18 resultados para Similar-to-Me Effect

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Activation of pro-phenol oxidase (proPO) in insects and crustaceans is important in defense against wounding and infection. The proPO zymogen is activated by a specific proteolytic cleavage. PO oxidizes phenolic compounds to produce quinones, which may help to kill pathogens and can also be used for synthesis of melanin to seal wounds and encapsulate parasites. We have isolated from the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, a serine proteinase that activates proPO, and have cloned its cDNA. The isolated proPO activating proteinase (PAP) hydrolyzed artificial substrates but required other protein factors for proPO activation, suggesting that proPO-activating enzyme may exist as a protein complex, one component of which is PAP. PAP (44 kDa) is composed of two disulfide-linked polypeptide chains (31 kDa and 13 kDa). A cDNA for PAP was isolated from a hemocyte library, by using a PCR-generated probe based on the amino-terminal amino acid sequence of the 31-kDa catalytic domain. PAP belongs to a family of arthropod serine proteinases containing a carboxyl-terminal proteinase domain and an amino-terminal “clip” domain. The member of this family most similar in sequence to PAP is the product of the easter gene from Drosophila melanogaster. PAP mRNA was present at a low level in larval hemocytes and fat body, but became much more abundant in fat body after insects were injected with Escherichia coli. Sequence data and 3H-diisopropyl fluorphosphate labeling results suggest that the same PAP exists in hemolymph and cuticle.


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Cell death is mediated by distinct pathways including apoptosis and oncosis in response to various death signals. To characterize molecules involved in cell death, a panel of mAbs was raised by immunizing mice with apoptotic cells. One of these antibodies, designated anti-Porimin (for pro-oncosis receptor inducing membrane injury), was found to directly induce a unique type of cell death in Jurkat cells. Anti-Porimin defines a 110-kDa cell surface receptor on Jurkat cells. Functionally, anti-Porimin alone rapidly mediates pore formation on the plasma membrane and induces cell death without participation of complement. Both the cellular expression and functional characteristics of the Porimin antigen indicate that it is distinct from the CD95 (Fas/Apo-1) and other cell receptors known to induce apoptosis. Anti-Porimin-mediated cell death was preceded by cell aggregation, formation of plasma membrane pores, and the appearance of membrane blebs. More important, these cells show neither DNA fragmentation nor apoptotic bodies, but display lethal damage of the cell membrane. Cell death by anti-Porimin is distinct from complement-dependent cytolysis or complement-independent apoptosis but is similar to that described for oncosis, a form of cell death accompanied by the membrane damage followed by karyolysis. The induction of cell death by anti-Porimin may represent a unique cell surface receptor-mediated pathway of cell death in the human lymphoid system.


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The silver (svr) gene of Drosophila melanogaster is required for viability, and severe mutant alleles result in death prior to eclosion. Adult flies homozygous or hemizygous for weaker alleles display several visible phenotypes, including cuticular structures that are pale and silvery in color due to reduced melanization. We have identified and cloned the DNA encoding the svr gene and determined the sequence of several partially overlapping cDNAs derived from svr mRNAs. The predicted amino acid sequence of the polypeptides encoded by these cDNAs indicates that the silver proteins are members of the family of preprotein-processing carboxypeptidases that includes the human carboxypeptidases E, M, and N. One class of svr mRNAs is alternatively spliced to encode at least two polyproteins, each of which is composed of two carboxypeptidase domains.


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We show that the higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana has a serine-arginine-rich (SR) protein family whose members contain a phosphoepitope shared by the animal SR family of splicing factors. In addition, we report the cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding a higher-plant SR protein from Arabidopsis, SR1, which has striking sequence and structural homology to the human splicing factor SF2/ASF. Similar to SF2/ASF, the plant SR1 protein promotes splice site switching in mammalian nuclear extracts. A novel feature of the Arabidopsis SR protein is a C-terminal domain containing a high concentration of proline, serine, and lysine residues (PSK domain), a composition reminiscent of histones. This domain includes a putative phosphorylation site for the mitotic kinase cyclin/p34cdc2.


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Recently, several proteins have been identified that are related in their sequence to the p53 tumor-suppressor protein. One of these proteins, which is termed p73, exhibits sequence homology to the p53 transcriptional activation, DNA binding, and oligomerization domains. The adenovirus E1B 55-kDa protein, the adenovirus E4orf6 protein, and SV40 T antigen each can bind to p53 and inhibit p53 function. Here we demonstrate that the adenovirus E4orf6 protein, but not the E1B 55-kDa protein or T antigen, interacts with p73. The E4orf6 protein inhibits p73-mediated transcriptional activation and cell killing in a manner similar to its effect on p53. Thus, only a subset of viral oncoproteins that antagonize p53 function also interacts with the related p73 protein.


