209 resultados para Transcriptional mutagenesis
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
We present evidence that Escherichia coli RNA polymerase β subunit may be a transcriptional activator contact site. Stimulation of the activity of the pR promoter by DnaA protein is necessary for replication of plasmids derived from bacteriophage λ. We found that DnaA activates the pR promoter in vitro. Particular mutations in the rpoB gene were able to suppress negative effects that certain dnaA mutations had on the replication of λ plasmids; this suppression was allele-specific. When a potential DnaA-binding sequence located several base pairs downstream of the pR promoter was scrambled by in vitro mutagenesis, the pR promoter was no longer activated by DnaA both in vivo and in vitro. Therefore, we conclude that DnaA may contact the β subunit of RNA polymerase during activation of the pR promoter. A new classification of prokaryotic transcriptional activators is proposed.
Neural fate specification in Drosophila is promoted by the products of the proneural genes, such as those of the achaete–scute complex, and antagonized by the products of the Enhancer of split [E(spl)] complex, hairy, and extramacrochaetae. As all these proteins bear a helix-loop-helix (HLH) dimerization domain, we investigated their potential pairwise interactions using the yeast two-hybrid system. The fidelity of the system was established by its ability to closely reproduce the already documented interactions among Da, Ac, Sc, and Extramacrochaetae. We show that the seven E(spl) basic HLH proteins can form homo- and heterodimers inter-se with distinct preferences. We further show that a subset of E(spl) proteins can heterodimerize with Da, another subset can heterodimerize with proneural proteins, and yet another with both, indicating specialization within the E(spl) family. Hairy displays no interactions with any of the HLH proteins tested. It does interact with the non-HLH protein Groucho, which itself interacts with all E(spl) basic HLH proteins, but with none of the proneural proteins or Da. We investigated the structural requirements for some of these interactions by site-specific and deletion mutagenesis.
The relationship between the enzymatic and the transcriptional activity of the bifunctional protein pterin-4a-carbinolamine dehydratase/dimerization cofactor for hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 (DCoH) has been elucidated by site-directed mutagenesis. DCoH dimers harbor a binding site for hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 (HNF1), two active centers that bind pterins, and a saddle-shaped surface that resembles nucleic acid binding domains. Two domains of the protein have been selectively targeted to determine if a change in one activity affects the other. No strong correlation has been found, supporting the idea that carbinolamine dehydratase activity is not required for HNF1 binding in vitro or transcriptional coactivation in vivo. Double mutations in the active center, however, influence the in vivo transcriptional activity but not HNF1 binding. This finding suggests that some active center residues also are used during transcription, possibly for binding of another (macro)molecule. Several mutations in the saddle led to a surprising increase in transcription, therefore linking this domain to transcriptional regulation as well. The transcriptional function of DCoH therefore is composed of two parts, HNF1 binding and another contributing effect that involves the active site and, indirectly, the saddle.
The gene encoding the Ras-related GTPase RhoB-specific is immediate-early inducible by genotoxic treatments. Regulation of transcriptional activation of rhoB is still unclear. Here we show that cells lacking either p53 or c-Fos are not different from wild-type cells with respect to the level of rhoB induction upon UV irradiation, indicating that these transcription factors are not crucial for stimulation of rhoB mRNA expression. Extracts from UV-irradiated and non-irradiated cells revealed similar DNA-binding activities to a 0.17 kb rhoB promoter fragment harboring the functional element(s) necessary for stimulation of rhoB by UV light. By means of immunoprecipitation we found that an ATF-2-specific antibody co-precipitates the 32P-labeled 0.17 kb rhoB fragment, whereas an anti-AP1 antibody did not. Since no consensus sequence for binding of ATF-2 is present within the rhoB promoter, ATF-2 is likely to be associated with another factor that binds to the minimal promoter. Deletion analysis and site-directed mutagenesis of the 0.17 kb rhoB fragment revealed a CCAAT box to be an essential requirement for stimulation of rhoB by UV light and methyl methanesulfonate. Moreover, immunoprecipitation experiments showed that the CCAAT-binding factor NF-YA is complexed with ATF-2. Overall, the data strongly indicate that transcriptional activation of the rhoB gene by genotoxic stress is regulated via a CCAAT box and that interaction of CCAAT-binding factor and ATF-2 triggers the stress-inducible expression of rhoB.
