21 resultados para Synergism

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Many reports have shown that plant growth and yield is superior on mixtures of NO3− and NH4+ compared with provision of either N source alone. Despite its clear practical importance, the nature of this N-source synergism at the cellular level is poorly understood. In the present study we have used the technique of compartmental analysis by efflux and the radiotracer 13N to measure cellular turnover kinetics, patterns of flux partitioning, and cytosolic pool sizes of both NO3− and NH4+ in seedling roots of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv IR72), supplied simultaneously with the two N sources. We show that plasma membrane fluxes for NH4+, cytosolic NH4+ accumulation, and NH4+ metabolism are enhanced by the presence of NO3−, whereas NO3− fluxes, accumulation, and metabolism are strongly repressed by NH4+. However, net N acquisition and N translocation to the shoot with dual N-source provision are substantially larger than when NO3− or NH4+ is provided alone at identical N concentrations.


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Wild-type or phyA, phyB, or hy4 mutant Arabidopsis seedlings lacking phytochrome A (phyA), phytochrome B (phyB), or cryptochrome 1 (cry1), respectively, and the double and triple mutants were used in combination with blue-light treatments given simultaneously with red or far-red light. We investigated the interaction between phytochromes and cry1 in the control of hypocotyl growth and cotyledon unfolding. Under conditions deficient for cry1 (short exposures to blue light) or phyB (far-red background), these photoreceptors acted synergistically: Under short exposures to blue light (3 h/d) added to a red-light background, cry1 activity required phyB (e.g. the hy4 mutant was taller than the wild type but the phyBhy4 mutant was not taller than the phyB mutant). Under prolonged exposures to blue light (24 h/d) added to a far-red light background, phyB activity required cry1 (e.g. the phyAphyB mutant was taller than the phyA mutant but the phyAphyBhy4 mutant was not taller than the phyAhy4 mutant). Under more favorable light inputs, i.e. prolonged exposures to blue light added to a red-light background, the effects of cry1 and phyB were independent. Thus, the synergism between phyB and cry1 is conditional. The effect of cry1 was not reduced by the phyA mutation under any tested light condition. Under continuous blue light the triple mutant phyAphyBhy4 showed reduced hypocotyl growth inhibition and cotyledon unfolding compared with the phyAphyB mutant. The action of cry1 in the phyAphyB double mutant was higher under the red-light than the far-red-light background, indicating a synergistic interaction between cry1 and phytochromes C, D, or E; however, a residual action of cry1 independent of any phytochrome is likely to occur.


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Previous research has shown that amphibians have differential sensitivity to ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation. In some species, ambient levels of UV-B radiation cause embryonic mortality in nature. The detrimental effects of UV-B alone or with other agents may ultimately affect amphibians at the population level. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a synergistic effect between UV-B radiation and a pathogenic fungus in the field that increases the mortality of amphibian embryos compared with either factor alone. Studies investigating single factors for causes of amphibian egg mortality or population declines may not reveal the complex factors involved in declines.


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The α subunit (Gα) of heterotrimeric G proteins is a major determinant of signaling selectivity. The Gα structure essentially comprises a GTPase “Ras-like” domain (RasD) and a unique α-helical domain (HD). We used the vertebrate phototransduction model to test for potential functions of HD and found that the HD of the retinal transducin Gα (Gαt) and the closely related gustducin (Gαg), but not Gαi1, Gαs, or Gαq synergistically enhance guanosine 5′-γ[-thio]triphosphate bound Gαt (GαtGTPγS) activation of bovine rod cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE). In addition, both HDt and HDg, but not HDi1, HDs, or HDq attenuate the trypsin-activated PDE. GαtGDP and HDt attenuation of trypsin-activated PDE saturate with similar affinities and to an identical 38% of initial activity. These data suggest that interaction of intact Gαt with the PDE catalytic core may be caused by the HD moiety, and they indicate an independent site(s) for the HD moiety of Gαt within the PDE catalytic core in addition to the sites for the inhibitory Pγ subunits. The HD moiety of GαtGDP is an attenuator of the activated catalytic core, whereas in the presence of activated GαtGTPγS the independently expressed HDt is a potent synergist. Rhodopsin catalysis of Gαt activation enhances the PDE activation produced by subsaturating levels of Gαt, suggesting a HD-moiety synergism from a transient conformation of Gαt. These results establish HD-selective regulations of vertebrate retinal PDE, and they provide evidence demonstrating that the HD is a modulatory domain. We suggest that the HD works in concert with the RasD, enhancing the efficiency of G protein signaling.


