9 resultados para Thermodynamic consistency

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Some 50% of human cancers are associated with mutations in the core domain of the tumor suppressor p53. Many mutations are thought just to destabilize the protein. To assess this and the possibility of rescue, we have set up a system to analyze the stability of the core domain and its mutants. The use of differential scanning calorimetry or spectroscopy to measure its melting temperature leads to irreversible denaturation and aggregation and so is useful as only a qualitative guide to stability. There are excellent two-state denaturation curves on the addition of urea that may be analyzed quantitatively. One Zn2+ ion remains tightly bound in the holo-form of p53 throughout the denaturation curve. The stability of wild type is 6.0 kcal (1 kcal = 4.18 kJ)/mol at 25°C and 9.8 kcal/mol at 10°C. The oncogenic mutants R175H, C242S, R248Q, R249S, and R273H are destabilized by 3.0, 2.9, 1.9, 1.9, and 0.4 kcal/mol, respectively. Under certain denaturing conditions, the wild-type domain forms an aggregate that is relatively highly fluorescent at 340 nm on excitation at 280 nm. The destabilized mutants give this fluorescence under milder denaturation conditions.


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We present a study of the adsorption of two peptides at the octane–water interface. The first peptide, Lac21, exists in mixed monomer–tetramer equilibrium in bulk solution with an appreciable monomer concentration. The second peptide, Lac28, exists as a tetramer in solution, with minimal exposed hydrophobic surface. A kinetic limitation to interfacial adsorption exists for Lac28 at moderate to high surface coverage that is not observed for Lac21. We estimate the potential energy barrier for Lac28 adsorption to be 42 kJ/mol and show that this is comparable to the expected free energy barrier for tetramer dissociation. This finding suggests that, at moderate to high surface coverage, adsorption is kinetically limited by the availability of interfacially active monomeric “domains” in the subinterfacial region. We also show how the commonly used empirical equation for protein adsorption dynamics can be used to estimate the potential energy barrier for adsorption. Such an approach is shown to be consistent with a formal description of diffusion–adsorption, provided a large potential energy barrier exists. This work demonstrates that the dynamics of interfacial adsorption depend on protein thermodynamic stability, and hence structure, in a quantifiable way.


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Molecular beacons are DNA probes that form a stem-and-loop structure and possess an internally quenched fluorophore. When they bind to complementary nucleic acids, they undergo a conformational transition that switches on their fluorescence. These probes recognize their targets with higher specificity than probes that cannot form a hairpin stem, and they easily discriminate targets that differ from one another by only a single nucleotide. Our results show that molecular beacons can exist in three different states: bound to a target, free in the form of a hairpin structure, and free in the form of a random coil. Thermodynamic analysis of the transitions between these states reveals that enhanced specificity is a general feature of conformationally constrained probes.


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A new thermodynamic database for normal and modified nucleic acids has been developed. This Thermodynamic Database for Nucleic Acids (NTDB) includes sequence, structure and thermodynamic information as well as experimental methods and conditions. In this release, there are 1851 sequences containing both normal and modified nucleic acids. A user-friendly web-based interface has been developed to allow data searching under different conditions. Useful thermodynamic tools for the study of nucleic acids have been collected and linked for easy usage. NTDB is available at http://ntdb.chem.cuhk.edu.hk.


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2-Nitropropane (2-NP), an important industrial solvent and a component of cigarette smoke, is mutagenic in bacteria and carcinogenic in rats. 8-Amino-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-amino-dG) is one of the types of DNA damage found in liver, the target organ in 2-NP-treated rats. To investigate the thermodynamic properties of 8-amino-dG opposite each of the four DNA bases, we have synthesized an 11mer, d(CCATCG*CTACC), in which G* represents the modified base. By annealing a complementary DNA strand to this modified 11mer, four sets of duplexes were generated each containing one of the four DNA bases opposite the lesion. Circular dichroism studies indicated that 8-amino-dG did not alter the global helical properties of natural right-handed B-DNA. The thermal stability of each duplex was examined by UV melting measurements and compared with its unmodified counterpart. For the unmodified 11mer, the relative stability of the complementary DNA bases opposite G was in the order C > T > G > A, as determined from their –ΔG° values. The free energy change of each modified duplex was lower than its unmodified counterpart, except for the G*:G pair that exhibited a higher melting transition and a larger –ΔG° than the G:G duplex. Nevertheless, the stability of the modified 11mer duplex also followed the order C > T > G > A when placed opposite 8-amino-dG. To explore if 8-amino-dG opposite another 8-amino-dG has any advantage in base pairing, a G*:G* duplex was evaluated, which showed that the stability of this duplex was similar to the G*:G duplex. Mutagenesis of 8-amino-dG in this sequence context was studied in Escherichia coli, which showed that the lesion is weakly mutagenic (mutation frequency ∼10–3) but still can induce a variety of targeted and semi-targeted mutations.