DNA damage-inducible mutagenesis in Escherichia coli is largely dependent upon the activity of the UmuD (UmuD') and UmuC proteins. The intracellular level of these proteins is tightly regulated at both the transcriptional and the posttranslational levels. Such regulation presumably allows cells to deal with DNA damage via error-free repair pathways before being committed to error-prone pathways. We have recently discovered that as part of this elaborate regulation, both the UmuD and the UmuC proteins are rapidly degraded in vivo. We report here that the enzyme responsible for their degradation is the ATP-dependent serine protease, Lon. In contrast, UmuD' (the posttranslational product and mutagenically active form of UmuD) is degraded at a much reduced rate by Lon, but is instead rapidly degraded by another ATP-dependent protease, ClpXP. Interestingly, UmuD' is rapidly degraded by ClpXP only when it is in a heterodimeric complex with UmuD. Formation of UmuD/UmuD' heterodimers in preference to UmuD' homodimers therefore targets UmuD' protein for proteolysis. Such a mechanism allows cells to reduce the intracellular levels of the mutagenically active Umu proteins and thereby return to a resting state once error-prone DNA repair has occurred. The apparent half-life of the heterodimeric UmuD/D' complex is greatly increased in the clpX::Kan and clpP::Kan strains and these strains are correspondingly rendered virtually UV non-mutable. We believe that these phenotypes are consistent with the suggestion that while the UmuD/D' heterodimer is mutagenically inactive, it still retains the ability to interact with UmuC, and thereby precludes the formation of the mutagenically active UmuD'2C complex.
The ALLI gene, located at chromosome band 11q23, is involved in acute leukemia through a series of chromosome translocations and fusion to a variety of genes, most frequently to A4 and AF9. The fused genes encode chimeric proteins proteins. Because the Drosophila homologue of ALL1, trithorax, is a positive regulator of homeotic genes and acts at the level of transcription, it is conceivable that alterations in ALL1 transcriptional activity may underlie its action in malignant transformation. To begin studying this, we examined the All1, AF4, AF9, and AF17 proteins for the presence of potential transcriptional regulatory domains. This was done by fusing regions of the proteins to the yeast GAL4 DNA binding domain and assaying their effect on transcription of a reporter gene. A domain of 55 residues positioned at amino acids 2829-2883 of ALL1 was identified as a very strong activator. Further analysis of this domain by in vitro mutagenesis pointed to a core of hydrophobic and acidic residues as critical for the activity. An ALL1 domain that repressed transcription of the reporter gene coincided with the sequence homologous to a segment of DNA methyltransferase. An AF4 polypeptide containing residues 480-560 showed strong activation potential. The C-terminal segment of AF9 spanning amino acids 478-568 transactivated transcription of the reporter gene in HeLa but not in NIH 3T3 cells. These results suggest that ALL1, AF4, and probably AF9 interact with the transcriptional machinery of the cell.
Rhizobium meliloti C4-dicarboxylic acid transport protein D (DCTD) activates transcription by a form of RNA polymerase holoenzyme that has sigma 54 as its sigma factor (referred to as E sigma 54). DCTD catalyzes the ATP-dependent isomerization of closed complexes between E sigma 54 and the dctA promoter to transcriptionally productive open complexes. Transcriptional activation probably involves specific protein-protein interactions between DCTD and E sigma 54. Interactions between sigma 54-dependent activators and E sigma 54 are transient, and there has been no report of a biochemical assay for contact between E sigma 54 and any activator to date. Heterobifunctional crosslinking reagents were used to examine protein-protein interactions between the various subunits of E sigma 54 and DCTD. DCTD was crosslinked to Salmonella typhimurium sigma 54 with the crosslinking reagents succinimidyl 4-(N-maleimidomethyl)cyclohexane-1-carboxylate and N-hydroxysulfosuccinimidyl-4-azidobenzoate. Cys-307 of sigma 54 was identified by site-directed mutagenesis as the residue that was crosslinked to DCTD. DCTD was also crosslinked to the beta subunit of Escherichia coli core RNA polymerase with succinimidyl 4-(N-maleimidomethyl)cyclohexane-1-carboxylate, but not with N-hydroxysulfosuccinimidyl-4-azidobenzoate. These data suggest that interactions of DCTD with sigma 54 and the beta subunit may be important for transcriptional activation and offer evidence for interactions between a sigma 54-dependent activator and sigma 54, as well as the beta subunit of RNA polymerase.
