15 resultados para Transforms

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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We present a multichannel tomographic technique to detect fluorescent objects embedded in thick (6.4 cm) tissue-like turbid media using early-arriving photons. The experiments use picosecond laser pulses and a streak camera with single photon counting capability to provide short time resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio. The tomographic algorithm is based on the Laplace transform of an analytical diffusion approximation of the photon migration process and provides excellent agreement between the actual positions of the fluorescent objects and the experimental estimates. Submillimeter localization accuracy and 4- to 5-mm resolution are demonstrated. Moreover, objects can be accurately localized when fluorescence background is present. The results show the feasibility of using early-arriving photons to image fluorescent objects embedded in a turbid medium and its potential in clinical applications such as breast tumor detection.


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The MLL-ELL fusion gene results from the translocation t(11;19)(q23;p13.1) that is associated with de novo and therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia. To study its transforming properties, we retrovirally transduced primary murine hematopoietic progenitors and assessed their growth properties both in vitro and in vivo. MLL-ELL increased the proliferation of myeloid colony-forming cells in methylcellulose cultures upon serial replating, whereas overexpression of ELL alone had no effect. We reconstituted lethally irradiated congenic mice with bone marrow progenitors transduced with MLL-ELL or the control MIE vector encoding the enhanced green fluorescent protein. When the peripheral blood of the mice was analyzed 11–13 weeks postreconstitution, we found that the engraftment of the MLL-ELL-transduced cells was superior to that of the MIE controls. At this time point, the contribution of the donor cells was normally distributed among the myeloid and nonmyeloid compartments. Although all of the MIE animals (n = 10) remained healthy for more than a year, all of the MLL-ELL mice (n = 20) succumbed to monoclonal or pauciclonal acute myeloid leukemias within 100–200 days. The leukemic cells were readily transplantable to secondary recipients and could be established as immortalized cell lines in liquid cultures. These studies demonstrate the enhancing effect of MLL-ELL on the proliferative potential of myeloid progenitors as well as its causal role in the genesis of acute myeloid leukemias.


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Pediatric alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma is characterized by a chromosomal translocation that fuses parts of the PAX3 and FKHR genes. PAX3 codes for a transcriptional regulator that controls developmental programs, and FKHR codes for a forkhead-winged helix protein, also a likely transcription factor. The PAX3-FKHR fusion product retains the DNA binding domains of the PAX3 protein and the putative activator domain of the FKHR protein. The PAX3-FKHR protein has been shown to function as a transcriptional activator. Using the RCAS retroviral vector, we have introduced the PAX3-FKHR gene into chicken embryo fibroblasts. Expression of the PAX3-FKHR protein in these cells leads to transformation: the cells become enlarged, grow tightly packed and in multiple layers, and acquire the ability for anchorage-independent growth. This cellular transformation in vitro will facilitate studies on the mechanism of PAX3-FKHR-induced oncogenesis.


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In three experiments, electric brain waves of 19 subjects were recorded under several different experimental conditions for two purposes. One was to test how well we could recognize which sentence, from a set of 24 or 48 sentences, was being processed in the cortex. The other was to study the invariance of brain waves between subjects. As in our earlier work, the analysis consisted of averaging over trials to create prototypes and test samples, to both of which Fourier transforms were applied, followed by filtering and an inverse transformation to the time domain. A least-squares criterion of fit between prototypes and test samples was used for classification. In all three experiments, averaging over subjects improved the recognition rates. The most significant finding was the following. When brain waves were averaged separately for two nonoverlapping groups of subjects, one for prototypes and the other for test samples, we were able to recognize correctly 90% of the brain waves generated by 48 different sentences about European geography.


