20 resultados para Sen, Amartya Kumar: Identity and violence
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
Sequence divergence acts as a potent barrier to homologous recombination; much of this barrier derives from an antirecombination activity exerted by mismatch repair proteins. An inverted repeat assay system with recombination substrates ranging in identity from 74% to 100% has been used to define the relationship between sequence divergence and the rate of mitotic crossing-over in yeast. To elucidate the role of the mismatch repair machinery in regulating recombination between mismatched substrates, we performed experiments in both wild-type and mismatch repair defective strains. We find that a single mismatch is sufficient to inhibit recombination between otherwise identical sequences, and that this inhibition is dependent on the mismatch repair system. Additional mismatches have a cumulative negative effect on the recombination rate. With sequence divergence of up to approximately 10%, the inhibitory effect of mismatches results mainly from antirecombination activity of the mismatch repair system. With greater levels of divergence, recombination is inefficient even in the absence of mismatch repair activity. In both wild-type and mismatch repair defective strains, an approximate log-linear relationship is observed between the recombination rate and the level of sequence divergence.
A method for cell–cell and cell–liposome fusion at the single-cell level is described. Individual cells or liposomes were first selected and manipulated either by optical trapping or by adhesion to a micromanipulator-controlled ultramicroelectrode. Spatially selective fusion of the cell–cell or cell–liposome pair was achieved by the application of a highly focused electric field through a pair of 5-μm o.d. carbon-fiber ultramicroelectrodes. The ability to fuse together single cells opens new possibilities in the manipulation of the genetic and cellular makeup of individual cells in a controlled manner. In the study of cellular networks, for example, the alteration of the biochemical identity of a selected cell can have a profound effect on the behavior of the entire network. Fusion of a single liposome with a target cell allows the introduction of the liposomal content into the cell interior as well as the addition of lipids and membrane proteins onto the cell surface. This cell–liposome fusion represents an approach to the manipulation of the cytoplasmic contents and surface properties of single cells. As an example, we have introduced a membrane protein (γ-glutamyltransferase) reconstituted in liposomes into the cell plasma membrane.
This report documents the error rate in a commercially distributed subset of the IMAGE Consortium mouse cDNA clone collection. After isolation of plasmid DNA from 1189 bacterial stock cultures, only 62.2% were uncontaminated and contained cDNA inserts that had significant sequence identity to published data for the ordered clones. An agarose gel electrophoresis pre-screening strategy identified 361 stock cultures that appeared to contain two or more plasmid species. Isolation of individual colonies from these stocks demonstrated that 7.1% of the original 1189 stocks contained both a correct and an incorrect plasmid. 5.9% of the original 1189 stocks contained multiple, distinct, incorrect plasmids, indicating the likelihood of multiple contaminating events. While only 739 of the stocks purchased contained the desired cDNA clone, agarose gel pre-screening, colony isolation and similarity searching of dbEST allowed for the identification of an additional 420 clones that would have otherwise been discarded. Considering the high error rate in this subset of the IMAGE cDNA clone set, the use of sequence verified clones for cDNA microarray construction is warranted. When this is not possible, pre-screening non-sequence verified clones with agarose gel electrophoresis provides an inexpensive and efficient method to eliminate contaminated clones from the probe set.
Advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) are derivatives of nonenzymatic reactions between sugars and protein or lipids, and together with AGE-specific receptors are involved in numerous pathogenic processes associated with aging and hyperglycemia. Two of the known AGE-binding proteins isolated from rat liver membranes, p60 and p90, have been partially sequenced. We now report that the N-terminal sequence of p60 exhibits 95% identity to OST-48, a 48-kDa member of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex found in microsomal membranes, while sequence analysis of p90 revealed 73% and 85% identity to the N-terminal and internal sequences, respectively, of human 80K-H, a 80- to 87-kDa protein substrate for protein kinase C. AGE-ligand and Western analyses of purified oligosaccharyltransferase complex, enriched rough endoplasmic reticulum, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, and plasma membranes from rat liver or RAW 264.7 macrophages yielded a single protein of approximately 50 kDa recognized by both anti-p60 and anti-OST-48 antibodies, and also exhibited AGE-specific binding. Immunoprecipitated OST-48 from rat rough endoplasmic reticulum fractions exhibited both AGE binding and immunoreactivity to an anti-p60 antibody. Immune IgG raised to recombinant OST-48 and 80K-H inhibited binding of AGE-bovine serum albumin to cell membranes in a dose-dependent manner. Immunostaining and flow cytometry demonstrated the surface expression of OST-48 and 80K-H on numerous cell types and tissues, including mononuclear, endothelial, renal, and brain neuronal and glial cells. We conclude that the AGE receptor components p60 and p90 are identical to OST-48, and 80K-H, respectively, and that they together contribute to the processing of AGEs from extra- and intracellular compartments and in the cellular responses associated with these pathogenic substances.
