12 resultados para Subterranean and aerial organs

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Protein synthesis (PS) has been considered essential to sustain mammalian life, yet was found to be virtually arrested for weeks in brain and other organs of the hibernating ground squirrel, Spermophilus tridecemlineatus. PS, in vivo, was below the limit of autoradiographic detection in brain sections and, in brain extracts, was determined to be 0.04% of the average rate from active squirrels. Further, it was reduced 3-fold in cell-free extracts from hibernating brain at 37°C, eliminating hypothermia as the only cause for protein synthesis inhibition (active, 0.47 ± 0.08 pmol/mg protein per min; hibernator, 0.16 ± 0.05 pmol/mg protein per min, P < 0.001). PS suppression involved blocks of initiation and elongation, and its onset coincided with the early transition phase into hibernation. An increased monosome peak with moderate ribosomal disaggregation in polysome profiles and the greatly increased phosphorylation of eIF2α are both consistent with an initiation block in hibernators. The elongation block was demonstrated by a 3-fold increase in ribosomal mean transit times in cell-free extracts from hibernators (active, 2.4 ± 0.7 min; hibernator, 7.1 ± 1.4 min, P < 0.001). No abnormalities of ribosomal function or mRNA levels were detected. These findings implicate suppression of PS as a component of the regulated shutdown of cellular function that permits hibernating ground squirrels to tolerate “trickle” blood flow and reduced substrate and oxygen availability. Further study of the factors that control these phenomena may lead to identification of the molecular mechanisms that regulate this state.


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The molecular mechanisms of pulmonary fibrosis are poorly understood. We have used oligonucleotide arrays to analyze the gene expression programs that underlie pulmonary fibrosis in response to bleomycin, a drug that causes lung inflammation and fibrosis, in two strains of susceptible mice (129 and C57BL/6). We then compared the gene expression patterns in these mice with 129 mice carrying a null mutation in the epithelial-restricted integrin β6 subunit (β6−/−), which develop inflammation but are protected from pulmonary fibrosis. Cluster analysis identified two distinct groups of genes involved in the inflammatory and fibrotic responses. Analysis of gene expression at multiple time points after bleomycin administration revealed sequential induction of subsets of genes that characterize each response. The availability of this comprehensive data set should accelerate the development of more effective strategies for intervention at the various stages in the development of fibrotic diseases of the lungs and other organs.


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Carcinogen-DNA adduct measurements may become useful biomarkers of effective dose and/or early effect. However, validation of this biomarker is required at several levels to ensure that human exposure and response are accurately reflected. Important in this regard is an understanding of the relative biomarker levels in target and nontarget organs and the response of the biomarker under the chronic, low-dose conditions to which humans are exposed. We studied the differences between single and chronic topical application of benzo[a]pyrene (BAP) on the accumulation and removal of BAP-DNA adducts in skin, lung, and liver. Animals were treated with BAP at 10, 25, or 50 nMol topically once or twice per week for as long as 15 weeks. Animals were sacrificed either at 24, 48, or 72 hr after the last dose at 1 and 30 treatments, and after 24 hr for all other treatment groups. Adduct levels increased with increasing dose, but the slope of the dose-response was different in each organ. At low doses, accumulation was linear in skin and lung, but at high doses the adduct levels in the lung increased dramatically at the same time when the levels in the skin reached apparent steady state. In the liver adduct, levels were lower than in target tissues and apparent steady-state adduct levels were reached rapidly, the maxima being independent of dose, suggesting that activating metabolism was saturated in this organ. Removal of adducts from skin, the target organ, was more rapid following single treatment than with chronic exposure. This finding is consistent with earlier data, indicating that some areas of the genome are more resistant to repair. Thus, repeated exposure and repair cycles would be more likely to cause an increase in the proportion of carcinogen-DNA adducts in repair-resistant areas of the genome. These findings indicate that single-dose experiments may underestimate the potential for carcinogenicity for compounds that follow this pattern.


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Continuous growth and development in plants are accomplished by meristems, groups of undifferentiated cells that persist as stem cells and initiate organs. While the structures of the apical and floral meristems in dicotyledonous plants have been well described, little is known about the underlying molecular mechanisms controlling cell proliferation and differentiation in these structures. We have shown previously that the CLAVATA1 (CLV1) gene in Arabidopsis encodes a receptor kinase-like protein that controls the size of the apical and floral meristems. Here, we show that KAPP, a gene encoding a kinase-associated protein phosphatase, is expressed in apical and young floral meristems, along with CLV1. Overexpression of KAPP mimics the clv1 mutant phenotype. Furthermore, CLV1 has kinase activity: it phosphorylates both itself and KAPP. Finally, KAPP binds and dephosphorylates CLV1. We present a model where KAPP functions as a negative regulator of the CLAVATA1 signal transduction pathway.


