13 resultados para Stratigraphic and structural controls
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
Centrosome duplication and separation are of central importance for cell division. Here we provide a detailed account of this dynamic process in Dictyostelium. Centrosome behavior was monitored in living cells using a γ-tubulin–green fluorescent protein construct and correlated with morphological changes at the ultrastructural level. All aspects of the duplication and separation process of this centrosome are unusual when compared with, e.g., vertebrate cells. In interphase the Dictyostelium centrosome is a box-shaped structure comprised of three major layers, surrounded by an amorphous corona from which microtubules emerge. Structural duplication takes place during prophase, as opposed to G1/S in vertebrate cells. The three layers of the box-shaped core structure increase in size. The surrounding corona is lost, an event accompanied by a decrease in signal intensity of γ-tubulin–green fluorescent protein at the centrosome and the breakdown of the interphase microtubule system. At the prophase/prometaphase transition the separation into two mitotic centrosomes takes place via an intriguing lengthwise splitting process where the two outer layers of the prophase centrosome peel away from each other and become the mitotic centrosomes. Spindle microtubules are now nucleated from surfaces that previously were buried inside the interphase centrosome. Finally, at the end of telophase, the mitotic centrosomes fold in such a way that the microtubule-nucleating surface remains on the outside of the organelle. Thus in each cell cycle the centrosome undergoes an apparent inside-out/outside-in reversal of its layered structure.
The T-cell antigen coreceptor CD4 also serves as the receptor for the envelope glycoprotein gp120 of HIV. Extensive mutational analysis of CD4 has implicated residues from a portion of the extracellular amino-terminal domain (D1) in gp120 binding. However, none of these proteins has been fully characterized biophysically, and thus the precise effects on molecular structure and binding interactions are unknown. In the present study, we produced soluble versions of three mutant CD4 molecules (F43V, G47S, and A55F) and characterized their structural properties, thermostability, and ability to bind gp120. Crystallographic and thermodynamic analysis showed minimal structural alterations in the F43V and G47S mutant proteins, which have solvent-exposed mutant side chains. In contrast, some degree of disorder appears to exist in the folded state of A55F, as a result of mutating a buried side chain. Real time kinetic measurements of the interaction of the mutant proteins with gp120 showed affinity decreases of 5-fold for G47S, 50-fold for A55F, and 200-fold for F43V. Although both rate constants for the binding reaction were affected by these mutations, the loss in affinity was mainly due to a decrease in on rates, with less drastic changes occurring in the off rates. These observations suggest the involvement of conformational adaptation in the CD4–gp120 interaction. Together, the structural and kinetic data confirm that F43V is a critical residue in gp120 recognition site, which may also include main chain interactions at residue Gly-47.
The pir gene of plasmid R6K encodes the protein, π, a replication and transcription factor. Two translational options for the pir gene give rise to two forms of π protein: a 35.0-kDa form (π35.0) and a shortened 30.5-kDa form (π30.5). Although both proteins bind to a series of 22-bp direct repeats essential for plasmid R6K replication, only π35.0 can bind to a site in the (A⋅T)-rich segment of its γ ori and activate the γ ori in vivo and in vitro. However, unlike π35.0, π30.5can inhibit in vivo and in vitro replication (activated by π35.0). We propose that the two forms of π might have distinct functions in replication. We show that although both forms of π produce dimers, the nature of these dimers is not identical. The N-terminal 37 amino acid residues appear to control the formation of the more stable π35.0 dimers, whereas another, apparently weaker interface holds together dimers of π30.5. We speculate that the leucine zipper-like motif, absent in π30.5, controls very specific functions of π protein.
Cd1 nitrite reductase catalyzes the conversion of nitrite to NO in denitrifying bacteria. Reduction of the substrate occurs at the d1-heme site, which faces on the distal side some residues thought to be essential for substrate binding and catalysis. We report the results obtained by mutating to Ala the two invariant active site histidines, His-327 and His-369, of the enzyme from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Both mutants have lost nitrite reductase activity but maintain the ability to reduce O2 to water. Nitrite reductase activity is impaired because of the accumulation of a catalytically inactive form, possibly because the productive displacement of NO from the ferric d1-heme iron is impaired. Moreover, the two distal His play different roles in catalysis; His-369 is absolutely essential for the stability of the Michaelis complex. The structures of both mutants show (i) the new side chain in the active site, (ii) a loss of density of Tyr-10, which slipped away with the N-terminal arm, and (iii) a large topological change in the whole c-heme domain, which is displaced 20 Å from the position occupied in the wild-type enzyme. We conclude that the two invariant His play a crucial role in the activity and the structural organization of cd1 nitrite reductase from P. aeruginosa.
