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The exon theory of genes proposes that the introns of protein-encoding nuclear genes are remnants of the DNA spacers between ancient minigenes. The discovery of an intron at a predicted position in the triose-phosphate isomerase (EC gene of Culex mosquitoes has been hailed as an evidential pillar of the theory. We have found that that intron is also present in Aedes mosquitoes, which are closely related to Culex, but not in the phylogenetically more distant Anopheles, nor in the fly Calliphora vicina, nor in the moth Spodoptera littoralis. The presence of this intron in Culex and Aedes is parsimoniously explained as the result of an insertion in a recent common ancestor of these two species rather than as the remnant of an ancient intron. The absence of the intron in 19 species of very diverse organisms requires at least 10 independent evolutionary losses in order to be consistent with the exon theory.


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The gene encoding the glycolytic enzyme triose-phosphate isomerase (TPI; EC has been central to the long-standing controversy on the origin and evolutionary significance of spliceosomal introns by virtue of its pivotal support for the introns-early view, or exon theory of genes. Putative correlations between intron positions and TPI protein structure have led to the conjecture that the gene was assembled by exon shuffling, and five TPI intron positions are old by the criterion of being conserved between animals and plants. We have sequenced TPI genes from three diverse eukaryotes--the basidiomycete Coprinus cinereus, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, and the insect Heliothis virescens--and have found introns at seven novel positions that disrupt previously recognized gene/protein structure correlations. The set of 21 TPI introns now known is consistent with a random model of intron insertion. Twelve of the 21 TPI introns appear to be of recent origin since each is present in but a single examined species. These results, together with their implication that as more TPI genes are sequenced more intron positions will be found, render TPI untenable as a paradigm for the introns-early theory and, instead, support the introns-late view that spliceosomal introns have been inserted into preexisting genes during eukaryotic evolution.


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The UV light-induced synthesis of UV-protective flavonoids diverts substantial amounts of substrates from primary metabolism into secondary product formation and thus causes major perturbations of the cellular homeostasis. Results from this study show that the mRNAs encoding representative enzymes from various supply pathways are coinduced in UV-irradiated parsley cells (Petroselinum crispum) with two mRNAs of flavonoid glycoside biosynthesis, encoding phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and chalcone synthase. Strong induction was observed for mRNAs encoding glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (carbohydrate metabolism, providing substrates for the shikimate pathway), 3-deoxyarabinoheptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase (shikimate pathway, yielding phenylalanine), and acyl-CoA oxidase (fatty acid degradation, yielding acetyl-CoA), and moderate induction for an mRNA encoding S-adenosyl-homocysteine hydrolase (activated methyl cycle, yielding S-adenosyl-methionine for B-ring methylation). Ten arbitrarily selected mRNAs representing various unrelated metabolic activities remained unaffected. Comparative analysis of acyl-CoA oxidase and chalcone synthase with respect to mRNA expression modes and gene promoter structure and function revealed close similarities. These results indicate a fine-tuned regulatory network integrating those functionally related pathways of primary and secondary metabolism that are specifically required for protective adaptation to UV irradiation. Although the response of parsley cells to UV light is considerably broader than previously assumed, it contrasts greatly with the extensive metabolic reprogramming observed previously in elicitor-treated or fungus-infected cells.


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Three-week-old plants of two unrelated lines of maize (Zea mays L.) and their hybrid were submitted to progressive water stress for 10 d. Changes induced in leaf proteins were studied by two-dimensional electrophoresis and quantitatively analyzed using image analysis. Seventy-eight proteins out of a total of 413 showed a significant quantitative variation (increase or decrease), with 38 of them exhibiting a different expression in the two genotypes. Eleven proteins that increased by a factor of 1.3 to 5 in stressed plants and 8 proteins detected only in stressed plants were selected for internal amino acid microsequencing, and by similarity search 16 were found to be closely related to previously reported proteins. In addition to proteins already known to be involved in the response to water stress (e.g. RAB17 [Responsive to ABA]), several enzymes involved in basic metabolic cellular pathways such as glycolysis and the Krebs cycle (e.g. enolase and triose phosphate isomerase) were identified, as well as several others, including caffeate O-methyltransferase, the induction of which could be related to lignification.