A serpin was identified in normal mammary gland by differential cDNA sequencing. In situ hybridization has detected this serpin exclusively in the myoepithelial cells on the normal and noninvasive mammary epithelial side of the basement membrane and thus was named myoepithelium-derived serine proteinase inhibitor (MEPI). No MEPI expression was detected in the malignant breast carcinomas. MEPI encodes a 405-aa precursor, including an 18-residue secretion signal with a calculated molecular mass of 46 kDa. The predicted sequence of the new protein shares 33% sequence identity and 58% sequence similarity to plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI)-1 and PAI-2. To determine whether MEPI can modulate the in vivo growth and progression of human breast cancers, we transfected a full-length MEPI cDNA into human breast cancer cells and studied the orthotopic growth of MEPI-transfected vs. control clones in the mammary fat pad of athymic nude mice. Overexpression of MEPI inhibited the invasion of the cells in the in vitro invasion assay. When injected orthotopically into nude mice, the primary tumor volumes, axillary lymph node metastasis, and lung metastasis were significantly inhibited in MEPI-transfected clones as compared with controls. The expression of MEPI in myoepithelial cells may prevent breast cancer malignant progression leading to metastasis.
We used event-related functional MRI to investigate the neural bases of two categories of mental processes believed to contribute to performance of an alphabetization working memory task: memory storage and memory manipulation. Our delayed-response tasks required memory for the identity and position-in-the-display of items in two- or five-letter memory sets (to identify load-sensitive regions) or memory for the identity and relative position-in-the-alphabet of items in five-letter memory sets (to identify manipulation-sensitive regions). Results revealed voxels in the left perisylvian cortex of five of five subjects showing load sensitivity (as contrasted with alphabetization-sensitive voxels in this region in only one subject) and voxels of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in all subjects showing alphabetization sensitivity (as contrasted with load-sensitive voxels in this region in two subjects). This double dissociation was reliable at the group level. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the nonmnemonic executive control processes that can contribute to working memory function are primarily prefrontal cortex-mediated whereas mnemonic processes necessary for working memory storage are primarily posteriorly mediated. More broadly, they support the view that working memory is a faculty that arises from the coordinated interaction of computationally and neuroanatomically dissociable processes.
Chronic exposure to cocaine leads to prominent, long-lasting changes in behavior that characterize a state of addiction. The striatum, including the nucleus accumbens and caudoputamen, is an important substrate for these actions. We previously have shown that long-lasting Fos-related proteins of 35–37 kDa are induced in the striatum by chronic cocaine administration. In the present study, the identity and functional role of these Fos-related proteins were examined using fosB mutant mice. The striatum of these mice completely lacked basal levels of the 35- to 37-kDa Fos-related proteins as well as their induction by chronic cocaine administration. This deficiency was associated with enhanced behavioral responses to cocaine: fosB mutant mice showed exaggerated locomotor activation in response to initial cocaine exposures as well as robust conditioned place preference to a lower dose of cocaine, compared with wild-type littermates. These results establish the long-lasting Fos-related proteins as products of the fosB gene (specifically ΔFosB isoforms) and suggest that transcriptional regulation by fosB gene products plays a critical role in cocaine-induced behavioral responses. This finding demonstrates that a Fos family member protein plays a functional role in behavioral responses to drugs of abuse and implicates fosB gene products as important determinants of cocaine abuse.
The structural basis of species specificity of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy or “mad cow disease” and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease in humans, has been investigated using the refined NMR structure of the C-terminal domain of the mouse prion protein with residues 121–231. A database search for mammalian prion proteins yielded 23 different sequences for the fragment 124–226, which display a high degree of sequence identity and show relevant amino acid substitutions in only 18 of the 103 positions. Except for a unique isolated negative surface charge in the bovine protein, the amino acid differences are clustered in three distinct regions of the three-dimensional structure of the cellular form of the prion protein. Two of these regions represent potential species-dependent surface recognition sites for protein–protein interactions, which have independently been implicated from in vitro and in vivo studies of prion protein transformation. The third region consists of a cluster of interior hydrophobic side chains that may affect prion protein transformation at later stages, after initial conformational changes in the cellular protein.
