29 resultados para Soluble Form

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Upon stimulation with anti-CD3, suppressor T-cell (Ts) hybridomas and homologous transfectants of T-cell receptor a (TCRalpha) cDNA in the T-cell hybridoma formed a 55-kDa TCRalpha chain derivative that bound both the monoclonal anti-TCRalpha chain and polyclonal antibodies against glycosylation inhibiting factor (GIF). The peptide is a subunit of antigen-specific suppressor T-cell factor (TsF), and is considered to be a posttranslationally-formed conjugate of TCRalpha chain with GIF peptide. The TCRalpha derivative is synthesized by the transfectant after stimulation with anti-CD3, and not derived from TCR present on the cell surface. Stimulation of the stable homologous transfectants with anti-CD3 induced translocation of the 13-kDa GIF peptide into endoplasmic reticulum (ER). When a helper Ts hybridoma or a stable transfectant of the same TCRalpha cDNA in a helper cell-derived TCRalpha- clone was stimulated with anti-CD3, translocation of GIF peptide was not detected, and these cells failed to secrete a TCRalpha derivative. However, further transfection of a chimeric cDNA encoding a procalcitonin-GIF fusion protein into the helper cell-derived stable transfectant of TCRalpha cDNA resulted in translocation of the GIF protein and formation of bioactive 55-kDa GIF. The results indicated that translocation of GIF peptide through ER is unique for Ts cells, and that this process is essential for the formation/secretion of the soluble form derivative of TCRalpha chain by T cells.


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TVA, the cellular receptor for subgroup A avian leukosis viruses (ALV-A) can mediate viral entry when expressed as a transmembrane protein or as a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked protein on the surfaces of transfected mammalian cells. To determine whether mammalian cells can be rendered susceptible to ALV-A infection by attaching a soluble form of TVA to their plasma membranes, the TVA-epidermal growth factor (EGF) fusion protein was generated. TVA-EGF is comprised of the extracellular domain of TVA linked to the mature form of human EGF. Flow cytometric analysis confirmed that TVA-EGF is a bifunctional reagent capable of binding simultaneously to cell surface EGF receptors and to an ALV-A surface envelope-Ig fusion protein. TVA-EGF prebound to transfected mouse fibroblasts expressing either wild-type or kinase-deficient human EGF receptors, rendered these cells highly susceptible to infection by ALV-A vectors. Viral infection was blocked specifically in the presence of a recombinant human EGF protein, demonstrating that the binding of TVA-EGF to EGF receptors was essential for infectivity. These studies have demonstrated that a soluble TVA-ligand fusion protein can mediate viral infection when attached to specific cell surfaces, suggesting an approach for targeting retroviral infection to specific cell types.


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The intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii resides within a specialized compartment, the parasitophorous vacuole (PV), that resists fusion with host cell endocytic and lysosomal compartments. The PV is extensively modified by secretion of parasite proteins, including the dense granule protein GRA5 that is specifically targeted to the delimiting membrane of the PV (PVM). We show here that GRA5 is present both in a soluble form and in hydrophobic aggregates. GRA5 is secreted as a soluble form into the PV after which it becomes stably associated with the PVM. Topological studies demonstrated that GRA5 was inserted into the PVM as a transmembrane protein with its N-terminal domain extending into the cytoplasm and its C terminus in the vacuole lumen. Deletion of 8 of the 18 hydrophobic amino acids of the single predicted transmembrane domain resulted in the failure of GRA5 to associate with the PVM; yet it remained correctly packaged in the dense granules and was secreted as a soluble protein into the PV. Collectively, these studies demonstrate that the secretory pathway in Toxoplasma is unusual in two regards; it allows soluble export of proteins containing typical transmembrane domains and provides a mechanism for their insertion into a host cell membrane after secretion from the parasite.


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We used stepwise photochemical cross-linking for specifically assembling soluble and covalent complexes made of a T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) and a class I molecule of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) bound to an antigenic peptide. For that purpose, we have produced in myeloma cells a single-chain Fv construct of a TCR specific for a photoreactive H-2Kd-peptide complex. Photochemical cross-linking of this TCR single-chain Fv with a soluble form of the photoreactive H-2Kd-peptide ligand resulted in the formation of a ternary covalent complex. We have characterized the soluble ternary complex and showed that it reacted with antibodies specific for epitopes located either on the native TCR or on the Kd molecules. By preventing the fast dissociation kinetics observed with most T cell receptors, this approach provides a means of preparing soluble TCR-peptide-MHC complexes on large-scale levels.