We report the expression of the barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) COR (cold-regulated) gene cor14b (formerly pt59) and the accumulation of its chloroplast-localized protein product. A polyclonal antibody raised against the cor14b-encoded protein detected two chloroplast COR proteins: COR14a and COR14b. N-terminal sequencing of COR14a and expression of cor14b in Arabidopsis plants showed that COR14a is not encoded by the cor14b sequence, but it shared homology with the wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) WCS19 COR protein. The expression of cor14b was strongly impaired in the barley albino mutant an, suggesting the involvement of a plastidial factor in the control of gene expression. Low-level accumulation of COR14b was induced by cold treatment in etiolated plants, although cor14b expression and protein accumulation were enhanced after a short light pulse. Light quality was a determining factor in regulating gene expression: red or blue but not far-red or green light pulses were able to promote COR14b accumulation in etiolated plants, suggesting that phytochrome and blue light photoreceptors may be involved in the control of cor14b gene expression. Maximum accumulation of COR14b was reached only when plants were grown and/or hardened under the standard photoperiod. The effect of light on the COR14b stability was demonstrated by using transgenic Arabidopsis. These plants constitutively expressed cor14b mRNAs regardless of temperature and light conditions; nevertheless, green plants accumulated about twice as much COR14b protein as etiolated plants.
The human cerebral cortex is notorious for the depth and irregularity of its convolutions and for its variability from one individual to the next. These complexities of cortical geography have been a chronic impediment to studies of functional specialization in the cortex. In this report, we discuss ways to compensate for the convolutions by using a combination of strategies whose common denominator involves explicit reconstructions of the cortical surface. Surface-based visualization involves reconstructing cortical surfaces and displaying them, along with associated experimental data, in various complementary formats (including three-dimensional native configurations, two-dimensional slices, extensively smoothed surfaces, ellipsoidal representations, and cortical flat maps). Generating these representations for the cortex of the Visible Man leads to a surface-based atlas that has important advantages over conventional stereotaxic atlases as a substrate for displaying and analyzing large amounts of experimental data. We illustrate this by showing the relationship between functionally specialized regions and topographically organized areas in human visual cortex. Surface-based warping allows data to be mapped from individual hemispheres to a surface-based atlas while respecting surface topology, improving registration of identifiable landmarks, and minimizing unwanted distortions. Surface-based warping also can aid in comparisons between species, which we illustrate by warping a macaque flat map to match the shape of a human flat map. Collectively, these approaches will allow more refined analyses of commonalities as well as individual differences in the functional organization of primate cerebral cortex.
Studies of molecular structures at or near their equilibrium configurations have long provided information on their geometry in terms of bond distances and angles. Far-from-equilibrium structures are relatively unknown—especially for complex systems—and generally, neither their dynamics nor their average geometries can be extrapolated from equilibrium values. For such nonequilibrium structures, vibrational amplitudes and bond distances play a central role in phenomena such as energy redistribution and chemical reactivity. Ultrafast electron diffraction, which was developed to study transient molecular structures, provides a direct method for probing the nature of complex molecules far from equilibrium. Here we present our ultrafast electron diffraction observations of transient structures for two cyclic hydrocarbons. At high internal energies of ≈4 eV, these molecules display markedly different behavior. For 1,3,5-cycloheptatriene, excitation results in the formation of hot ground-state structures with bond distances similar to those of the initial structure, but with nearly three times the average vibrational amplitude. Energy is redistributed within 5 ps, but with a negative temperature characterizing the nonequilibrium population. In contrast, the ring-opening reaction of 1,3-cyclohexadiene is shown to result in hot structures with a C—C bond distance of over 1.7 Å, which is 0.2 Å away from any expected equilibrium value. Even up to 400 ps, energy remains trapped in large-amplitude motions comprised of torsion and asymmetric stretching. These studies promise a new direction for studying structural dynamics in nonequilibrium complex systems.