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Signal transduction pathways that mediate activation of serum response factor (SRF) by heterotrimeric G protein α subunits were characterized in transfection systems. Gαq, Gα12, and Gα13, but not Gαi, activate SRF through RhoA. When Gαq, α12, or α13 were coexpressed with a Rho-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor GEF115, Gα13, but not Gαq or Gα12, showed synergistic activation of SRF with GEF115. The synergy between Gα13 and GEF115 depends on the N-terminal part of GEF115, and there was no synergistic effect between Gα13 and another Rho-specific exchange factor Lbc. In addition, the Dbl-homology (DH)-domain-deletion mutant of GEF115 inhibited Gα13- and Gα12-induced, but not GEF115 itself- or Gαq-induced, SRF activation. The DH-domain-deletion mutant also suppressed thrombin- and lysophosphatidic acid-induced SRF activation in NIH 3T3 cells, probably by inhibition of Gα12/13. The N-terminal part of GEF115 contains a sequence motif that is homologous to the regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) domain of RGS12. RGS12 can inhibit both Gα12 and Gα13. Thus, the inhibition of Gα12/13 by the DH-deletion mutant may be due to the RGS activity of the mutant. The synergism between Gα13 and GEF115 indicates that GEF115 mediates Gα13-induced activation of Rho and SRF.


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We present an approach for evaluating the efficacy of combination antitumor agent schedules that accounts for order and timing of drug administration. Our model-based approach compares in vivo tumor volume data over a time course and offers a quantitative definition for additivity of drug effects, relative to which synergism and antagonism are interpreted. We begin by fitting data from individual mice receiving at most one drug to a differential equation tumor growth/drug effect model and combine individual parameter estimates to obtain population statistics. Using two null hypotheses: (i) combination therapy is consistent with additivity or (ii) combination therapy is equivalent to treating with the more effective single agent alone, we compute predicted tumor growth trajectories and their distribution for combination treated animals. We illustrate this approach by comparing entire observed and expected tumor volume trajectories for a data set in which HER-2/neu-overexpressing MCF-7 human breast cancer xenografts are treated with a humanized, anti-HER-2 monoclonal antibody (rhuMAb HER-2), doxorubicin, or one of five proposed combination therapy schedules.


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Ablation of tumor colonies was seen in a wide spectrum of human carcinoma cells in culture after treatment with the combination of β-lapachone and taxol, two low molecular mass compounds. They synergistically induced death of cultured ovarian, breast, prostate, melanoma, lung, colon, and pancreatic cancer cells. This synergism is schedule dependent; namely, taxol must be added either simultaneously or after β-lapachone. This combination therapy has unusually potent antitumor activity against human ovarian and prostate tumor prexenografted in mice. There is little host toxicity. Cells can commit to apoptosis at cell-cycle checkpoints, a mechanism that eliminates defective cells to ensure the integrity of the genome. We hypothesize that when cells are treated simultaneously with drugs activating more than one different cell-cycle checkpoint, the production of conflicting regulatory signaling molecules induces apoptosis in cancer cells. β-Lapachone causes cell-cycle delays in late G1 and S phase, and taxol arrests cells at G2/M. Cells treated with both drugs were delayed at multiple checkpoints before committing to apoptosis. Our findings suggest an avenue for developing anticancer therapy by exploiting apoptosis-prone “collisions” at cell-cycle checkpoints.


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Bacterial flagellar motors rotate, obtaining power from the membrane gradient of protons or, in some species, sodium ions. Torque generation in the flagellar motor must involve interactions between components of the rotor and components of the stator. Sites of interaction between the rotor and stator have not been identified. Mutational studies of the rotor protein FliG and the stator protein MotA showed that both proteins contain charged residues essential for motor rotation. This suggests that functionally important electrostatic interactions might occur between the rotor and stator. To test this proposal, we examined double mutants with charged-residue substitutions in both the rotor protein FliG and the stator protein MotA. Several combinations of FliG mutations with MotA mutations exhibited strong synergism, whereas others showed strong suppression, in a pattern that indicates that the functionally important charged residues of FliG interact with those of MotA. These results identify a functionally important site of interaction between the rotor and stator and suggest a hypothesis for electrostatic interactions at the rotor–stator interface.


