6 resultados para Spermatozoa -- Ultrastructure
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
Multiple isoforms of type 1 hexokinase (HK1) are transcribed during spermatogenesis in the mouse, including at least three that are presumably germ cell specific: HK1-sa, HK1-sb, and HK1-sc. Each of these predicted proteins contains a common, germ cell-specific sequence that replaces the porin-binding domain found in somatic HK1. Although HK1 protein is present in mature sperm and is tyrosine phosphorylated, it is not known whether the various potential isoforms are differentially translated and localized within the developing germ cells and mature sperm. Using antipeptide antisera against unique regions of HK1-sa and HK1-sb, it was demonstrated that these isoforms were not found in pachytene spermatocytes, round spermatids, condensing spermatids, or sperm, suggesting that HK1-sa and HK1-sb are not translated during spermatogenesis. Immunoreactivity was detected in protein from round spermatids, condensing spermatids, and mature sperm using an antipeptide antiserum against the common, germ cell-specific region, suggesting that HK1-sc was the only germ cell-specific isoform present in these cells. Two-dimensional SDS-PAGE suggested that all of the sperm HK1-sc was tyrosine phosphorylated, and that the somatic HK1 isoform was not present. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that HK1-sc was associated with the mitochondria and with the fibrous sheath of the flagellum and was found in discrete clusters in the region of the membranes of the sperm head. The unusual distribution of HK1-sc in sperm suggests novel functions, such as extramitochondrial energy production, and also demonstrates that a hexokinase without a classical porin-binding domain can localize to mitochondria.
The acrosome reaction of spermatozoa is a complex, calcium-dependent, regulated exocytosis. Fusion at multiple sites between the outer acrosomal membrane and the cell membrane causes the release of the acrosomal contents and the loss of the membranes surrounding the acrosome. However, very little is known about the molecules that mediate and regulate this unique fusion process. Here, we show that N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF), a protein essential for most fusion events, is present in the acrosome of several mammalian spermatozoa. Moreover, we demonstrate that calcium-dependent exocytosis of permeabilized sperm requires active NSF. Previously, we have shown that the addition of the active (GTP-bound) form of the small GTPase Rab3A triggers exocytosis in permeabilized spermatozoa. In the present report we show that Rab3A is necessary for calcium-dependent exocytosis. The activation of Rab3A protects NSF from N-ethylmaleimide inhibition and precludes the exchange of the endogenous protein with recombinant dominant negative mutants of NSF. Furthermore, Rab3A activation of acrosomal exocytosis requires active NSF. Our results suggest that, upon calcium stimulation, Rab3A switches to its active GTP-bound form, triggering the formation of a protein complex in which NSF is protected. This process is suggested to be an essential part of the molecular mechanism of membrane fusion leading to the release of the acrosomal contents.
To determine human Ig heavy chain variable region (VH) gene segment organization on individual homologous chromosomes, an efficient approach has been developed. Single spermatozoa were used as subjects for the study. Upon sperm lysis, VH regions in each sperm were randomly sheared into fragments by the random Brownian force. The fragments were separated from each other by aliquoting the lysate into a certain number of tubes. The gene segments in the VH1 and VH4 families in each tube were identified by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis after PCR amplification. The polymorphic VH sequences were used to determine the parental origins of the analyzed sperm. VH segment organization in the parental haplotypes was determined by aligning the overlapping fragments from the spermatozoa with the corresponding haplotypes. Based on this comparison between the resulting haplotype maps and the composite map reported previously, the VH region on chromosome 14 could be subdivided into four portions. The numbers and compositions of the VH gene segments differ considerably among the maps in two portions, but are highly conserved in the other two. The data also indicate that the VH region on chromosome 15 may contain a large duplicated block with copy number varying among haplotypes. The approach used in the present study may be used to construct high-resolution haplotype maps without molecular cloning.
Length change mutation at the Ms6hm hypervariable mouse minisatellite locus was analyzed in C57BL/6N × C3H/HeN F1 mice and the F1 of the reciprocal cross born to irradiated male parents. Spontaneous mutant frequencies were 8.4% and 9.8% for the paternally derived and maternally derived C3H/HeN alleles, respectively. The mutant frequencies for the paternally derived allele increased to 22% and 19% when the male parents were irradiated with 6 Gy at the postmeiotic spermatozoa stage and the spermatogonia stage, respectively. These increases in the mutant frequency were at least 10 to 100 times higher than those expected from the frequency of hits to the 3- to 4-kb allele, suggesting that the length change mutation at this minisatellite locus was not a targeted event due directly to DNA damage in the region. Further analysis demonstrated that the mutant frequency increased also at the maternally derived C3H/HeN allele to 20% when the male parents were irradiated at the spermatozoa stage. This increase in the maternal allele mutation was not observed in F1 born to irradiated spermatogonia. The present study suggests that introduction of DNA damage by irradiated sperm triggers genomic instability in zygotes and in embryos of subsequent developmental stages, and this genomic instability induces untargeted mutation in cis at the paternally derived minisatellite allele and in trans at the maternally derived unirradiated allele. Untargeted mutation revealed in the present study defines a previously unnoticed genetic hazard to the maternally derived genome by the paternally introduced DNA damage.
The lacZ transgenic mouse (Muta mouse) model was used to examine the timing of ethylnitrosourea (ENU)-induced mutations in germ cells. The spectrum of mutations was also determined. Animals received five daily treatments with ENU at 50 mg/kg and were sampled at times up to 55 days after treatment. In mixed germ-cell populations isolated from seminiferous tubules, there was little increase in the mutant frequency 5 days after treatment; subsequently, there was a continuous increase until the maximum (17.5-fold above background) was reached by approximately 35 days. In the spermatozoa, an increase in mutant frequency was not seen until 20 days after treatment, with the maximum (4.3-fold above background) being achieved no sooner than approximately 35 days. Based on the timing of sampling, these data demonstrate the detection of both spermatogonial and postspermatogonial, mutations. The most prominent feature of the ENU-induced base-pair mutations in testicular germ cells sampled 55 days after treatment is that 70% are induced in A.T base pairs, compared to only 16% in spontaneous mutations. These findings are consistent with comparable data from ENU studies using assays for inherited germ-cell mutations in mice. This study has demonstrated the utility and potential of the transgenic mouse lacZ model (Muta mouse) for the detection and study of germ-cell mutations and provides guidance in the selection of simplified treatment and sampling protocols.
During fertilization in marine invertebrates, fusion between sperm and egg cell membranes occurs at the tip of the sperm acrosomal process. In abalone sperm the acrosomal process is coated with an 18-kDa protein. In situ, this protein has no effect on the egg vitelline envelope, but in vitro it is a potent fusagen of liposomes. Thus, the 18-kDa protein may mediate membrane fusion between the gametes, a step in gamete recognition known to restrict heterospecific fertilization in other species. The cDNA and deduced amino acid sequences of the 18-kDa protein were determined for five species of California abalone. The deduced amino acid sequences exhibit extraordinary divergence; the percent identity varies from 27% to 87%. Analysis of nucleotide substitution shows extremely high frequencies of amino acid-altering substitution compared to silent substitution, demonstrating that positive Darwinian selection promotes the divergence of this protein. However, amino acid replacement is conservative with respect to size and polarity of residue. The data support the developing idea that in free-spawning marine invertebrates, the proteins mediating fertilization may be subjected to intense, and as yet unknown, selective forces. The extraordinary divergence of fertilization proteins may be related to the establishment of barriers to heterospecific fertilization.