10 resultados para Tensioned Tether

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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A dumbbell double-stranded DNA decamer tethered with a hexaethylene glycol linker moiety (DDSDPEG), with a nick in the centre of one strand, has been synthesised. The standard NMR methods, E.COSY, TOCSY, NOESY and HMQC, were used to measure 1H, 31P and T1 spectral parameters. Molecular modelling using rMD-simulated annealing was used to compute the structure. Scalar couplings and dipolar contacts show that the molecule adopts a right-handed B-DNA helix in 38 mM phosphate buffer at pH 7. Its high melting temperature confirms the good base stacking and stability of the duplex. This is partly attributed to the presence of the PEG6 linker at both ends of the duplex that restricts the dynamics of the stem pentamers and thus stabilises the oligonucleotide. The inspection of the global parameters shows that the linker does not distort the B-DNA geometry. The computed structure suggests that the presence of the nick is not disturbing the overall tertiary structure, base pair geometry or duplex base pairing to a substantial extent. The nick has, however, a noticeable impact on the local geometry at the nick site, indicated clearly by NMR analysis and reflected in the conformational parameters of the computed structure. The 1H spectra also show much sharper resonances in the presence of K+ indicating that conformational heterogeneity of DDSDPEG is reduced in the presence of potassium as compared to sodium or caesium ions. At the same time the 1H resonances have longer T1 times. This parameter is suggested as a sensitive gauge of stabilisation.


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Containing most of the L-selectin and P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) on their tips, microvilli are believed to promote the initial arrest of neutrophils on endothelium. At the rolling stage following arrest, the lifetimes of the involved molecular bonds depend on the pulling force imposed by the shear stress of blood flow. With two different methods, electron microscopy and micropipette manipulation, we have obtained two comparable neutrophil microvillus lengths, both ≈0.3 μm in average. We have found also that, under a pulling force, a microvillus can be extended (microvillus extension) or a long thin membrane cylinder (a tether) can be formed from it (tether formation). If the force is ≤34 pN (± 3 pN), the length of the microvillus will be extended; if the force is >61 pN (± 5 pN), a tether will be formed from the microvillus at a constant velocity, which depends linearly on the force. When the force is between 34 pN and 61 pN (transition zone), the degree of association between membrane and cytoskeleton in individual microvilli will dictate whether microvillus extension or tether formation occurs. When a microvillus is extended, it acts like a spring with a spring constant of ≈43 pN/μm. In contrast to a rigid or nonextendible microvillus, both microvillus extension and tether formation can decrease the pulling force imposed on the adhesive bonds, and thus prolonging the persistence of the bonds at high physiological shear stresses.


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The replication system of bacteriophage T4 uses a trimeric ring-shaped processivity clamp (gp45) to tether the replication polymerase (gp43) to the template-primer DNA. This ring is placed onto the DNA by an ATPase-driven clamp-loading complex (gp44/62) where it then transfers, in closed form, to the polymerase. It generally has been assumed that one of the functions of the loading machinery is to open the clamp to place it around the DNA. However, the mechanism by which this occurs has not been fully defined. In this study we design and characterize a double-mutant gp45 protein that contains pairs of cysteine residues located at each monomer-monomer interface of the trimeric clamp. This mutant protein is functionally equivalent to wild-type gp45. However, when all three monomer-monomer interfaces are tethered by covalent crosslinks formed (reversibly or irreversibly) between the cysteine pairs these closed clamps can no longer be loaded onto the DNA nor onto the polymerase, effectively eliminating processive strand-displacement DNA synthesis. Analysis of the individual steps of the clamp-loading process shows that the ATPase-dependent interactions between the clamp and the clamp loader that precede DNA binding are hyperstimulated by the covalently crosslinked ring, suggesting that binding of the closed ring induces a futile, ATP-driven, ring-opening cycle. These findings and others permit further characterization and ordering of the steps involved in the T4 clamp-loading process.


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Yeast telomere DNA consists of a continuous, ≈330-bp tract of the heterogeneous repeat TG1-3 with irregularly spaced, high affinity sites for the protein Rap1p. Yeast monitor, or count, the number of telomeric Rap1p C termini in a negative feedback mechanism to modulate the length of the terminal TG1-3 repeats, and synthetic telomeres that tether Rap1p molecules adjacent to the TG1-3 tract cause wild-type cells to maintain a shorter TG1-3 tract. To identify trans-acting proteins required to count Rap1p molecules, these same synthetic telomeres were placed in two short telomere mutants: yku70Δ (which lack the yeast Ku70 protein) and tel1Δ (which lack the yeast ortholog of ATM). Although both mutants maintain telomeres with ≈100 bp of TG1-3, only yku70Δ cells maintained shorter TG1-3 repeats in response to internal Rap1p molecules. This distinct response to internal Rap1p molecules was not caused by a variation in Rap1p site density in the TG1-3 repeats as sequencing of tel1Δ and yku70Δ telomeres showed that both strains have only five to six Rap1p sites per 100-bp telomere. In addition, the tel1Δ short telomere phenotype was epistatic to the unregulated telomere length caused by deletion of the Rap1p C-terminal domain. Thus, the length of the TG1-3 repeats in tel1Δ cells was independent of the number of the Rap1p C termini at the telomere. These data indicate that tel1Δ cells use an alternative mechanism to regulate telomere length that is distinct from monitoring the number of telomere binding proteins.