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Al toxicity is a major problem that limits crop productivity on acid soils. It has been suggested that Al toxicity is linked to changes in cellular Ca homeostasis and the blockage of plasma membrane Ca2+-permeable channels. BY-2 suspension-cultured cells of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) exhibit rapid cell expansion that is sensitive to Al. Therefore, the effect of Al on changes in cytoplasmic free Ca concentration ([Ca2+]cyt) was followed in BY-2 cells to assess whether Al perturbed cellular Ca homeostasis. Al exposure resulted in a prolonged reduction in [Ca2+]cyt and inhibition of growth that was similar to the effect of the Ca2+ channel blocker La3+ and the Ca2+ chelator ethyleneglycol-bis(β-aminoethyl ether)-N,N′-tetraacetic acid. The Ca2+ channel blockers verapamil and nifedipine did not induce a decrease in [Ca2+]cyt in these cells and also failed to inhibit growth. Al and La3+, but not verapamil or nifedipine, reduced the rate of Mn2+ quenching of Indo-1 fluorescence, which is consistent with the blockage of Ca2+- and Mn2+-permeable channels. These results suggest that Al may act to block Ca2+ channels at the plasma membrane of plant cells and this action may play a crucial role in the phytotoxic activity of the Al ion.


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In this study we investigated, using intravital microscopy, how neutrophil extravasation across mouse mesenteric postcapillary venules is inhibited by the glucocorticoid-regulated protein lipocortin (LC; also termed annexin) 1. Intraperitoneal injection of 1 mg of zymosan into mice induced neutrophil rolling on the activated mesenteric endothelium followed by adhesion (maximal at 2 hr: 5–6 cells per 100-μm of vessel length) and emigration (maximal at 4 hr: 8–10 cells per high-powered field). Treatment of mice with human recombinant LC1 (2 mg/kg s.c.) or its mimetic peptide Ac2–26 (13 mg/kg s.c.) did not modify cell rolling but markedly reduced (≥50%) the degree of neutrophil adhesion and emigration (P < 0.05). Intravenous treatment with peptide Ac2–26 (13 mg/kg) or recombinant human LC1 (0.7–2 mg/kg) promoted detachment of neutrophils adherent to the endothelium 2 hr after zymosan administration, with adherent cells detaching within 4.12 ± 0.75 min and 2.36 ± 0.31 min, respectively (n = 20–25 cells). Recruitment of newly adherent cells to the endothelium was unaffected. The structurally related protein LC5 was inactive in this assay, whereas a chimeric molecule constructed from the N terminus of LC1 (49 aa) attached to the core region of LC5 produced cell detachment with kinetics similar to LC1. Removal of adherent neutrophils from activated postcapillary endothelium is a novel pharmacological action, and it is at this site where LC1 and its mimetics operate to down-regulate this aspect of the host inflammatory response.


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IL-7 functions as a trophic factor during T lymphocyte development by a mechanism that is partly based on the induction of Bcl-2, which protects cells from apoptosis. Here we report a mechanism by which cytokine withdrawal activates the prodeath protein Bax. On loss of IL-7 in a dependent cell line, Bax protein translocated from the cytosol to the mitochondria, where it integrated into the mitochondrial membrane. This translocation was attributable to a conformational change in the Bax protein itself. We show that a rise in intracellular pH preceded mitochondrial translocation and triggered the change in Bax conformation. Intracellular pH in the IL-7-dependent cells rose steadily to peak over pH 7.8 by 6 hr after cytokine withdrawal, paralleling the time point of Bax translocation (a similar alkalinization and Bax translocation was also observed after IL-3 withdrawal from a dependent cell line). The conformation of Bax was directly altered by pH of 7.8 or higher and was demonstrated by increased protease sensitivity, exposure of N terminus epitopes, and exposure of a hydrophobic domain in the C terminus. Eliminating charged amino acids at the C or N termini of Bax induced a conformational change similar to that induced by raising pH, implicating these residues in the pH effect. Therefore, we have shown that by either cytokine withdrawal, experimental manipulation of pH, or site-directed mutagenesis, Bax protein changes conformation, exposing membrane-seeking domains, thereby inducing mitochondrial translocation and initiating the cascade of events leading to apoptotic death.


