7 resultados para Systemic infection

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Alfalfa mosaic virus (AlMV) coat protein is involved in systemic infection of host plants, and a specific mutation in this gene prevents the virus from moving into the upper uninoculated leaves. The coat protein also is required for different viral functions during early and late infection. To study the role of the coat protein in long-distance movement of AlMV independent of other vital functions during virus infection, we cloned the gene encoding the coat protein of AlMV into a tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)-based vector Av. This vector is deficient in long-distance movement and is limited to locally inoculated leaves because of the lack of native TMV coat protein. Expression of AlMV coat protein, directed by the subgenomic promoter of TMV coat protein in Av, supported systemic infection with the chimeric virus in Nicotiana benthamiana, Nicotiana tabacum MD609, and Spinacia oleracea. The host range of TMV was extended to include spinach as a permissive host. Here we report the alteration of a host range by incorporating genetic determinants from another virus.


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Cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) infects a very wide range of plant species (>1000 species). We recently demonstrated that a previously undescribed gene (2b) encoded by RNA 2 of the tripartite RNA genome of CMV is required for systemic virus spread and disease induction in its hosts. Herein we report that when this CMV gene is replaced by its homologue from tomato aspermy cucumovirus (TAV), the resultant hybrid virus is significantly more virulent, induces earlier onset of systemic symptoms, and accumulates to a higher level in seven host species from three families than either of the parents. Our results indicate that CMV and the TAV 2b protein interact synergistically despite the fact that no synergism occurs in double infections with the two parental viruses. To our knowledge, this is the first example of an interspecific hybrid made from plant or animal RNA viruses that is more efficient in systemic infection of a number of hosts than the naturally occurring parents. As CMV and the hybrid virus accumulated to a similar level in the infected tobacco protoplasts, the observed synergistic responses most likely resulted from an increased efficacy of the hybrid virus in systemic spread in host plants provided by the TAV 2b protein. The relevance of our finding to the application of pathogen-derived resistance is discussed.


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Salicylic acid-induced protein kinase (SIPK) and wounding-induced protein kinase (WIPK), two distinct members of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase family, are activated in tobacco resisting infection by tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). WIPK activation by TMV depends on the disease-resistance gene N because infection of susceptible tobacco not carrying the N gene failed to activate WIPK. Activation of WIPK required not only posttranslational phosphorylation but also a preceding rise in its mRNA and de novo synthesis of WIPK protein. The induction by TMV of WIPK mRNA and protein also occurred systemically. Its activation at the mRNA, protein, and enzyme levels was independent of salicylic acid. The regulation of WIPK at multiple levels by an N gene-mediated signal(s) suggests that this MAP kinase may be an important component upstream of salicylic acid in the signal-transduction pathway(s) leading to local and systemic resistance to TMV.


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The induction of autoantibodies to U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (U1 snRNP) complexes is not well understood. We present evidence that healthy individuals with cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection have an increased frequency and quantity of antibodies to ribonucleoprotein, directed primarily against the U1-70k protein. A significant association between the presence of antibodies to CMV and antibodies to the total RNP targeted by the immune response to the spliceosome (to both the Sm and RNP; Sm/RNP) was found for patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) but not those with mixed connective-tissue disease. CMV thus may play a role in inducing autoimmune responses in a subset of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.


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Erythropoietin (Epo)-responsive anemia is a common and debilitating complication of chronic renal failure and human immunodeficiency virus infection. Current therapy for this condition involves repeated intravenous or subcutaneous injections of recombinant Epo. In this report, we describe the development of a novel muscle-based gene transfer approach that produces long-term expression of physiologically significant levels of Epo in the systemic circulation of mice. We have constructed a plasmid expression vector, pVRmEpo, that contains the murine Epo cDNA under the transcriptional control of the cytomegalovirus immediate early (CMV-IE) promoter, the CMV-IE 5' untranslated region, and intron A. A single intramuscular (i.m.) injection of as little as 10 micrograms of this plasmid into immunocompetent adult mice produced physiologically significant elevations in serum Epo levels and increased hematocrits from preinjection levels of 48 +/- 0.4% to levels of 64 +/- 3.3% 45 days after injection. Hematocrits in these animals remained elevated at greater than 60% for at least 90 days after a single i.m. injection of 10 micrograms of pVRmEpo. We observed a dose-response relationship between the amount of plasmid DNA injected and subsequent elevations in hematocrits. Mice injected once with 300 micrograms of pVRmEpo displayed 5-fold increased serum Epo levels and elevated hematocrits of 79 +/- 3.3% at 45 days after injection. The i.m. injected plasmid DNA remained localized to the site of injection as assayed by the PCR. We conclude that i.m. injection of plasmid DNA represents a viable nonviral gene transfer method for the treatment of acquired and inherited serum protein deficiencies.


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Infection of mucosal epithelium by papillomaviruses is responsible for the induction of genital and oral warts and plays a critical role in the development of human cervical and oropharyngeal cancer. We have employed a canine model to develop a systemic vaccine that completely protects against experimentally induced oral mucosal papillomas. The major capsid protein, L1, of canine oral papillomavirus (COPV) was expressed in Sf9 insect cells in native conformation. L1 protein, which self-assembled into virus-like particles, was purified on CsCl gradients and injected intradermally into the foot pad of beagles. Vaccinated animals developed circulating antibodies against COPV and became completely resistant to experimental challenge with COPV. Successful immunization was strictly dependent upon native L1 protein conformation and L1 type. Partial protection was achieved with as little as 0.125 ng of L1 protein, and adjuvants appeared useful for prolonging the host immune response. Serum immunoglobulins passively transferred from COPV L1-immunized beagles to naive beagles conferred protection from experimental infection with COPV. Our results indicate the feasibility of developing a human vaccine to prevent mucosal papillomas, which can progress to malignancy.


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Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is an important component of plant defense against pathogen infection. Accumulation of salicylic acid (SA) is required for the induction of SAR. However, SA is apparently not the translocated signal but is involved in transducing the signal in target tissues. Interestingly, SA accumulation is not required for production and release of the systemic signal. In addition to playing a pivotal role in SAR signal transduction, SA is important in modulating plant susceptibility to pathogen infection and genetic resistance to disease. It has been proposed that SA inhibition of catalase results in H2O2 accumulation and that therefore H2O2 serves as a second messenger in SAR signaling. We find no accumulation of H2O2 in tissues expressing SAR; thus the role of H2O2 in SAR signaling is questionable.