42 resultados para Signal analysis

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Protein translocation into peroxisomes takes place via recognition of a peroxisomal targeting signal present at either the extreme C termini (PTS1) or N termini (PTS2) of matrix proteins. In mammals and yeast, the peroxisomal targeting signal receptor, Pex5p, recognizes the PTS1 consisting of -SKL or variants thereof. Although many plant peroxisomal matrix proteins are transported through the PTS1 pathway, little is known about the PTS1 receptor or any other peroxisome assembly protein from plants. We cloned tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cDNAs encoding Pex5p (NtPEX5) based on the protein’s interaction with a PTS1-containing protein in the yeast two-hybrid system. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that the tobacco Pex5p contains seven tetratricopeptide repeats and that NtPEX5 shares greater sequence similarity with its homolog from humans than from yeast. Expression of NtPEX5 fusion proteins, consisting of the N-terminal part of yeast Pex5p and the C-terminal region of NtPEX5, in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae pex5 mutant restored protein translocation into peroxisomes. These experiments confirmed the identity of the tobacco protein as a PTS1 receptor and indicated that components of the peroxisomal translocation apparatus are conserved functionally. Two-hybrid assays showed that NtPEX5 interacts with a wide range of PTS1 variants that also interact with the human Pex5p. Interestingly, the C-terminal residues of some of these peptides deviated from the established plant PTS1 consensus sequence. We conclude that there are significant sequence and functional similarities between the plant and human Pex5ps.


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Previous studies have suggested that ionizing radiation causes irreparable DNA double-strand breaks in mice and cell lines harboring mutations in any of the three subunits of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) (the catalytic subunit, DNA-PKcs, or one of the DNA-binding subunits, Ku70 or Ku86). In actuality, these mutants vary in their ability to resolve double-strand breaks generated during variable (diversity) joining [V(D)J] recombination. Mutant cell lines and mice with targeted deletions in Ku70 or Ku86 are severely compromised in their ability to form coding and signal joints, the products of V(D)J recombination. It is noteworthy, however, that severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice, which bear a nonnull mutation in DNA-PKcs, are substantially less impaired in forming signal joints than coding joints. The current view holds that the defective protein encoded by the murine SCID allele retains enough residual function to support signal joint formation. An alternative hypothesis proposes that DNA-PKcs and Ku perform different roles in V(D)J recombination, with DNA-PKcs required only for coding joint formation. To resolve this issue, we examined V(D)J recombination in DNA-PKcs-deficient (SLIP) mice. We found that the effects of this mutation on coding and signal joint formation are identical to the effects of the SCID mutation. Signal joints are formed at levels 10-fold lower than in wild type, and one-half of these joints are aberrant. These data are incompatible with the notion that signal joint formation in SCID mice results from residual DNA-PKcs function, and suggest a third possibility: that DNA-PKcs normally plays an important but nonessential role in signal joint formation.


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The cytokines interleukin (IL) 4 and IL-13 induce many of the same biological responses, including class switching to IgE and induction of major histocompatibility complex class II antigens and CD23 on human B cells. It has recently been shown that IL-4 induces the tyrosine phosphorylation of a 170-kDa protein, a substrate called 4PS, and of the Janus kinase (JAK) family members JAK1 and JAK3. Because IL-13 has many functional effects similar to those of IL-4, we compared the ability of IL-4 and IL-13 to activate these signaling molecules in the human multifactor-dependent cell line TF-1. In this report we demonstrate that both IL-4 and IL-13 induced the tyrosine phosphorylation of 4PS and JAK1. Interestingly, although IL-4 induced the tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK3, we did not detect JAK3 phosphorylation in response to IL-13. These data suggest that IL-4 and IL-13 signal in similar ways via the activation of JAK1 and 4PS. However, our data further indicate that there are significant differences because IL-13 does not activate JAK3.


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Interaction of the antigen-specific receptor of T lymphocytes with its antigenic ligand can lead either to cell activation or to a state of profound unresponsiveness (anergy). Although subtle changes in the nature of the ligand or of the antigen-presenting cell have been shown to affect the outcome of T cell receptor ligation, the mechanism by which the same receptor can induce alternative cellular responses is not completely understood. A model for explaining both positive (cell proliferation and cytokine production) and negative (anergy induction) signaling of T lymphocytes is described herein. This model relies on the autophosphorylative properties of the tyrosine kinases associated with the T cell receptor. One of its basic assumptions is that the kinase activity of these receptor-associated enzymes remains above background level after ligand removal and is responsible for cellular unresponsiveness. Using a simple Boolean formalism, we show how the timing of the binding and intracellular signal-transduction events can affect the properties of receptor signaling and determine the type of cellular response. The present approach integrates into a common framework a large body of experimental observations and allows specification of conditions leading to cellular activation or to anergy.