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The SH3 domain is a well characterized small protein module with a simple fold found in many proteins. At acid pH, the SH3 domain (PI3-SH3) of the p85α subunit of bovine phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase slowly forms a gel that consists of typical amyloid fibrils as assessed by electron microscopy, a Congo red binding assay, and x-ray fiber diffraction. The soluble form of PI3-SH3 at acid pH (the A state by a variety of techniques) from which fibrils are generated has been characterized. Circular dichroism in the far- and near-UV regions and 1H NMR indicate that the A state is substantially unfolded relative to the native protein at neutral pH. NMR diffusion measurements indicate, however, that the effective hydrodynamic radius of the A state is only 23% higher than that of the native protein and is 20% lower than that of the protein denatured in 3.5 M guanidinium chloride. In addition, the A state binds the hydrophobic dye 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid, which suggests that SH3 in this state has a partially formed hydrophobic core. These results indicate that the A state is partially folded and support the hypothesis that partially folded states formed in solution are precursors of amyloid deposition. Moreover, that this domain aggregates into amyloid fibrils suggests that the potential for amyloid deposition may be a common property of proteins, and not only of a few proteins associated with disease.


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The Tn552 transposase, a member of the DDE superfamily of transposase and retroviral integrase proteins, has been expressed in soluble form. The purified protein performs concerted strand transfer in vitro, efficiently pairing two preprocessed transposon ends and inserting them into target DNA. For maximum efficiency, both participating DNA ends must contain the two adjacent transposase-binding sites that are the normal constituents of the Tn552 termini. As is the case with transposition in vivo, the insertions recovered from the reaction in vitro are flanked by repeats of a short target sequence, most frequently 6 bp. The reaction has stringent requirements for a divalent metal ion. Concerted strand transfer is most efficient with Mg2+. Although it stimulates strand transfer overall, Mn2+ promotes uncoupled, single-ended events at the expense of concerted insertions. The simplicity and efficiency of the Tn552 transposition system make it an attractive subject for structural and biochemical studies and a potentially useful genetic tool.


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The importance of cholesterol for endocytosis has been investigated in HEp-2 and other cell lines by using methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MβCD) to selectively extract cholesterol from the plasma membrane. MβCD treatment strongly inhibited endocytosis of transferrin and EGF, whereas endocytosis of ricin was less affected. The inhibition of transferrin endocytosis was completely reversible. On removal of MβCD it was restored by continued incubation of the cells even in serum-free medium. The recovery in serum-free medium was inhibited by addition of lovastatin, which prevents cholesterol synthesis, but endocytosis recovered when a water-soluble form of cholesterol was added together with lovastatin. Electron microscopical studies of MβCD-treated HEp-2 cells revealed that typical invaginated caveolae were no longer present. Moreover, the invagination of clathrin-coated pits was strongly inhibited, resulting in accumulation of shallow coated pits. Quantitative immunogold labeling showed that transferrin receptors were concentrated in coated pits to the same degree (approximately sevenfold) after MβCD treatment as in control cells. Our results therefore indicate that although clathrin-independent (and caveolae-independent) endocytosis still operates after removal of cholesterol, cholesterol is essential for the formation of clathrin-coated endocytic vesicles.


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Poliovirus initiates infection by binding to its cellular receptor (Pvr). We have studied this interaction by using cryoelectron microscopy to determine the structure, at 21-Å resolution, of poliovirus complexed with a soluble form of its receptor (sPvr). This density map aided construction of a homology-based model of sPvr and, in conjunction with the known crystal structure of the virus, allowed delineation of the binding site. The virion does not change significantly in structure on binding sPvr in short incubations at 4°C. We infer that the binding configuration visualized represents the initial interaction that is followed by structural changes in the virion as infection proceeds. sPvr is segmented into three well-defined Ig-like domains. The two domains closest to the virion (domains 1 and 2) are aligned and rigidly connected, whereas domain 3 diverges at an angle of ≈60°. Two nodules of density on domain 2 are identified as glycosylation sites. Domain 1 penetrates the “canyon” that surrounds the 5-fold protrusion on the capsid surface, and its binding site involves all three major capsid proteins. The inferred pattern of virus–sPvr interactions accounts for most mutations that affect the binding of Pvr to poliovirus.