Cell cycle progression is regulated by cAMP in several cell types. Cellular cAMP levels depend on the activity of different adenylyl cyclases (ACs), which have varied signal-receiving capabilities. The role of individual ACs in regulating proliferative responses was investigated. Native NIH 3T3 cells contain AC6, an isoform that is inhibited by a variety of signals. Proliferation of exogenous AC6-expressing cells was the same as in control cells. In contrast, expression of AC2, an isoform stimulated by protein kinase C (PKC), resulted in inhibition of cell cycle progression and increased doubling time. In AC2-expressing cells, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) elevated cAMP levels in a PKC-dependent manner. PDGF stimulation of mitogen-activated protein kinases 1 and 2 (MAPK 1,2), DNA synthesis, and cyclin D1 expression was reduced in AC2-expressing cells as compared with control cells. Dominant negative protein kinase A relieved the AC2 inhibition of PDGF-induced DNA synthesis. Expression of AC2 also blocked H-ras-induced transformation of NIH 3T3 cells. These observations indicate that, because AC2 is stimulated by PKC, it can be activated by PDGF concurrently with the stimulation of MAPK 1,2. The elevation in cAMP results in inhibition of signal flow from the PDGF receptor to MAPK 1,2 and a significant reduction in the proliferative response to PDGF. Thus, the molecular identity and signal receiving capability of the AC isoforms in a cell could be important for proliferative homeostasis.
Telomerase is an essential enzyme that maintains telomeres on eukaryotic chromosomes. In mammals, telomerase is required for the lifelong proliferative capacity of normal regenerative and reproductive tissues and for sustained growth in a dedifferentiated state. Although the importance of telomeres was first elucidated in plants 60 years ago, little is known about the role of telomeres and telomerase in plant growth and development. Here we report the cloning and characterization of the Arabidopsis telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) gene, AtTERT. AtTERT is predicted to encode a highly basic protein of 131 kDa that harbors the reverse transcriptase and telomerase-specific motifs common to all known TERT proteins. AtTERT mRNA is 10–20 times more abundant in callus, which has high levels of telomerase activity, versus leaves, which contain no detectable telomerase. Plants homozygous for a transfer DNA insertion into the AtTERT gene lack telomerase activity, confirming the identity and function of this gene. Because telomeres in wild-type Arabidopsis are short, the discovery that telomerase-null plants are viable for at least two generations was unexpected. In the absence of telomerase, telomeres decline by approximately 500 bp per generation, a rate 10 times slower than seen in telomerase-deficient mice. This gradual loss of telomeric DNA may reflect a reduced rate of nucleotide depletion per round of DNA replication, or the requirement for fewer cell divisions per organismal generation. Nevertheless, progressive telomere shortening in the mutants, however slow, ultimately should be lethal.
The molecular identity and function of the Drosophila melanogaster Y-linked fertility factors have long eluded researchers. Although the D. melanogaster genome sequence was recently completed, the fertility factors still were not identified, in part because of low cloning efficiency of heterochromatic Y sequences. Here we report a method for iterative blast searching to assemble heterochromatic genes from shotgun assemblies, and we successfully identify kl-2 and kl-3 as 1β- and γ-dynein heavy chains, respectively. Our conclusions are supported by formal genetics with X-Y translocation lines. Reverse transcription–PCR was successful in linking together unmapped sequence fragments from the whole-genome shotgun assembly, although some sequences were missing altogether from the shotgun effort and had to be generated de novo. We also found a previously undescribed Y gene, polycystine-related (PRY). The closest paralogs of kl-2, kl-3, and PRY (and also of kl-5) are autosomal and not X-linked, suggesting that the evolution of the Drosophila Y chromosome has been driven by an accumulation of male-related genes arising de novo from the autosomes.