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Although activation of one seven-transmembrane receptor can influence the response of a separate seven-transmembrane receptor, e.g., the phenomenon of synergism, the underlying mechanism(s) for this signaling process is unclear. The present study investigated communication between two receptors that exhibit classical synergism, e.g., human platelet thrombin and thromboxane A2 receptors. Activation of thrombin receptors caused an increase in ligand affinity of thromboxane A2 receptors. This effect (i) was shown to be specific, since a similar increase in ligand affinity was not caused by ADP or A23187; (ii) did not require cytosolic components, e.g., kinases, proteases, phosphatases, etc., because it occurred in isolated platelet membranes; (iii) was G protein-mediated because it was blocked by an Gαq C terminus antibody; and (iv) was associated with a net increase in Gαq coupling to thromboxane A2 receptors. Collectively, these data provide evidence that seven-transmembrane receptors that share a common Gα subunit can communicate with each other via a redistribution of their G proteins. Thus, activation of thrombin receptors increases Gαq association with thromboxane A2 receptors thereby shifting them to a higher affinity state. This signaling phenomenon, which modulates receptor-ligand affinity, may serve as a molecular mechanism for cellular adaptive processes such as synergism.


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The search for a common cause of species richness gradients has spawned more than 100 explanatory hypotheses in just the past two decades. Despite recent conceptual advances, further refinement of the most plausible models has been stifled by the difficulty of compiling high-resolution databases at continental scales. We used a database of the geographic ranges of 2,869 species of birds breeding in South America (nearly a third of the world's living avian species) to explore the influence of climate, quadrat area, ecosystem diversity, and topography on species richness gradients at 10 spatial scales (quadrat area, ≈12,300 to ≈1,225,000 km2). Topography, precipitation, topography × latitude, ecosystem diversity, and cloud cover emerged as the most important predictors of regional variability of species richness in regression models incorporating 16 independent variables, although ranking of variables depended on spatial scale. Direct measures of ambient energy such as mean and maximum temperature were of ancillary importance. Species richness values for 1° × 1° latitude-longitude quadrats in the Andes (peaking at 845 species) were ≈30–250% greater than those recorded at equivalent latitudes in the central Amazon basin. These findings reflect the extraordinary abundance of species associated with humid montane regions at equatorial latitudes and the importance of orography in avian speciation. In a broader context, our data reinforce the hypothesis that terrestrial species richness from the equator to the poles is ultimately governed by a synergism between climate and coarse-scale topographic heterogeneity.


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Abscisic acid (ABA) 8′-hydroxylase catalyzes the first step in the oxidative degradation of (+)-ABA. The development of a robust in vitro assay has now permitted detailed examination and characterization of this enzyme. Although several factors (buffer, cofactor, and source tissue) were critical in developing the assay, the most important of these was the identification of a tissue displaying high amounts of in vivo enzyme activity (A.J. Cutler, T.M. Squires, M.K. Loewen, J.J. Balsevich [1997] J Exp Bot 48: 1787–1795). (+)-ABA 8′-hydroxylase is an integral membrane protein that is localized to the microsomal fraction in suspension-cultured maize (Zea mays) cells. (+)-ABA metabolism requires both NADPH and molecular oxygen. NADH was not an effective cofactor, although there was substantial stimulation of activity (synergism) when it was included at rate-limiting NADPH concentrations. The metabolism of (+)-ABA was progressively inhibited at O2 concentrations less than 10% (v/v) and was very low (less than 5% of control) under N2. (+)-ABA 8′-hydroxylase activity was inhibited by tetcyclacis (50% inhibition at 10−6 m), cytochrome c (oxidized form), and CO. The CO inhibition was reversible by light from several regions of the visible spectrum, but most efficiently by blue and amber light. These data strongly support the contention that (+)-ABA 8′-hydroxylase is a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase.


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The estrogen receptor (ER), a member of a large superfamily of nuclear hormone receptors, is a ligand-inducible transcription factor that regulates the expression of estrogen-responsive genes. The ER, in common with other members of this superfamily, contains two transcription activation functions (AFs)--one located in the amino-terminal region (AF-1) and the second located in the carboxyl-terminal region (AF-2). In most cell contexts, the synergistic activity of AF-1 and AF-2 is required for full estradiol (E2)-stimulated activity. We have previously shown that a ligand-dependent interaction between the two AF-containing regions of ER was promoted by E2 and the antiestrogen trans-hydroxytamoxifen (TOT). This interaction, however, was transcriptionally productive only in the presence of E2. To explore a possible role of steroid receptor coactivators in transcriptional synergism between AF-1 and AF-2, we expressed the amino terminal (AF-1-containing) and carboxyl-terminal (AF-2-containing) regions of ER as separate polypeptides in mammalian cells, along with the steroid receptor coactivator-1 protein (SRC-1). We demonstrate that SRC-1, which has been shown to significantly increase ER transcriptional activity, enhanced the interaction, mediated by either E2 or TOT, between the AF-1-containing and AF-2-containing regions of the ER. However, this enhanced interaction resulted in increased transcriptional effectiveness only with E2 and not with TOT, consistent with the effects of SRC-1 on the full-length receptor. Our results suggest that after ligand binding, SRC-1 may act, in part, as an adapter protein that promotes the integration of amino- and carboxyl-terminal receptor functions, allowing for full receptor activation. Potentially, SRC-1 may be capable of enhancing the transcriptional activity of related nuclear receptor superfamily members by facilitating the productive association of the two AF-containing regions in these receptors.


