13 resultados para Shirley

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The phenylpropanoid pathway provides precursors for the biosynthesis of soluble secondary metabolites and lignin in plants. Ferulate-5-hydroxylase (F5H) catalyzes an irreversible hydroxylation step in this pathway that diverts ferulic acid away from guaiacyl lignin biosynthesis and toward sinapic acid and syringyl lignin. This fact led us to postulate that F5H was a potential regulatory step in the determination of lignin monomer composition. To test this hypothesis, we have used Arabidopsis to examine the impact of F5H overexpression. Arabidopsis is a useful model system in which to study lignification because in wild-type plants, guaiacyl and syringyl lignins are deposited in a tissue-specific fashion, while the F5H-deficient fah1 mutant accumulates only guaiacyl lignin. Here we show that ectopic overexpression of F5H in Arabidopsis abolishes tissue-specific lignin monomer accumulation. Surprisingly, overexpression of F5H under the control of the lignification-associated cinnamate-4-hydroxylase promoter, but not the commonly employed cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, generates a lignin that is almost entirely comprised of syringylpropane units. These experiments demonstrate that modification of F5H expression may enable engineering of lignin monomer composition in agronomically important plant species.


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Flavonoids are secondary metabolites derived from phenylalanine and acetate metabolism that perform a variety of essential functions in higher plants. Studies over the past 30 years have supported a model in which flavonoid metabolism is catalyzed by an enzyme complex localized to the endoplasmic reticulum [Hrazdina, G. & Wagner, G. J. (1985) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 237, 88–100]. To test this model further we assayed for direct interactions between several key flavonoid biosynthetic enzymes in developing Arabidopsis seedlings. Two-hybrid assays indicated that chalcone synthase, chalcone isomerase (CHI), and dihydroflavonol 4-reductase interact in an orientation-dependent manner. Affinity chromatography and immunoprecipitation assays further demonstrated interactions between chalcone synthase, CHI, and flavonol 3-hydroxylase in lysates from Arabidopsis seedlings. These results support the hypothesis that the flavonoid enzymes assemble as a macromolecular complex with contacts between multiple proteins. Evidence was also found for posttranslational modification of CHI. The importance of understanding the subcellular organization of elaborate enzyme systems is discussed in the context of metabolic engineering.


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We conducted a Phase I clinical trial investigating the biologic activity of vaccination with irradiated autologous melanoma cells engineered to secrete human granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor in patients with metastatic melanoma. Immunization sites were intensely infiltrated with T lymphocytes, dendritic cells, macrophages, and eosinophils in all 21 evaluable patients. Although metastatic lesions resected before vaccination were minimally infiltrated with cells of the immune system in all patients, metastatic lesions resected after vaccination were densely infiltrated with T lymphocytes and plasma cells and showed extensive tumor destruction (at least 80%), fibrosis, and edema in 11 of 16 patients examined. Antimelanoma cytotoxic T cell and antibody responses were associated with tumor destruction. These results demonstrate that vaccination with irradiated autologous melanoma cells engineered to secrete granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor stimulates potent antitumor immunity in humans with metastatic melanoma.


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A separation technique employing a microfabricated sieve has been demonstrated by observing the motion of DNA molecules of different size. The sieve consists of a two-dimensional lattice of obstacles whose asymmetric disposition rectifies the Brownian motion of molecules driven through the device, causing them to follow paths that depend on their diffusion coefficient. A nominal 6% resolution by length of DNA molecules in the size range 15–30 kbp may be achieved in a 4-inch (10-cm) silicon wafer. The advantage of this method is that samples can be loaded and sorted continuously, in contrast to the batch mode commonly used in gel electrophoresis.


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The piebald locus on mouse chromosome 14 encodes the endothelin-B receptor (EDNRB), a G protein-coupled, seven-transmembrane domain protein, which is required for neural crest-derived melanocyte and enteric neuron development. A spontaneous null allele of Ednrb results in homozygous mice that are predominantly white and die as juveniles from megacolon. To identify the important domains for EDNRB function, four recessive juvenile lethal alleles created by either radiation or chemical mutagens (Ednrb27Pub, Ednrb17FrS, Ednrb1Chlc, and Ednrb3Chlo) were examined at the molecular level. Ednrb27Pub mice harbor a mutation at a critical proline residue in the fifth transmembrane domain of the EDNRB protein. A gross genomic alteration within the Ednrb gene in Ednrb3Chlo results in the production of aberrantly sized transcripts and no authentic Ednrb mRNA. Ednrb17FrS mice exhibited a decreased level of Ednrb mRNA, supporting previous observations that the degree of spotting in piebald mice is dependent on the amount of EDNRB expressed. Finally, no molecular defect was detected in Ednrb1Chlc mice, which produce normal levels of Ednrb mRNA in adult brain, suggesting that the mutation affects important regulatory elements that mediate the expression of the gene during development.