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A cell of the bacterium Escherichia coli was tethered covalently to a glass coverslip by a single flagellum, and its rotation was stopped by using optical tweezers. The tweezers acted directly on the cell body or indirectly, via a trapped polystyrene bead. The torque generated by the flagellar motor was determined by measuring the displacement of the laser beam on a quadrant photodiode. The coverslip was mounted on a computer-controlled piezo-electric stage that moved the tether point in a circle around the center of the trap so that the speed of rotation of the motor could be varied. The motor generated ≈4500 pN nm of torque at all angles, regardless of whether it was stalled, allowed to rotate very slowly forwards, or driven very slowly backwards. This argues against models of motor function in which rotation is tightly coupled to proton transit and back-transport of protons is severely limited.


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The MAP kinase Fus3 regulates many different signal transduction outputs that govern the ability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae haploid cells to mate. Here we characterize Fus3 localization and association with other proteins. By indirect immunofluorescence, Fus3 localizes in punctate spots throughout the cytoplasm and nucleus, with slightly enhanced nuclear localization after pheromone stimulation. This broad distribution is consistent with the critical role Fus3 plays in mating and contrasts that of Kss1, which concentrates in the nucleus and is not required for mating. The majority of Fus3 is soluble and not bound to any one protein; however, a fraction is stably bound to two proteins of ∼60 and ∼70 kDa. Based on fractionation and gradient density centrifugation properties, Fus3 exists in a number of complexes, with its activity critically dependent upon association with other proteins. In the presence of α factor, nearly all of the active Fus3 localizes in complexes of varying size and specific activity, whereas monomeric Fus3 has little activity. Fus3 has highest specific activity within a 350- to 500-kDa complex previously shown to contain Ste5, Ste11, and Ste7. Ste5 is required for Fus3 to exist in this complex. Upon α factor withdrawal, a pool of Fus3 retains activity for more than one cell cycle. Collectively, these results support Ste5’s role as a tether and suggest that association of Fus3 in complexes in the presence of pheromone may prevent inactivation in addition to enhancing activation.


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The nucleolar localization elements (NoLEs) of U17 small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA), which is essential for rRNA processing and belongs to the box H/ACA snoRNA family, were analyzed by fluorescence microscopy. Injection of mutant U17 transcripts into Xenopus laevis oocyte nuclei revealed that deletion of stems 1, 2, and 4 of U17 snoRNA reduced but did not prevent nucleolar localization. The deletion of stem 3 had no adverse effect. Therefore, the hairpins of the hairpin–hinge–hairpin–tail structure formed by these stems are not absolutely critical for nucleolar localization of U17, nor are sequences within stems 1, 3, and 4, which may tether U17 to the rRNA precursor by base pairing. In contrast, box H and box ACA are major NoLEs; their combined substitution or deletion abolished nucleolar localization of U17 snoRNA. Mutation of just box H or just the box ACA region alone did not fully abolish the nucleolar localization of U17. This indicates that the NoLEs of the box H/ACA snoRNA family function differently from the bipartite NoLEs (conserved boxes C and D) of box C/D snoRNAs, where mutation of either box alone prevents nucleolar localization.


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Many Gram-positive bacteria covalently tether their surface adhesins to the cell wall peptidoglycan. We find that surface proteins of Staphylococcus aureus are linked to the cell wall by sortase, an enzyme that cleaves polypeptides at a conserved LPXTG motif. S. aureus mutants lacking sortase fail to process and display surface proteins and are defective in the establishment of infections. Thus, the cell wall envelope of Gram-positive bacteria represents a surface organelle responsible for interactions with the host environment during the pathogenesis of bacterial infections.


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Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is a processivity factor required for DNA polymerase δ (or ɛ)-catalyzed DNA synthesis. When loaded onto primed DNA templates by replication factor C (RFC), PCNA acts to tether the polymerase to DNA, resulting in processive DNA chain elongation. In this report, we describe the identification of two separate peptide regions of human PCNA spanning amino acids 36–55 and 196–215 that bind RFC by using the surface plasmon resonance technique. Site-directed mutagenesis of residues within these regions in human PCNA identified two specific sites that affected the biological activity of PCNA. Replacement of the aspartate 41 residue by an alanine, serine, or asparagine significantly impaired the ability of PCNA to (i) support the RFC/PCNA-dependent polymerase δ-catalyzed elongation of a singly primed DNA template; (ii) stimulate RFC-catalyzed DNA-dependent hydrolysis of ATP; (iii) be loaded onto DNA by RFC; and (iv) activate RFC-independent polymerase δ-catalyzed synthesis of poly dT. Introduction of an alanine at position 210 in place of an arginine also reduced the efficiency of PCNA in supporting RFC-dependent polymerase δ-catalyzed elongation of a singly primed DNA template. However, this mutation did not significantly alter the ability of PCNA to stimulate DNA polymerase δ in the absence of RFC but substantially lowered the efficiency of RFC-catalyzed reactions. These results are in keeping with a model in which surface exposed regions of PCNA interact with RFC and the subsequent loading of PCNA onto DNA orients the elongation complex in a manner essential for processive DNA synthesis.


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A general scheme is described for the in vitro evolution of protein catalysts in a biologically amplifiable system. Substrate is covalently and site specifically attached by a flexible tether to the pIII coat protein of a filamentous phage that also displays the catalyst. Intramolecular conversion of substrate to product provides a basis for selecting active catalysts from a library of mutants, either by release from or attachment to a solid support. This methodology has been developed with the enzyme staphylococcal nuclease as a model. An analysis of factors influencing the selection efficiency is presented, and it is shown that phage displaying staphylococcal nuclease can be enriched 100-fold in a single step from a library-like ensemble of phage displaying noncatalytic proteins. Additionally, this approach should allow one to functionally clone natural enzymes, based on their ability to catalyze specific reactions (e.g., glycosyl transfer, sequence-specific proteolysis or phosphorylation, polymerization, etc.) rather than their sequence- or structural homology to known enzymes.