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Cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) infects a very wide range of plant species (>1000 species). We recently demonstrated that a previously undescribed gene (2b) encoded by RNA 2 of the tripartite RNA genome of CMV is required for systemic virus spread and disease induction in its hosts. Herein we report that when this CMV gene is replaced by its homologue from tomato aspermy cucumovirus (TAV), the resultant hybrid virus is significantly more virulent, induces earlier onset of systemic symptoms, and accumulates to a higher level in seven host species from three families than either of the parents. Our results indicate that CMV and the TAV 2b protein interact synergistically despite the fact that no synergism occurs in double infections with the two parental viruses. To our knowledge, this is the first example of an interspecific hybrid made from plant or animal RNA viruses that is more efficient in systemic infection of a number of hosts than the naturally occurring parents. As CMV and the hybrid virus accumulated to a similar level in the infected tobacco protoplasts, the observed synergistic responses most likely resulted from an increased efficacy of the hybrid virus in systemic spread in host plants provided by the TAV 2b protein. The relevance of our finding to the application of pathogen-derived resistance is discussed.


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Clotting factor XII (Hageman factor) contains epidermal growth factor (EGF)-homologous domains and is reported to be a potent mitogen for human hepatoma (HepG2) cells. In this study, we tested whether factor XII exhibits growth factor activity on several other EGF-sensitive target cells, including fetal hepatocytes, endothelial cells, alveolar type II cells, and aortic smooth muscle cells. We found that factor XII significantly enhanced [3H]thymidine incorporation in aortic smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and all other cells tested. Tyrphostin, a growth factor receptor/tyrosine kinase antagonist, inhibited both EGF- and factor XII-induced responses. However, differences in the levels of magnitude of DNA synthesis, the observed synergism between EGF and factor XII, and the differential sensitivity to tyrphostin suggest that the EGF receptor and the factor XII receptor may be nonidentical. The factor XII-induced mitogenic response was achieved at concentrations that were 1/10th the physiologic range for the circulating factor and was reduced by popcorn inhibitor, a specific factor XII protease inhibitor. Treatment of aortic SMCs with factor XII, as well as activated factor XII, resulted in a rapid and transient activation of a mitogen-activated/extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase with peak activity/tyrosine phosphorylation observed at 5 to 10 min of exposure. Taken together, these data (i) confirm that clotting factor XII functions as a mitogenic growth factor and (ii) demonstrate that factor XII activates a signal transduction pathway, which includes a mitogen-activated protein kinase.


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The estrogen receptor (ER), a 66-kDa protein that mediates the actions of estrogens in estrogen-responsive tissues, is a member of a large superfamily of nuclear hormone receptors that function as ligand-activated transcription factors. ER shares a conserved structural and functional organization with other members of this superfamily, including two transcriptional activation functions (AFs), one located in its amino-terminal region (AF-1) and the second located in its carboxyl-terminal, ligand-binding region (AF-2). In most promoter contexts, synergism between AF-1 and AF-2 is required for full ER activity. In these studies, we demonstrate a functional interaction of the two AF-containing regions of ER, when expressed as separate polypeptides in mammalian cells, in response to 17 beta-estradiol (E2) and antiestrogen binding. The interaction was transcriptionally productive only in response to E2, and was eliminated by point or deletion mutations that destroy AF-1 or AF-2 activity or E2 binding. Our results suggest a definitive mechanistic role for E2 in the activity of ER--namely, to alter receptor conformation to promote an association of the amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions, leading to transcriptional synergism between AF-1 and AF-2. The productive re assembly of two portions of ER expressed in cells as separate polypeptides demonstrates the evolutionarily conserved modular structural and functional organization of the nuclear hormone receptors. The ligand-dependent interaction of the two AF-containing regions of ER allows for the assembly of a complete activation function from two distinct regions within the same protein, providing a mechanism for hormonally regulated transcription.