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Nitric oxide (NO) biology has focused on the tightly regulated enzymatic mechanism that transforms l-arginine into a family of molecules, which serve both signaling and defense functions. However, very little is known of the pathways that metabolize these molecules or turn off the signals. The paradigm is well exemplified in bacteria where S-nitrosothiols (SNO)—compounds identified with antimicrobial activities of NO synthase—elicit responses that mediate bacterial resistance by unknown mechanisms. Here we show that Escherichia coli possess both constitutive and inducible elements for SNO metabolism. Constitutive enzyme(s) cleave SNO to NO whereas bacterial hemoglobin, a widely distributed flavohemoglobin of poorly understood function, is central to the inducible response. Remarkably, the protein has evolved a novel heme-detoxification mechanism for NO. Specifically, the heme serves a dioxygenase function that produces mainly nitrate. These studies thus provide new insights into SNO and NO metabolism and identify enzymes with reactions that were thought to occur only by chemical means. Our results also emphasize that the reactions of SNO and NO with hemoglobins are evolutionary conserved, but have been adapted for cell-specific function.


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In two experiments, electric brain waves of 14 subjects were recorded under several different conditions to study the invariance of brain-wave representations of simple patches of colors and simple visual shapes and their names, the words blue, circle, etc. As in our earlier work, the analysis consisted of averaging over trials to create prototypes and test samples, to both of which Fourier transforms were applied, followed by filtering and an inverse transformation to the time domain. A least-squares criterion of fit between prototypes and test samples was used for classification. The most significant results were these. By averaging over different subjects, as well as trials, we created prototypes from brain waves evoked by simple visual images and test samples from brain waves evoked by auditory or visual words naming the visual images. We correctly recognized from 60% to 75% of the test-sample brain waves. The general conclusion is that simple shapes such as circles and single-color displays generate brain waves surprisingly similar to those generated by their verbal names. These results, taken together with extensive psychological studies of auditory and visual memory, strongly support the solution proposed for visual shapes, by Bishop Berkeley and David Hume in the 18th century, to the long-standing problem of how the mind represents simple abstract ideas.


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Electrical and magnetic brain waves of seven subjects under three experimental conditions were recorded for the purpose of recognizing which one of seven words was processed. The analysis consisted of averaging over trials to create prototypes and test samples, to both of which Fourier transforms were applied, followed by filtering and an inverse transformation to the time domain. The filters used were optimal predictive filters, selected for each subject and condition. Recognition rates, based on a least-squares criterion, varied widely, but all but one of 24 were significantly different from chance. The two best were above 90%. These results show that brain waves carry substantial information about the word being processed under experimental conditions of conscious awareness.


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To elucidate the role of thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) α1 and β in the development of hearing, cochlear functions have been investigated in mice lacking TRα1 or TRβ. TRs are ligand-dependent transcription factors expressed in the developing organ of Corti, and loss of TRβ is known to impair hearing in mice and in humans. Here, TRα1-deficient (TRα1−/−) mice are shown to display a normal auditory-evoked brainstem response, indicating that only TRβ, and not TRα1, is essential for hearing. Because cochlear morphology was normal in TRβ−/− mice, we postulated that TRβ regulates functional rather than morphological development of the cochlea. At the onset of hearing, inner hair cells (IHCs) in wild-type mice express a fast-activating potassium conductance, IK,f, that transforms the immature IHC from a regenerative, spiking pacemaker to a high-frequency signal transmitter. Expression of IK,f was significantly retarded in TRβ−/− mice, whereas the development of the endocochlear potential and other cochlear functions, including mechanoelectrical transduction in hair cells, progressed normally. TRα1−/− mice expressed IK,f normally, in accord with their normal auditory-evoked brainstem response. These results establish that the physiological differentiation of IHCs depends on a TRβ-mediated pathway. When defective, this may contribute to deafness in congenital thyroid diseases.


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Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a soil phytopathogen that elicits neoplastic growths on the host plant species. In nature, however, Agrobacterium also may encounter organisms belonging to other kingdoms such as insects and animals that feed on the infected plants. Can Agrobacterium, then, also infect animal cells? Here, we report that Agrobacterium attaches to and genetically transforms several types of human cells. In stably transformed HeLa cells, the integration event occurred at the right border of the tumor-inducing plasmid's transferred-DNA (T-DNA), suggesting bona fide T-DNA transfer and lending support to the notion that Agrobacterium transforms human cells by a mechanism similar to that which it uses for transformation of plants cells. Collectively, our results suggest that Agrobacterium can transport its T-DNA to human cells and integrate it into their genome.


