17 resultados para Spring Break

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Searching for nervous system candidates that could directly induce T cell cytokine secretion, I tested four neuropeptides (NPs): somatostatin, calcitonin gene-related peptide, neuropeptide Y, and substance P. Comparing neuropeptide-driven versus classical antigen-driven cytokine secretion from T helper cells Th0, Th1, and Th2 autoimmune-related T cell populations, I show that the tested NPs, in the absence of any additional factors, directly induce a marked secretion of cytokines [interleukin 2 (IL-2), interferon-γ, IL-4, and IL-10) from T cells. Furthermore, NPs drive distinct Th1 and Th2 populations to a “forbidden” cytokine secretion: secretion of Th2 cytokines from a Th1 T cell line and vice versa. Such a phenomenon cannot be induced by classical antigenic stimulation. My study suggests that the nervous system, through NPs interacting with their specific T cell-expressed receptors, can lead to the secretion of both typical and atypical cytokines, to the breakdown of the commitment to a distinct Th phenotype, and a potentially altered function and destiny of T cells in vivo.


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The repair of chromosomal double-strand breaks (DSBs) is necessary for genomic integrity in all organisms. Genetic consequences of misrepair include chromosomal loss, deletion, and duplication resulting in loss of heterozygosity (LOH), a common finding in human solid tumors. Although work with radiation-sensitive cell lines suggests that mammalian cells primarily rejoin DSBs by nonhomologous mechanisms, alternative mechanisms that are implicated in chromosomal LOH, such as allelic recombination, may also occur. We have examined chromosomal DSB repair between homologs in a gene targeted mammalian cell line at the retinoblastoma (Rb) locus. We have found that allelic recombinational repair occurs in mammalian cells and is increased at least two orders of magnitude by the induction of a chromosomal DSB. One consequence of allelic recombination is LOH at the Rb locus. Some of the repair events also resulted in other types of genetic instability, including deletions and duplications. We speculate that mammalian cells may have developed efficient nonhomologous DSB repair processes to bypass allelic recombination and the potential for reduction to homozygosity.


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When gene conversion is initiated by a double-strand break (DSB), any nonhomologous DNA that may be present at the ends must be removed before new DNA synthesis can be initiated. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, removal of nonhomologous ends depends not only on the nucleotide excision repair endonuclease Rad1/Rad10 but also on Msh2 and Msh3, two proteins that are required to correct mismatched bp. These proteins have no effect when DSB ends are homologous to the donor, either in the kinetics of recombination or in the proportion of gene conversions associated with crossing-over. A second DSB repair pathway, single-strand annealing also requires Rad1/Rad10 and Msh2/Msh3, but reveals a difference in their roles. When the flanking homologous regions that anneal are 205 bp, the requirement for Msh2/Msh3 is as great as for Rad1/Rad10; but when the annealing partners are 1,170 bp, Msh2/Msh3 have little effect, while Rad1/Rad10 are still required. Mismatch repair proteins Msh6, Pms1, and Mlh1 are not required. We suggest Msh2 and Msh3 recognize not only heteroduplex loops and mismatched bp, but also branched DNA structures with a free 3′ tail.


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When a hair cell is stimulated by positive deflection of its hair bundle, increased tension in gating springs opens transduction channels, permitting cations to enter stereocilia and depolarize the cell. Ca2+ is thought to be required in mechanoelectrical transduction, for exposure of hair bundles to Ca2+ chelators eliminates responsiveness by disrupting tip links, filamentous interstereociliary connections that probably are the gating springs. Ca2+ also participates in adaptation to stimuli by controlling the activity of a molecular motor that sets gating-spring tension. Using a flexible glass fiber to measure hair-bundle stiffness, we investigated the effect of Ca2+ concentration on stiffness before and after the disruption of gating springs. The stiffness of intact hair bundles depended nonmonotonically on the extracellular Ca2+ concentration; the maximal stiffness of ≈1200 μN⋅m−1 occurred when bundles were bathed in solutions containing 250 μM Ca2+, approximately the concentration found in frog endolymph. For cells exposed to solutions with sufficient chelator capacity to reduce the Ca2+ concentration below ≈100 nM, hair-bundle stiffness fell to ≈200 μN⋅m−1 and no longer exhibited Ca2+-dependent changes. Because cells so treated lost mechanoelectrical transduction, we attribute the reduction in bundle stiffness to tip-link disruption. The results indicate that gating springs are not linearly elastic; instead, they stiffen with increased strain, which rises with adaptation-motor activity at the physiological extracellular Ca2+ concentration.