Varicella-zoster virus open reading frame 10 (ORF10) protein, the homolog of the herpes simplex virus protein VP16, can transactivate immediate-early promoters from both viruses. A protein sequence comparison procedure termed hydrophobic cluster analysis was used to identify a motif centered at Phe-28, near the amino terminus of ORF10, that strongly resembles the sequence of the activating domain surrounding Phe-442 of VP16. With a series of GAL4-ORF10 fusion proteins, we mapped the ORF10 transcriptional-activation domain to the amino-terminal region (aa 5-79). Extensive mutagenesis of Phe-28 in GAL4-ORF10 fusion proteins demonstrated the importance of an aromatic or bulky hydrophobic amino acid at this position, as shown previously for Phe-442 of VP16. Transactivation by the native ORF10 protein was abolished when Phe-28 was replaced by Ala. Similar amino-terminal domains were identified in the VP16 homologs of other alphaherpesviruses. Hydrophobic cluster analysis correctly predicted activation domains of ORF10 and VP16 that share critical characteristics of a distinctive subclass of acidic activation domains.
The developmental stage- and erythroid lineage-specific activation of the human embryonic zeta- and fetal/adult alpha-globin genes is controlled by an upstream regulatory element [hypersensitive site (HS)-40] with locus control region properties, a process mediated by multiple nuclear factor-DNA complexes. In vitro DNase I protection experiments of the two G+C-rich, adult alpha-globin promoters have revealed a number of binding sites for nuclear factors that are common to HeLa and K-562 extracts. However, genomic footprinting analysis has demonstrated that only a subset of these sites, clustered between -130 and +1, is occupied in an erythroid tissue-specific manner. The function of these in vivo-occupied motifs of the alpha-globin promoters, as well as those previously mapped in the HS-40 region, is assayed by site-directed mutagenesis and transient expression in embryonic/fetal erythroid K-562 cells. These studies, together with our expression data on the human embryonic zeta-globin promoter, provide a comprehensive view of the functional roles of individual nuclear factor-DNA complexes in the final stages of transcriptional activation of the human alpha-like globin promoters by the HS-40 element.
Multiple lipoxygenase sequence alignments and structural modeling of the enzyme/substrate interaction of the cucumber lipid body lipoxygenase suggested histidine 608 as the primary determinant of positional specificity. Replacement of this amino acid by a less-space-filling valine altered the positional specificity of this linoleate 13-lipoxygenase in favor of 9-lipoxygenation. These alterations may be explained by the fact that H608V mutation may demask the positively charged guanidino group of R758, which, in turn, may force an inverse head-to-tail orientation of the fatty acid substrate. The R758L+H608V double mutant exhibited a strongly reduced reaction rate and a random positional specificity. Trilinolein, which lacks free carboxylic groups, was oxygenated to the corresponding (13S)-hydro(pero)xy derivatives by both the wild-type enzyme and the linoleate 9-lipoxygenating H608V mutant. These data indicate the complete conversion of a linoleate 13-lipoxygenase to a 9-lipoxygenating species by a single point mutation. It is hypothesized that H608V exchange may alter the orientation of the substrate at the active site and/or its steric configuration in such a way that a stereospecific dioxygen insertion at C-9 may exclusively take place.
The Drosophila HMG1-like protein DSP1 was identified by its ability to inhibit the transcriptional activating function of Dorsal in a promoter-specific fashion in yeast. We show here that DSP1 as well as its mammalian homolog hHMG2 bind to the mammalian protein SP100B and that SP100B in turn binds to human homologs of HP1. The latter is a Drosophila protein that is involved in transcriptional silencing. Each of these proteins represses transcription when tethered to DNA in mammalian cells. These results suggest how heterochromatin proteins might be recruited to specific sites on DNA with resultant specific effects on gene expression.