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The herpesvirus entry mediator C (HveC), previously known as poliovirus receptor-related protein 1 (PRR1), and the herpesvirus Ig-like receptor (HIgR) are the bona fide receptors employed by herpes simplex virus-1 and -2 (HSV-1 and -2) for entry into the human cell lines most frequently used in HSV studies. They share an identical ectodomain made of one V and two C2 domains and differ in transmembrane and cytoplasmic regions. Expression of their mRNA in the human nervous system suggests possible usage of these receptors in humans in the path of neuron infection by HSV. Glycoprotein D (gD) is the virion component that mediates HSV-1 entry into cells by interaction with cellular receptors. We report on the identification of the V domain of HIgR/PRR1 as a major functional region in HSV-1 entry by several approaches. First, the epitope recognized by mAb R1.302 to HIgR/PRR1, capable of inhibiting infection, was mapped to the V domain. Second, a soluble form of HIgR/PRR1 consisting of the single V domain competed with cell-bound full-length receptor and blocked virion infectivity. Third, the V domain was sufficient to mediate HSV entry, as an engineered form of PRR1 in which the two C2 domains were deleted and the V domain was retained and fused to its transmembrane and cytoplasmic regions was still able to confer susceptibility, although at reduced efficiency relative to full-length receptor. Consistently, transfer of the V domain of HIgR/PRR1 to a functionally inactive structural homologue generated a chimeric receptor with virus-entry activity. Finally, the single V domain was sufficient for in vitro physical interaction with gD. The in vitro binding was specific as it was competed both by antibodies to the receptor and by a mAb to gD with potent neutralizing activity for HSV-1 infectivity.


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Mutational and biophysical analysis suggests that an intracellular COOH-terminal domain of the large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel (BK channel) contains Ca2+-binding site(s) that are allosterically coupled to channel opening. However the structural basis of Ca2+ binding to BK channels is unknown. To pursue this question, we overexpressed the COOH-terminal 280 residues of the Drosophila slowpoke BK channel (Dslo-C280) as a FLAG- and His6-tagged protein in Escherichia coli. We purified Dslo-C280 in soluble form and used a 45Ca2+-overlay protein blot assay to detect Ca2+ binding. Dslo-C280 exhibits specific binding of 45Ca2+ in comparison with various control proteins and known EF-hand Ca2+-binding proteins. A mutation (D5N5) of Dslo-C280, in which five consecutive Asp residues of the “Ca-bowl” motif are changed to Asn, reduces 45Ca2+-binding activity by 56%. By electrophysiological assay, the corresponding D5N5 mutant of the Drosophila BK channel expressed in HEK293 cells exhibits lower Ca2+ sensitivity for activation and a shift of ≈+80 mV in the midpoint voltage for activation. This effect is associated with a decrease in the Hill coefficient (N) for activation by Ca2+ and a reduction in apparent Ca2+ affinity, suggesting the loss of one Ca2+-binding site per monomer. These results demonstrate a functional correlation between Ca2+ binding to a specific region of the BK protein and Ca2+-dependent activation, thus providing a biochemical approach to study this process.


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Cellular compartmentation of Zn in the leaves of the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens was investigated using energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis and single-cell sap extraction. Energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis of frozen, hydrated leaf tissues showed greatly enhanced Zn accumulation in the epidermis compared with the mesophyll cells. The relative Zn concentration in the epidermal cells correlated linearly with cell length in both young and mature leaves, suggesting that vacuolation of epidermal cells may promote the preferential Zn accumulation. The results from single-cell sap sampling showed that the Zn concentrations in the epidermal vacuolar sap were 5 to 6.5 times higher than those in the mesophyll sap and reached an average of 385 mm in plants with 20,000 μg Zn g−1 dry weight of shoots. Even when the growth medium contained no elevated Zn, preferential Zn accumulation in the epidermal vacuoles was still evident. The concentrations of K, Cl, P, and Ca in the epidermal sap generally decreased with increasing Zn. There was no evidence of association of Zn with either P or S. The present study demonstrates that Zn is sequestered in a soluble form predominantly in the epidermal vacuoles in T. caerulescens leaves and that mesophyll cells are able to tolerate up to at least 60 mm Zn in their sap.


