39 resultados para Territoire en transition

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The filamentary model of the metal-insulator transition in randomly doped semiconductor impurity bands is geometrically equivalent to similar models for continuous transitions in dilute antiferromagnets and even to the λ transition in liquid He, but the critical behaviors are different. The origin of these differences lies in two factors: quantum statistics and the presence of long range Coulomb forces on both sides of the transition in the electrical case. In the latter case, in addition to the main transition, there are two satellite transitions associated with disappearance of the filamentary structure in both insulating and metallic phases. These two satellite transitions were first identified by Fritzsche in 1958, and their physical origin is explained here in geometrical and topological terms that facilitate calculation of critical exponents.


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The semiempirical PM3 method, calibrated against ab initio HF/6–31+G(d) theory, has been used to elucidate the reaction of 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE) with the carboxylate of Asp-124 at the active site of haloalkane dehalogenase of Xanthobacter autothropicus. Asp-124 and 13 other amino acid side chains that make up the active site cavity (Glu-56, Trp-125, Phe-128, Phe-172, Trp-175, Leu-179, Val-219, Phe-222, Pro-223, Val-226, Leu-262, Leu-263, and His-289) were included in the calculations. The three most significant observations of the present study are that: (i) the DCE substrate and Asp-124 carboxylate, in the reactive ES complex, are present as an ion-molecule complex with a structure similar to that seen in the gas-phase reaction of AcO− with DCE; (ii) the structures of the transition states in the gas-phase and enzymatic reaction are much the same where the structure formed at the active site is somewhat exploded; and (iii) the enthalpies in going from ground states to transition states in the enzymatic and gas-phase reactions differ by only a couple kcal/mol. The dehalogenase derives its catalytic power from: (i) bringing the electrophile and nucleophile together in a low-dielectric environment in an orientation that allows the reaction to occur without much structural reorganization; (ii) desolvation; and (iii) stabilizing the leaving chloride anion by Trp-125 and Trp-175 through hydrogen bonding.


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Catalytic antibodies have shown great promise for catalyzing a tremendously diverse set of natural and unnatural chemical transformations. However, few catalytic antibodies have efficiencies that approach those of natural enzymes. In principle, random mutagenesis procedures such as phage display could be used to improve the catalytic activities of existing antibodies; however, these studies have been hampered by difficulties in the recombinant expression of antibodies. Here, we have grafted the antigen binding loops from a murine-derived catalytic antibody, 17E8, onto a human antibody framework in an effort to overcome difficulties associated with recombinant expression and phage display of this antibody. “Humanized” 17E8 retained similar catalytic and hapten binding properties as the murine antibody while levels of functional Fab displayed on phage were 200-fold higher than for a murine variable region/human constant region chimeric Fab. This construct was used to prepare combinatorial libraries. Affinity panning of these resulted in the selection of variants with 2- to 8-fold improvements in binding affinity for a phosphonate transition-state analog. Surprisingly, none of the affinity-matured variants was more catalytically active than the parent antibody and some were significantly less active. By contrast, a weaker binding variant was identified with 2-fold greater catalytic activity and incorporation of a single substitution (Tyr-100aH → Asn) from this variant into the parent antibody led to a 5-fold increase in catalytic efficiency. Thus, phage display methods can be readily used to optimize binding of catalytic antibodies to transition-state analogs, and when used in conjunction with limited screening for catalysis can identify variants with higher catalytic efficiencies.


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The life cycle of angiosperms is punctuated by a dormant phase that separates embryonic and postembryonic development of the sporophyte. In the pickle (pkl) mutant of Arabidopsis, embryonic traits are expressed after germination. The penetrance of the pkl phenotype is strongly enhanced by inhibitors of gibberellin biosynthesis. Map-based cloning of the PKL locus revealed that it encodes a CHD3 protein. CHD3 proteins have been implicated as chromatin-remodeling factors involved in repression of transcription. PKL is necessary for repression of LEC1, a gene implicated as a critical activator of embryo development. We propose that PKL is a component of a gibberellin-modulated developmental switch that functions during germination to prevent reexpression of the embryonic developmental state.


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Cytochrome c release and the mitochondrial permeability transition (PT), including loss of the transmembrane potential (Δψ), play an important role in apoptosis. Using isolated mitochondria, we found that recombinant Bax and Bak, proapoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family, induced mitochondrial Δψ loss, swelling, and cytochrome c release. All of these changes were dependent on Ca2+ and were prevented by cyclosporin A (CsA) and bongkrekic acid, both of which close the PT pores (megachannels), indicating that Bax- and Bak-induced mitochondrial changes were mediated through the opening of these pores. Bax-induced mitochondrial changes were inhibited by recombinant Bcl-xL and transgene-derived Bcl-2, antiapoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family, as well as by oligomycin, suggesting a possible regulatory effect of F0F1-ATPase on Bax-induced mitochondrial changes. Proapoptotic Bax- and Bak-BH3 (Bcl-2 homology) peptides, but not a mutant BH3 peptide nor a mutant Bak lacking BH3, induced the mitochondrial changes, indicating an essential role of the BH3 region. A coimmunoprecipitation study revealed that Bax and Bak interacted with the voltage-dependent anion channel, which is a component of PT pores. Taken together, these findings suggest that proapoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins, including Bax and Bak, induce the mitochondrial PT and cytochrome c release by interacting with the PT pores.