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Galactosialidosis (GS) is a human neurodegenerative disease caused by a deficiency of lysosomal protective protein/cathepsin A (PPCA). The GS mouse model resembles the severe human condition, resulting in nephropathy, ataxia, and premature death. To rescue the disease phenotype, GS mice were transplanted with bone marrow from transgenic mice overexpressing human PPCA specifically in monocytes/macrophages under the control of the colony stimulating factor-1 receptor promoter. Transgenic macrophages infiltrated and resided in all organs and expressed PPCA at high levels. Correction occurred in hematopoietic tissues and nonhematopoietic organs, including the central nervous system. PPCA-expressing perivascular and leptomeningeal macrophages were detected throughout the brain of recipient mice, although some neuronal cells, such as Purkinje cells, continued to show storage and died. GS mice crossed into the transgenic background reflected the outcome of bone marrow-transplanted mice, but the course of neuronal degeneration was delayed in this model. These studies present definite evidence that macrophages alone can provide a source of corrective enzyme for visceral organs and may be beneficial for neuronal correction if expression levels are sufficient.


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The CD8+ T cell diaspora has been analyzed after secondary challenge with an influenza A virus that replicates only in the respiratory tract. Numbers of DbNP366- and DbPA224-specific CD8+ T cells were measured by tetramer staining at the end of the recall response, then followed sequentially in the lung, lymph nodes, spleen, blood, and other organs. The extent of clonal expansion did not reflect the sizes of the preexisting memory T cell pools. Although the high-frequency CD8+ tetramer+ populations in the pneumonic lung and mediastinal lymph nodes fell rapidly from peak values, the “whole mouse” virus-specific CD8+ T cell counts decreased only 2-fold over the 4 weeks after infection, then subsided at a fairly steady rate to reach a plateau at about 2 months. The largest numbers were found throughout in the spleen, then the bone marrow. The CD8+DbNP366+ and CD8+DbPA224+ sets remained significantly enlarged for at least 4 months, declining at equivalent rates while retaining the nucleoprotein > acid polymerase immunodominance hierarchy characteristic of the earlier antigen-driven phase. Lowest levels of the CD69 “activation marker” were detected consistently on virus-specific CD8+ T cells in the blood, then the spleen. Those in the bone marrow and liver were intermediate, and CD69hi T cells were very prominent in the regional lymph nodes and the nasal-associated lymphoid tissue. Any population of “resting” CD8+ memory T cells is thus phenotypically heterogeneous, widely dispersed, and subject to broad homeostatic and local environmental effects irrespective of epitope specificity or magnitude.


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Deflection of the hair bundle atop a sensory hair cell modulates the open probability of mechanosensitive ion channels. In response to sustained deflections, hair cells adapt. Two fundamentally distinct models have been proposed to explain transducer adaptation. Both models support the notion that channel open probability is modulated by calcium that enters via the transduction channels. Both also suggest that the primary effect of adaptation is to shift the deflection-response [I(X)] relationship in the direction of the applied stimulus, thus maintaining hair bundle sensitivity. The models differ in several respects. They operate on different time scales: the faster on the order of a few milliseconds or less and the slower on the order of 10 ms or more. The model proposed to explain fast adaptation suggests that calcium enters and binds at or near the transduction channels to stabilize a closed conformation. The model proposed to explain the slower adaptation suggests that adaptation is mediated by an active, force-generating process that regulates the effective stimulus applied to the transduction channels. Here we discuss the evidence in support of each model and consider the possibility that both may function to varying degrees in hair cells of different species and sensory organs.


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By using an expression cloning strategy, we isolated a single positive clone encoding a tilapia prolactin (PRL) receptor. Tilapia PRL188 was used to screen a freshwater tilapia kidney expression library transfected in COS cells. The tilapia PRL receptor is a mature protein of 606 amino acids. The extracellular domain is devoid of the tandem repeat units present in birds and has two pairs of cysteine residues, a Trp-Ser-Xaa-Trp-Ser motif, and two potential N-glycosylation sites. The cytoplasmic domain contains 372 amino acids, including box 1, a sequence previously shown to be important for signal transduction in mammalian species. Thus, the general structure is similar to the long form of mammalian PRL receptors; however, amino acid comparisons reveal a rather low identity (approximately 37%). Northern blot analysis shows the existence of a single transcript in osmoregulatory tissues and reproductive organs. This localization is in agreement with known functions of PRL in teleosts.