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The proton–sucrose symporter mediates the key transport step in the resource distribution system that allows many plants to function as multicellular organisms. In the results reported here, we identify sucrose as a signaling molecule in a previously undescribed signal-transduction pathway that regulates the symporter. Sucrose symporter activity declined in plasma membrane vesicles isolated from leaves fed exogenous sucrose via the xylem transpiration stream. Symporter activity dropped to 35–50% of water controls when the leaves were fed 100 mM sucrose and to 20–25% of controls with 250 mM sucrose. In contrast, alanine symporter and glucose transporter activities did not change in response to sucrose treatments. Decreased sucrose symporter activity was detectable after 8 h and reached a maximum by 24 h. Kinetic analysis of transport activity showed a decrease in Vmax. RNA gel blot analysis revealed a decrease in symporter message levels, suggesting a drop in transcriptional activity or a decrease in mRNA stability. Control experiments showed that these responses were not the result of changing osmotic conditions. Equal molar concentrations of hexoses did not elicit the response, and mannoheptulose, a hexokinase inhibitor, did not block the sucrose effect. These data are consistent with a sucrose-specific response pathway that is not mediated by hexokinase as the sugar sensor. Sucrose-dependent changes in the sucrose symporter were reversible, suggesting this sucrose-sensing pathway can modulate transport activity as a function of changing sucrose concentrations in the leaf. These results demonstrate the existence of a signaling pathway that can control assimilate partitioning at the level of phloem translocation.


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G proteins play a major role in signal transduction upon platelet activation. We have previously reported a patient with impaired agonist-induced aggregation, secretion, arachidonate release, and Ca2+ mobilization. Present studies demonstrated that platelet phospholipase A2 (cytosolic and membrane) activity in the patient was normal. Receptor-mediated activation of glycoprotein (GP) IIb-IIIa complex measured by flow cytometry using antibody PAC-1 was diminished despite normal amounts of GPIIb-IIIa on platelets. Ca2+ release induced by guanosine 5′-[γ-thio]triphosphate (GTP[γS]) was diminished in the patient’s platelets, suggesting a defect distal to agonist receptors. GTPase activity (a function of α-subunit) in platelet membranes was normal in resting state but was diminished compared with normal subjects on stimulation with thrombin, platelet-activating factor, or the thromboxane A2 analog U46619. Binding of 35S-labeled GTP[γS] to platelet membranes was decreased under both basal and thrombin-stimulated states. Iloprost (a stable prostaglandin I2 analog) -induced rise in cAMP (mediated by Gαs) and its inhibition (mediated by Gαi) by thrombin in the patient’s platelet membranes were normal. Immunoblot analysis of Gα subunits in the patient’s platelet membranes showed a decrease in Gαq (<50%) but not Gαi, Gαz, Gα12, and Gα13. These studies provide evidence for a hitherto undescribed defect in human platelet G-protein α-subunit function leading to impaired platelet responses, and they provide further evidence for a major role of Gαq in thrombin-induced responses.


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A rapidly growing area of genome research is the generation of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) in which large numbers of randomly selected cDNA clones are partially sequenced. The collection of ESTs reflects the level and complexity of gene expression in the sampled tissue. To date, the majority of plant ESTs are from nonwoody plants such as Arabidopsis, Brassica, maize, and rice. Here, we present a large-scale production of ESTs from the wood-forming tissues of two poplars, Populus tremula L. × tremuloides Michx. and Populus trichocarpa ‘Trichobel.’ The 5,692 ESTs analyzed represented a total of 3,719 unique transcripts for the two cDNA libraries. Putative functions could be assigned to 2,245 of these transcripts that corresponded to 820 protein functions. Of specific interest to forest biotechnology are the 4% of ESTs involved in various processes of cell wall formation, such as lignin and cellulose synthesis, 5% similar to developmental regulators and members of known signal transduction pathways, and 2% involved in hormone biosynthesis. An additional 12% of the ESTs showed no significant similarity to any other DNA or protein sequences in existing databases. The absence of these sequences from public databases may indicate a specific role for these proteins in wood formation. The cDNA libraries and the accompanying database are valuable resources for forest research directed toward understanding the genetic control of wood formation and future endeavors to modify wood and fiber properties for industrial use.


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Caenorhabditis elegans should soon be the first multicellular organism whose complete genomic sequence has been determined. This achievement provides a unique opportunity for a comprehensive assessment of the signal transduction molecules required for the existence of a multicellular animal. Although the worm C. elegans may not much resemble humans, the molecules that regulate signal transduction in these two organisms prove to be quite similar. We focus here on the content and diversity of protein kinases present in worms, together with an assessment of other classes of proteins that regulate protein phosphorylation. By systematic analysis of the 19,099 predicted C. elegans proteins, and thorough analysis of the finished and unfinished genomic sequences, we have identified 411 full length protein kinases and 21 partial kinase fragments. We also describe 82 additional proteins that are predicted to be structurally similar to conventional protein kinases even though they share minimal primary sequence identity. Finally, the richness of phosphorylation-dependent signaling pathways in worms is further supported with the identification of 185 protein phosphatases and 128 phosphoprotein-binding domains (SH2, PTB, STYX, SBF, 14-3-3, FHA, and WW) in the worm genome.