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Immunizations of mice with plasmid DNAs encoding ovalbumin (OVA), human Ig, and hen egg lysozyme were compared with doses of soluble protein (without adjuvant) that induced similar IgG responses. The route of immunization influenced the magnitude of the antibody (Ab) response in that intradermal (i.d.) injection elicited higher IgG Ab levels than i.m. injection in both DNA- and protein-immunized mice. Although total IgG levels were similar to soluble protein controls, the avidity of the anti-OVA Abs generated by DNA immunization were 100- and 1,000-fold higher via the i.m. or i.d. route, respectively. However, despite the generation of high-avidity Ab in DNA-immunized mice, germinal centers could not be detected in either DNA- or protein-immunized mice. Examination of the IgG subclass response showed that IgG2a was induced by i.m. DNA immunization, coinciding with elevated interferon γ production, whereas a dominant and elevated IgG1 response, coinciding with detectable interleukin 4 production, was generated after i.d. immunization with DNA or soluble OVA and hen egg lysozyme but not human Ig protein. As expected, cytotoxic T cell (CTL) responses could be detected only after DNA immunization. I.d. immunization produced the strongest CTL responses early (2 weeks) but was similar to i.m. later. Therefore, DNA immunization can differ from protein immunization by its ability to induce rapid CTL responses and higher avidity Ab, both of which are advantageous for vaccination.


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To investigate the role of filamentous actin in the endocytic pathway, we used the cell-permeant drug Jasplakinolide (JAS) to polymerize actin in intact polarized Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. The uptake and accumulation of the fluid-phase markers fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-dextran and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were followed in JAS-treated or untreated cells with confocal fluorescence microscopy, biochemical assays, and electron microscopy. Pretreatment with JAS increased the uptake and accumulation of fluid-phase markers in MDCK cells. JAS increased endocytosis in a polarized manner, with a marked effect on fluid-phase uptake from the basolateral surface but not from the apical surface of polarized MDCK cells. The early uptake of FITC-dextran and HRP was increased more than twofold in JAS-treated cells. At later times, FITC-dextran and HRP accumulated in clustered endosomes in the basal and middle regions of JAS-treated cells. The large accumulated endosomes were similar to late endosomes but they were not colabeled for other late endosome markers, such as rab7 or mannose-6-phosphate receptor. JAS altered transport in the endocytic pathway at a later stage than the microtubule-dependent step affected by nocodazole. JAS also had a notable effect on cell morphology, inducing membrane bunching at the apical pole of MDCK cells. Although other studies have implicated actin in endocytosis at the apical cell surface, our results provide novel evidence that filamentous actin is also involved in the endocytosis of fluid-phase markers from the basolateral membrane of polarized cells.


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The POU-IV or “Brn-3” class of POU-domain transcription factors is represented in Drosophila by I-POU and twin-of-I-POU, alternative splice products of the I-POU gene. I-POU has been previously reported to inhibit DNA binding by the POU-III class factor drifter/Cf1a via the formation of heterodimeric complexes. Here we report that expression of the I-POU/tI-POU message is maximal late in the embryonic phase of Drosophila development, and I-POU is the preferred splice variant. Although I-POU lacks two basic amino acid residues in the POU-homeodomain found in tI-POU and Brn-3.0, these three POU-IV class proteins exhibit very similar DNA-binding specificity. In contrast to previously published reports, the results presented here show no effect of I-POU on DNA binding by drifter, and no evidence for I-POU/drifter dimerization. These results suggest that the I-POU/tI-POU gene products function by transcriptional mechanisms similar to those of the homologous POU-IV class factors expressed in other species, not by a unique inhibitory mechanism.


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Insulin negatively regulates expression of the insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 (IGFBP-1) gene by means of an insulin-responsive element (IRE) that also contributes to glucocorticoid stimulation of this gene. We find that the Caenorhabditis elegans protein DAF-16 binds the IGFBP-1⋅IRE with specificity similar to that of the forkhead (FKH) factor(s) that act both to enhance glucocorticoid responsiveness and to mediate the negative effect of insulin at this site. In HepG2 cells, DAF-16 and its mammalian homologs, FKHR, FKHRL1, and AFX, activate transcription through the IGFBP-1⋅IRE; this effect is inhibited by the viral oncoprotein E1A, but not by mutants of E1A that fail to interact with the coactivator p300/CREB-binding protein (CBP). We show that DAF-16 and FKHR can interact with both the KIX and E1A/SRC interaction domains of p300/CBP, as well as the steroid receptor coactivator (SRC). A C-terminal deletion mutant of DAF-16 that is nonfunctional in C. elegans fails to bind the KIX domain of CBP, fails to activate transcription through the IGFBP-1⋅IRE, and inhibits activation of the IGFBP-1 promoter by glucocorticoids. Thus, the interaction of DAF-16 homologs with the KIX domain of CBP is essential to basal and glucocorticoid-stimulated transactivation. Although AFX interacts with the KIX domain of CBP, it does not interact with SRC and does not respond to glucocorticoids or insulin. Thus, we conclude that DAF-16 and FKHR act as accessory factors to the glucocorticoid response, by recruiting the p300/CBP/SRC coactivator complex to an FKH factor site in the IGFBP-1 promoter, which allows the cell to integrate the effects of glucocorticoids and insulin on genes that carry this site.


