16 resultados para Stomach antrum

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Many peptide hormone and neurotransmitter receptors belonging to the seven membrane-spanning G protein-coupled receptor family have been shown to transmit ligand-dependent mitogenic signals in vitro. However, the physiological roles of the mitogenic activity through G protein-coupled receptors in vivo remain to be elucidated. Here we have generated G protein-coupled cholecystokinin (CCK)-B/gastrin receptor deficient-mice by gene targeting. The homozygous mice showed a remarkable atrophy of the gastric mucosa macroscopically, even in the presence of severe hypergastrinemia. The atrophy was due to a decrease in parietal cells and chromogranin A-positive enterochromaffin-like cells expressing the H+,K(+)-ATPase and histidine decarboxylase genes, respectively. Oral administration of a proton pump inhibitor, omeprazole, which induced hypertrophy of the gastric mucosa with hypergastrinemia in wild-type littermates, did not eliminate the gastric atrophy of the homozygotes. These results clearly demonstrated that the G protein-coupled CCK-B/gastrin receptor is essential for the physiological as well as pathological proliferation of gastric mucosal cells in vivo.


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The structural relationships between interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC), varicose nerve fibers, and smooth muscle cells in the gastrointestinal tract have led to the suggestion that ICC may be involved in or mediate enteric neurotransmission. We characterized the distribution of ICC in the murine stomach and found two distinct classes on the basis of morphology and immunoreactivity to antibodies against c-Kit receptors. ICC with multiple processes formed a network in the myenteric plexus region from corpus to pylorus. Spindle-shaped ICC were found within the circular and longitudinal muscle layers (IC-IM) throughout the stomach. The density of these cells was greatest in the proximal stomach. IC-IM ran along nerve fibers and were closely associated with nerve terminals and adjacent smooth muscle cells. IC-IM failed to develop in mice with mutations in c-kit. Therefore, we used W/W(V) mutants to test whether IC-IM mediate neural inputs in muscles of the gastric fundus. The distribution of inhibitory nerves in the stomachs of c-kit mutants was normal, but NO-dependent inhibitory neuro-regulation was greatly reduced. Smooth muscle tissues of W/W(V) mutants relaxed in response to exogenous sodium nitroprusside, but the membrane potential effects of sodium nitroprusside were attenuated. These data suggest that IC-IM play a critical serial role in NO-dependent neurotransmission: the cellular mechanism(s) responsible for transducing NO into electrical responses may be expressed in IC-IM. Loss of these cells causes loss of electrical responsiveness and greatly reduces responses to nitrergic nerve stimulation.


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The formation of estrogens from C19 steroids is catalyzed by aromatase cytochrome P450 (P450arom), the product of the cyp19 gene. The actions of estrogen include dimorphic anatomical, functional, and behavioral effects on the development of both males and females, considerations that prompted us to examine the consequences of deficiency of aromatase activity in mice. Mice lacking a functional aromatase enzyme (ArKO) were generated by targeted disruption of the cyp19 gene. Male and female ArKO mice were born with the expected Mendelian frequency from F1 parents and grew to adulthood. Female ArKO mice at 9 weeks of age displayed underdeveloped external genitalia and uteri. Ovaries contained numerous follicles with abundant granulosa cells and evidence of antrum formation that appeared arrested before ovulation. No corpora lutea were present. Additionally the stroma were hyperplastic with structures that appeared to be atretic follicles. Development of the mammary glands approximated that of a prepubertal female. Examination of male ArKO mice of the same age revealed essentially normal internal anatomy but with enlargement of the male accessory sex glands because of increased content of secreted material. The testes appeared normal. Male ArKO mice are capable of breeding and produce litters of approximately average size. Whereas serum estradiol levels were at the limit of detection, testosterone levels were elevated, as were the levels of follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. The phenotype of these animals differs markedly from that of the previously reported ERKO mice, in which the estrogen receptor α is deleted by targeted disruption.


