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Nonpathogenic, resident bacteria participate in the pathogenesis of inflammation in the small intestine, but the molecular messages produced by such bacteria are unknown. Inflammatory responses involve the recruitment of specific leukocyte subsets. We, therefore, hypothesized that butyrate, a normal bacterial metabolite, may modulate chemokine secretion by epithelial cells, by amplifying their response to proinflammatory signals. We studied the expression of the chemokine, macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2) by the rat small intestinal epithelial cell line, IEC-6. Cells were stimulated with lipopolysaccharide or with interleukin 1β (IL-1β) and incubated with sodium butyrate. Acetylation of histones was examined in Triton X acetic acid–urea gels by PAGE. Unstimulated IEC-6 cells did not secrete MIP-2. However, lipopolysaccharide and IL-1β induced MIP-2 expression. Butyrate enhanced MIP-2 secretion both in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated and IL-1β-stimulated enterocytes; but butyrate alone did not induce MIP-2 expression. Butyrate increased the acetylation of histones extracted from the nuclei of IEC-6 cells. Furthermore, acetylation of histones (induced by trichostatin A, a specific inhibitor of histone deacetylase) enhanced MIP-2 expression by cells stimulated with IL-1β. In conclusion, trichostatin A reproduced the effects of butyrate on MIP-2 secretion. Butyrate, therefore, increases MIP-2 secretion in stimulated cells by increasing histone acetylation. We speculate that butyrate carries information from bacteria to epithelial cells. Epithelial cells transduce this signal through histone deacetylase, modulating the secretion of chemokines.


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Detergent-insoluble complexes prepared from pig small intestine are highly enriched in several transmembrane brush border enzymes including aminopeptidase N and sucrase-isomaltase, indicating that they reside in a glycolipid-rich environment in vivo. In the present work galectin-4, an animal lectin lacking a N-terminal signal peptide for membrane translocation, was discovered in these complexes as well, and in gradient centrifugation brush border enzymes and galectin-4 formed distinct soluble high molecular weight clusters. Immunoperoxidase cytochemistry and immunogold electron microscopy showed that galectin-4 is indeed an intestinal brush border protein; we also localized galectin-4 throughout the cell, mainly associated with membraneous structures, including small vesicles, and to the rootlets of microvillar actin filaments. This was confirmed by subcellular fractionation, showing about half the amount of galectin-4 to be in the microvillar fraction, the rest being associated with insoluble intracellular structures. A direct association between the lectin and aminopeptidase N was evidenced by a colocalization along microvilli in double immunogold labeling and by the ability of an antibody to galectin-4 to coimmunoprecipitate aminopeptidase N and sucrase-isomaltase. Furthermore, galectin-4 was released from microvillar, right-side-out vesicles as well as from mucosal explants by a brief wash with 100 mM lactose, confirming its extracellular localization. Galectin-4 is therefore secreted by a nonclassical pathway, and the brush border enzymes represent a novel class of natural ligands for a member of the galectin family. Newly synthesized galectin-4 is rapidly “trapped” by association with intracellular structures prior to its apical secretion, but once externalized, association with brush border enzymes prevents it from being released from the enterocyte into the intestinal lumen.


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Proliferation, migration-associated differentiation, and cell death occur continuously and in a spatially well-organized fashion along the crypt-villus axis of the mouse small intestine, making it an attractive system for studying how these processes are regulated and interrelated. A pathway for producing glycoconjugates was engineered in adult FVB/N transgenic mice by expressing a human alpha 1,3/4-fucosyltransferase (alpha 1,3/4-FT; EC along the length of this crypt-villus axis. The alpha 1,3/4-FT can use lacto-N-tetraose or lacto-neo-N-tetraose core chains to generate Lewis (Le) blood group antigens Le(a) or Le(x), respectively, and H type 1 or H type 2 core chains to produce Leb and Le(y). Single- and multilabel immunohistochemical studies revealed that expression of the alpha 1,3/4-FT results in production of Le(a) and Leb antigens in both undifferentiated proliferated crypt cells and in differentiated postmitotic villus-associated epithelial cells. In contrast, Le(x) antigens were restricted to crypt cells. Villus enterocytes can be induced to reenter the cell cycle by expression of simian virus 40 tumor antigen under the control of a promoter that only functions in differentiated members of this lineage. Bitransgenic animals, generated from a cross of FVB/N alpha 1,3/4-FT with FVB/N simian virus 40 tumor antigen mice, expand the range of Le(x) expression to include villus-associated enterocytes that have reentered the cell cycle. Thus, the fucosylations unveil a proliferation-dependent switch in oligosaccharide production, as defined by a monoclonal antibody specific for the Le(x) epitope. These findings show that genetic engineering of oligosaccharide biosynthetic pathways can be used to define markers for entry into, or progression through, the cell cycle and to identify changes in endogenous carbohydrate metabolism that occur when proliferative status is altered in a manner that is not deleterious to the system under study.