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The D2 polypeptide of the photosystem II (PSII) complex in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is thought to be reversibly phosphorylated. By analogy to higher plants, the phosphorylation site is likely to be at residue threonine-2 (Thr-2). We have investigated the role of D2 phosphorylation by constructing two mutants in which residue Thr-2 has been replaced by either alanine or serine. Both mutants grew photoautotrophically at wild-type rates, and noninvasive biophysical measurements, including the decay of chlorophyll fluorescence, the peak temperature of thermoluminescence bands, and rates of oxygen evolution, indicate little perturbation to electron transfer through the PSII complex. The susceptibility of mutant PSII to photoinactivation as measured by the light-induced loss of PSII activity in whole cells in the presence of the protein-synthesis inhibitors chloramphenicol or lincomycin was similar to that of wild type. These results indicate that phosphorylation at Thr-2 is not required for PSII function or for protection from photoinactivation. In control experiments the phosphorylation of D2 in wild-type C. reinhardtii was examined by 32P labeling in vivo and in vitro. No evidence for the phosphorylation of D2 in the wild type could be obtained. [14C]Acetate-labeling experiments in the presence of an inhibitor of cytoplasmic protein synthesis also failed to identify phosphorylated (D2.1) and nonphosphorylated (D2.2) forms of D2 upon sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Our results suggest that the existence of D2 phosphorylation in C. reinhardtii is still in question.


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Portal hypertension resulting from increased intrahepatic resistance is a common complication of chronic liver diseases and a leading cause of death in patients with liver cirrhosis, a scarring process of the liver that includes components of both increased fibrogenesis and wound contraction. A reduced production of nitric oxide (NO) resulting from an impaired enzymatic function of endothelial NO synthase and an increased contraction of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) have been demonstrated to contribute to high intrahepatic resistance in the cirrhotic liver. 2-(Acetyloxy) benzoic acid 3-(nitrooxymethyl) phenyl ester (NCX-1000) is a chemical entity obtained by adding an NO-releasing moiety to ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), a compound that is selectively metabolized by hepatocytes. In this study we have examined the effect of NCX-1000 and UDCA on liver fibrosis and portal hypertension induced by i.p. injection of carbon tetrachloride in rats. Our results demonstrated that although both treatments reduced liver collagen deposition, NCX-1000, but not UDCA, prevented ascite formation and reduced intrahepatic resistance in carbon tetrachloride-treated rats as measured by assessing portal perfusion pressure. In contrast to UDCA, NCX-1000 inhibited HSC contraction and exerted a relaxing effect similar to the NO donor S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine. HSCs were able to metabolize NCX-1000 and release nitrite/nitrate in cell supernatants. In aggregate these data indicate that NCX-1000, releasing NO into the liver microcirculation, may provide a novel therapy for the treatment of patients with portal hypertension.


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Abnormal mesoderm movement, leading to defects in axial organization, is observed in mouse and Xenopus laevis embryos deprived of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) AA signaling. However, neither the cellular response to PDGF nor the signaling pathways involved are understood. Herein we describe an in vitro assay to examine the direct effect of PDGF AA on aggregates of Xenopus embryonic mesoderm cells. We find that PDGF AA stimulates aggregates to spread on fibronectin. This behavior is similar to that of migrating mesoderm cells in vivo that spread and form lamellipodia and filipodia on contact with fibronectin-rich extracellular matrix. We go on to show two lines of evidence that implicate phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) as an important component of PDGF-induced mesoderm cell spreading. (i) The fungal metabolite wortmannin, which inhibits signaling by PI3K, blocks mesoderm spreading in response to PDGF AA. (ii) Activation of a series of receptors with specific tyrosine-to-phenylalanine mutations revealed PDGF-induced spreading of mesoderm cells depends on PI3K but not on other signaling molecules that interact with PDGF receptors including phospholipase C gamma, Ras GTPase-activating protein, and phosphotyrosine phosphatase SHPTP2. These results indicate that a PDGF signal, medicated by PI3K, can facilitate embryonic mesoderm cell spreading on fibronectin. We propose that PDGF, produced by the ectoderm, influences the adhesive properties of the adjacent mesoderm cells during gastrulation.