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Potent antiretroviral therapy can reduce plasma HIV RNA levels below the threshold of detection for periods of a year or more. The magnitude of HIV RNA reduction in the lymphoid tissue in patients with suppression of HIV RNA levels in plasma beyond 6 months has not been determined. We evaluated levels of HIV RNA and DNA and characterized resistance mutations in blood and inguinal lymph node biopsies obtained from 10 HIV-infected subjects who received 36–52 weeks of indinavir (IDV)/zidovudine (ZDV)/lamivudine (3TC), IDV, or ZDV/3TC. After 1 year of therapy, viral RNA levels in LN of individuals remained detectable but were log10 = 4 lower than in subjects on the triple drug regimen with interruption of therapy or in those treated with ZDV/3TC alone, who had viral loads in their lymph nodes indistinguishable from those expected for untreated patients. In all cases viral DNA remained detectable in lymph nodes and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). When plasma virus suppression was incomplete, lymph node and PBMC cultures were positive and drug resistance developed. These studies indicate that pronounced and sustained suppression of plasma viremia by a potent antiretroviral combination is associated with low HIV RNA levels in the lymph nodes 1 year after treatment. Conversely, the persistence of even modest levels of plasma virus after 1 year of treatment reflects ongoing viral replication, the emergence of drug resistance, and the maintenance of high burdens of virus in the lymph nodes.


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We have proposed that reduced activity of inosine-5′-monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPD; IMP:NAD oxidoreductase, EC, the rate-limiting enzyme for guanine nucleotide biosynthesis, in response to wild-type p53 expression, is essential for p53-dependent growth suppression. A gene transfer strategy was used to demonstrate that under physiological conditions constitutive IMPD expression prevents p53-dependent growth suppression. In these studies, expression of bax and waf1, genes implicated in p53-dependent growth suppression in response to DNA damage, remains elevated in response to p53. These findings indicate that under physiological conditions IMPD is a rate-determining factor for p53-dependent growth regulation. In addition, they suggest that the impd gene may be epistatic to bax and waf1 in growth suppression. Because of the role of IMPD in the production and balance of GTP and ATP, essential nucleotides for signal transduction, these results suggest that p53 controls cell division signals by regulating purine ribonucleotide metabolism.


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Sla2p, also known as End4p and Mop2p, is the founding member of a widely conserved family of actin-binding proteins, a distinguishing feature of which is a C-terminal region homologous to the C terminus of talin. These proteins may function in actin cytoskeleton-mediated plasma membrane remodeling. A human homologue of Sla2p binds to huntingtin, the protein whose mutation results in Huntington’s disease. Here we establish by immunolocalization that Sla2p is a component of the yeast cortical actin cytoskeleton. Deletion analysis showed that Sla2p contains two separable regions, which can mediate association with the cortical actin cytoskeleton, and which can provide Sla2p function. One localization signal is actin based, whereas the other signal is independent of filamentous actin. Biochemical analysis showed that Sla2p exists as a dimer in vivo. Two-hybrid analysis revealed two intramolecular interactions mediated by coiled-coil domains. One of these interactions appears to underlie dimer formation. The other appears to contribute to the regulation of Sla2p distribution between the cytoplasm and plasma membrane. The data presented are used to develop a model for Sla2p regulation and interactions.


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Classical familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a high-penetrance autosomal dominant disease that predisposes to hundreds or thousands of colorectal adenomas and carcinoma and that results from truncating mutations in the APC gene. A variant of FAP is attenuated adenomatous polyposis coli, which results from germ-line mutations in the 5′ and 3′ regions of the APC gene. Attenuated adenomatous polyposis coli patients have “multiple” colorectal adenomas (typically fewer than 100) without the florid phenotype of classical FAP. Another group of patients with multiple adenomas has no mutations in the APC gene, and their phenotype probably results from variation at a locus, or loci, elsewhere in the genome. Recently, however, a missense variant of APC (I1307K) was described that confers an increased risk of colorectal tumors, including multiple adenomas, in Ashkenazim. We have studied a set of 164 patients with multiple colorectal adenomas and/or carcinoma and analyzed codons 1263–1377 (exon 15G) of the APC gene for germ-line variants. Three patients with the I1307K allele were detected, each of Ashkenazi descent. Four patients had a germ-line E1317Q missense variant of APC that was not present in controls; one of these individuals had an unusually large number of metaplastic polyps of the colorectum. There is increasing evidence that there exist germ-line variants of the APC gene that predispose to the development of multiple colorectal adenomas and carcinoma, but without the florid phenotype of classical FAP, and possibly with importance for colorectal cancer risk in the general population.