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Inhibitors of DNA methyltransferase, typified by 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine (5-Aza-CdR), induce the expression of genes transcriptionally down-regulated by de novo methylation in tumor cells. We utilized gene expression microarrays to examine the effects of 5-Aza-CdR treatment in HT29 colon adenocarcinoma cells. This analysis revealed the induction of a set of genes that implicated IFN signaling in the HT29 cellular response to 5-Aza-CdR. Subsequent investigations revealed that the induction of this gene set correlates with the induction of signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 1, 2, and 3 genes and their activation by endogenous IFN-α. These observations implicate the induction of the IFN-response pathway as a major cellular response to 5-Aza-CdR and suggests that the expression of STATs 1, 2, and 3 can be regulated by DNA methylation. Consistent with STAT’s limiting cell responsiveness to IFN, we found that 5-Aza-CdR treatment sensitized HT29 cells to growth inhibition by exogenous IFN-α2a, indicating that 5-Aza-CdR should be investigated as a potentiator of IFN responsiveness in certain IFN-resistant tumors.


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Photoreceptor proteins of the phytochrome family mediate light-induced inhibition of stem (hypocotyl) elongation during the development of photoautotrophy in seedlings. Analyses of overt mutant phenotypes have established the importance of phytochromes A and B (phyA and phyB) in this developmental process, but kinetic information that would augment emerging molecular models of phytochrome signal transduction is absent. We have addressed this deficiency by genetically dissecting phytochrome-response kinetics, after having solved the technical issues that previously limited growth studies of small Arabidopsis seedlings. We show here, with resolution on the order of minutes, that phyA initiated hypocotyl growth inhibition upon the onset of continuous red light. This primary contribution of phyA began to decrease after 3 hr of irradiation, the same time at which immunochemically detectable phyA disappeared and an exclusively phyB-dependent phase of inhibition began. The sequential and coordinated actions of phyA and phyB in red light were not observed in far-red light, which inhibited growth persistently through an exclusively phyA-mediated pathway.


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Interaction between a peptide hormone and extracellular domains of its receptor is a crucial step for initiation of hormone action. We have developed a modification of the yeast two-hybrid system to study this interaction and have used it to characterize the interaction of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) with its receptor by using GAL4 transcriptional regulation with a β-galactosidase assay as readout. In this system, IGF-1 and proIGF-1 bound to the cysteine-rich domain, extracellular domain, or entire IGF-1 proreceptor. This interaction was specific. Thus, proinsulin showed no significant interaction with the IGF-1 receptor, while a chimeric proinsulin containing the C-peptide of IGF-1 had an intermediate interaction, consistent with its affinity for the IGF-1 receptor. Over 2000 IGF-1 mutants were generated by PCR and screened for interaction with the color assay. About 40% showed a strong interaction, 20% showed an intermediate interaction, and 40% give little or no signal. Of 50 mutants that were sequenced, several (Leu-5 → His, Glu-9 → Val, Arg-37 → Gly, and Met-59 → Leu) appeared to enhance receptor association, others resulted in weaker receptor interaction (Tyr-31 → Phe and Ile-43 → Phe), and two gave no detectable signal (Leu-14 → Arg and Glu-46 → Ala). Using PCR-based mutagenesis with proinsulin, we also identified a gain of function mutant (proinsulin Leu-17 → Pro) that allowed for a strong IGF-1–receptor interaction. These data demonstrate that the specificity of the interaction between a hormone and its receptor can be characterized with high efficiency in the two-hybrid system and that novel hormone analogues may be found by this method.


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The cell matrix adhesion regulator (CMAR) gene has been suggested to be a signal transduction molecule influencing cell adhesion to collagen and, through this, possibly involved in tumor suppression. The originally reported CMAR cDNA was 464 bp long with a tyrosine phosphorylation site at the extreme 3′ end, which mutagenesis studies had shown to be central to the function of this gene. Since the discovery of a 4-bp insertion polymorphism within the originally reported coding region, further sequence information has been obtained. The cDNA has been extended 5′ by ≈2 kb revealing a 559-bp region showing strong homology to the proposed 5′ untranslated sequence of a murine protein kinase receptor family member, variant in kinase (vik). CMAR genomic sequencing has shown the presence of an intron, the intron/exon boundary lying within this region of homology. An RNA transcript for CMAR of ≈2.5 kb has also been identified. The data suggest complex mechanisms for control of expression of two closely associated genes, CMAR and the vik- associated sequence.


