9 resultados para TRANSECTION

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Attempts to rescue retinal ganglion cells from retrograde degeneration have had limited success, and the residual function of surviving neurons is not known. Recently, it has been found that axotomized retinal ganglion cells die by apoptotic mechanisms. We have used adult transgenic mice overexpressing the Bcl-2 protein, a powerful inhibitor of apoptosis, as a model for preventing injury-induced cell death in vivo. Several months after axotomy, the majority of retinal ganglion cells survived and exhibited normal visual responses. In control wild-type mice, the vast majority of axotomized retinal ganglion cells degenerated, and the physiological responses were abolished. These results suggest that strategies aimed at increasing Bcl-2 expression, or mimicking its function, might effectively counteract trauma-induced cell death in the central nervous system. Neuronal survival is a necessary condition in the challenge for promoting regeneration and eventually restoring neuronal function.


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Axonal damage to adult peripheral neurons causes changes in neuronal gene expression. For example, axotomized sympathetic, sensory, and motor neurons begin to express galanin mRNA and protein, and recent evidence suggests that galanin plays a role in peripheral nerve regeneration. Previous studies in sympathetic and sensory neurons have established that galanin expression is triggered by two consequences of nerve transection: the induction of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and the reduction in the availability of the target-derived factor, nerve growth factor. It is shown in the present study that no stimulation of galanin expression occurs following direct application of LIF to intact neurons in the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion. Injection of animals with an antiserum to nerve growth factor concomitant with the application of LIF, on the other hand, does stimulate galanin expression. The data suggest that the response of neurons to an injury factor, LIF, is affected by whether the neurons still receive trophic signals from their targets.


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The purine nucleoside inosine has been shown to induce axon outgrowth from primary neurons in culture through a direct intracellular mechanism. For this study, we investigated the effects of inosine in vivo by examining whether it would stimulate axon growth after a unilateral transection of the corticospinal tract. Inosine applied with a minipump to the rat sensorimotor cortex stimulated intact pyramidal cells to undergo extensive sprouting of their axons into the denervated spinal cord white matter and adjacent neuropil. Axon growth was visualized by anterograde tracing with biotinylated dextran amine and by immunohistochemistry with antibodies to GAP-43. Thus, inosine, a naturally occurring metabolite without known side effects, might help to restore essential circuitry after injury to the central nervous system.


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Somatotopic maps in the cortex and the thalamus of adult monkeys and humans reorganize in response to altered inputs. After loss of the sensory afferents from the forelimb in monkeys because of transection of the dorsal columns of the spinal cord, therapeutic amputation of an arm or transection of the dorsal roots of the peripheral nerves, the deprived portions of the hand and arm representations in primary somatosensory cortex (area 3b), become responsive to inputs from the face and any remaining afferents from the arm. Cortical and subcortical mechanisms that underlie this reorganization are uncertain and appear to be manifold. Here we show that the face afferents from the trigeminal nucleus of the brainstem sprout and grow into the cuneate nucleus in adult monkeys after lesions of the dorsal columns of the spinal cord or therapeutic amputation of an arm. This growth may underlie the large-scale expansion of the face representation into the hand region of somatosensory cortex that follows such deafferentations.


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Accelerating hippocampal sprouting by making unilateral progressive lesions of the entorhinal cortex spared the spatial memory of rats tested for retention of a learned alternation task. Subsequent transection of the sprouted crossed temporodentate pathway (CTD), as well as a simultaneous CTD transection and progressive entorhinal lesion, produced a persistent deficit on the memory task. These results suggest that CTD sprouting, which is homologous to the original perforant path input to the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, is behaviorally significant and can ameliorate at least some of the memory deficits associated with hippocampal deafferentation.


