19 resultados para Structural evolution

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The pufferfish Fugu rubripes has a genome ≈7.5 times smaller than that of mammals but with a similar number of genes. Although conserved synteny has been demonstrated between pufferfish and mammals across some regions of the genome, there is some controversy as to what extent Fugu will be a useful model for the human genome, e.g., [Gilley, J., Armes, N. & Fried, M. (1997) Nature (London) 385, 305–306]. We report extensive conservation of synteny between a 1.5-Mb region of human chromosome 11 and <100 kb of the Fugu genome in three overlapping cosmids. Our findings support the idea that the majority of DNA in the region of human chromosome 11p13 is intergenic. Comparative analysis of three unrelated genes with quite different roles, WT1, RCN1, and PAX6, has revealed differences in their structural evolution. Whereas the human WT1 gene can generate 16 protein isoforms via a combination of alternative splicing, RNA editing, and alternative start site usage, our data predict that Fugu WT1 is capable of generating only two isoforms. This raises the question of the extent to which the evolution of WT1 isoforms is related to the evolution of the mammalian genitourinary system. In addition, this region of the Fugu genome shows a much greater overall compaction than usual but with significant noncoding homology observed at the PAX6 locus, implying that comparative genomics has identified regulatory elements associated with this gene.


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Two directed evolution experiments on p-nitrobenzyl esterase yielded one enzyme with a 100-fold increased activity in aqueous-organic solvents and another with a 17°C increase in thermostability. Structures of the wild type and its organophilic and thermophilic counterparts are presented at resolutions of 1.5 Å, 1.6 Å, and 2.0 Å, respectively. These structures identify groups of interacting mutations and demonstrate how directed evolution can traverse complex fitness landscapes. Early-generation mutations stabilize flexible loops not visible in the wild-type structure and set the stage for further beneficial mutations in later generations. The mutations exert their influence on the esterase structure over large distances, in a manner that would be difficult to predict. The loops with the largest structural changes generally are not the sites of mutations. Similarly, none of the seven amino acid substitutions in the organophile are in the active site, even though the enzyme experiences significant changes in the organization of this site. In addition to reduction of surface loop flexibility, thermostability in the evolved esterase results from altered core packing, helix stabilization, and the acquisition of surface salt bridges, in agreement with other comparative studies of mesophilic and thermophilic enzymes. Crystallographic analysis of the wild type and its evolved counterparts reveals networks of mutations that collectively reorganize the active site. Interestingly, the changes that led to diversity within the α/β hydrolase enzyme family and the reorganization seen in this study result from main-chain movements.


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Inteins are protein-splicing elements, most of which contain conserved sequence blocks that define a family of homing endonucleases. Like group I introns that encode such endonucleases, inteins are mobile genetic elements. Recent crystallography and computer modeling studies suggest that inteins consist of two structural domains that correspond to the endonuclease and the protein-splicing elements. To determine whether the bipartite structure of inteins is mirrored by the functional independence of the protein-splicing domain, the entire endonuclease component was deleted from the Mycobacterium tuberculosis recA intein. Guided by computer modeling studies, and taking advantage of genetic systems designed to monitor intein function, the 440-aa Mtu recA intein was reduced to a functional mini-intein of 137 aa. The accuracy of splicing of several mini-inteins was verified. This work not only substantiates structure predictions for intein function but also supports the hypothesis that, like group I introns, mobile inteins arose by an endonuclease gene invading a sequence encoding a small, functional splicing element.


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Stability parameters for individual residues in Thermus thermophilus cysteine-free RNase H were determined by native state hydrogen exchange, thus providing a unique comparison of regional thermodynamics between thermophilic and mesophilic homologues. The general distribution of stability in the thermophilic protein is similar to that of its mesophilic homologue, with a proportional increase in stability for almost all residues. As a consequence, the residue-specific stabilities of the two proteins are remarkably similar under conditions where their global stabilities are the same. These results indicate that T. thermophilus RNase H is stabilized in a delocalized fashion, preserving a finely tuned balance of stabilizing interactions throughout the structure. Therefore, although protein stability can be altered by single amino acid substitution, evolution for optimal function may require more subtle and delocalized mechanisms.


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Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases catalyze aminoacylation of tRNAs by joining an amino acid to its cognate tRNA. The selection of the cognate tRNA is jointly determined by separate structural domains that examine different regions of the tRNA. The cysteine-tRNA synthetase of Escherichia coli has domains that select for tRNAs containing U73, the GCA anticodon, and a specific tertiary structure at the corner of the tRNA L shape. The E. coli enzyme does not efficiently recognize the yeast or human tRNACys, indicating the evolution of determinants for tRNA aminoacylation from E. coli to yeast to human and the coevolution of synthetase domains that interact with these determinants. By successively modifying the yeast and human tRNACys to ones that are efficiently aminoacylated by the E. coli enzyme, we have identified determinants of the tRNA that are important for aminoacylation but that have diverged in the course of evolution. These determinants provide clues to the divergence of synthetase domains. We propose that the domain for selecting U73 is conserved in evolution. In contrast, we propose that the domain for selecting the corner of the tRNA L shape diverged early, after the separation between E. coli and yeast, while that for selecting the GCA-containing anticodon loop diverged late, after the separation between yeast and human.