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The ARKdb genome databases provide comprehensive public repositories for genome mapping data from farmed species and other animals (http://www.thearkdb.org) providing a resource similar in function to that offered by GDB or MGD for human or mouse genome mapping data, respectively. Because we have attempted to build a generic mapping database, the system has wide utility, particularly for those species for which development of a specific resource would be prohibitive. The ARKdb genome database model has been implemented for 10 species to date. These are pig, chicken, sheep, cattle, horse, deer, tilapia, cat, turkey and salmon. Access to the ARKdb databases is effected via the World Wide Web using the ARKdb browser and Anubis map viewer. The information stored includes details of loci, maps, experimental methods and the source references. Links to other information sources such as PubMed and EMBL/GenBank are provided. Responsibility for data entry and curation is shared amongst scientists active in genome research in the species of interest. Mirror sites in the United States are maintained in addition to the central genome server at Roslin.


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An unusual feature of the mammalian genome is the number of genes exhibiting monoallelic expression. Recently random monoallelic expression of autosomal genes has been reported for olfactory and Ly-49 NK receptor genes, as well as for Il-2, Il-4 and Pax5. RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) has been exploited to monitor allelic expression by visualizing the number of sites of transcription in individual nuclei. However, the sensitivity of this technique is difficult to determine for a given gene. We show that by combining DNA and RNA FISH it is possible to control for the hybridization efficiency and the accessibility and visibility of fluorescent probes within the nucleus.


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This investigation was pursued to test the use of intracellular antibodies (intrabodies) as a means of blocking the pathogenesis of Huntington's disease (HD). HD is characterized by abnormally elongated polyglutamine near the N terminus of the huntingtin protein, which induces pathological protein–protein interactions and aggregate formation by huntingtin or its exon 1-containing fragments. Selection from a large human phage display library yielded a single-chain Fv (sFv) antibody specific for the 17 N-terminal residues of huntingtin, adjacent to the polyglutamine in HD exon 1. This anti-huntingtin sFv intrabody was tested in a cellular model of the disease in which huntingtin exon 1 had been fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP). Expression of expanded repeat HD-polyQ-GFP in transfected cells shows perinuclear aggregation similar to human HD pathology, which worsens with increasing polyglutamine length; the number of aggregates in these transfected cells provided a quantifiable model of HD for this study. Coexpression of anti-huntingtin sFv intrabodies with the abnormal huntingtin-GFP fusion protein dramatically reduced the number of aggregates, compared with controls lacking the intrabody. Anti-huntingtin sFv fused with a nuclear localization signal retargeted huntingtin analogues to cell nuclei, providing further evidence of the anti-huntingtin sFv specificity and of its capacity to redirect the subcellular localization of exon 1. This study suggests that intrabody-mediated modulation of abnormal neuronal proteins may contribute to the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as HD, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, prion disease, and the spinocerebellar ataxias.


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Two important signaling systems involved in the growth and development of plants, those triggered by the photoreceptor phytochrome and the hormone abscisic acid (ABA), are involved in the regulation of expression of the NPR1 gene of Lemna gibba. We previously demonstrated that phytochrome action mediates changes in ABA levels in L. gibba, correlating with changes in gene expression evoked by stimulation of the phytochrome system. We have now further characterized phytochrome- and ABA-mediated regulation of L. gibba NPR1 gene expression using a transient particle bombardment assay, demonstrating that regulatory elements controlling responses to both stimuli reside within 156 nucleotides upstream of the transcription start. Linker scan (LS) analysis of the region from −156 to −70 was used to identify two specific requisite and nonredundant cis-acting promoter elements between −143 to −135 (LS2) and −113 to −101 (LS5). Mutation of either of these elements resulted in a coordinate loss of regulation by phytochrome and ABA. This suggests that, unlike the L. gibba Lhcb2*1 promoter, in which phytochrome and ABA regulatory elements are separable, the phytochrome response of the L. gibba NPR1 gene can be attributed to alterations in ABA levels.