The Escherichia coli umuDC operon is induced in response to replication-blocking DNA lesions as part of the SOS response. UmuD protein then undergoes an RecA-facilitated self-cleavage reaction that removes its N-terminal 24 residues to yield UmuD′. UmuD′, UmuC, RecA, and some form of the E. coli replicative DNA polymerase, DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, function in translesion synthesis, the potentially mutagenic process of replication over otherwise blocking lesions. Furthermore, it has been proposed that, before cleavage, UmuD together with UmuC acts as a DNA damage checkpoint system that regulates the rate of DNA synthesis in response to DNA damage, thereby allowing time for accurate repair to take place. Here we provide direct evidence that both uncleaved UmuD and UmuD′ interact physically with the catalytic, proofreading, and processivity subunits of the E. coli replicative polymerase. Consistent with our model proposing that uncleaved UmuD and UmuD′ promote different events, UmuD and UmuD′ interact differently with DNA polymerase III: whereas uncleaved UmuD interacts more strongly with β than it does with α, UmuD′ interacts more strongly with α than it does with β. We propose that the protein–protein interactions we have characterized are part of a higher-order regulatory system of replication fork management that controls when the umuDC gene products can gain access to the replication fork.
RNA secondary structures (hairpins) that form as the nascent RNA emerges from RNA polymerase are important components of many signals that regulate transcription, including some pause sites, all ρ-independent terminators, and some antiterminators. At the his leader pause site, a 5-bp-stem, 8-nt-loop pause RNA hairpin forms 11 nt from the RNA 3′ end and stabilizes a transcription complex conformation slow to react with NTP substrate. This stabilization appears to depend at least in part on an interaction with RNA polymerase. We tested for RNA hairpin interaction with the paused polymerase by crosslinking 5-iodoUMP positioned specifically in the hairpin loop. In the paused conformation, strong and unusual crosslinking of the pause hairpin to β904–950 replaced crosslinking to β′ and to other parts of β that occurred in nonpaused complexes prior to hairpin formation. These changes in nascent RNA interactions may inhibit reactive alignment of the RNA 3′ end in the paused complex and be related to events at ρ-independent terminators.
SoxR is a transcription activator governing a cellular response to superoxide and nitric oxide in Escherichia coli. SoxR protein is a homodimer, and each monomer has a redox-active [2Fe–2S] cluster. Oxidation and reduction of the [2Fe–2S] clusters can reversibly activate and inactivate SoxR transcriptional activity. Here, we use electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy to follow the redox-switching process of SoxR protein in vivo. SoxR [2Fe–2S] clusters were in the fully reduced state during normal aerobic growth, but were completely oxidized after only 2-min aerobic exposure of the cells to superoxide-generating agents such as paraquat. The oxidized SoxR [2Fe–2S] clusters were rapidly re-reduced in vivo once the oxidative stress was removed. The in vivo kinetics of SoxR [2Fe–2S] cluster oxidation and reduction exactly paralleled the increase and decrease of transcription of soxS, the target gene for SoxR. The kinetic analysis also revealed that an oxidative stress-linked decrease in soxS mRNA stability contributes to the rapid attainment of a new steady state after SoxR activation. Such a redox stress-related change in soxS mRNA stability may represent a new level of biological control.
Pairs of transcriptional activators in prokaryotes have been shown to activate transcription synergistically from promoters with two activator binding sites. In some cases, such synergistic effects result from cooperative binding, but in other cases each DNA-bound activator plays a direct role in the activation process by interacting simultaneously with separate surfaces of RNA polymerase. In such cases, each DNA-bound activator must possess a functional activating region, the surface that mediates the interaction with RNA polymerase. When transcriptional activation depends on two or more identical activators, it is not straightforward to test the requirement of each activator for a functional activating region. Here we describe a method for directing a mutationally altered activator to either one or the other binding site, and we demonstrate the use of this method to examine the mechanism of transcriptional activator synergy by the Escherichia coli cyclic AMP receptor protein (CRP) working at an artificial promoter bearing two CRP-binding sites.