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An isoform of the mammalian renal type II Na/Pi-cotransporter is described. Homology of this isoform to described mammalian and nonmammalian type II cotransporters is between 57 and 75%. Based on major diversities at the C terminus, the new isoform is designed as type IIb Na/Pi-cotransporter. Na/Pi-cotransport mediated by the type IIb cotransporter was studied in oocytes of Xenopus laevis. The results indicate that type IIb Na/Pi-cotransport is electrogenic and in contrast to the renal type II isoform of opposite pH dependence. Expression of type IIb mRNA was detected in various tissues, including small intestine. The type IIb protein was detected as a 108-kDa protein by Western blots using isolated small intestinal brush border membranes and by immunohistochemistry was localized at the luminal membrane of mouse enterocytes. Expression of the type IIb protein in the brush borders of enterocytes and transport characteristics suggest that the described type IIb Na/Pi-cotransporter represents a candidate for small intestinal apical Na/Pi-cotransport.


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Injury, inflammation, or resection of the small intestine results in severe compromise of intestinal function. Nevertheless, therapeutic strategies for enhancing growth and repair of the intestinal mucosal epithelium are currently not available. We demonstrate that nude mice bearing subcutaneous proglucagon-producing tumors exhibit marked proliferation of the small intestinal epithelium. The factor responsible for inducing intestinal proliferation was identified as glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2), a 33-aa peptide with no previously ascribed biological function. GLP-2 stimulated crypt cell proliferation and consistently induced a marked increase in bowel weight and villus growth of the jejunum and ileum that was evident within 4 days after initiation of GLP-2 administration. These observations define a novel biological role for GLP-2 as an intestinal-derived peptide stimulator of small bowel epithelial proliferation.


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A sequence of epithelial cell proliferation, allocation to four principal lineages, migration-associated differentiation, and cell loss occurs along the crypt-villus axis of the mouse intestine. The sequence is completed in a few days and is recapitulated throughout the life-span of the animal. We have used an intestine-specific fatty acid binding protein gene, Fabpi, as a model for studying regulation of gene expression in this unique developmental system. Promoter mapping studies in transgenic mice identified a 20-bp cis-acting element (5'-AGGTGGAAGCCATCACACTT-3') that binds small intestinal nuclear proteins and participates in the control of Fabpi's cephalocaudal, differentiation-dependent, and cell lineage-specific patterns of expression. Immunocytochemical studies using confocal and electron microscopy indicate that it does so by acting as a suppressor of gene expression in the distal small intestine/colon, as a suppressor of gene activation in proliferating and nonproliferating cells located in the crypts of Lieberkühn, and as a suppressor of expression in the growth factor and defensin-producing Paneth cell lineage. The 20-bp domain has no obvious sequence similarities to known transcription factor binding sites. The three functions modulated by this compact element represent the types of functions required to establish and maintain the intestine's remarkably complex spatial patterns of gene expression. The transgenes described in this report also appear to be useful in characterizing the crypt's stem cell hierarchy.


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A cDNA from a novel Ca2+-dependent member of the mitochondrial solute carrier superfamily was isolated from a rabbit small intestinal cDNA library. The full-length cDNA clone was 3,298 nt long and coded for a protein of 475 amino acids, with four elongation factor-hand motifs located in the N-terminal half of the molecule. The 25-kDa N-terminal polypeptide was expressed in Escherichia coli, and it was demonstrated that it bound Ca2+, undergoing a reversible and specific conformational change as a result. The conformation of the polypeptide was sensitive to Ca2+ which was bound with high affinity (Kd ≈ 0.37 μM), the apparent Hill coefficient for Ca2+-induced changes being about 2.0. The deduced amino acid sequence of the C-terminal half of the molecule revealed 78% homology to Grave disease carrier protein and 67% homology to human ADP/ATP translocase; this sequence homology identified the protein as a new member of the mitochondrial transporter superfamily. Northern blot analysis revealed the presence of a single transcript of about 3,500 bases, and low expression of the transporter could be detected in the kidney but none in the liver. The main site of expression was the colon with smaller amounts found in the small intestine proximal to the ileum. Immunoelectron microscopy localized the transporter in the peroxisome, although a minor fraction was found in the mitochondria. The Ca2+ binding N-terminal half of the transporter faces the cytosol.


