11 resultados para TEMPORAL DYNAMICS

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Knowledge of the stage composition and the temporal dynamics of human cognitive operations is critical for building theories of higher mental activity. This information has been difficult to acquire, even with different combinations of techniques such as refined behavioral testing, electrical recording/interference, and metabolic imaging studies. Verbal object comprehension was studied herein in a single individual, by using three tasks (object naming, auditory word comprehension, and visual word comprehension), two languages (English and Farsi), and four techniques (stimulus manipulation, direct cortical electrical interference, electrocorticography, and a variation of the technique of direct cortical electrical interference to produce time-delimited effects, called timeslicing), in a subject in whom indwelling subdural electrode arrays had been placed for clinical purposes. Electrical interference at a pair of electrodes on the left lateral occipitotemporal gyrus interfered with naming in both languages and with comprehension in the language tested (English). The naming and comprehension deficit resulted from interference with processing of verbal object meaning. Electrocorticography indices of cortical activation at this site during naming started 250–300 msec after visual stimulus presentation. By using the timeslicing technique, which varies the onset of electrical interference relative to the behavioral task, we found that completion of processing for verbal object meaning varied from 450 to 750 msec after current onset. This variability was found to be a function of the subject’s familiarity with the objects.


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Almost all theoretical and experimental studies of the mechanisms underlying learning and memory focus on synaptic efficacy and make the implicit assumption that changes in synaptic efficacy are both necessary and sufficient to account for learning and memory. However, network dynamics depends on the complex interaction between intrinsic membrane properties and synaptic strengths and time courses. Furthermore, neuronal activity itself modifies not only synaptic efficacy but also the intrinsic membrane properties of neurons. This paper presents examples demonstrating that neurons with complex temporal dynamics can provide short-term “memory” mechanisms that rely solely on intrinsic neuronal properties. Additionally, we discuss the potential role that activity may play in long-term modification of intrinsic neuronal properties. While not replacing synaptic plasticity as a powerful learning mechanism, these examples suggest that memory in networks results from an ongoing interplay between changes in synaptic efficacy and intrinsic membrane properties.


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The spatial and temporal dynamics of two intracellular second messengers, cAMP and Ca2+, were simultaneously monitored in living cells by digital fluorescence ratio imaging using FlCRhR, a single-excitation dual-emission cAMP indicator, and fura-2, a dual-excitation single-emission Ca2+ probe. In single C6-2B glioma cells, isoproterenol- or forskolin-evoked cAMP accumulation (measured in vivo as an increased FlCRhR emission ratio) was reduced when cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration was elevated before, simultaneously with, or after cAMP activation. However, in REF-52 fibroblasts, Ca2+ neither prevented nor reduced forskolin-stimulated cAMP production. These results provide novel in vivo evidence for the Ca2+ modulation of the cAMP transduction pathway in C6-2B cells. The simultaneous microscopic measurement of cAMP and Ca2+ kinetics in single cells makes it now possible to study the regulatory interactions between these second messengers at the cellular and even the subcellular level.


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Understanding the relationship between animal community dynamics and landscape structure has become a priority for biodiversity conservation. In particular, predicting the effects of habitat destruction that confine species to networks of small patches is an important prerequisite to conservation plan development. Theoretical models that predict the occurrence of species in fragmented landscapes, and relationships between stability and diversity do exist. However, reliable empirical investigations of the dynamics of biodiversity have been prevented by differences in species detection probabilities among landscapes. Using long-term data sampled at a large spatial scale in conjunction with a capture-recapture approach, we developed estimates of parameters of community changes over a 22-year period for forest breeding birds in selected areas of the eastern United States. We show that forest fragmentation was associated not only with a reduced number of forest bird species, but also with increased temporal variability in the number of species. This higher temporal variability was associated with higher local extinction and turnover rates. These results have major conservation implications. Moreover, the approach used provides a practical tool for the study of the dynamics of biodiversity.


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Theoretical models suggest that overlapping generations, in combination with a temporally fluctuating environment, may allow the persistence of competitors that otherwise would not coexist. Despite extensive theoretical development, this “storage effect” hypothesis has received little empirical attention. Herein I present the first explicit mathematical analysis of the contribution of the storage effect to the dynamics of competing natural populations. In Oneida Lake, NY, data collected over the past 30 years show a striking negative correlation between the water-column densities of two species of suspension-feeding zooplankton, Daphnia galeata mendotae and Daphnia pulicaria. I have demonstrated competition between these two species and have shown that both possess long-lived eggs that establish overlapping generations. Moreover, recruitment to this long-lived stage varies annually, so that both daphnids have years in which they are favored (for recruitment) relative to their competitor. When the long-term population growth rates are calculated both with and without the effects of a variable environment, I show that D. galeata mendotae clearly cannot persist without the environmental variation and prolonged dormancy (i.e., storage effect) whereas D. pulicaria persists through consistently high per capita recruitment to the long-lived stage.