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Tissue injury is associated with sensitization of nociceptors and subsequent changes in the excitability of central (spinal) neurons, termed central sensitization. Nociceptor sensitization and central sensitization are considered to underlie, respectively, development of primary hyperalgesia and secondary hyperalgesia. Because central sensitization is considered to reflect plasticity at spinal synapses, the spinal cord has been the principal focus of studies of mechanisms of hyperalgesia. Not surprisingly, glutamate, acting at a spinal N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, has been implicated in development of secondary hyperalgesia associated with somatic, neural, and visceral structures. Downstream of NMDA receptor activation, spinal nitric oxide (NO⋅), protein kinase C, and other mediators have been implicated in maintaining such hyperalgesia. Accumulating evidence, however, reveals a significant contribution of supraspinal influences to development and maintenance of hyperalgesia. Spinal cord transection prevents development of secondary, but not primary, mechanical and/or thermal hyperalgesia after topical mustard oil application, carrageenan inflammation, or nerve-root ligation. Similarly, inactivation of the rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM) attenuates hyperalgesia and central sensitization in several models of persistent pain. Inhibition of medullary NMDA receptors or NO⋅ generation attenuates somatic and visceral hyperalgesia. In support, topical mustard oil application or colonic inflammation increases expression of NO⋅ synthase in the RVM. These data suggest a prominent role for the RVM in mediating the sensitization of spinal neurons and development of secondary hyperalgesia. Results to date suggest that peripheral injury and persistent input engage spinobulbospinal mechanisms that may be the prepotent contributors to central sensitization and development of secondary hyperalgesia.


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Indirect immunofluorescence methods using a mouse monoclonal antibody raised to rat choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) revealed dense networks of ChAT-immunoreactive fibers in the superior cervical ganglion, the stellate ganglion, and the celiac superior mesenteric ganglion of the rat. Numerous and single ChAT-immunoreactive cell bodies were observed in the stellate and superior cervical ganglia, respectively. The majority of ChAT-immunoreactive fibers in the stellate and superior cervical ganglia were nitric oxide synthase (NOS) positive. Some ChAT-immunoreactive fibers contained enkephalin-like immunoreactivity. Virtually all ChAT-positive cell bodies in the stellate ganglion were vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-positive, and some were calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-positive. After transection of the cervical sympathetic trunk almost all ChAT- and NOS-positive fibers and most enkephalin- and CGRP-positive fibers disappeared in the superior cervical ganglion. The results suggest that most preganglionic fibers are cholinergic and that the majority of these in addition can release nitric oxide, some enkephalin, and a few CGRP. Acetylcholine, VIP, and CGRP are coexisting messenger molecules in some postganglionic sympathetic neurons.


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The presence of [arginine] vasopressin (AVP) mRNA and AVP immunoreactivity in pituicytes of the neural lobe (NL) of intact and pituitary stalk-transected rats, with and without osmotic stimulation, was examined. AVP mRNA was analyzed by Northern blotting, as well as by in situ hybridization in combination with immunocytochemistry using anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) as a marker for pituicytes. In intact rats, a poly(A) tail-truncated 0.62-kb AVP mRNA was detected in the NL and was found to increase 10-fold with 7 days of continuous salt loading. Morphological analysis of the NL of 7-day salt-loaded rats revealed the presence of AVP mRNA in a significant number of GFAP-positive pituicytes in the NL and in areas most probably containing nerve fibers. Eight days after pituitary stalk transection the NL AVP mRNA diminished in animals given water to drink, whereas in those given 2% saline for 18 h followed by 6 h of water, a treatment repeated on 6 successive days beginning 2 days after surgery, the 0.62-kb AVP mRNA was present. The AVP mRNA in the pituitary stalk-transected, salt-loaded rats showed an exclusive cellular distribution in the NL, indicative of localization in pituicytes. Immunoelectron microscopy showed the presence of AVP immunoreactivity in a subpopulation of pituicytes 7 and 10 days after pituitary stalk transection in salt-loaded animals, when almost all AVP fibers had disappeared from the NL. These data show that a subset of pituicytes in the NL is activated to synthesize AVP mRNA and AVP in response to osmotic stimulation.


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The failure of mature mammalian central nervous system axons to regenerate after transection is usually attributed to influences of the extraneuronal milieu. Using explant cocultures of retina and midbrain tectum from hamsters, we have found evidence that these influences account for failure of regrowth of only a small minority of retinal axons. For most of the axons, there is a programmed loss of ability to elongate in the central nervous system. We show that there is a precipitous decline in the ability of retinal axons to reinnervate tectal targets when the retina is derived from pups on or after postnatal day 2, even when the target is embryonic. By contrast, embryonic retinal axons can regrow into tectum of any age, overcoming growth-inhibiting influences of glial factors.