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Salt and water secretion from intestinal epithelia requires enhancement of anion permeability across the apical membrane of Cl− secreting cells lining the crypt, the secretory gland of the intestine. Paneth cells located at the base of the small intestinal crypt release enteric defensins (cryptdins) apically into the lumen. Because cryptdins are homologs of molecules known to form anion conductive pores in phospholipid bilayers, we tested whether these endogenous antimicrobial peptides could act as soluble inducers of channel-like activity when applied to apical membranes of intestinal Cl− secreting epithelial cells in culture. Of the six peptides tested, cryptdins 2 and 3 stimulated Cl− secretion from polarized monolayers of human intestinal T84 cells. The response was reversible and dose dependent. In contrast, cryptdins 1, 4, 5, and 6 lacked this activity, demonstrating that Paneth cell defensins with very similar primary structures may exhibit a high degree of specificity in their capacity to elicit Cl− secretion. The secretory response was not inhibited by pretreatment with 8-phenyltheophyline (1 μM), or dependent on a concomitant rise in intracellular cAMP or cGMP, indicating that the apically located adenosine and guanylin receptors were not involved. On the other hand, cryptdin 3 elicited a secretory response that correlated with the establishment of an apically located anion conductive channel permeable to carboxyfluorescein. Thus cryptdins 2 and 3 can selectively permeabilize the apical cell membrane of epithelial cells in culture to elicit a physiologic Cl− secretory response. These data define the capability of cryptdins 2 and 3 to function as novel intestinal secretagogues, and suggest a previously undescribed mechanism of paracrine signaling that in vivo may involve the reversible formation of ion conductive channels by peptides released into the crypt microenvironment.


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Nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO) seem to be neurotransmitters in the brain. The colocalization of their respective biosynthetic enzymes, neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) and heme oxygenase-2 (HO2), in enteric neurons and altered intestinal function in mice with genomic deletion of the enzymes (nNOSΔ/Δ and HO2Δ/Δ) suggest neurotransmitter roles for NO and CO in the enteric nervous system. We now establish that NO and CO are both neurotransmitters that interact as cotransmitters. Small intestinal smooth muscle cells from nNOSΔ/Δ and HO2Δ/Δ mice are depolarized, with apparent additive effects in the double knockouts (HO2Δ/Δ/nNOSΔ/Δ). Muscle relaxation and inhibitory neurotransmission are reduced in the mutant mice. In HO2Δ/Δ preparations, responses to electrical field stimulation are nearly abolished despite persistent nNOS expression, whereas exogenous CO restores normal responses, indicating that the NO system does not function in the absence of CO generation.


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The differentiation of small intestinal epithelial cells may require stimulation by microenvironmental factors in vivo. In this study, the effects of mesenchymal and luminal elements in nonmalignant epithelia] cells isolated from the human fetus were studied in vitro. Enterocytes from the human fetus were cultured and microenvironmental factors were added in stages, each stage more closely approximating the microenvironment in vivo. Four stages were examined: epithelial cells derived on plastic from intestinal culture and grown as a cell clone, the same cells grown on connective tissue support, primary epithelial explants grown on fibroblasts with a laminin base, and primary epithelial explants grown on fibroblasts and laminin with n-butyrate added to the incubation medium. The epithelial cell clone dedifferentiated when grown on plastic; however, the cells expressed cytokeratins and villin as evidence of their epithelial cell origin. Human connective tissue matrix from Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm sarcoma cells (Matrigel) modulated their phenotype: alkaline phosphatase activity increased, microvilli developed on their apical surface, and the profile of insulin-like growth factor binding proteins resembled that secreted by differentiated enterocytes. Epithelial cells taken directly from the human fetus as primary cultures and grown as explants on fibroblasts and laminin expressed greater specific enzyme activities in brush border membrane fractions than the cell clone. These activities were enhanced by the luminal molecule sodium butyrate. Thus the sequential addition of connective tissue and luminal molecules to nonmalignant epithelia] cells in vitro induces a spectrum of changes in the epithelial cell phenotype toward full differentiation.


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Small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) is an aggressive, rapidly growing and metastasizing, and highly fatal neoplasm. We report that vasoactive intestinal peptide inhibits the proliferation of SCLC cells in culture and dramatically suppresses the growth of SCLC tumor-cell implants in athymic nude mice. In both cases, the inhibition was mediated apparently by a cAMP-dependent mechanism, because the inhibition was enhanced by the adenylate cyclase activator forskolin and the phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine in proportion to increases in intracellular cAMP levels, and the inhibition was abolished by selective inhibition of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. If confirmed in clinical trials, this antiproliferative action of vasoactive intestinal peptide may offer a new and promising means of suppressing SCLC in human subjects, without the toxic side effects of chemotherapeutic agents.


