8 resultados para Tetrapod

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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In view of the well-established role of neurohypophysial hormones in osmoregulation of terrestrial vertebrates, lungfishes are a key group for study of the molecular and functional evolution of the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system. Here we report on the primary structure of the precursors encoding vasotocin (VT) and [Phe2]mesotocin ([Phe2]MT) of the Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri. Genomic sequence analysis and Northern blot analysis confirmed that [Phe2]MT is a native oxytocin family peptide in the Australian lungfish, although it has been reported that the lungfish neurohypophysis contains MT. The VT precursor consists of a signal peptide, VT, that is connected to a neurophysin by a Gly-Lys-Arg sequence, and a copeptin moiety that includes a Leu-rich core segment and a glycosylation site. In contrast, the [Phe2]MT precursor does not contain a copeptin moiety. These structural features of the lungfish precursors are consistent with those in tetrapods, but different from those in teleosts where both VT and isotocin precursors contain a copeptin-like moiety without a glycosylation site at the carboxyl terminals of their neurophysins. Comparison of the exon/intron organization also supports homology of the lungfish [Phe2]MT gene with tetrapod oxytocin/MT genes, rather than with teleost isotocin genes. Moreover, molecular phylogenetic analysis shows that neurohypophysial hormone genes of the lungfish are closely related to those of the toad. The present results along with previous morphological findings indicate that the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system of the lungfish has evolved along the tetrapod lineage, whereas the teleosts form a separate lineage, both within the class Osteichthyes.


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Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is associated with several classes of plasma lipoproteins and mediates uptake of lipoproteins through its ability to interact with specific cell surface receptors. Besides its role in cardiovascular diseases, accumulating evidence has suggested that apoE could play a role in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer disease. In vertebrates, apoA-I is the major protein of high-density lipoprotein. ApoA-I may play an important role in regulating the cholesterol content of peripheral tissues through the reverse cholesterol transport pathway. We have isolated cDNA clones that code for apoE and apoA-I from a zebrafish embryo library. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequences showed the presence of a region enriched in basic amino acids in zebrafish apoE similar to the lipoprotein receptor-binding region of human apoE. We demonstrated by whole-mount in situ hybridization that apoE and apoA-I genes are highly expressed in the yolk syncytial layer, an extraembryonic structure implicated in embryonic and larval nutrition. ApoE transcripts were also observed in the deep cell layer during blastula stage, in numerous ectodermal derivatives after gastrulation, and after 3 days of development in a limited number of cells both in brain and in the eyes. Our data indicate that apoE can be found in a nonmammalian vertebrate and that the duplication events, from which apoE and apoA-I genes arose, occurred before the divergence of the tetrapod and teleost ancestors. Zebrafish can be used as a simple and useful model for studying the role of apolipoproteins in embryonic and larval nutrition and of apoE in brain morphogenesis and regeneration.


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Two features make the tooth an excellent model in the study of evolutionary innovations: the relative simplicity of its structure and the fact that the major tooth-forming genes have been identified in eutherian mammals. To understand the nature of the innovation at the molecular level, it is necessary to identify the homologs of tooth-forming genes in other vertebrates. As a first step toward this goal, homologs of the eutherian amelogenin gene have been cloned and characterized in selected species of monotremes (platypus and echidna), reptiles (caiman), and amphibians (African clawed toad). Comparisons of the homologs reveal that the amelogenin gene evolves quickly in the repeat region, in which numerous insertions and deletions have obliterated any similarity among the genes, and slowly in other regions. The gene organization, the distribution of hydrophobic and hydrophilic segments in the encoded protein, and several other features have been conserved throughout the evolution of the tetrapod amelogenin gene. Clones corresponding to one locus only were found in caiman, whereas the clawed toad possesses at least two amelogenin-encoding loci.


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Exogenous thyroid hormone (TH) induces premature differentiation of the zebrafish pectoral fins, which are analogous to the forelimbs of tetrapods. It accelerates the growth of the pelvic fins but not precociously. Goitrogens, which are chemical inhibitors of TH synthesis by the thyroid gland, inhibit the transition from larva to juvenile fish including the formation of scales, and pigment pattern; they stunt the growth of both pectoral and pelvic paired fins. Inhibition by goitrogens is rescued by the simultaneous addition of thyroxine. The effect of adding TH to the rearing water of the postembryonic Mexican axolotl was reinvestigated under conditions that permit continued growth and development. In addition to morphological changes that have been described, TH greatly stimulates axolotl limb growth causing the resulting larva to be proportioned as an adult in about two months. This study extends the known evolutionary relatedness of tetrapod limbs and fish fins to include the TH stimulation of salamander limb and zebrafish fin growth, and suggests that TH is required to complete the life cycle of a typical bony fish and a salamander at the same developmental stage that it controls anuran and flounder metamorphosis.