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A hierarchical order of gene expression has been proposed to control developmental events in hematopoiesis, but direct demonstration of the temporal relationships between regulatory gene expression and differentiation has been difficult to achieve. We modified a single-cell PCR method to detect 2-fold changes in mRNA copies per cell (dynamic range, 250–250,000 copies/cell) and used it to sequentially quantitate gene expression levels as single primitive (CD34+,CD38−) progenitor cells underwent differentiation to become erythrocytes, granulocytes, or monocyte/macrophages. Markers of differentiation such as CD34 or cytokine receptor mRNAs and transcription factors associated with their regulation were assessed. All transcription factors tested were expressed in multipotent progenitors. During lineage-specific differentiation, however, distinct patterns of expression emerged. SCL, GATA-2, and GATA-1 expression sequentially extinguished during erythroid differentiation. PU.1, AML1B, and C/EBPα expression profiles and their relationship to cytokine receptor expression in maturing granulocytes could be distinguished from similar profiles in monocytic cells. These data characterize the dynamics of gene expression accompanying blood cell development and define a signature gene expression pattern for specific stages of hematopoietic differentiation.


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A basic evolutionary problem posed by the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma game is to understand when the paradigmatic cooperative strategy Tit-for-Tat can invade a population of pure defectors. Deterministically, this is impossible. We consider the role of demographic stochasticity by embedding the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma into a population dynamic framework. Tit-for-Tat can invade a population of defectors when their dynamics exhibit short episodes of high population densities with subsequent crashes and long low density periods with strong genetic drift. Such dynamics tend to have reddened power spectra and temporal distributions of population size that are asymmetric and skewed toward low densities. The results indicate that ecological dynamics are important for evolutionary shifts between adaptive peaks.


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Antigen-induced stimulation of the immune system can generate heterogeneity in CD4+ T cell division rates capable of explaining the temporal patterns seen in the decay of HIV-1 plasma RNA levels during highly active antiretroviral therapy. Posttreatment increases in peripheral CD4+ T cell counts are consistent with a mathematical model in which host cell redistribution between lymph nodes and peripheral blood is a function of viral burden. Model fits to patient data suggest that, although therapy reduces HIV replication below replacement levels, substantial residual replication continues. This residual replication has important consequences for long-term therapy and the evolution of drug resistance and represents a challenge for future treatment strategies.


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To elucidate the roles of visual areas V1 and V2 and their interaction in early perceptual processing, we studied the responses of V1 and V2 neurons to statically displayed Kanizsa figures. We found evidence that V1 neurons respond to illusory contours of the Kanizsa figures. The illusory contour signals in V1 are weaker than in V2, but are significant, particularly in the superficial layers. The population averaged response to illusory contours emerged 100 msec after stimulus onset in the superficial layers of V1, and around 120–190 msec in the deep layers. The illusory contour response in V2 began earlier, occurring at 70 msec in the superficial layers and at 95 msec in the deep layers. The temporal sequence of the events suggests that the computation of illusory contours involves intercortical interaction, and that early perceptual organization is likely to be an interactive process.


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Many elementary chemical and physical processes such as the breaking of a chemical bond or the vibrational motion of atoms within a molecule take place on a femtosecond (fs = 10−15 s) or picosecond (ps = 10−12 s) time scale. It is now possible to monitor these events as a function of time with temporal resolution well below 100 fs. This capability is based on the pump-probe technique where one optical pulse triggers a reaction and a second delayed optical pulse probes the changes that ensue. To illustrate this capability, the dynamics of ligand motion within a protein are presented. Moving beyond casual observation of a reaction to active control of its outcome requires additional experimental and theoretical effort. To illustrate the concept of control, the effect of optical pulse duration on the vibrational dynamics of a tri-atomic molecule are discussed. The experimental and theoretical resources currently available are poised to make the dream of reaction control a reality for certain molecular systems.


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The onset of measles vaccination in England and Wales in 1968 coincided with a marked drop in the temporal correlation of epidemic patterns between major cities. We analyze a variety of hypotheses for the mechanisms driving this change. Straightforward stochastic models suggest that the interaction between a lowered susceptible population (and hence increased demographic noise) and nonlinear dynamics is sufficient to cause the observed drop in correlation. The decorrelation of epidemics could potentially lessen the chance of global extinction and so inhibit attempts at measles eradication.