25 resultados para The Real Failure Rate of Restaurants
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
A rapid direct assay for polymerase-induced elongation along a given template is an obligate requirement for understanding the processivity of polymerization and the mode of action of drugs and inhibitors on this process. Surface plasmon resonance can be used to follow the association and the dissociation rates of a given reverse transcriptase on DNA.RNA and DNA.DNA hybrids immobilized on a biotin-streptavidin surface. The addition of nucleotides complementary to the template strand produces an increase in the local mass, as deduced from an increase in the measured signal, due to elongation of the primer strand that allows an estimation of both the extent and rate of the polymerization process. The terminator drug 3'-deoxy-3'-azidothymidine triphosphate completely abolishes the increase in signal as would be expected from an inhibition of elongation. This technique provides a sensitive assay for the affinities of different polymerases for specific templates and for the effects of terminators of the elongation process.
Intracellular water concentrations in single living cells were visualized by nonlinear coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy. In combination with isotopic exchange measurements, CARS microscopy allowed the real-time observation of transient intracellular hydrodynamics at a high spatial resolution. Studies of the hydrodynamics in the microorganism Dictyostelium discoideum indicated the presence of a microscopic region near the plasma membrane where the mobility of water molecules is severely restricted. Modeling the transient hydrodynamics eventuated in the determination of cell-specific cytosolic diffusion and plasma membrane permeability constants. Our experiments demonstrate that CARS microscopy offers an invaluable tool for probing single-cell water dynamics.
Simple neural networks for the amplification and utilization of small changes in neuron firing rates
I describe physiologically plausible “voter-coincidence” neural networks such that secondary “coincidence” neurons fire on the simultaneous receipt of sufficiently large sets of input pulses from primary sets of neurons. The networks operate such that the firing rate of the secondary, output neurons increases (or decreases) sharply when the mean firing rate of primary neurons increases (or decreases) to a much smaller degree. In certain sensory systems, signals that are generally smaller than the noise levels of individual primary detectors, are manifest in very small increases in the firing rates of sets of afferent neurons. For such systems, this kind of network can act to generate relatively large changes in the firing rate of secondary “coincidence” neurons. These differential amplification systems can be cascaded to generate sharp, “yes–no” spike signals that can direct behavioral responses.
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells and lymphoid tissues from HIV-infected individuals display high levels of "tissue" transglutaminase (tTG) with respect to seronegative persons. In asymptomatic individuals, > 80% of the circulating CD4+ T cells synthesize tTG protein and the number of these cells matches the level of apoptosis detected in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells from the same patients. In HIV-infected lymph nodes tTG protein is localized in large number of cells (macrophages, follicular dendritic cells, and endothelial cells), showing distinctive morphological and biochemical features of apoptosis as well as in lymphocytes and syncytia. These findings demonstrate that during the course of HIV infection, high levels of apoptosis also occur in the accessory cells of lymphoid organs. The increased concentration of epsilon(gamma-glutamyl)lysine isodipeptide, the degradation product of tTG cross-linked proteins, observed in the blood of HIV-infected individuals demonstrates that the enzyme accumulated in the dying cells actively cross-links intracellular proteins. The enhanced levels of epsilon(gamma-glutamyl)lysine in the blood parallels the progression of HIV disease, suggesting that the isodipeptide determination might be a useful method to monitor the in vivo rate of apoptosis.
A low molecular weight, heat-resistant hepatotrophic factor in an extract from the bovine intestinal mucosa was purified and identified as ethanolamine by structural analyses. The mode of action of ethanolamine in vitro and in vivo coincided with that of the crude extract of the tissue, indicating that ethanolamine is the active component. Ethanolamine synergistically elevated the stimulation of DNA synthesis in hepatocytes in primary culture when added together with a growth factor, such as epidermal growth factor, with the ED50 being 20 μM, although it showed little stimulatory effect by itself. Contrary to these in vitro results, the intraperitoneal administration of ethanolamine hydrochloride (24 mg of ethanolamine per kg of body weight) enhanced hepatocyte proliferation in regenerating rat livers after two-thirds hepatectomy without the administration of any growth factors. In the regenerating liver, hepatocyte proliferation may be initiated by an endogenous growth factor, but the supply of ethanolamine in circulation may not be sufficient for optimal hepatocyte proliferation; thus, the exogenous administration of ethanolamine may further enhance hepatocyte proliferation. Ethanolamine in circulation may be a humoral hepatotrophic factor.
