10 resultados para SHEET

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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We have applied in situ atomic force microscopy to directly observe the aggregation of Alzheimer’s β-amyloid peptide (Aβ) in contact with two model solid surfaces: hydrophilic mica and hydrophobic graphite. The time course of aggregation was followed by continuous imaging of surfaces remaining in contact with 10–500 μM solutions of Aβ in PBS (pH 7.4). Visualization of fragile nanoscale aggregates of Aβ was made possible by the application of a tapping mode of imaging, which minimizes the lateral forces between the probe tip and the sample. The size and the shape of Aβ aggregates, as well as the kinetics of their formation, exhibited pronounced dependence on the physicochemical nature of the surface. On hydrophilic mica, Aβ formed particulate, pseudomicellar aggregates, which at higher Aβ concentration had the tendency to form linear assemblies, reminiscent of protofibrillar species described recently in the literature. In contrast, on hydrophobic graphite Aβ formed uniform, elongated sheets. The dimensions of those sheets were consistent with the dimensions of β-sheets with extended peptide chains perpendicular to the long axis of the aggregate. The sheets of Aβ were oriented along three directions at 120° to each other, resembling the crystallographic symmetry of a graphite surface. Such substrate-templated self-assembly may be the distinguishing feature of β-sheets in comparison with α-helices. These studies show that in situ atomic force microscopy enables direct assessment of amyloid aggregation in physiological fluids and suggest that Aβ fibril formation may be driven by interactions at the interface of aqueous solutions and hydrophobic substrates, as occurs in membranes and lipoprotein particles in vivo.


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The pathognomonic plaques of Alzheimer’s disease are composed primarily of the 39- to 43-aa β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide. Crosslinking of Aβ peptides by tissue transglutaminase (tTg) indicates that Gln15 of one peptide is proximate to Lys16 of another in aggregated Aβ. Here we report how the fibril structure is resolved by mapping interstrand distances in this core region of the Aβ peptide chain with solid-state NMR. Isotopic substitution provides the source points for measuring distances in aggregated Aβ. Peptides containing a single carbonyl 13C label at Gln15, Lys16, Leu17, or Val18 were synthesized and evaluated by NMR dipolar recoupling methods for the measurement of interpeptide distances to a resolution of 0.2 Å. Analysis of these data establish that this central core of Aβ consists of a parallel β-sheet structure in which identical residues on adjacent chains are aligned directly, i.e., in register. Our data, in conjunction with existing structural data, establish that the Aβ fibril is a hydrogen-bonded, parallel β-sheet defining the long axis of the Aβ fibril propagation.


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Protein folding is a grand challenge of the postgenomic era. In this paper, 58 folding events sampled during 47 molecular dynamics trajectories for a total simulation time of more than 4 μs provide an atomic detail picture of the folding of a 20-residue synthetic peptide with a stable three-stranded antiparallel β-sheet fold. The simulations successfully reproduce the NMR solution conformation, irrespective of the starting structure. The sampling of the conformational space is sufficient to determine the free energy surface and localize the minima and transition states. The statistically predominant folding pathway involves the formation of contacts between strands 2 and 3, starting with the side chains close to the turn, followed by association of the N-terminal strand onto the preformed 2–3 β-hairpin. The folding mechanism presented here, formation of a β-hairpin followed by consolidation, is in agreement with a computational study of the free energy surface of another synthetic three-stranded antiparallel β-sheet by Bursulaya and Brooks [(1999) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 121, 9947–9951]. Hence, it might hold in general for antiparallel β-sheets with short turns.


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X-ray diffraction and other biophysical tools reveal features of the atomic structure of an amyloid-like crystal. Sup35, a prion-like protein in yeast, forms fibrillar amyloid assemblies intrinsic to its prion function. We have identified a polar peptide from the N-terminal prion-determining domain of Sup35 that exhibits the amyloid properties of full-length Sup35, including cooperative kinetics of aggregation, fibril formation, binding of the dye Congo red, and the characteristic cross-β x-ray diffraction pattern. Microcrystals of this peptide also share the principal properties of the fibrillar amyloid, including a highly stable, β-sheet-rich structure and the binding of Congo red. The x-ray powder pattern of the microcrystals, extending to 0.9-Å resolution, yields the unit cell dimensions of the well-ordered structure. These dimensions restrict possible atomic models of this amyloid-like structure and demonstrate that it forms packed, parallel-stranded β-sheets. The unusually high density of the crystals shows that the packed β-sheets are dehydrated, despite the polar character of the side chains. These results suggest that amyloid is a highly intermolecularly bonded, dehydrated array of densely packed β-sheets. This dry β-sheet could form as Sup35 partially unfolds to expose the peptide, permitting it to hydrogen-bond to the same peptide of other Sup35 molecules. The implication is that amyloid-forming units may be short segments of proteins, exposed for interactions by partial unfolding.