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Although neurogenesis in the embryo proceeds in a region- or lineage-specific fashion coincident with neuropeptide expression, a regulatory role for G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) remains undefined. Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) stimulates sympathetic neuroblast proliferation, whereas the peptide inhibits embryonic cortical precursor mitosis. Here, by using ectopic expression strategies, we show that the opposing mitogenic effects of PACAP are determined by expression of PACAP receptor splice isoforms and differential coupling to the phospholipase C (PLC) pathway, as opposed to differences in cellular context. In embryonic day 14 (E14) cortical precursors transfected with the hop receptor variant, but not cells transfected with the short variant, PACAP activates the PLC pathway, increasing intracellular calcium and eliciting translocation of protein kinase C. Ectopic expression of the hop variant in cortical neuroblasts transforms the antimitotic effect of PACAP into a promitogenic signal. Furthermore, PACAP promitogenic effects required PLC pathway function indicated by antagonist U-73122 studies in hop-transfected cortical cells and native sympathetic neuroblasts. These observations highlight the critical role of lineage-specific expression of GPCR variants in determining mitogenic signaling in neural precursors.


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The question of whether proteins originate from random sequences of amino acids is addressed. A statistical analysis is performed in terms of blocked and random walk values formed by binary hydrophobic assignments of the amino acids along the protein chains. Theoretical expectations of these variables from random distributions of hydrophobicities are compared with those obtained from functional proteins. The results, which are based upon proteins in the SWISS-PROT data base, convincingly show that the amino acid sequences in proteins differ from what is expected from random sequences in a statistically significant way. By performing Fourier transforms on the random walks, one obtains additional evidence for nonrandomness of the distributions. We have also analyzed results from a synthetic model containing only two amino acid types, hydrophobic and hydrophilic. With reasonable criteria on good folding properties in terms of thermodynamical and kinetic behavior, sequences that fold well are isolated. Performing the same statistical analysis on the sequences that fold well indicates similar deviations from randomness as for the functional proteins. The deviations from randomness can be interpreted as originating from anticorrelations in terms of an Ising spin model for the hydrophobicities. Our results, which differ from some previous investigations using other methods, might have impact on how permissive with respect to sequence specificity protein folding process is-only sequences with nonrandom hydrophobicity distributions fold well. Other distributions give rise to energy landscapes with poor folding properties and hence did not survive the evolution.


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To provide a more general method for comparing survival experience, we propose a model that independently scales both hazard and time dimensions. To test the curve shape similarity of two time-dependent hazards, h1(t) and h2(t), we apply the proposed hazard relationship, h12(tKt)/ h1(t) = Kh, to h1. This relationship doubly scales h1 by the constant hazard and time scale factors, Kh and Kt, producing a transformed hazard, h12, with the same underlying curve shape as h1. We optimize the match of h12 to h2 by adjusting Kh and Kt. The corresponding survival relationship S12(tKt) = [S1(t)]KtKh transforms S1 into a new curve S12 of the same underlying shape that can be matched to the original S2. We apply this model to the curves for regional and local breast cancer contained in the National Cancer Institute's End Results Registry (1950-1973). Scaling the original regional curves, h1 and S1 with Kt = 1.769 and Kh = 0.263 produces transformed curves h12 and S12 that display congruence with the respective local curves, h2 and S2. This similarity of curve shapes suggests the application of the more complete curve shapes for regional disease as templates to predict the long-term survival pattern for local disease. By extension, this similarity raises the possibility of scaling early data for clinical trial curves according to templates of registry or previous trial curves, projecting long-term outcomes and reducing costs. The proposed model includes as special cases the widely used proportional hazards (Kt = 1) and accelerated life (KtKh = 1) models.