Improved strategies for synthesis make it possible to expand the range of glycopeptides available for detailed conformational studies. The glycopeptide 1 was synthesized using a new solid phase synthesis of carbohydrates and a convergent coupling to peptide followed by deprotection. Its conformational properties were subjected to NMR analysis and compared with a control peptide 2 prepared by conventional solid phase methods. Whereas peptide 2 fails to manifest any appreciable secondary structure, the glycopeptide 1 does show considerable conformational bias suggestive of an equilibrium between an ordered and a random state. The implications of this ordering effect for the larger issue of protein folding are considered.
A survey of an emerging tuberculosis epidemic among the Yanomami Indians of the Amazonian rain forest provided a unique opportunity to study the impact of tuberculosis on a population isolated from contact with the tubercle bacillus for millennia until the mid-1960s. Within the Yanomami population, an extraordinary high prevalence of active tuberculosis (6.4% of 625 individuals clinically examined) was observed, indicating a high susceptibility to disease, even among bacille Calmette–Guérin-vaccinated individuals. Observational studies on cell-mediated and humoral immune responses of the Yanomami Indians compared with contemporary residents of the region suggest profound differences in immunological responsiveness to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Among the Yanomami, a very high prevalence of tuberculin skin test anergy was found. Of patients with active tuberculosis, 46% had purified protein derivative of tuberculosis reactions <10 mm; similarly 58% of recent bacillus Calmette–Guérin vaccines exhibited skin test reactions <5 mm. The Yanomami also had higher titers of antibodies against M. tuberculosis glycolipid antigens (>70%) than the control subjects comprised of Brazilians of European descent (14%). The antibodies were mostly of the IgM isotype. Among the tuberculosis patients who also produced IgG antibodies, the titers of IgG4 were significantly higher among the Yanomami than in the control population. Although it was not possible to analyze T-cell responses or patterns of lymphokine production in vitro because of the remoteness of the villages from laboratory facilities, the results suggest that the first encounter of the Yanomami Indian population with tuberculosis engenders a diminished cell-mediated immune response and an increased production antibody responses, relative to other populations with extensive previous contact with the pathogen. These findings suggest that tuberculosis may represent a powerful selective pressure on human evolution that over centuries has shaped the nature of human immune responses to infection.
Cell cycle progression is regulated by cAMP in several cell types. Cellular cAMP levels depend on the activity of different adenylyl cyclases (ACs), which have varied signal-receiving capabilities. The role of individual ACs in regulating proliferative responses was investigated. Native NIH 3T3 cells contain AC6, an isoform that is inhibited by a variety of signals. Proliferation of exogenous AC6-expressing cells was the same as in control cells. In contrast, expression of AC2, an isoform stimulated by protein kinase C (PKC), resulted in inhibition of cell cycle progression and increased doubling time. In AC2-expressing cells, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) elevated cAMP levels in a PKC-dependent manner. PDGF stimulation of mitogen-activated protein kinases 1 and 2 (MAPK 1,2), DNA synthesis, and cyclin D1 expression was reduced in AC2-expressing cells as compared with control cells. Dominant negative protein kinase A relieved the AC2 inhibition of PDGF-induced DNA synthesis. Expression of AC2 also blocked H-ras-induced transformation of NIH 3T3 cells. These observations indicate that, because AC2 is stimulated by PKC, it can be activated by PDGF concurrently with the stimulation of MAPK 1,2. The elevation in cAMP results in inhibition of signal flow from the PDGF receptor to MAPK 1,2 and a significant reduction in the proliferative response to PDGF. Thus, the molecular identity and signal receiving capability of the AC isoforms in a cell could be important for proliferative homeostasis.
A hybrid protein, tPA/GFP, consisting of rat tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) and green fluorescent protein (GFP) was expressed in PC12 cells and used to study the distribution, secretory behavior, and dynamics of secretory granules containing tPA in living cells with a neuronal phenotype. High-resolution images demonstrate that tPA/GFP has a growth cone-biased distribution in differentiated cells and that tPA/GFP is transported in granules of the regulated secretory pathway that colocalize with granules containing secretogranin II. Time-lapse images of secretion reveal that secretagogues induce substantial loss of cellular tPA/GFP fluorescence, most importantly from growth cones. Time-lapse images of the axonal transport of granules containing tPA/GFP reveal a surprising complexity to granule dynamics. Some granules undergo canonical fast axonal transport; others move somewhat more slowly, especially in highly fluorescent neurites. Most strikingly, granules traffic bidirectionally along neurites to an extent that depends on granule accumulation, and individual granules can reverse their direction of motion. The retrograde component of this bidirectional transport may help to maintain cellular homeostasis by transporting excess tPA/GFP back toward the cell body. The results presented here provide a novel view of the axonal transport of secretory granules. In addition, the results suggest that tPA is targeted for regulated secretion from growth cones of differentiated cells, strategically positioning tPA to degrade extracellular barriers or to activate other barrier-degrading proteases during axonal elongation.