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Animals have evolved diverse appendages adapted for locomotion, feeding and other functions. The genetics underlying appendage formation are best understood in insects and vertebrates. The expression of the Distal-less (Dll) homeoprotein during arthropod limb outgrowth and of Dll orthologs (Dlx) in fish fin and tetrapod limb buds led us to examine whether expression of this regulatory gene may be a general feature of appendage formation in protostomes and deuterostomes. We find that Dll is expressed along the proximodistal axis of developing polychaete annelid parapodia, onychophoran lobopodia, ascidian ampullae, and even echinoderm tube feet. Dll/Dlx expression in such diverse appendages in these six coelomate phyla could be convergent, but this would have required the independent co-option of Dll/Dlx several times in evolution. It appears more likely that ectodermal Dll/Dlx expression along proximodistal axes originated once in a common ancestor and has been used subsequently to pattern body wall outgrowths in a variety of organisms. We suggest that this pre-Cambrian ancestor of most protostomes and the deuterostomes possessed elements of the genetic machinery for and may have even borne appendages.


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Urotensin II (UII) is a cyclic peptide initially isolated from the caudal neurosecretory system of teleost fish. Subsequently, UII has been characterized from a frog brain extract, indicating that a gene encoding a UII precursor is also present in the genome of a tetrapod. Here, we report the characterization of the cDNAs encoding frog and human UII precursors and the localization of the corresponding mRNAs. In both frog and human, the UII sequence is located at the C-terminal position of the precursor. Human UII is composed of only 11 amino acid residues, while fish and frog UII possess 12 and 13 amino acid residues, respectively. The cyclic region of UII, which is responsible for the biological activity of the peptide, has been fully conserved from fish to human. Northern blot and dot blot analysis revealed that UII precursor mRNAs are found predominantly in the frog and human spinal cord. In situ hybridization studies showed that the UII precursor gene is actively expressed in motoneurons. The present study demonstrates that UII, which has long been regarded as a peptide exclusively produced by the urophysis of teleost fish, is actually present in the brain of amphibians and mammals. The fact that evolutionary pressure has acted to conserve fully the biologically active sequence of UII suggests that the peptide may exert important physiological functions in humans.


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Invertebrate species possess one or two Na+ channel genes, yet there are 10 in mammals. When did this explosive growth come about during vertebrate evolution? All mammalian Na+ channel genes reside on four chromosomes. It has been suggested that this came about by multiple duplications of an ancestral chromosome with a single Na+ channel gene followed by tandem duplications of Na+ channel genes on some of these chromosomes. Because a large-scale expansion of the vertebrate genome likely occurred before the divergence of teleosts and tetrapods, we tested this hypothesis by cloning Na+ channel genes in a teleost fish. Using an approach designed to clone all of the Na+ channel genes in a genome, we found six Na+ channel genes. Phylogenetic comparisons show that each teleost gene is orthologous to a Na+ channel gene or gene cluster on a different mammalian chromosome, supporting the hypothesis that four Na+ channel genes were present in the ancestors of teleosts and tetrapods. Further duplications occurred independently in the teleost and tetrapod lineages, with a greater number of duplications in tetrapods. This pattern has implications for the evolution of function and specialization of Na+ channel genes in vertebrates. Sodium channel genes also are linked to homeobox (Hox) gene clusters in mammals. Using our phylogeny of Na+ channel genes to independently test between two models of Hox gene evolution, we support the hypothesis that Hox gene clusters evolved as (AB) (CD) rather than {D[A(BC)]}.


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The origin of land vertebrates was one of the major transitions in the history of vertebrates. Yet, despite many studies that are based on either morphology or molecules, the phylogenetic relationships among tetrapods and the other two living groups of lobe-finned fishes, the coelacanth and the lungfishes, are still unresolved and debated. Knowledge of the relationships among these lineages, which originated back in the Devonian, has profound implications for the reconstruction of the evolutionary scenario of the conquest of land. We collected the largest molecular data set on this issue so far, about 3,500 base pairs from seven species of the large 28S nuclear ribosomal gene. All phylogenetic analyses (maximum parsimony, neighbor-joining, and maximum likelihood) point toward the hypothesis that lungfishes and coelacanths form a monophyletic group and are equally closely related to land vertebrates. This evolutionary hypothesis complicates the identification of morphological or physiological preadaptations that might have permitted the common ancestor of tetrapods to colonize land. This is because the reconstruction of its ancestral conditions would be hindered by the difficulty to separate uniquely derived characters from shared derived characters in the coelacanth/lungfish and tetrapod lineages. This molecular phylogeny aids in the reconstruction of morphological evolutionary steps by providing a framework; however, only paleontological evidence can determine the sequence of morphological acquisitions that allowed lobe-finned fishes to colonize land.