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Understanding the mechanism of thermodynamic stability of an RNA structure has significant implications for the function and design of RNA. We investigated the equilibrium folding of a thermophilic ribozyme and its mesophilic homologue by using hydroxyl radical protection, small-angle x-ray scattering, and circular dichroism. Both RNAs require Mg2+ to fold to their native structures that are very similar. The stability is measured as a function of Mg2+ and urea concentrations at different temperatures. The enhanced stability of the thermophilic ribozyme primarily is derived from a tremendous increase in the amount of structure formed in the ultimate folding transition. This increase in structure formation and cooperativity arises because the penultimate and the ultimate folding transitions in the mesophilic ribozyme become linked into a single transition in the folding of the thermophilic ribozyme. Therefore, the starting point, or reference state, for the transition to the native, functional thermophilic ribozyme is significantly less structured. The shift in the reference state, and the resulting increase in folding cooperativity, is likely due to the stabilization of selected native interactions that only form in the ultimate transition. This mechanism of using a less structured intermediate and increased cooperativity to achieve higher functional stability for tertiary RNAs is fundamentally different from that commonly proposed to explain the increased stability of thermophilic proteins.


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Chaperonins prevent the aggregation of partially folded or misfolded forms of a protein and, thus, keep it competent for productive folding. It was suggested that GroEL, the chaperonin of Escherichia coli, exerts this function 1 unfolding such intermediates, presumably in a catalytic fashion. We investigated the kinetic mechanism of GroEL-induced protein unfolding by using a reduced and carbamidomethylated variant of RNase T1, RCAM-T1, as a substrate. RCAM-T1 cannot fold to completion, because the two disulfide bonds are missing, and it is, thus, a good model for long-lived folding intermediates. RCAM-T1 unfolds when GroEL is added, but GroEL does not change the microscopic rate constant of unfolding, ruling out that it catalyzes unfolding. GroEL unfolds RCAM-T1 because it binds with high affinity to the unfolded form of the protein and thereby shifts the overall equilibrium toward the unfolded state. GroEL can unfold a partially folded or misfolded intermediate by this thermodynamic coupling mechanism when the Gibbs free energy of the binding to GroEL is larger than the conformational stability of the intermediate and when the rate of its unfolding is high.


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The helix-coil transition equilibrium of polypeptides in aqueous solution was studied by molecular dynamics simulation. The peptide growth simulation method was introduced to generate dynamic models of polypeptide chains in a statistical (random) coil or an alpha-helical conformation. The key element of this method is to build up a polypeptide chain during the course of a molecular transformation simulation, successively adding whole amino acid residues to the chain in a predefined conformation state (e.g., alpha-helical or statistical coil). Thus, oligopeptides of the same length and composition, but having different conformations, can be incrementally grown from a common precursor, and their relative conformational free energies can be calculated as the difference between the free energies for growing the individual peptides. This affords a straightforward calculation of the Zimm-Bragg sigma and s parameters for helix initiation and helix growth. The calculated sigma and s parameters for the polyalanine alpha-helix are in reasonable agreement with the experimental measurements. The peptide growth simulation method is an effective way to study quantitatively the thermodynamics of local protein folding.


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The ability to predict macromolecular conformations from sequence and thermodynamic principles has long been coveted but generally has not been achieved. We show that differences in the hydration of DNA surfaces can be used to distinguish between sequences that form A- and B-DNA. From this, a "triplet code" of A-DNA propensities was derived as energetic rules for predicting A-DNA formation. This code correctly predicted > 90% of A- and B-DNA sequences in crystals and correlates with A-DNA formation in solution. Thus, with our previous studies on Z-DNA, we now have a single method to predict the relative stability of sequences in the three standard DNA duplex conformations.