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Deficiency in genes involved in DNA mismatch repair increases susceptibility to cancer, particularly of the colorectal epithelium. Using Msh2 null mice, we demonstrate that this genetic defect renders normal intestinal epithelial cells susceptible to mutation in vivo at the Dlb-1 locus. Compared with wild-type mice, Msh2-deficient animals had higher basal levels of mutation and were more sensitive to the mutagenic effects of temozolomide. Experiments using Msh2-deficient cells in vitro suggest that an element of this effect is attributable to increased clonogenicity. Indeed, we show that Msh2 plays a role in the in vivo initiation of apoptosis after treatment with temozolomide, N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, and cisplatin. This was not influenced by the in vivo depletion of O6-alkylguanine-DNA-alkyltransferase after administration of O6-benzylguanine . By analyzing mice mutant for both Msh2 and p53, we found that the Msh2-dependent apoptotic response was primarily mediated through a p53-dependent pathway. Msh2 also was required to signal delayed p53-independent death. Taken together, these studies characterize an in vivo Msh2-dependent apoptotic response to methylating agents and raise the possibility that Msh2 deficiency may predispose to malignancy not only through failed repair of mismatch DNA lesions but also through the failure to engage apoptosis.


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When tumors form in intestinal epithelia, it is important to know whether they involve single initiated somatic clones. Advanced carcinomas in humans and mice are known to be monoclonal. However, earlier stages of tumorigenesis may instead involve an interaction between cells that belong to separate somatic clones within the epithelium. The clonality of early tumors has been investigated in mice with an inherited predisposition to intestinal tumors. Analysis of Min (multiple intestinal neoplasia) mice chimeric for a ubiquitously expressed cell lineage marker revealed that normal intestinal crypts are monoclonal, but intestinal adenomas frequently have a polyclonal structure, presenting even when very small as single, focal adenomas composed of at least two somatic lineages. Furthermore, within these polyclonal adenomas, all tumor lineages frequently lose the wild-type Apc allele. These observations can be interpreted by several models for clonal interaction within the epithelium, ranging from passive fusion within regions of high neoplastic potential to a requirement for active clonal cooperation.


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Mutations of the human adenomatosis polyposis coli (APC) gene are associated with the development of familial as well as sporadic intestinal neoplasia. To examine the in vivo function of APC, 129/Sv embryonic stem (ES) cells were transfected with DNA encoding the wild-type human protein under the control of a promoter that is active in all four of the small intestine's principal epithelial lineages during their migration-associated differentiation. ES-APC cells were then introduced into C57BL/6-ROSA26 blastocysts. Analyses of adult B6-ROSA26<-->129/Sv-APC chimeric mice revealed that forced expression of APC results in markedly disordered cell migration. When compared with the effects of forced expression of E-cadherin, the data suggest that APC-catenin and E-cadherin-catenin complexes have opposing effects on intestinal epithelial cell movement/adhesiveness; augmentation of E-cadherin-beta-catenin complexes produces a highly ordered, "adhesive" migration, whereas augmentation of APC-beta-catenin complexes produces a disordered, nonadhesive migratory phenotype. We propose that APC mutations may promote tumorigenesis by increasing the relative activity of cadherin-catenin complexes, resulting in enhanced adhesiveness and functional anchorage of initiated cells within the intestinal crypt. Our studies also indicate that chimeric mice generated from B6-ROSA26 blastocysts and genetically manipulated ES cells should be useful for auditing gene function in the gastrointestinal tract and in other tissues.


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Giardia lamblia, like most human intestinal parasitic protozoa, sustains fundamental morphological and biochemical changes to survive outside the small intestine of its mammalian host by differentiating into an infective cyst. However, the stimulus that triggers this differentiation remains totally undefined. In this work, we demonstrate the induction of cyst formation in vitro when trophozoites are starved for cholesterol. Expression of cyst wall proteins was detected within encystation-specific secretory vesicles 90 min after the cells were placed in lipoprotein-deficient TYI-S-33 medium. Four cloned lines derived from two independent Giardia isolates were tested, and all formed cysts similarly. Addition of cholesterol, low density or very low density lipoproteins to the lipoprotein-deficient culture medium, inhibited the expression of cyst wall proteins, the generation of encystation-specific vesicles, and cyst wall biogenesis. In contrast, high density lipoproteins, phospholipids, bile salts, or fatty acids had little or no effect. These results indicate that cholesterol starvation is necessary and sufficient for the stimulation of Giardia encystation in vitro and, likely, in the intestine of mammalian hosts.