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We have isolated mutants of Synechocystis PCC6803 that grew very slowly in a low-sodium medium, which is unfavorable for HCO3(-) transport, and examined two of these mutants (SC1 and SC2) for their ability to take up CO2 and HCO3(-) in the light. The CO2 transport activity of SC1 and SC2 was much lower than that of the wild type (WT), whereas there was no difference between the mutants and the WT in their activity of HCO3(-) transport. A clone containing a 3.9-kilobase-pair insert DNA that transforms both mutants to the WT phenotype was isolated from a genomic library of WT Synechocystis. Sequencing of the insert DNA in the region of mutations in SC1 and SC2 revealed an open reading frame (designated cotA), which showed significant amino-acid sequence homology to cemA encoding a protein found in the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts. The cotA gene is present in a single copy and was not cotranscribed with any other gene(s). cotA encodes a protein of 247 amino acids containing four transmembrane domains. There was substitution of a single base in SC1 and two bases in SC2 in their cotA genes. A possible role of the cotA gene product in CO2 transport is discussed.


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The x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) zinc K-edge steps for intact stages I,II and V,VI Xenopus laevis oocytes demonstrate that the zinc concentration is about 3 and 1 mM, respectively. However, the chi(k) function for the early stage oocytes differs markedly from that for the late one. Analysis of the XAFS data for stage I,II oocytes indicates that zinc is bound to 2.0 +/- 0.5 sulfur atoms at an average coordination distance of 2.29 +/- 0.02 angstroms and 2.0 +/- 0.5 nitrogen or oxygen (N/O) atoms at 2.02 +/- 0.02 angstroms. In marked contrast, in stage V,VI oocytes, zinc is bound to 4.1 +/- 0.4 N/O atoms at an average distance of 1.98 +/- 0.01 angstroms. Our previous studies demonstrated that 90% of the zinc in stage VI oocytes is sequestered within yolk platelets, associated with a single molecule, lipovitellin, the proteolytically processed product of vitellogenin. XAFS analysis of yolk platelets, lipovitellin, and vitellogenin demonstrates that zinc is bound to 4.0 +/- 0.5 N/O ligands at an average distance of 1.98 +/- 0.01 angstroms in each case, identical to that of stage V,VI oocytes. The higher shell contributions in the Fourier transforms indicate that two of the N/O zinc ligands are His in both stage V,VI and I,II oocytes. The results show that in stage I,II oocytes, there is a high concentration of a zinc protein whose zinc coordination site likely is composed of (His)2(Cys)2, such as, e.g., TFIIIA. As the oocytes develop, the predominant zinc species becomes one that exhibits the (His)2(N/0)2 zinc site found in lipovitellin. Hence, the ligands to the zinc atoms in intact oocytes and the changes that take place as a function of oogenesis and after their fertilization, during embryogenesis, now can be examined and explored.


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Agrobacterium genetically transforms plant cells by transferring a single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) copy of the transferred DNA (T-DNA) element, the T-strand, in a complex with Agrobacterium proteins VirD2, bound to the 5' end, and VirE2. VirE2 binds single-stranded nucleic acid cooperatively, fully coating the T-strand, and the protein localizes to the plant cell nucleus when transiently expressed. The coupling of ssDNA binding and nuclear localizing activities suggests that VirE2 alone could mediate nuclear localization of ssDNA. In this study, fluorescently labeled ssDNA accumulated in the plant cell nucleus specifically when microinjected as a complex with VirE2. Microinjected ssDNA alone remained cytoplasmic. Import of VirE2-ssDNA complex into the nucleus via a protein import pathway was supported by (i) the inhibition of VirE2-ssDNA complex import in the presence of wheat germ agglutinin or a nonhydrolyzable GTP analog, both known inhibitors of protein nuclear import, and (ii) the retardation of import when complexes were prepared from a VirE2 mutant impaired in ssDNA binding and nuclear import.