Young, developing fruits of nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus L.) accumulate large deposits of nonfucosylated xyloglucan (XG) in periplasmic spaces of cotyledon cells. This “storage” XG can be fucosylated by a nasturtium transferase in vitro, but this does not happen in vivo, even as a transitory signal for secretion. The only XG that is clearly fucosylated in these fruits is the structural fraction (approximately 1% total) that is bound to cellulose in growing primary walls. The two fucosylated subunits that are formed in vitro are identical to those found in structural XG in vivo. The yield of XG-fucosyltransferase activity from membrane fractions is highest per unit fresh weight in the youngest fruits, especially in dissected cotyledons, but declines when storage XG is forming. A block appears to develop in the secretory machinery of young cotyledon cells between sites that galactosylate and those that fucosylate nascent XG. After extensive galactosylation, XG traffic is diverted to the periplasm without fucosylation. The primary walls buried beneath accretions of storage XG eventually swell and lose cohesion, probably because they continue to extend without incorporating components such as fucosylated XG that are needed to maintain wall integrity.
After ionising radiation double-strand breaks (dsb) are lethal if not repaired or misrepaired. Cell killing is greatly enhanced by hyperthermia and it is questioned here whether heat not only affects dsb repair capacity but also fidelity in a chromosomal context. dsb repair experiments were designed so as to mainly score non-homologous end joining, while homologous recombination was largely precluded. Human male G0 fibroblasts were either preheated (45°C, 20 min) or not before X-irradiation. dsb induction and repair were measured by conventional gel electrophoresis and an assay combining restriction digestion using a rare cutting enzyme (NotI) and Southern hybridisation, which detects large chromosomal rearrangements (>100 kb). dsb induction rate in an X-chromosomal NotI fragment was 4.8 × 10–3 dsb/Gy/Mb. Similar values were found for the genome overall and also when cells were preheated. After 50 Gy, fibroblasts were competent to largely restore the original restriction fragment size. Five per cent of dsb remained non-rejoined and 14% were misrejoined. Correct restitution of restriction fragments occurred preferably during the first hour but continued at a slow rate for 12–16 h. In addition, dsb appeared to misrejoin throughout the entire repair period. After hyperthermia the fractions of non-rejoined and misrejoined dsb were similarly increased to 13 and 51%, respectively. It is suggested that heat increases the probability of dsb being incorrectly rejoined but it is not likely to interfere with one dsb repair pathway in particular.
Microsatellites are tandem repeat sequences abundant in the genomes of higher eukaryotes and hitherto considered as "junk DNA." Analysis of a human genome representative data base (2.84 Mb) reveals a distinct juxtaposition of A-rich microsatellites and retroposons and suggests their coevolution. The analysis implies that most microsatellites were generated by a 3'-extension of retrotranscripts, similar to mRNA polyadenylylation, and that they serve in turn as "retroposition navigators," directing the retroposons via homology-driven integration into defined sites. Thus, they became instrumental in the preservation and extension of primordial genomic patterns. A role is assigned to these reiterating A-rich loci in the higher-order organization of the chromatin. The disease-associated triplet repeats are mostly found in coding regions and do not show an association with retroposons, constituting a unique set within the family of microsatellite sequences.
The database, called HyPaLib (for Hybrid Pattern Library), contains annotated structural elements characteristic for certain classes of structural and/or functional RNAs. These elements are described in a language specifically designed for this purpose. The language allows convenient specification of hybrid patterns, i.e. motifs consisting of sequence features and structural elements together with sequence similarity and thermodynamic constraints. We are currently developing software tools that allow a user to search sequence databases for any pattern in HyPaLib, thus providing functionality which is similar to PROSITE, but dedicated to the more complex patterns in RNA sequences. HyPaLib is available at http://bibiserv.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de/HyPa/.
Foldons, which are kinetically competent, quasi-independently folding units of a protein, may be defined using energy landscape analysis. Foldons can be identified by maxima in a scan of the ratio of a contiguous segment's energetic stability gap to the energy variance of that segment's molten globule states, reflecting the requirement of minimal frustration. The predicted foldons are compared with the exons and structural modules for 16 of the 30 proteins studied. Statistical analysis indicates a strong correlation between the energetically determined foldons and Go's geometrically defined structural modules, but there are marked sequence-dependent effects. There is only a weak correlation of foldons to exons. For gammaII-crystallin, myoglobin, barnase, alpha-lactalbumin, and cytochrome c the foldons and some noncontiguous clusters of foldons compare well with intermediates observed in experiment.