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We studied inhibition of growth of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum in in vitro culture using antisense (AS) oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) against different target genes. W2 and W2mef strains of drug-resistant parasites were exposed to AS ODNs over 48 hr, and growth was determined by microscopic examination and [3H]hypoxanthine incorporation. At ODN concentrations of 1 microM, phosphorothioate (PS) ODNs inhibited growth in a target-independent manner. However, between 0.5 and 0.005 microM, ODNs against dihydrofolate reductase, dihydropteroate synthetase, ribonucleotide reductase, the schizont multigene family, and erythrocyte binding antigen EBA175 significantly inhibited growth compared with a PS AS ODN against human immunodeficiency virus, two AS ODNs containing eight mismatches, or the sense strand controls (P < 0.0001). The IC50 was approximately 0.05 microM, whereas that for non-sequence-specific controls was 15-fold higher. PS AS ODNs against DNA polymerase alpha showed less activity than that for other targets, whereas a single AS ODN against triose-phosphate isomerase did not differ significantly from controls. We conclude that at concentrations below 0.5 microM, PS AS ODNs targeted against several malarial genes significantly inhibit growth of drug-resistant parasites in a nucleotide sequence-dependent manner. This technology represents an alternative method for identifying malarial genes as potential drug targets.


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The accumulation of phenylalanine-derived phenolic compounds is a well-known element of a plant's defense in response to pathogen attack. Phenylalanine, as well as the other two aromatic amino acids, tyrosine and tryptophan, is synthesized by way of the shikimate pathway. The first seven steps of the shikimate pathway (the prechorismate pathway) are common for the biosynthesis of all three aromatic amino acids. We have studied transcript levels of six genes--i.e., two 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase genes, one shikimate kinase gene, one 5-enolpyruvylshikimate 3-phosphate synthase gene, and two chorismate synthase genes--corresponding to four steps of the prechorismate pathway, in cultured tomato cells exposed to fungal elicitors. The abundance of transcripts specific for some of these genes increased 10- to 20-fold within 6 h after elicitor treatment, as did the abundance of phenylalanine ammonialyase-specific transcripts and the synthesis of ethylene. Interestingly, transcript accumulation occurred more rapidly for shikimate kinase than for the enzymes preceding or following it in the prechorismate pathway. Neither the inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis by aminoethoxyvinylglycine nor inhibition of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (EC activity by 2-aminoindan-2-phosphonic acid affected the time course or extent of transcript accumulation. Thus, the increased demand for phenylalanine in the phenylpropanoid pathway required after elicitor treatment appears to be met by increased de novo synthesis of its biosynthetic enzymes.


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Severe jaundice leading to kernicterus or death in the newborn is the most devastating consequence of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC; G-6-PD) deficiency. We asked whether the TA repeat promoter polymorphism in the gene for uridinediphosphoglucuronate glucuronosyltransferase 1 (EC; UDPGT1), associated with benign jaundice in adults (Gilbert syndrome), increases the incidence of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in G-6-PD deficiency. DNA from term neonates was analyzed for UDPGT1 polymorphism (normal homozygotes, heterozygotes, variant homozygotes), and for G-6-PD Mediterranean deficiency. The variant UDPGT1 promoter allele frequency was similar in G-6-PD-deficient and normal neonates. Thirty (22.9%) G-6-PD deficient neonates developed serum total bilirubin ≥ 257 μmol/liter, vs. 22 (9.2%) normals (P = 0.0005). Of those with the normal homozygous UDPGT1 genotype, the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia was similar in G-6-PD-deficients and controls (9.7% and 9.9%). In contrast, in the G-6-PD-deficient neonates, those with the heterozygous or homozygous variant UDPGT1 genotype had a higher incidence of hyperbilirubinemia than corresponding controls (heterozygotes: 31.6% vs. 6.7%, P < 0.0001; variant homozygotes: 50% vs. 14.7%, P = 0.02). Among G-6-PD-deficient infants the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia was greater in those with the heterozygous (31.6%, P = 0.006) or variant homozygous (50%, P = 0.003) UDPGT1 genotype than in normal homozygotes. In contrast, among those normal for G-6-PD, the UDPGT1 polymorphism had no significant effect (heterozygotes: 6.7%; variant homozygotes: 14.7%). Thus, neither G-6-PD deficiency nor the variant UDPGT1 promoter, alone, increased the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia, but both in combination did. This gene interaction may serve as a paradigm of the interaction of benign genetic polymorphisms in the causation of disease.