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Chromosomal translocations induced by ionizing radiation and radiomimetic drugs are thought to arise by incorrect joining of DNA double-strand breaks. To dissect such misrepair events at a molecular level, large-scale, bleomycin-induced rearrangements in the aprt gene of Chinese hamster ovary D422 cells were mapped, the breakpoints were sequenced, and the original non-aprt parental sequences involved in each rearrangement were recovered from nonmutant cells. Of seven rearrangements characterized, six were reciprocal exchanges between aprt and unrelated sequences. Consistent with a mechanism involving joining of exchanged double-strand break ends, there was, in most cases, no homology between the two parental sequences, no overlap in sequences retained at the two newly formed junctions, and little or no loss of parental sequences (usually ≤2 bp) at the breakpoints. The breakpoints were strongly correlated (P < 0.0001) with expected sites of bleomycin-induced, double-strand breaks. Fluorescence in situ hybridization indicated that, in six of the mutants, the rearrangement was accompanied by a chromosomal translocation at the aprt locus, because upstream and downstream flanking sequences were detected on separate chromosomes. The results suggest that repair of free radical-mediated, double-strand breaks in confluence-arrested cells is effected by a conservative, homology-independent, end-joining pathway that does not involve single-strand intermediate and that misjoining of exchanged ends by this pathway can directly result in chromosomal translocations.


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Recent findings intriguingly place DNA double-strand break repair proteins at chromosome ends in yeast, where they help maintain normal telomere length and structure. In the present study, an essential telomere function, the ability to cap and thereby protect chromosomes from end-to-end fusions, was assessed in repair-deficient mouse cell lines. By using fluorescence in situ hybridization with a probe to telomeric DNA, spontaneously occurring chromosome aberrations were examined for telomere signal at the points of fusion, a clear indication of impaired end-capping. Telomeric fusions were not observed in any of the repair-proficient controls and occurred only rarely in a p53 null mutant. In striking contrast, chromosomal end fusions that retained telomeric sequence were observed in nontransformed DNA-PKcs-deficient cells, where they were a major source of chromosomal instability. Metacentric chromosomes created by telomeric fusion became even more abundant in these cells after spontaneous immortalization. Restoration of repair proficiency through transfection with a functional cDNA copy of the human DNA-PKcs gene reduced the number of fusions compared with a negative transfection control. Virally transformed cells derived from Ku70 and Ku80 knockout mice also displayed end-to-end fusions. These studies demonstrate that DNA double-strand break repair genes play a dual role in maintaining chromosomal stability in mammalian cells, the known role in repairing incidental DNA damage, as well as a new protective role in telomeric end-capping.


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Enveloped viruses enter cells by protein-mediated membrane fusion. For influenza virus, membrane fusion is regulated by the conformational state of the hemagglutinin (HA) protein, which switches from a native (nonfusogenic) structure to a fusion-active (fusogenic) conformation when exposed to the acidic environment of the cellular endosome. Here we demonstrate that destabilization of HA at neutral pH, with either heat or the denaturant urea, triggers a conformational change that is biochemically indistinguishable from the change triggered by low pH. In each case, the conformational change is coincident with induction of membrane-fusion activity, providing strong evidence that the fusogenic structure is formed. These results indicate that the native structure of HA is trapped in a metastable state and that the fusogenic conformation is released by destabilization of native structure. This strategy may be shared by other enveloped viruses, including those that enter the cell at neutral pH, and could have implications for understanding the membrane-fusion step of HIV infection.