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Many pathogen recognition genes, such as plant R-genes, undergo rapid adaptive evolution, providing evidence that these genes play a critical role in plant-pathogen coevolution. Surprisingly, whether rapid adaptive evolution also occurs in genes encoding other kinds of plant defense proteins is unknown. Unlike recognition proteins, plant chitinases attack pathogens directly, conferring disease resistance by degrading chitin, a component of fungal cell walls. Here, we show that nonsynonymous substitution rates in plant class I chitinase often exceed synonymous rates in the plant genus Arabis (Cruciferae) and in other dicots, indicating a succession of adaptively driven amino acid replacements. We identify individual residues that are likely subject to positive selection by using codon substitution models and determine the location of these residues on the three-dimensional structure of class I chitinase. In contrast to primate lysozymes and plant class III chitinases, structural and functional relatives of class I chitinase, the adaptive replacements of class I chitinase occur disproportionately in the active site cleft. This highly unusual pattern of replacements suggests that fungi directly defend against chitinolytic activity through enzymatic inhibition or other forms of chemical resistance and identifies target residues for manipulating chitinolytic activity. These data also provide empirical evidence that plant defense proteins not involved in pathogen recognition also evolve in a manner consistent with rapid coevolutionary interactions.


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T cell receptors (TCRs) exhibit genetic and structural diversity similar to antibodies, but they have binding affinities that are several orders of magnitude lower. It has been suggested that TCRs undergo selection in vivo to maintain lower affinities. Here, we show that there is not an inherent genetic or structural limitation on higher affinity. Higher-affinity TCR variants were generated in the absence of in vivo selective pressures by using yeast display and selection from a library of Vα CDR3 mutants. Selected mutants had greater than 100-fold higher affinity (KD ≈ 9 nM) for the peptide/MHC ligand while retaining a high degree of peptide specificity. Among the high-affinity TCR mutants, a strong preference was found for CDR3α that contained Pro or Gly residues. Finally, unlike the wild-type TCR, a soluble monomeric form of a high-affinity TCR was capable of directly detecting peptide/MHC complexes on antigen-presenting cells. These findings prove that affinity maturation of TCRs is possible and suggest a strategy for engineering TCRs that can be used in targeting specific peptide/MHC complexes for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.


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A general scheme is described for the in vitro evolution of protein catalysts in a biologically amplifiable system. Substrate is covalently and site specifically attached by a flexible tether to the pIII coat protein of a filamentous phage that also displays the catalyst. Intramolecular conversion of substrate to product provides a basis for selecting active catalysts from a library of mutants, either by release from or attachment to a solid support. This methodology has been developed with the enzyme staphylococcal nuclease as a model. An analysis of factors influencing the selection efficiency is presented, and it is shown that phage displaying staphylococcal nuclease can be enriched 100-fold in a single step from a library-like ensemble of phage displaying noncatalytic proteins. Additionally, this approach should allow one to functionally clone natural enzymes, based on their ability to catalyze specific reactions (e.g., glycosyl transfer, sequence-specific proteolysis or phosphorylation, polymerization, etc.) rather than their sequence- or structural homology to known enzymes.


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SNARE [soluble NSF (N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein) attachment protein receptor] proteins are essential for membrane fusion and are conserved from yeast to humans. Sequence alignments of the most conserved regions were mapped onto the recently solved crystal structure of the heterotrimeric synaptic fusion complex. The association of the four α-helices in the synaptic fusion complex structure produces highly conserved layers of interacting amino acid side chains in the center of the four-helix bundle. Mutations in these layers reduce complex stability and cause defects in membrane traffic even in distantly related SNAREs. When syntaxin-4 is modeled into the synaptic fusion complex as a replacement of syntaxin-1A, no major steric clashes arise and the most variable amino acids localize to the outer surface of the complex. We conclude that the main structural features of the neuronal complex are highly conserved during evolution. On the basis of these features we have reclassified SNARE proteins into Q-SNAREs and R-SNAREs, and we propose that fusion-competent SNARE complexes generally consist of four-helix bundles composed of three Q-SNAREs and one R-SNARE.


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We introduce a computational method to optimize the in vitro evolution of proteins. Simulating evolution with a simple model that statistically describes the fitness landscape, we find that beneficial mutations tend to occur at amino acid positions that are tolerant to substitutions, in the limit of small libraries and low mutation rates. We transform this observation into a design strategy by applying mean-field theory to a structure-based computational model to calculate each residue's structural tolerance. Thermostabilizing and activity-increasing mutations accumulated during the experimental directed evolution of subtilisin E and T4 lysozyme are strongly directed to sites identified by using this computational approach. This method can be used to predict positions where mutations are likely to lead to improvement of specific protein properties.