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The functional expression of homo-oligomeric α7 neuronal nicotinic and type 3 serotonin receptors is dependent on the activity of a cyclophilin. In this paper we demonstrate that the mechanism of cyclophilin action during functional homo-oligomeric receptor expression in Xenopus oocytes is distinct from the calcineurin-dependent immunosuppressive mechanism by showing that a nonimmunosuppressive analog of cyclosporin A (CsA), SDZ 211–811, reduces functional receptor expression to the same extent as CsA. The cytoplasmic subtype of cyclophilin, cyclophilin A (CyPA), appears to be required for functional receptor expression. This is because overexpression of CyPA and a CyPA mutant that is deficient in CsA binding activity reverses CsA-induced reduction in functional receptor expression. The mechanism of action of CyPA is likely to involve its prolyl isomerase activity because a mutant CyPA with a single amino acid substitution (arginine 55 to alanine) that is predicted to produce a 1000-fold attenuation in isomerase activity fails to reverse the cyclosporin A effect. Our data also suggest that CyPA does not form a stable complex with receptor subunits.


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The GTP-binding protein ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) initiates clathrin-coat assembly at the trans-Goli network (TGN) by generating high-affinity membrane-binding sites for the AP-1 adaptor complex. Both transmembrane proteins, which are sorted into the assembling coated bud, and novel docking proteins have been suggested to be partners with GTP-bound ARF in generating the AP-1-docking sites. The best characterized, and probably the major transmembrane molecules sorted into the clathrin-coated vesicles that form on the TGN, are the mannose 6-phosphate receptors (MPRs). Here, we have examined the role of the MPRs in the AP-1 recruitment process by comparing fibroblasts derived from embryos of either normal or MPR-negative animals. Despite major alterations to the lysosome compartment in the MPR-deficient cells, the steady-state distribution of AP-1 at the TGN is comparable to that of normal cells. Golgi-enriched membranes prepared from the receptor-negative cells also display an apparently normal capacity to recruit AP-1 in vitro in the presence of ARF and either GTP or GTPγS. The AP-1 adaptor is recruited specifically onto the TGN and not onto the numerous abnormal membrane elements that accumulate within the MPR-negative fibroblasts. AP-1 bound to TGN membranes from either normal or MPR-negative fibroblasts is fully resistant to chemical extraction with 1 M Tris-HCl, pH 7, indicating that the adaptor binds to both membrane types with high affinity. The only difference we do note between the Golgi prepared from the MPR-deficient cells and the normal cells is that AP-1 recruited onto the receptor-lacking membranes in the presence of ARF1·GTP is consistently more resistant to extraction with Tris. Because sensitivity to Tris extraction correlates well with nucleotide hydrolysis, this finding might suggest a possible link between MPR sorting and ARF GAP regulation. We conclude that the MPRs are not essential determinants in the initial steps of AP-1 binding to the TGN but, instead, they may play a regulatory role in clathrin-coated vesicle formation by affecting ARF·GTP hydrolysis.


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C-mannosylation of Trp-7 in human ribonuclease 2 (RNase 2) is a novel kind of protein glycosylation that differs fundamentally from N- and O-glycosylation in the protein-sugar linkage. Previously, we established that the specificity determinant of the acceptor substrate (RNase 2) consists of the sequence W-x-x-W, where the first Trp becomes C-mannosylated. Here we investigated the reaction with respect to the mannosyl donor and the involvement of a glycosyltransferase. C-mannosylation of Trp-7 was reduced 10-fold in CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) Lec15 cells, which are deficient in dolichyl-phosphate-mannose (Dol-P-Man) synthase activity, compared with wild-type cells. This was not a result of a decrease in C-mannosyltransferase activity. Rat liver microsomes were used to C-mannosylate the N-terminal dodecapeptide from RNase 2 in vitro, with Dol-P-Man as the donor. This microsomal transferase activity was destroyed by heat and protease treatment, and displayed the same acceptor substrate specificity as the in vivo reaction studied previously. The C-C linkage between the indole and the mannosyl moiety was demonstrated by tandem electrospray mass spectrometry analysis of the product. GDP-Man, in the presence of Dol-P, functioned as a precursor in vitro with membranes from wild-type but not CHO Lec15 cells. In contrast, with Dol-P-Man both membrane preparations were equally active. It is concluded that a microsomal transferase catalyses C-mannosylation of Trp-7, and that the minimal biosynthetic pathway can be defined as: Man –> –> GDP-Man –> Dol-P-Man –> (C2-Man-)Trp.