Voltage-gated K+ channels are complexes of membrane-bound, ion-conducting α and cytoplasmic ancillary (β) subunits. The primary physiologic effect of coexpression of α and β subunits is to increase the intrinsic rate of inactivation of the α subunit. For one β subunit, Kvβ1.1, inactivation is enhanced through an N-type mechanism. A second β subunit, Kvβ1.2, has been shown to increase inactivation, but through a distinct mechanism. Here we show that the degree of enhancement of Kvβ1.2 inactivation is dependent on the amino acid composition in the pore mouth of the α subunit and the concentration of extracellular K+. Experimental conditions that promote C-type inactivation also enhance the stimulation of inactivation by Kvβ1.2, showing that this β subunit directly stimulates C-type inactivation. Chimeric constructs containing just the nonconserved N-terminal region of Kvβ1.2 fused with an α subunit behave in a similar fashion to coexpressed Kvβ1.2 and α subunit. This shows that it is the N-terminal domain of Kvβ1.2 that mediates the increase in C-type inactivation from the cytoplasmic side of the pore. We propose a model whereby the N terminus of Kvβ1.2 acts as a weakly binding “ball” domain that associates with the intracellular vestibule of the α subunit to effect a conformational change leading to enhancement of C-type inactivation.
The reaction center (RC) from Rhodobacter sphaeroides converts light into chemical energy through the reduction and protonation of a bound quinone molecule QB (the secondary quinone electron acceptor). We investigated the proton transfer pathway by measuring the proton-coupled electron transfer, kAB(2) [QA⨪QB⨪ + H+ → QA(QBH)−] in native and mutant RCs in the absence and presence of Cd2+. Previous work has shown that the binding of Cd2+ decreases kAB(2) in native RCs ≈100-fold. The preceding paper shows that bound Cd2+ binds to Asp-H124, His-H126, and His-H128. This region represents the entry point for protons. In this work we investigated the proton transfer pathway connecting the entry point with QB⨪ by searching for mutations that greatly affect kAB(2) (≳10-fold) in the presence of Cd2+, where kAB(2) is limited by the proton transfer rate (kH). Upon mutation of Asp-L210 or Asp-M17 to Asn, kH decreased from ≈60 s−1 to ≈7 s−1, which shows the important role that Asp-L210 and Asp-M17 play in the proton transfer chain. By comparing the rate of proton transfer in the mutants (kH ≈ 7 s−1) with that in native RCs in the absence of Cd2+ (kH ≥ 104 s−1), we conclude that alternate proton transfer pathways, which have been postulated, are at least 103-fold less effective.
Dexamethasone and progesterone have been found to accelerate the time of initiation and enhance the rate of myelin synthesis in Schwann cell/neuronal cocultures. The expression of mRNA for cytochrome P450scc (converts cholesterol to pregnenolone), 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (converts pregnenolone to progesterone), and the progesterone receptor were detected and markedly induced during peak myelin formation in the cocultures. The mRNA for the glucocorticoid receptor was detected, but was found to be constituitively expressed. In addition, the specific activity of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase was measured and found to increase by 10-fold. The mRNA for cytochrome P450scc and 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase also were found to be induced during the differentiation of O-2A precursor cells to oligodendrocytes. Fibroblast growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor were found to have proliferative effects on Schwann cells, but they had no effect on the initiation or the rate of myelin formation. These results demonstrate that myelin-forming cells have inducible enzymes responsible for steroid biosynthesis and suggest a critical role for endogenous steroid hormones in signaling the initiation and enhancing the rate of myelin formation.
During the aging process, mammals lose up to a third of their skeletal muscle mass and strength. Although the mechanisms underlying this loss are not entirely understood, we attempted to moderate the loss by increasing the regenerative capacity of muscle. This involved the injection of a recombinant adeno-associated virus directing overexpression of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) in differentiated muscle fibers. We demonstrate that the IGF-I expression promotes an average increase of 15% in muscle mass and a 14% increase in strength in young adult mice, and remarkably, prevents aging-related muscle changes in old adult mice, resulting in a 27% increase in strength as compared with uninjected old muscles. Muscle mass and fiber type distributions were maintained at levels similar to those in young adults. We propose that these effects are primarily due to stimulation of muscle regeneration via the activation of satellite cells by IGF-I. This supports the hypothesis that the primary cause of aging-related impairment of muscle function is a cumulative failure to repair damage sustained during muscle utilization. Our results suggest that gene transfer of IGF-I into muscle could form the basis of a human gene therapy for preventing the loss of muscle function associated with aging and may be of benefit in diseases where the rate of damage to skeletal muscle is accelerated.