravitational fields. The great advantage of superfluid 3He-A is that we can perform experiments by using this condensed matter and thereby simulate many phenomena in high energy physics, including axial anomaly, baryoproduction, and magnetogenesis. 3He-A textures induce a nontrivial effective metrics of the space, where the free quasiparticles move along geodesics. With 3He-A one can simulate event horizons, Hawking radiation, rotating vacuum, etc. High-temperature superconductors are believed to belong to class 4. They have gapless fermionic quasiparticles with a “relativistic” spectrum close to gap nodes, which allows application of ideas developed for superfluid 3He-A.


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The current understanding of electron tunneling through proteins has come from work on systems where donors and acceptors are held at fixed distances and orientations. The factors that control electron flow between proteins are less well understood, owing to uncertainties in the relative orientations and structures of the reactants during the very short time that tunneling occurs. As we report here, the way around such structural ambiguity is to examine oxidation–reduction reactions in protein crystals. Accordingly, we have measured and analyzed the kinetics of electron transfer between native and Zn-substituted tuna cytochrome c (cyt c) molecules in crystals of known structure. Electron transfer rates [(320 s−1 for *Zn-cyt c → Fe(III)-cyt c; 2000 s−1 for Fe(II)-cyt c → Zn-cyt c+)] over a Zn–Fe distance of 24.1 Å closely match those for intraprotein electron tunneling over similar donor–acceptor separations. Our results indicate that van der Waals interactions and water-mediated hydrogen bonds are effective coupling elements for tunneling across a protein–protein interface.


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New experiments using scanning probe microcopies and advanced optical methods allow us to study molecules as individuals, not just as populations. The findings of these studies not only include the confirmation of results expected from studies of bulk matter, but also give substantially new information concerning the complexity of biomolecules or molecules in a structured environment. The technique lays the groundwork for achieving the control of an individual molecule’s motion. Ultimately, this work may lead to such practical applications as miniaturized sensors.


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The role of symmetry in fundamental physics is reviewed.


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The heavy fermions are a subset of the f-electron intermetallic compounds straddling the magnetic/nonmagnetic boundary. Their low-temperature properties are characterized by an electronic energy scale of order 1-10 K. Among the low-temperature ground states observed in heavy fermion compounds are exotic superconductors and magnets, as well as unusual semiconductors. We review here the current experimental and theoretical understanding of these systems.


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I relate the historic successes, and present difficulties, of the renormalized quasiparticle theory of metals ("AGD" or Fermi liquid theory). I then describe the best-understood example of a non-Fermi liquid, the normal metallic state of the cuprate superconductors.