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Chemotaxis of Escherichia coli toward phosphotransferase systems (PTSs)–carbohydrates requires phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent PTSs as well as the chemotaxis response regulator CheY and its kinase, CheA. Responses initiated by flash photorelease of a PTS substrates d-glucose and its nonmetabolizable analog methyl α-d-glucopyranoside were measured with 33-ms time resolution using computer-assisted motion analysis. This, together with chemotactic mutants, has allowed us to map out and characterize the PTS chemotactic signal pathway. The responses were absent in mutants lacking the general PTS enzymes EI or HPr, elevated in PTS transport mutants, retarded in mutants lacking CheZ, a catalyst of CheY autodephosphorylation, and severely reduced in mutants with impaired methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein (MCP) signaling activity. Response kinetics were comparable to those triggered by MCP attractant ligands over most of the response range, the most rapid being 11.7 ± 3.1 s−1. The response threshold was <10 nM for glucose. Responses to methyl α-d-glucopyranoside had a higher threshold, commensurate with a lower PTS affinity, but were otherwise kinetically indistinguishable. These facts provide evidence for a single pathway in which the PTS chemotactic signal is relayed rapidly to MCP–CheW–CheA signaling complexes that effect subsequent amplification and slower CheY dephosphorylation. The high sensitivity indicates that this signal is generated by transport-induced dephosphorylation of the PTS rather than phosphoenolpyruvate consumption.


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The mechanisms responsible for coated pit formation in cells remain unknown, but indirect evidence has argued both for and against a critical role of receptor cytoplasmic domains in the process. If the endocytic motifs of receptors are responsible for recruiting AP2 to the plasma membrane, thereby driving coated pit formation, then the level of constitutively internalized receptors at the membrane would be expected to govern the steady-state level of coated pits in cells. Here we directly test this hypothesis for broad classes of receptors containing three distinct constitutive internalization signals. Chimeric proteins consisting of an integral membrane reporter protein (Tac) coupled to cytoplasmic domains bearing tyrosine-, di-leucine-, or acidic cluster/casein kinase II-based internalization signals were overexpressed to levels that saturated the internalization pathway. Quantitative confocal immunofluorescence microscopy indicated that the number of plasma membrane clathrin-coated pits and the concentration of their structural components were invariant when comparing cells expressing saturating levels of the chimeric receptors to nonexpressing cells or to cells expressing only the Tac reporter lacking cytoplasmic internalization signals. Biochemical analysis showed that the distribution of coat proteins between assembled coated pits and soluble pools was also not altered by receptor overexpression. Finally, the cellular localizations of AP2 and AP1 were similarly unaffected. These results provide a clear indication that receptor endocytic signals do not determine coated pit levels by directly recruiting AP2 molecules. Rather, the findings support a model in which coated pit formation proceeds through recruitment and activation of AP2, likely through a limited number of regulated docking sites that act independently of endocytic signals.


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Screening of a library derived from primary human endothelial cells revealed a novel human isoform of vesicle-associated membrane protein-1 (VAMP-1), a protein involved in the targeting and/or fusion of transport vesicles to their target membrane. We have termed this novel isoform VAMP-1B and designated the previously described isoform VAMP-1A. VAMP-1B appears to be an alternatively spliced form of VAMP-1. A similar rat splice variant of VAMP-1 (also termed VAMP-1B) has recently been reported. Five different cultured cell lines, from different lineages, all contained VAMP-1B but little or no detectable VAMP-1A mRNA, as assessed by PCR. In contrast, brain mRNA contained VAMP-1A but no VAMP-1B. The VAMP-1B sequence encodes a protein identical to VAMP-1A except for the carboxy-terminal five amino acids. VAMP-1 is anchored in the vesicle membrane by a carboxy-terminal hydrophobic sequence. In VAMP-1A the hydrophobic anchor is followed by a single threonine, which is the carboxy-terminal amino acid. In VAMP-1B the predicted hydrophobic membrane anchor is shortened by four amino acids, and the hydrophobic sequence is immediately followed by three charged amino acids, arginine-arginine-aspartic acid. Transfection of human endothelial cells with epitope-tagged VAMP-1B demonstrated that VAMP-1B was targeted to mitochondria whereas VAMP-1A was localized to the plasma membrane and endosome-like structures. Analysis of C-terminal mutations of VAMP-1B demonstrated that mitochondrial targeting depends both on the addition of positive charge at the C terminus and a shortened hydrophobic membrane anchor. These data suggest that mitochondria may be integrated, at least at a mechanistic level, to the vesicular trafficking pathways that govern protein movement between other organelles of the cell.