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During mitosis an inhibitory activity associated with unattached kinetochores prevents PtK1 cells from entering anaphase until all kinetochores become attached to the spindle. To gain a better understanding of how unattached kinetochores block the metaphase/anaphase transition we followed mitosis in PtK1 cells containing two independent spindles in a common cytoplasm. We found that unattached kinetochores on one spindle did not block anaphase onset in a neighboring mature metaphase spindle 20 μm away that lacked unattached kinetochores. As in cells containing a single spindle, anaphase onset occurred in the mature spindles x̄ = 24 min after the last kinetochore attached regardless of whether the adjacent immature spindle contained one or more unattached kinetochores. These findings reveal that the inhibitory activity associated with an unattached kinetochore is functionally limited to the vicinity of the spindle containing the unattached kinetochore. We also found that once a mature spindle entered anaphase the neighboring spindle also entered anaphase x̄ = 9 min later regardless of whether it contained monooriented chromosomes. Thus, anaphase onset in the mature spindle catalyzes a “start anaphase” reaction that spreads globally throughout the cytoplasm and overrides the inhibitory signal produced by unattached kinetochores in an adjacent spindle. Finally, we found that cleavage furrows often formed between the two independent spindles. This reveals that the presence of chromosomes and/or a spindle between two centrosomes is not a prerequisite for cleavage in vertebrate somatic cells.


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Kinetic anomalies in protein folding can result from changes of the kinetic ground states (D, I, and N), changes of the protein folding transition state, or both. The 102-residue protein U1A has a symmetrically curved chevron plot which seems to result mainly from changes of the transition state. At low concentrations of denaturant the transition state occurs early in the folding reaction, whereas at high denaturant concentration it moves close to the native structure. In this study we use this movement to follow continuously the formation and growth of U1A's folding nucleus by φ analysis. Although U1A's transition state structure is generally delocalized and displays a typical nucleation–condensation pattern, we can still resolve a sequence of folding events. However, these events are sufficiently coupled to start almost simultaneously throughout the transition state structure.


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In higher eukaryotic cells, the spindle forms along with chromosome condensation in mitotic prophase. In metaphase, chromosomes are aligned on the spindle with sister kinetochores facing toward the opposite poles. In anaphase A, sister chromatids separate from each other without spindle extension, whereas spindle elongation takes place during anaphase B. We have critically examined whether such mitotic stages also occur in a lower eukaryote, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Using the green fluorescent protein tagging technique, early mitotic to late anaphase events were observed in living fission yeast cells. S. pombe has three phases in spindle dynamics, spindle formation (phase 1), constant spindle length (phase 2), and spindle extension (phase 3). Sister centromere separation (anaphase A) rapidly occurred at the end of phase 2. The centromere showed dynamic movements throughout phase 2 as it moved back and forth and was transiently split in two before its separation, suggesting that the centromere was positioned in a bioriented manner toward the poles at metaphase. Microtubule-associating Dis1 was required for the occurrence of constant spindle length and centromere movement in phase 2. Normal transition from phase 2 to 3 needed DNA topoisomerase II and Cut1 but not Cut14. The duration of each phase was highly dependent on temperature.


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Coral reef communities are in a state of change throughout their geographical range. Factors contributing to this change include bleaching (the loss of algal symbionts), storm damage, disease, and increasing abundance of macroalgae. An additional factor for Caribbean reefs is the aftereffects of the epizootic that reduced the abundance of the herbivorous sea urchin, Diadema antillarum. Although coral reef communities have undergone phase shifts, there are few studies that document the details of such transitions. We report the results of a 40-month study that documents changes in a Caribbean reef community affected by bleaching, hurricane damage, and an increasing abundance of macroalgae. The study site was in a relatively pristine area of the reef surrounding the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas. Ten transects were sampled every 3–9 months from November 1994 to February 1998. During this period, the corals experienced a massive bleaching event resulting in a significant decline in coral abundance. Algae, especially macroalgae, increased in abundance until they effectively dominated the substrate. The direct impact of Hurricane Lili in October 1996 did not alter the developing community structure and may have facilitated increasing algal abundance. The results of this study document the rapid transition of this reef community from one in which corals and algae were codominant to a community dominated by macroalgae. The relatively brief time period required for this transition illustrates the dynamic nature of reef communities.


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Thalamic reticularis, thalamocortical, and cortical cells participate in the 7–14-hz spindling rhythm of early sleep and the slower delta rhythms of deeper sleep, with different firing patterns. In this case study, showing the interactions of intrinsic and synaptic properties, a change in the conductance of one kind of cell effectively rewires the thalamocortical circuit, leading to the transition from the spindling to the delta rhythm. The two rhythms make different uses of the fast (GABAA) and slow (GABAB) inhibition generated by the thalamic reticularis cells.