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Cathepsin B (CTSB) is overexpressed in tumors of the lung, prostate, colon, breast, and stomach. However, evidence of primary genomic alterations in the CTSB gene during tumor initiation or progression has been lacking. We have found a novel amplicon at 8p22–23 that results in CTSB overexpression in esophageal adenocarcinoma. Amplified genomic NotI–HinfI fragments were identified by two-dimensional DNA electrophoresis. Two amplified fragments (D4 and D5) were cloned and yielded unique sequences. Using bacterial artificial chromosome clones containing either D4 or D5, fluorescent in situ hybridization defined a single region of amplification involving chromosome bands 8p22–23. We investigated the candidate cancer-related gene CTSB, and potential coamplified genes from this region including farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase (FDFT1), arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT-1), lipoprotein lipase (LPL), and an uncharacterized expressed sequence tag (D8S503). Southern blot analysis of 66 esophageal adenocarcinomas demonstrated only CTSB and FDFT1 were consistently amplified in eight (12.1%) of the tumors. Neither NAT-1 nor LPL were amplified. Northern blot analysis showed overexpression of CTSB and FDFT1 mRNA in all six of the amplified esophageal adenocarcinomas analyzed. CTSB mRNA overexpression also was present in two of six nonamplified tumors analyzed. However, FDFT1 mRNA overexpression without amplification was not observed. Western blot analysis confirmed CTSB protein overexpression in tumor specimens with CTSB mRNA overexpression compared with either normal controls or tumors without mRNA overexpression. Abundant extracellular expression of CTSB protein was found in 29 of 40 (72.5%) of esophageal adenocarcinoma specimens by using immunohistochemical analysis. The finding of an amplicon at 8p22–23 resulting in CTSB gene amplification and overexpression supports an important role for CTSB in esophageal adenocarcinoma and possibly in other tumors.


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Exposure to cyclopamine, a steroid alkaloid that blocks Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling, promotes pancreatic expansion in embryonic chicks. Heterotopic development of pancreatic endocrine and exocrine structures occurs in regions adjacent to the pancreas including stomach and duodenum, and insulin-producing islets in the pancreas are enlarged. The homeodomain transcription factor PDX1, required for pancreas development, is expressed broadly in the posterior foregut but pancreas development normally initiates only in a restricted region of PDX1-expressing posterior foregut where endodermal Shh expression is repressed. The results suggests that cyclopamine expands the endodermal region where Shh signaling does not occur, resulting in pancreatic differentiation in a larger region of PDX1-expressing foregut endoderm. Cyclopamine reveals the capacity of a broad region of the posterior embryonic foregut to form pancreatic cells and provides a means for expanding embryonic pancreas development.


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Helicobacter pylori, present in half of the world’s population, is a very successful pathogen. It can survive for decades in the human stomach with few obvious consequences to the host. However, it is also the cause of gastric diseases ranging from gastritis to ulcers to gastric cancer and has been classified a type 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization. We have previously shown that phosphorylation of a 145-kDa protein and activation of signal transduction pathways are associated with the attachment of H. pylori to gastric cells. Here we identify the 145-kDa protein as the H. pylori CagA protein. We also show that CagA is necessary to induce a growth-factor-like phenotype (hummingbird) in host gastric cells similar to that induced by hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). Additionally, we identify a second cellular phenotype induced after attachment by H. pylori, which we call SFA (stress fiber associated). SFA is CagA independent and is produced by type I and type II H. pylori.


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Moderate somatic stress inhibits gastric acid secretion. We have investigated the role of endogenously released NO in this phenomenon. Elevation of body temperature by 3°C or a reduction of 35 mmHg (1 mmHg = 133 Pa) in blood pressure for 10 min produced a rapid and long-lasting reduction of distension-stimulated acid secretion in the rat perfused stomach in vivo. A similar inhibitory effect on acid secretion was produced by the intracisternal (i.c.) administration of oxytocin, a peptide known to be released during stress. Intracisternal administration of the NO-synthase inhibitor, NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME) reversed the antisecretory effect induced by all these stimuli, an action prevented by intracisternal coadministration of the NO precursor, l-arginine. Furthermore, microinjection of l-NAME into the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve reversed the acid inhibitory effects of mild hyperthermia, i.v. endotoxin, or i.c. oxytocin, an action prevented by prior microinjection of l-arginine. By contrast, microinjection of l-NAME into the nucleus tractus solitarius failed to affect the inhibitory effects of hyperthermia, i.v. endotoxin, or i.c. oxytocin. Immunohistochemical techniques demonstrated that following hyperthermia there was a significant increase in immunoreactivity to neuronal NO synthase in different areas of the brain, including the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. Thus, our results suggest that the inhibition of gastric acid secretion, a defense mechanism during stress, is mediated by a nervous reflex involving a neuronal pathway that includes NO synthesis in the brain, specifically in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus.