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Fission yeast rad22+, a homologue of budding yeast RAD52, encodes a double-strand break repair component, which is dispensable for proliferation. We, however, have recently obtained a cell division cycle mutant with a temperature-sensitive allele of rad22+, designated rad22-H6, which resulted from a point mutation in the conserved coding sequence leading to one amino acid alteration. We have subsequently isolated rad22+ and its novel homologue rti1+ as multicopy suppressors of this mutant. rti1+ suppresses all the defects of cells lacking rad22+. Mating type switch-inactive heterothallic cells lacking either rad22+ or rti1+ are viable, but those lacking both genes are inviable and arrest proliferation with a cell division cycle phenotype. At the nonpermissive temperature, a synchronous culture of rad22-H6 cells performs DNA synthesis without delay and arrests with chromosomes seemingly intact and replication completed and with a high level of tyrosine-phosphorylated Cdc2. However, rad22-H6 cells show a typical S phase arrest phenotype if combined with the rad1-1 checkpoint mutation. rad22+ genetically interacts with rad11+, which encodes the large subunit of replication protein A. Deletion of rad22+/rti1+ or the presence of rad22-H6 mutation decreases the restriction temperature of rad11-A1 cells by 4–6°C and leads to cell cycle arrest with chromosomes incompletely replicated. Thus, in fission yeast a double-strand break repair component is required for a certain step of chromosome replication unlinked to repair, partly via interacting with replication protein A.


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DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in eukaryotic cells can be repaired by non-homologous end-joining or homologous recombination. The complex containing the Mre11, Rad50 and Nbs1 proteins has been implicated in both DSB repair pathways, even though they are mechanistically different. To get a better understanding of the properties of the human Mre11 (hMre11) protein, we investigated some of its biochemical activities. We found that hMre11 binds both double- and single-stranded (ss)DNA, with a preference for ssDNA. hMre11 does not require DNA ends for efficient binding. Interestingly, hMre11 mediates the annealing of complementary ssDNA molecules. In contrast to the annealing activity of the homologous recombination protein hRad52, the activity of hMre11 is abrogated by the ssDNA binding protein hRPA. We discuss the possible implications of the results for the role(s) of hMre11 in both DSB repair pathways.


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Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was grown under CO2 partial pressures of 36 and 70 Pa with two N-application regimes. Responses of photosynthesis to varying CO2 partial pressure were fitted to estimate the maximal carboxylation rate and the nonphotorespiratory respiration rate in flag and preceding leaves. The maximal carboxylation rate was proportional to ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) content, and the light-saturated photosynthetic rate at 70 Pa CO2 was proportional to the thylakoid ATP-synthase content. Potential photosynthetic rates at 70 Pa CO2 were calculated and compared with the observed values to estimate excess investment in Rubisco. The excess was greater in leaves grown with high N application than in those grown with low N application and declined as the leaves senesced. The fraction of Rubisco that was estimated to be in excess was strongly dependent on leaf N content, increasing from approximately 5% in leaves with 1 g N m−2 to approximately 40% in leaves with 2 g N m−2. Growth at elevated CO2 usually decreased the excess somewhat but only as a consequence of a general reduction in leaf N, since relationships between the amount of components and N content were unaffected by CO2. We conclude that there is scope for improving the N-use efficiency of C3 crop species under elevated CO2 conditions.


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Xylem cavitation in winter and recovery from cavitation in the spring were visualized in two species of diffuse-porous trees, Betula platyphylla var. japonica Hara and Salix sachalinensis Fr. Schm., by cryo-scanning electron microscopy after freeze-fixation of living twigs. Water in the vessel lumina of the outer three annual rings of twigs of B. platyphylla var. japonica and of S. sachalinensis gradually disappeared during the period from January to March, an indication that cavitation occurs gradually in these species during the winter. In April, when no leaves had yet expanded, the lumina of most of the vessels of both species were filled with water. Many vessel lumina in twigs of both species were filled with water during the period from the subsequent growth season to the beginning of the next winter. These observations indicate that recovery in spring occurs before the onset of transpiration and that water transport through twigs occurs during the subsequent growing season. We found, moreover, that vessels repeat an annual cycle of winter cavitation and spring recovery from cavitation for several years until irreversible cavitation occurs.


