8 resultados para SINGLE-SEX SCHOOL

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Recent studies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae have significantly advanced our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of meiotic chromosome behavior. Structural components of the synaptonemal complex have been identified and studies of mutants defective in synapsis have provided insight into the role of the synaptonemal complex in homolog pairing, genetic recombination, crossover interference, and meiotic chromosome segregation. There is compelling evidence that most or all meiotic recombination events initiate with double-strand breaks. Several intermediates in the double-strand break repair pathway have been characterized and mutants blocked at different steps in the pathway have been identified. With the application of genetic, molecular, cytological, and biochemical methods in a single organism, we can expect an increasingly comprehensive and unified view of the meiotic process.


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Previous studies have shown that the chloride channel gene Clc4 is X-linked and subject to X inactivation in Mus spretus, but that the same gene is autosomal in laboratory strains of mice. This exception to the conservation of linkage of the X chromosome in one of two interfertile mouse species was exploited to compare expression of Clc4 from the X chromosome to that from the autosome. Clc4 was found to be highly expressed in brain tissues of both mouse species. Quantitative analyses of species-specific expression of Clc4 in brain tissues from mice resulting from M. spretus × laboratory strain crosses, demonstrate that each autosomal locus has half the level of Clc4 expression as compared with the single active X-linked locus. In contrast expression of another chloride channel gene, Clc3, which is autosomal in both mouse species is equal between alleles in F1 animals. There is no evidence of imprinting of the Clc4 autosomal locus. These results are consistent with Ohno’s hypothesis of an evolutionary requirement for a higher expression of genes on the single active X chromosome to maintain balance with autosomal gene expression [Ohno, S. (1967) Sex Chromosomes and Sex-Linked Genes (Springer, Berlin)].


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The mushroom-producing fungus Schizophyllum commune has thousands of mating types defined, in part, by numerous lipopeptide pheromones and their G protein-linked receptors. Compatible combinations of pheromones and receptors encoded by different mating types regulate a pathway of sexual development leading to mushroom formation and meiosis. A complex set of pheromone–receptor interactions maximizes the likelihood of outbreeding; for example, a single pheromone can activate more than one receptor and a single receptor can be activated by more than one pheromone. The current study demonstrates that the sex pheromones and receptors of Schizophyllum, when expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, can substitute for endogenous pheromone and receptor and induce the yeast pheromone response pathway through the yeast G protein. Secretion of active Schizophyllum pheromone requires some, but not all, of the biosynthetic machinery used by the yeast lipopeptide pheromone a-factor. The specificity of interaction among pheromone–receptor pairs in Schizophyllum was reproduced in yeast, thus providing a powerful system for exploring molecular aspects of pheromone–receptor interactions for a class of seven-transmembrane-domain receptors common to a wide range of organisms.


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Coccidioides immitis, cause of a recent epidemic of "Valley fever" in California, is typical of many eukaryotic microbes in that mating and meiosis have yet to be reported, but it is not clear whether sex is truly absent or just cryptic. To find out, we have undertaken a population genetic study using PCR amplification, screening for single-strand conformation polymorphisms, and direct DNA sequencing to find molecular markers with nucleotide-level resolution. Both population genetic and phylogenetic analyses indicate that C. immitis is almost completely recombining. To our knowledge, this study is the first to find molecular evidence for recombination in a fungus for which no sexual stage has yet been described. These results motivate a directed search for mating and meiosis and illustrate the utility of single-strand conformation polymorphism and sequencing with arbitrary primer pairs in molecular population genetics.


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To probe genetic variation in the regulation of sexual dimorphism, we have characterized the mouse protein Slp, coded by the gene sex-limited protein (Slp). Slp expression in many strains is limited to males and is androgen-dependent. However, female expression is also observed in rare strains, due to nonlinked gene(s) termed regulator of sex-limitation (rsl). In this report we demonstrate that female expression of Slp results from homozygous recessive allele(s) at a single autosomal locus that maps to a 2.2-centimorgan interval on chromosome 13. This conclusion was supported by extensive genetic analyses including the use of polymorphic microsatellites to type numerous backcross progeny and a recombinant inbred series and to identify the congenic interval in three independently derived congenic strains. Four attractive candidate genes were identified by the localization of rsl. Interestingly, rsl was found not only to enable expression in females but to also increase expression in males. The findings suggest that the expression of Slp and perhaps other sexually dimorphic proteins is regulated by two pathways, one that is dependent upon rsl but not androgens and another that is rsl-independent but requires androgens.


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Recent genetic evidence suggests that parasitic protozoa often reproduce by "selfing," defined as sexual stages from a single, clonal lineage fertilizing each other. Selfing favors production of an excess of female over male progeny. We tested whether the proportion of male gametocytes of blood parasites of the genus Haemoproteus was affected by variables that could influence the probability of selfing. Proportions of male Haemoproteus gametocytes from 11 passerine host populations were not affected by the age of the parasites' avian hosts, date in season, sex of host, intensity of host's infection, or prevalence of parasites within host populations.


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Female moths often become depleted of sex pheromone after mating as the various components of virgin behavior are switched off. In examining a potential male contribution to these events in the corn earworm moth Helicoverpa zea, we have characterized a basic polypeptide from the tissues producing (accessory glands) and storing (duplex) the seminal fluids. The peptide evokes the depletion of sex pheromone when injected into virgin females. This pheromonostatic peptide (PSP) is 57 amino acids long and contains a single disulfide bridge. It is blocked at the N terminus with pyroglutamate and at the C terminus by amidation. As little as 23 ng of peptide evokes the near-complete depletion of pheromone in decapitated (neck-ligated) females that had been injected with pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide. Activity is approximately 15-fold less in intact virgins, showing that the head limits the expression of activity in these injected females. Females mated to surgically impaired males, capable of producing a spermatophore but not transferring spermatozoa or seminal fluids, are depleted of pheromone by injected peptide. Females whose abdominal nerve cords have been severed are not depleted of pheromone after mating. Thus, neural signals either descending or ascending via the nerve cord are required for the depletion of pheromone after mating. PSP, from the seminal fluids, may participate in this process by direct or indirect action on the glandular tissue; if so, it represents an unusual mechanism in insects for the regulation by seminal fluids of postmating reproductive behavior.