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Isoprene synthase is the enzyme responsible for the foliar emission of the hydrocarbon isoprene (2-methyl-1,3-butadiene) from many C3 plants. Previously, thylakoid-bound and soluble forms of isoprene synthase had been isolated separately, each from different plant species using different procedures. Here we describe the isolation of thylakoid-bound and soluble isoprene synthases from a single willow (Salix discolor L.) leaf-fractionation protocol. Willow leaf isoprene synthase appears to be plastidic, with whole-leaf and intact chloroplast fractionations yielding approximately equal soluble (i.e. stromal) and thylakoid-bound isoprene synthase activities. Although thylakoid-bound isoprene synthase is tightly bound to the thylakoid membrane (M.C. Wildermuth, R. Fall [1996] Plant Physiol 112: 171–182), it can be solubilized by pH 10.0 treatment. The solubilized thylakoid-bound and stromal isoprene synthases exhibit similar catalytic properties, and contain essential cysteine, histidine, and arginine residues, as do other isoprenoid synthases. In addition, two regulators of foliar isoprene emission, leaf age and light, do not alter the percentage of isoprene synthase activity in the bound or soluble form. The relationship between the isoprene synthase isoforms and the implications for function and regulation of isoprene production are discussed.


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We have probed the interaction of human erythropoietin (EPO) with its receptor (EPO-R) by analyzing a panel of 17 EPO mutants in a variety of in vitro assays. Mutant proteins were expressed in 293s cells and quantified by using an N-terminal epitope tag in conjunction with a surface plasmon resonance assay. Receptor binding was studied using both a soluble form of the EPO-R extracellular domain in an ELISA-format binding competition assay and full-length EPO-R in transfected BaF3 cells. Proliferative activity of the mutants was also determined in the BaF3-derived cell line and was correlated with the results from binding assays. Based on the results of these assays, we identified two distinct receptor binding sites on the EPO molecule. We propose that one site, containing residues Arg-150 and Lys-152, binds initially to EPO receptor on the cell surface. A second site, containing Arg-103 and Ser-104 (and possibly Arg-14), is involved in binding a second EPO-R at the cell surface, thus forming a homodimeric receptor complex. Furthermore, we demonstrate that one EPO mutant (R103A), which has previously been shown to lack proliferative function, is in fact an EPO antagonist. Taken together, these data support a sequential dimerization mechanism of EPO-R activation.


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The present study addresses the assembly in the chloroplast thylakoid membranes of PsaD, a peripheral membrane protein of the photosystem I complex. Located on the stromal side of the thylakoids, PsaD was found to assemble in vitro into the membranes in its precursor (pre-PsaD) and also in its mature (PsaD) form. Newly assembled unprocessed pre-PsaD was resistant to NaBr and alkaline wash. Yet it was sensitive to proteolytic digestion. In contradistinction, when the assembled precursor was processed, the resulting mature PsaD was resistant to proteases to the same extent as endogenous [correction of endogeneous] PsaD. The accumulation of protease-resistant PsaD in the thylakoids correlated with the increase of mature-PsaD in the membranes. This protection of mature PsaD from proteolysis could not be observed when PsaD was in a soluble form-i.e. not assembled within the thylakoids. The data suggest that pre-PsaD assembles to the membranes and only in a second step processing takes place. The observation that the assembly of pre-PsaD is affected by salts to a much lesser extent than that of mature-PsaD supports a two-step assembly of pre-PsaD.


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A soluble form of Alzheimer disease amyloid beta-protein (sA beta) is transported in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid mainly complexed with apolipoprotein J (apoJ). Using a well-characterized in situ perfused guinea pig brain model, we recently obtained preliminary evidence that apoJ facilitates transport of sA beta (1-40)-apoJ complexes across the blood-brain barrier and the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier, but the mechanisms remain poorly understood. In the present study, we examined the transport process in greater detail and investigated the possible role of glycoprotein 330 (gp330)/megalin, a receptor for multiple ligands, including apoJ. High-affinity transport systems with a Km of 0.2 and 0.5 nM were demonstrated for apoJ at the blood-brain barrier and the choroid epithelium in vivo, suggesting a specific receptor-mediated mechanism. The sA beta (1-40)-apoJ complex shared the same transport mechanism and exhibited 2.4- to 10.2-fold higher affinity than apoJ itself. Binding to microvessels, transport into brain parenchyma, and choroidal uptake of both apoJ and sA beta (1-40)-apoJ complexes were markedly inhibited (74-99%) in the presence of a monoclonal antibody to gp330/megalin and were virtually abolished by perfusion with the receptor-associated protein, which blocks binding of all known ligands to gp330. Western blot analysis of cerebral microvessels with the monoclonal antibody to gp330 revealed a protein with a mass identical to that in extracts of kidney membranes enriched with gp330/megalin, but in much lower concentration. The findings suggest that gp330/megalin mediates cellular uptake and transport of apoJ and sA beta (1-40)-apoJ complex at the cerebral vascular endothelium and choroid epithelium.