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Break-induced replication (BIR) is a nonreciprocal recombination-dependent replication process that is an effective mechanism to repair a broken chromosome. We review key roles played by BIR in maintaining genome integrity, including restarting DNA replication at broken replication forks and maintaining telomeres in the absence of telomerase. Previous studies suggested that gene targeting does not occur by simple crossings-over between ends of the linearized transforming fragment and the target chromosome, but involves extensive new DNA synthesis resembling BIR. We examined gene targeting in Saccharomyces cerevisiae where only one end of the transformed DNA has homology to chromosomal sequences. Linearized, centromere-containing plasmid DNA with the 5′ end of the LEU2 gene at one end was transformed into a strain in which the 5′ end of LEU2 was replaced by ADE1, preventing simple homologous gene replacement to become Leu2+. Ade1+ Leu2+ transformants were recovered in which the entire LEU2 gene and as much as 7 kb of additional sequences were found on the plasmid, joined by microhomologies characteristic of nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ). In other experiments, cells were transformed with DNA fragments lacking an ARS and homologous to only 50 bp of ADE2 added to the ends of a URA3 gene. Autonomously replicating circles were recovered, containing URA3 and as much as 8 kb of ADE2-adjacent sequences, including a nearby ARS, copied from chromosomal DNA. Thus, the end of a linearized DNA fragment can initiate new DNA synthesis by BIR in which the newly synthesized DNA is displaced and subsequently forms circles by NHEJ.


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Double-strand break (DSB) repair and DNA replication are tightly linked in the life cycle of bacteriophage T4. Indeed, the major mode of phage DNA replication depends on recombination proteins and can be stimulated by DSBs. DSB-stimulated DNA replication is dramatically demonstrated when T4 infects cells carrying two plasmids that share homology. A DSB on one plasmid triggered extensive replication of the second plasmid, providing a useful model for T4 recombination-dependent replication (RDR). This system also provides a view of DSB repair in T4-infected cells and revealed that the DSB repair products had been replicated in their entirety by the T4 replication machinery. We analyzed the detailed structure of these products, which do not fit the simple predictions of any of three models for DSB repair. We also present evidence that the T4 RDR system functions to restart stalled or inactivated replication forks. First, we review experiments involving antitumor drug-stabilized topoisomerase cleavage complexes. The results suggest that forks blocked at cleavage complexes are resolved by recombinational repair, likely involving RDR. Second, we show here that the presence of a T4 replication origin on one plasmid substantially stimulated recombination events between it and a homologous second plasmid that did not contain a T4 origin. Furthermore, replication of the second plasmid was increased when the first plasmid contained the T4 origin. Our interpretation is that origin-initiated forks become inactivated at some frequency during replication of the first plasmid and are then restarted via RDR on the second plasmid.


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The x-ray sensitive hamster cell line xrs-6 is deficient in DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair and exhibits impaired V(D)J recombination. The molecular defect in this line is in the 80-kDa subunit of the Ku autoantigen, a protein that binds to DNA ends and recruits the DNA-dependent protein kinase to DNA. Using an I-SceI endonuclease expression system, chromosomal DSB repair was examined in xrs-6 and parental CHO-K1 cell lines. A DSB in chromosomal DNA increased the yield of recombinants several thousand-fold above background in both the xrs-6 and CHO-K1 cells, with recombinational repair of DSBs occurring in as many as 1 of 100 cells electroporated with the endonuclease expression vector. Thus, recombinational repair of chromosomal DSBs can occur at substantial levels in mammalian cells and it is not grossly affected in our assay by a deficiency of the Ku autoantigen. Rejoining of broken chromosome ends (end-joining) near the site of the DSB was also examined. In contrast to recombinational repair, end-joining was found to be severely impaired in the xrs-6 cells. Thus, the Ku protein appears to play a critical role in only one of the chromosomal DSB repair pathways.


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In wild-type diploid cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, an HO endonuclease-induced double-strand break (DSB) at the MAT locus can be efficiently repaired by gene conversion using the homologous chromosome sequences. Repair of the broken chromosome was nearly eliminated in rad52delta diploids; 99% lost the broken chromosome. However, in rad51delta diploids, the broken chromosomes were repaired approximately 35% of the time. None of these repair events were simple gene conversions or gene conversions with an associated crossover, instead, they created diploids homozygous for the MAT locus and all markers in the 100-kb region distal to the site of the DSB. In rad51delta diploids, the broken chromosome can apparently be inherited for several generations, as many of these repair events are found as sectored colonies, with one part being repaired and the other part being lost the broken chromosome. Similar events occur in about 2% of wild-type cells. We propose that a broken chromosome end can invade a homologous template in the absence of RAD51 and initiate DNA replication that may extend to the telomere, 100 or more kb away. Such break-induced replication appears to be similar to recombination-initiated replication in bacteria.