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A variety of naturally occurring biomaterials owe their unusual structural and mechanical properties to layers of β-sheet proteins laminated between layers of inorganic mineral. To explore the possibility of fabricating novel two-dimensional protein layers, we studied the self-assembly properties of de novo proteins from a designed combinatorial library. Each protein in the library has a distinct 63 amino acid sequence, yet they all share an identical binary pattern of polar and nonpolar residues, which was designed to favor the formation of six-stranded amphiphilic β-sheets. Characterization of proteins isolated from the library demonstrates that (i) they self assemble into monolayers at an air/water interface; (ii) the monolayers are dominated by β-sheet secondary structure, as shown by both circular dichroism and infrared spectroscopies; and (iii) the measured areas (500- 600 Å2) of individual protein molecules in the monolayers match those expected for proteins folded into amphiphilic β-sheets. The finding that similar structures are formed by distinctly different protein sequences suggests that assembly into β-sheet monolayers can be encoded by binary patterning of polar and nonpolar amino acids. Moreover, because the designed binary pattern is compatible with a wide variety of different sequences, it may be possible to fabricate β-sheet monolayers by using combinations of side chains that are explicitly designed to favor particular applications of novel biomaterials.


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The extremely slow α-helix/β-sheet transition of proteins is a crucial step in amylogenic diseases and represents an internal rearrangement of local contacts in an already folded protein. These internal structural rearrangements within an already folded protein are a critical aspect of biological action and are a product of conformational flow along unknown metastable local minima of the energy landscape of the compact protein. We use a diffusional IR mixer with time-resolved Fourier transform IR spectroscopy capable of 400-μs time resolution to show that the trifluoroethanol driven β-sheet to α-helix transition of β-lactoglobulin proceeds via a compact β-sheet intermediate with a lifetime of 7 ms, small compared with the overall folding time of β-lactoglobulin.


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A 16-amino acid oligopeptide forms a stable β-sheet structure in water. In physiological solutions it is able to self-assemble to form a macroscopic matrix that stains with Congo red. On raising the temperature of the aqueous solution above 70°C, an abrupt structural transition occurs in the CD spectra from a β-sheet to a stable α-helix without a detectable random-coil intermediate. With cooling, it retained the α-helical form and took several weeks at room temperature to partially return to the β-sheet form. Slow formation of the stable β-sheet structure thus shows kinetic irreversibility. Such a formation of very stable β-sheet structures is found in the amyloid of a number of neurological diseases. This oligopeptide could be a model system for studying the protein conformational changes that occurs in scrapie or Alzheimer disease. The abrupt and direct conversion from a β-sheet to an α-helix may also be found in other processes, such as protein folding and protein–protein interaction. Furthermore, such drastic structure changes may also be exploited in biomaterials designed as sensors to detect environmental changes.


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Fibronectin type III modules contain approximately 90 residues and are an extremely common building block of animal proteins. Despite containing a complex all-beta-sheet topology and eight prolines, the refolding of the 10th type III module of human fibronectin has been found to be very rapid, with native core packing, amide hydrogen bonding, and backbone conformation all recovered within 1 s at 5 degrees C. These observations indicate that this domain can overcome many structural characteristics often thought to slow the folding process.


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Proline is established as a potent breaker of both alpha-helical and beta-sheet structures in soluble (globular) proteins. Thus, the frequent occurrence of the Pro residue in the putative transmembrane helices of integral membrane proteins, particularly transport proteins, presents a structural dilemma. We propose that this phenomenon results from the fact that the structural propensity of a given amino acid may be altered to conform to changes imposed by molecular environment. To test this hypothesis on proline, we synthesized model peptides of generic sequence H2N-(Ser-LyS)2-Ala- Leu-Z-Ala-Leu-Z-Trp-Ala-Leu-Z-(Lys-Ser)3-OH (Z = Ala and/or Pro). Peptide conformations were analyzed by circular dichroism spectroscopy in aqueous buffer, SDS, lysophosphatidylglycerol micelles, and organic solvents (methanol, trifluoroethanol, and 2-propanol). The helical propensity of Pro was found to be greatly enhanced in the membrane-mimetic environments of both lipid micelles and organic solvents. Proline was found to stabilize the alpha-helical conformation relative to Ala at elevated temperatures in 2-propanol, an observation that argues against the doctrine that Pro is the most potent alpha-helix breaker as established in aqueous media. Parallel studies in deoxycholate micelles of the temperature-induced conformational transitions of the single-spanning membrane bacteriophage IKe major coat protein, in which the Pro-containing wild type was compared with Pro30 --> Ala mutant, Pro was found to protect the helix, but disrupt the beta-sheet structure as effectively as it does to model peptides in water. The intrinsic capacity of Pro to disrupt beta-sheets was further reflected in a survey of porins where Pro was found to be selectively excluded from the core of membrane-spanning beta-sheet barrels. The overall data provide a rationale for predicting and understanding the structural consequences when Pro occurs in the context of a membrane.


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We have investigated the efficiency of packing by calculating intramolecular packing density above and below peptide planes of internal beta-pleated sheet residues in five globular proteins. The orientation of interest was chosen to allow study of regions that are approximately perpendicular to the faces of beta-pleated sheets. In these locations, nonbonded van der Waals packing interactions predominate over hydrogen bonding and solvent interactions. We observed considerable variability in packing densities within these regions, confirming that the interior packing of a protein does not result in uniform occupation of the available space. Patterns of fluctuation in packing density suggest that the regular backbone-to-backbone network of hydrogen bonds is not likely to be interrupted to maximize van der Waals interactions. However, high-density packing tends to occur toward the ends of beta-structure strands where hydrogen bonds are more likely to involve nonpolar side-chain groups or solvent molecules. These features result in internal protein folding with a central low-density core surrounded by a higher-density subsurface shell, consistent with our previous calculations regarding overall protein packing density.