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A family of nanoscale-sized supramolecular cage compounds with a polyhedral framework is prepared by self-assembly from tritopic building blocks and rectangular corner units via noncovalent coordination interactions. These highly symmetrical cage compounds are described as face-directed, self-assembled truncated tetrahedra with Td symmetry.


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Two independent multidisciplinary studies of climatic change during the glacial–Holocene transition (ca. 14,000–9,000 calendar yr B.P.) from Norway and Switzerland have assessed organism responses to the rapid climatic changes and made quantitative temperature reconstructions with modern calibration data sets (transfer functions). Chronology at Kråkenes, western Norway, was derived from calibration of a high-resolution series of 14C dates. Chronologies at Gerzensee and Leysin, Switzerland, were derived by comparison of δ18O in lake carbonates with the δ18O record from the Greenland Ice Core Project. Both studies demonstrate the sensitivity of terrestrial and aquatic organisms to rapid temperature changes and their value for quantitative reconstruction of the magnitudes and rates of the climatic changes. The rates in these two terrestrial records are comparable to those in Greenland ice cores, but the actual temperatures inferred apply to the terrestrial environments of the two regions.


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I attempt to reconcile apparently conflicting factors and mechanisms that have been proposed to determine the rate constant for two-state folding of small proteins, on the basis of general features of the structures of transition states. Φ-Value analysis implies a transition state for folding that resembles an expanded and distorted native structure, which is built around an extended nucleus. The nucleus is composed predominantly of elements of partly or well-formed native secondary structure that are stabilized by local and long-range tertiary interactions. These long-range interactions give rise to connecting loops, frequently containing the native loops that are poorly structured. I derive an equation that relates differences in the contact order of a protein to changes in the length of linking loops, which, in turn, is directly related to the unfavorable free energy of the loops in the transition state. Kinetic data on loop extension mutants of CI2 and α-spectrin SH3 domain fit the equation qualitatively. The rate of folding depends primarily on the interactions that directly stabilize the nucleus, especially those in native-like secondary structure and those resulting from the entropy loss from the connecting loops, which vary with contact order. This partitioning of energy accounts for the success of some algorithms that predict folding rates, because they use these principles either explicitly or implicitly. The extended nucleus model thus unifies the observations of rate depending on both stability and topology.


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The small all-β protein tendamistat folds and unfolds with two-state kinetics. We determined the volume changes associated with the folding process by performing kinetic and equilibrium measurements at variable pressure between 0.1 and 100 MPa (1 to 1,000 bar). GdmCl-induced equilibrium unfolding transitions reveal that the volume of the native state is increased by 41.4 ± 2.0 cm3/mol relative to the unfolded state. This value is virtually independent of denaturant concentration. The use of a high-pressure stopped-flow instrument enabled us to measure the activation volumes for the refolding (ΔVf0‡) and unfolding reaction (ΔVu0‡) over a broad range of GdmCl concentrations. The volume of the transition state is 60% native-like (ΔVf0‡ = 25.0 ± 1.2 cm3/mol) in the absence of denaturant, indicating partial solvent accessibility of the core residues. The volume of the transition state increases linearly with denaturant concentration and exceeds the volume of the native state above 6 M GdmCl. This result argues for a largely desolvated transition state with packing deficiencies at high denaturant concentrations and shows that the structure of the transition state depends strongly on the experimental conditions.


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We measured the folding and unfolding kinetics of mutants for a simple protein folding reaction to characterize the structure of the transition state. Fluorescently labeled S-peptide analogues combine with S-protein to form ribonuclease S analogues: initially, S-peptide is disordered whereas S-protein is folded. The fluorescent probe provides a convenient spectroscopic probe for the reaction. The association rate constant, kon, and the dissociation rate constant, koff, were both determined for two sets of mutants. The dissociation rate constant is measured by adding an excess of unlabeled S-peptide analogue to a labeled complex (RNaseS*). This strategy allows kon and koff to be measured under identical conditions so that microscopic reversibility applies and the transition state is the same for unfolding and refolding. The first set of mutants tests the role of the α-helix in the transition state. Solvent-exposed residues Ala-6 and Gln-11 in the α-helix of native RNaseS were replaced by the helix destabilizing residues glycine or proline. A plot of log kon vs. log Kd for this series of mutants is linear over a very wide range, with a slope of −0.3, indicating that almost all of the molecules fold via a transition state involving the helix. A second set of mutants tests the role of side chains in the transition state. Three side chains were investigated: Phe-8, His-12, and Met-13, which are known to be important for binding S-peptide to S-protein and which also contribute strongly to the stability of RNaseS*. Only the side chain of Phe-8 contributes significantly, however, to the stability of the transition state. The results provide a remarkably clear description of a folding transition state.