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Aldehyde dehydrogenase class 3 (ALDH3) constitutes 20–40% of the total water-soluble proteins in the mammalian cornea. Here, we show by Northern blot analysis that ALDH3 expression in the mouse is at least 500-fold higher in the cornea than in any other tissue examined, with very low levels of expression detected in the stomach, urinary bladder, ocular lens, and lung. Histochemical localization reveals that this exceptional level of expression in the mouse cornea occurs in the anterior epithelial cells and that little ALDH3 is present in the keratocytes or corneal endothelial cells. A 13-kbp mouse ALDH3 promoter fragment containing >12 kbp of the 5′ flanking sequence, the 40-bp untranslated first exon, and 29 bp of intron 1 directed cat reporter gene expression to tissues that express the endogenous ALDH3 gene, except that transgene promoter activity was higher in the stomach and bladder than in the cornea. By contrast, when driven by a 4.4-kbp mouse ALDH3 promoter fragment [1,050-bp 5′ flanking region, exon 1, intron 1 (3.4 kbp), and 7 bp of exon 2] expression of the cat reporter gene was confined to the corneal epithelial cells, except for very low levels in the liver, effectively reproducing the corneal expression pattern of the endogenous ALDH3 gene. These results indicate that tissue-specific expression of ALDH3 is determined by positive and negative elements in the 5′ flanking region of the gene and suggests putative silencers located in intron 1. We demonstrate regulatory sequences capable of directing cornea-specific gene expression, affording the opportunity for genetic engineering in this transparent tissue.


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Murine Hoxd-3 (Hox 4.1) genomic DNA and cDNA and Hoxa-3 (Hox 1.5) cDNA were cloned and sequenced. The homeodomains of Hoxd-3 and Hoxa-3 and regions before and after the homeodomain are highly conserved. Both Hoxa-3 and Hoxa-3 proteins have a proline-rich region that contains consensus amino acid sequences for binding to Src homology 3 domains of some signal transduction proteins. Northern blot analysis of RNA from 8- to 11-day-old mouse embryos revealed a 4.3-kb species of Hoxd-3 RNA, whereas a less abundant 3.0-kb species of Hoxd-3 RNA was found in RNA from 9- to 11-day-old embryos. Two species of Hoxd-3 poly(A)+ RNA, 4.3 and 6.0 kb in length, were found in poly(A)+ RNA from adult mouse kidney, but not in RNA from other adult tissues tested. Hoxd-3 mRNA was detected by in situ hybridization in 12-, 14-, and 17-day-old mouse embryos in the posterior half of the myelencephalon, spinal cord, dorsal root ganglia, first cervical vertebra, thyroid gland, kidney tubules, esophagus, stomach, and intestines.


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Tumor-derived adhesion factor (TAF) was previously identified as a cell adhesion molecule secreted by human bladder carcinoma cell line EJ-1. To elucidate the physiological function of TAF, we examined its distribution in human normal and tumor tissues. Immunochemical staining with an anti-TAF monoclonal antibody showed that TAF was specifically accumulated in small blood vessels and capillaries within and adjacent to tumor nests, but not in those in normal tissues. Tumor blood vessel-specific staining of TAF was observed in various human cancers, such as esophagus, brain, lung, and stomach cancers. Double immunofluorescent staining showed apparent colocalization of TAF and type IV collagen in the vascular basement membrane. In vitro experiments demonstrated that TAF preferentially bound to type IV collagen among various extracellular matrix components tested. In cell culture experiments, TAF promoted adhesion of human umbilical vein endothelial cells to type IV collagen substrate and induced their morphological change. Furthermore, when the endothelial cells were induced to form capillary tube-like structures by type I collagen, TAF and type IV collagen were exclusively detected on the tubular structures. The capillary tube formation in vitro was prevented by heparin, which inhibited the binding of TAF to the endothelial cells. These results strongly suggest that TAF contributes to the organization of new capillary vessels in tumor tissues by modulating the interaction of endothelial cells with type IV collagen.


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The alpha-subunit of the trimeric G-protein complex specific for taste receptor cells of the tongue, alpha-gustducin, is described here to be also expressed in the stomach and intestine. The alpha-gustducin-containing cells were identified as brush cells that are scattered throughout the surface epithelium of the gut and share structural features of taste receptor cells of the tongue. These findings provide clues to the long-sought molecular and cellular basis for chemoreception in the gut.