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Memory is a hallmark of immunity. Memory carried by antibodies is largely responsible for protection against reinfection with most known acutely lethal infectious agents and is the basis for most clinically successful vaccines. However, the nature of long-term B cell and antibody memory is still unclear. B cell memory was studied here after infection of mice with the rabies-like cytopathic vesicular stomatitis virus, the noncytopathic lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (Armstrong and WE), and after immunization with various inert viral antigens inducing naive B cells to differentiate either to plasma cells or memory B cells in germinal centers of secondary lymphoid organs. The results show that in contrast to very low background levels against internal viral antigens, no significant neutralizing antibody memory was observed in the absence of antigen and suggest that memory B cells (i) are long-lived in the absence of antigen, nondividing, and relatively resistant to irradiation, and (ii) must be stimulated by antigen to differentiate to short-lived antibody-secreting plasma cells, a process that is also efficient in the bone marrow and always depends on radiosensitive, specific T help. Therefore, for vaccines to induce long-term protective antibody titers, they need to repeatedly provide, or continuously maintain, antigen in minimal quantities over a prolonged time period in secondary lymphoid organs or the bone marrow for sufficient numbers of long-lived memory B cells to mature to short-lived plasma cells.


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Fabry disease is a lysosomal storage disorder caused by a deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme α-galactosidase A (α-gal A). This enzyme deficiency leads to impaired catabolism of α-galactosyl-terminal lipids such as globotriaosylceramide (Gb3). Patients develop painful neuropathy and vascular occlusions that progressively lead to cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and renal dysfunction and early death. Although enzyme replacement therapy and bone marrow transplantation have shown promise in the murine analog of Fabry disease, gene therapy holds a strong potential for treating this disease in humans. Delivery of the normal α-gal A gene (cDNA) into a depot organ such as liver may be sufficient to elicit corrective circulating levels of the deficient enzyme. To investigate this possibility, a recombinant adeno-associated viral vector encoding human α-gal A (rAAV-AGA) was constructed and injected into the hepatic portal vein of Fabry mice. Two weeks postinjection, α-gal A activity in the livers of rAAV-AGA-injected Fabry mice was 20–35% of that of the normal mice. The transduced animals continued to show higher α-gal A levels in liver and other tissues compared with the untouched Fabry controls as long as 6 months after treatment. In parallel to the elevated enzyme levels, we see significant reductions in Gb3 levels to near normal at 2 and 5 weeks posttreatment. The lower Gb3 levels continued in liver, spleen, and heart, up to 25 weeks with no significant immune response to the virus or α-gal A. Also, no signs of liver toxicity occurred after the rAAV-AGA administration. These findings suggest that an AAV-mediated gene transfer may be useful for the treatment of Fabry disease and possibly other metabolic disorders.


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The cDNA clone ERD5 (early responsive to dehydration), isolated from 1-h-dehydrated Arabidopsis, encodes a precursor of proline (Pro) dehydrogenase (ProDH), which is a mitochondrial enzyme involved in the first step of the conversion of Pro to glutamic acid. The transcript of the erd5 (ProDH) gene was undetectable when plants were dehydrated, but large amounts of transcript accumulated when plants were subsequently rehydrated. Accumulation of the transcript was also observed in plants that had been incubated under hypoosmotic conditions in media that contained l- or d-Pro. We isolated a 1.4-kb DNA fragment of the putative promoter region of the ProDH gene. The β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene driven by the 1.4-kb ProDH promoter was induced not only by rehydration but also by hypoosmolarity and l- and d-Pro at significant levels in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. The promoter of the ProDH gene directs strong GUS activity in reproductive organs such as pollen and pistils and in the seeds of the transgenic plants. GUS activity was detected in vegetative tissues such as veins of leaves and root tips when the transgenic plants were exposed to hypoosmolarity and Pro solutions. GUS activity increased during germination of the transgenic plants under hypoosmolarity. The relationship between Pro metabolism and the physiological aspects of stress response and development are discussed.