Duplexes constituted by closed or open RNA circles paired to single-stranded oligonucleotides terminating with 3′-CCAOH form resected pseudoknots that are substrates of yeast histidyl-tRNA synthetase. Design of this RNA fold is linked to the mimicry of the pseudoknotted amino acid accepting branch of the tRNA-like domain from brome mosaic virus, known to be charged by tyrosyl-tRNA synthetases, with RNA minihelices recapitulating accepting branches of canonical tRNAs. Prediction of the histidylation function of the new family of minimalist tRNA-like structures relates to the geometry of resected pseudoknots that allows proper presentation to histidyl-tRNA synthetase of analogues of the histidine identity determinants N-1 and N73 present in tRNAs. This geometry is such that the analogue of the major N-1 histidine determinant in the RNA circles faces the analogue of the discriminator N73 nucleotide in the accepting oligonucleotides. The combination of identity elements found in tRNAHis species from archaea, eubacteria, and organelles (G-1/C73) is the most efficient for determining histidylation of the duplexes. The inverse combination (C-1/G73) leads to the worst histidine acceptors with charging efficiencies reduced by 2–3 orders of magnitude. Altogether, these findings open new perspectives for understanding evolution of tRNA identity and serendipitous RNA functions.
Two cellular retinol-binding proteins (CRBP I and II) with distinct tissue distributions and retinoid-binding properties have been recognized thus far in mammals. Here, we report the identification of a human retinol-binding protein resembling type I (55.6% identity) and type II (49.6% identity) CRBPs, but with a unique H residue in the retinoid-binding site and a distinctively different tissue distribution. Additionally, this binding protein (CRBP III) exhibits a remarkable sequence identity (62.2%) with the recently identified ι-crystallin/CRBP of the diurnal gecko Lygodactylus picturatus [Werten, P. J. L., Röll, B., van Alten, D. M. F. & de Jong, W. W. (2000) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97, 3282–3287 (First Published March 21, 2000; 10.1073/pnas.050500597)]. CRBP III and all-trans-retinol form a complex (Kd ≈ 60 nM), the absorption spectrum of which is characterized by the peculiar fine structure typical of the spectra of holo-CRBP I and II. As revealed by a 2.3-Å x-ray molecular model of apo-CRBP III, the amino acid residues that line the retinol-binding site in CRBP I and II are positioned nearly identically in the structure of CRBP III. At variance with the human CRBP I and II mRNAs, which are most abundant in ovary and intestine, respectively, the CRBP III mRNA is expressed at the highest levels in kidney and liver thus suggesting a prominent role for human CRBP III as an intracellular mediator of retinol metabolism in these tissues.
Histone deacetylase HDA1, the prototype for the class II mammalian deacetylases, is likely the catalytic subunit of the HDA1-containing complex that is involved in TUP1-specific repression and global deacetylation in yeast. Although the class I RPD3-like enzymatic complexes have been well characterized, little is known about the identity and interactions of the factors that associate to form the HDA1 complex. In this paper, we identify related HDA2 and HDA3 proteins that are found in the HDA1 complex and show that HDA1 interacts with itself and with the HDA2-HDA3 subcomplex to form a likely tetramer. These interactions are necessary for catalytic activity because mutations in any of the three components disrupt activity both in vitro and in vivo. In this respect the HDA1 complex differs from yeast RPD3, which has components such as SIN3 that are not essential for activity in vitro, and yeast HOS3, which has intrinsic in vitro activity as a homodimer in the absence of other subunits.
Poly(ADP)-ribose polymerase (PADPRP) has been purified to apparent homogeneity from suspension cultures of the maize (Zea mays) callus line. The purified enzyme is a single polypeptide of approximately 115 kD, which appears to dimerize through an S-S linkage. The catalytic properties of the maize enzyme are very similar to those of its animal counterpart. The amino acid sequences of three tryptic peptides were obtained by microsequencing. Antibodies raised against peptides from maize PADPRP cross-reacted specifically with the maize enzyme but not with the enzyme from human cells, and vice versa. We have also characterized a 3.45-kb expressed-sequence-tag clone that contains a full-length cDNA for maize PADPRP. An open reading frame of 2943 bp within this clone encodes a protein of 980 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of the maize PADPRP shows 40% to 42% identity and about 50% similarity to the known vertebrate PADPRP sequences. All important features of the modular structure of the PADPRP molecule, such as two zinc fingers, a putative nuclear localization signal, the automodification domain, and the NAD+-binding domain, are conserved in the maize enzyme. Northern-blot analysis indicated that the cDNA probe hybridizes to a message of about 4 kb.