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A second isoform of the human vesicular monoamine transporter (hVMAT) has been cloned from a pheochromocytoma cDNA library. The contribution of the two transporter isoforms to monoamine storage in human neuroendocrine tissues was examined with isoform-specific polyclonal antibodies against hVMAT1 and hVMAT2. Central, peripheral, and enteric neurons express only VMAT2. VMAT1 is expressed exclusively in neuroendocrine, including chromaffin and enterochromaffin, cells. VMAT1 and VMAT2 are coexpressed in all chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla. VMAT2 alone is expressed in histamine-storing enterochromaffin-like cells of the oxyntic mucosa of the stomach. The transport characteristics and pharmacology of each VMAT isoform have been directly compared after expression in digitonin-permeabilized fibroblastic (CV-1) cells, providing information about substrate feature recognition by each transporter and the role of vesicular monoamine storage in the mechanism of action of psychopharmacologic and neurotoxic agents in human. Serotonin has a similar affinity for both transporters. Catecholamines exhibit a 3-fold higher affinity, and histamine exhibits a 30-fold higher affinity, for VMAT2. Reserpine and ketanserin are slightly more potent inhibitors of VMAT2-mediated transport than of VMAT1-mediated transport, whereas tetrabenazine binds to and inhibits only VMAT2. N-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium, phenylethylamine, amphetamine, and methylenedioxymethamphetamine are all more potent inhibitors of VMAT2 than of VMAT1, whereas fenfluramine is a more potent inhibitor of VMAT1-mediated monamine transport than of VMAT2-mediated monoamine transport. The unique distributions of hVMAT1 and hVMAT2 provide new markers for multiple neuroendocrine lineages, and examination of their transport properties provides mechanistic insights into the pharmacology and physiology of amine storage in cardiovascular, endocrine, and central nervous system function.


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The gastric mucosa of mammalian stomach contains several differentiated cell types specialized for the secretion of acid, digestive enzymes, mucus, and hormones. Understanding whether each of these cell lineages is derived from a common stem cell has been a challenging problem. We have used a genetic approach to analyze the ontogeny of progenitor cells within mouse stomach. Herpes simplex virus 1 thymidine kinase was targeted to parietal cells within the gastric mucosa of transgenic mice, and parietal cells were ablated by treatment of animals with the antiherpetic drug ganciclovir. Ganciclovir treatment produced complete ablation of parietal cells, dissolution of gastric glands, and loss of chief and mucus-producing cells. Termination of drug treatment led to the reemergence of all major gastric epithelial cell types and restoration of glandular architecture. Our results imply the existence of a pluripotent stem cell for the gastric mucosa. Parietal cell ablation should provide a model for analyzing cell lineage relationships within the stomach as well as mechanisms underlying gastric injury and repair.


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Radiolabeled antibodies have shown promise for the treatment of lymphoma and for solid tumor targeting. Campath-1H is a humanized monoclonal antibody that reacts with the CD52 antigen present on human lymphoid and myeloid cells. Campath-1H is a gamma1 (G1) isotype that induces lymphopenia via an Fc-mediated mechanism(s). Isotype switches were engineered, and the resulting antibodies were expressed in NS0 mouse myeloma cells and biosynthetically radiolabeled with [35S]methionine. The forms included G1, G4, and a G4 variant that contained alanine substitutions at (EU numbering) Leu-235, Gly-237, and Glu-318. All isotypes bound antigen equivalently as assessed by target cell binding in vitro. The G4 variant had a greatly reduced capacity to interact with Fc receptor by virtue of reduced binding to THP-1 human myeloid cells and by a 1000-fold increase in EC50 to intermediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. The pharmacokinetics of the isotypes were compared in CD-1 (nu/nu) mice bearing an experimental antigen-expressing tumor. The plasma half-life and tumor uptake were increased for the G4 variant. The G4 variant showed significantly less spleen, liver, and bone uptake but similar uptake in the lung, kidney, and stomach and lower tissue-to-blood ratios. Immunogenicity was assessed after repeated monthly administrations of unlabeled antibody in BALB/c mice. A 50% reduction in the incidence of anti-globulin response was observed for the G4 variant. These properties suggest that antibodies with reduced Fc receptor interaction merit additional study as potential targeting vehicles relative to other isotypes for radioimmunotherapy or situations where diminished normal tissue binding contributes to efficacy.