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The prion protein displays a unique structural ambiguity in that it can adopt multiple stable conformations under physiological conditions. In our view, this puzzling feature resulted from a sudden environmental change in evolution when the prion, previously an integral membrane protein, got expelled into the extracellular space. Analysis of known vertebrate prions unveils a primordial transmembrane protein encrypted in their sequence, underlying this relocalization hypothesis. Apparently, the time elapsed since this event was insufficient to create a “minimally frustrated” sequence in the new milieu, probably due to the functional constraints set by the importance of the very flexibility that was created in the relocalization. This scenario may explain why, in a structural sense, the prion protein is still en route toward becoming a foldable globular protein.


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We summarize our recent studies showing that angiosperm mitochondrial (mt) genomes have experienced remarkably high rates of gene loss and concomitant transfer to the nucleus and of intron acquisition by horizontal transfer. Moreover, we find substantial lineage-specific variation in rates of these structural mutations and also point mutations. These findings mostly arise from a Southern blot survey of gene and intron distribution in 281 diverse angiosperms. These blots reveal numerous losses of mt ribosomal protein genes but, with one exception, only rare loss of respiratory genes. Some lineages of angiosperms have kept all of their mt ribosomal protein genes whereas others have lost most of them. These many losses appear to reflect remarkably high (and variable) rates of functional transfer of mt ribosomal protein genes to the nucleus in angiosperms. The recent transfer of cox2 to the nucleus in legumes provides both an example of interorganellar gene transfer in action and a starting point for discussion of the roles of mechanistic and selective forces in determining the distribution of genetic labor between organellar and nuclear genomes. Plant mt genomes also acquire sequences by horizontal transfer. A striking example of this is a homing group I intron in the mt cox1 gene. This extraordinarily invasive mobile element has probably been acquired over 1,000 times separately during angiosperm evolution via a recent wave of cross-species horizontal transfers. Finally, whereas all previously examined angiosperm mtDNAs have low rates of synonymous substitutions, mtDNAs of two distantly related angiosperms have highly accelerated substitution rates.


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The biological realm has inherited symmetries from the physicochemical realm, but with the increasing complexity at higher phenomenological levels of life, some inherited symmetries are broken while novel symmetries appear. These symmetries are of two types, structural and operational. Biological novelties result from breaking operational symmetries. They are followed by acquisition of regularity and stability, in a recurrent process throughout complexity levels.


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Plant-specific polyketide synthase genes constitute a gene superfamily, including universal chalcone synthase [CHS; malonyl-CoA:4-coumaroyl-CoA malonyltransferase (cyclizing) (EC] genes, sporadically distributed stilbene synthase (SS) genes, and atypical, as-yet-uncharacterized CHS-like genes. We have recently isolated from Gerbera hybrida (Asteraceae) an unusual CHS-like gene, GCHS2, which codes for an enzyme with structural and enzymatic properties as well as ontogenetic distribution distinct from both CHS and SS. Here, we show that the GCHS2-like function is encoded in the Gerbera genome by a family of at least three transcriptionally active genes. Conservation within the GCHS2 family was exploited with selective PCR to study the occurrence of GCHS2-like genes in other Asteraceae. Parsimony analysis of the amplified sequences together with CHS-like genes isolated from other taxa of angiosperm subclass Asteridae suggests that GCHS2 has evolved from CHS via a gene duplication event that occurred before the diversification of the Asteraceae. Enzyme activity analysis of proteins produced in vitro indicates that the GCHS2 reaction is a non-SS variant of the CHS reaction, with both different substrate specificity (to benzoyl-CoA) and a truncated catalytic profile. Together with the recent results of Durbin et al. [Durbin, M. L., Learn, G. H., Jr., Huttley, G. A. & Clegg, M. T. (1995) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 3338-3342], our study confirms a gene duplication-based model that explains how various related functions have arisen from CHS during plant evolution.


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Investigations of the fine-scale structure in the compact nucleus of the radio source 3C 84 in NGC 1275 (New General Catalogue number) are reported. Structural monitoring observations beginning as early as 1976, and continuing to the present, revealed subluminal motions in a jet-like relatively diffuse region extending away from a flat-spectrum core. A counterjet feature was discovered in 1993, and very recent nearly simultaneous studies have detected the same feature at five frequencies ranging from 5 to 43 GHz. The counterjet exhibits a strong low-frequency cutoff, giving this region of the source an inverted spectrum. The observations are consistent with a physical model in which the cutoff arises from free-free absorption in a volume that surrounds the core but obscures only the counterjet feature. If such a model is confirmed, very-long-baseline radio interferometry observations can then be used to probe the accretion region, outside the radio jet, on parsec scales.