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Allele frequency variation at the phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) locus in Californian populations of the beetle Chrysomela aeneicollis suggests that PGI may be undergoing natural selection. We quantified (i) apparent Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) of fructose 6-phosphate at different temperatures and (ii) thermal stability for three common PGI genotypes (1–1, 1–4, and 4–4). We also measured air temperature (Ta) and beetle body temperature (Tb) in three montane drainages in the Sierra Nevada, California. Finally, we measured 70-kDa heat shock protein (Hsp70) expression in field-collected and laboratory-acclimated beetles. We found that PGI allele 1 predominated in the northernmost drainage, Rock Creek (RC), which was also significantly cooler than the southernmost drainage, Big Pine Creek (BPC), where PGI allele 4 predominated. Allele frequencies and air temperatures were intermediate in the middle drainage, Bishop Creek (BC). Differences among genotypes in Km (1–1 > 1–4 > 4–4) and thermal stability (4–4 > 1–4 > 1–1) followed a pattern consistent with temperature adaptation. In nature, Tb was closely related to Ta. Hsp70 expression in adult beetles decreased with elevation and differed among drainages (BPC > BC > RC). After laboratory acclimation (8 days, 20°C day, 4°C night) and heat shock (4 h, 28–36°C), Hsp70 expression was greater for RC than BPC beetles. In RC, field-collected beetles homozygous for PGI 1–1 had higher Hsp70 levels than heterozygotes or a 4–4 homozygote. These results reveal functional and physiological differences among PGI genotypes, which suggest that montane populations of this beetle are locally adapted to temperature.


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Myo-inositol-1-phosphate (I[1]P) synthase (EC catalyzes the reaction from glucose 6-phosphate to I(1)P, the first step of myo-inositol biosynthesis. Among the metabolites of I(1)P is inositol hexakisphosphate, which forms a mixed salt called phytin or phytate, a storage form of phosphate and cations in seeds. We have isolated a rice (Oryza sativa L.) cDNA clone, pRINO1, that is highly homologous to the I(1)P synthase from yeast and plants. Northern analysis of total RNA showed that the transcript accumulated to high levels in embryos but was undetectable in shoots, roots, and flowers. In situ hybridization of developing seeds showed that the transcript first appeared in the apical region of globular-stage embryos 2 d after anthesis (DAA). Strong signals were detected in the scutellum and aleurone layer after 4 DAA. The level of the transcript in these cells increased until 7 DAA, after which time it gradually decreased. Phytin-containing particles called globoids appeared 4 DAA in the scutellum and aleurone layer, coinciding with the localization of the RINO1 transcript. The temporal and spatial patterns of accumulation of the RINO1 transcript and globoids suggest that I(1)P synthase directs phytin biosynthesis in rice seeds.


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Delta 5-3-Ketosteroid isomerase (EC promotes an allylic rearrangement involving intramolecular proton transfer via a dienolic intermediate. This enzyme enhances the catalytic rate by a factor of 10(10). Two residues, Tyr-14, the general acid that polarizes the steroid 3-carbonyl group and facilitates enolization, and Asp-38 the general base that abstracts and transfers the 4 beta-proton to the 6 beta-position, contribute 10(4.7) and 10(5.6) to the rate increase, respectively. A major mechanistic enigma is the huge disparity between the pKa values of the catalytic groups and their targets. Upon binding of an analog of the dienolate intermediate to isomerase, proton NMR detects a highly deshielded resonance at 18.15 ppm in proximity to aromatic protons, and with a 3-fold preference for protium over deuterium (fractionation factor, phi = 0.34), consistent with formation of a short, strong (low-barrier) hydrogen bond to Tyr-14. The strength of this hydrogen bond is estimated to be at least 7.1 kcal/mol. This bond is relatively inaccessible to bulk solvent and is pH insensitive. Low-barrier hydrogen bonding of Tyr-14 to the intermediate, in conjunction with the previously demonstrated tunneling contribution to the proton transfer by Asp-38, provide a plausible and quantitative explanation for the high catalytic power of this isomerase.


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Na+-phosphate (Pi) cotransport across the renal brush border membrane is the rate limiting step in the overall reabsorption of filtered Pi. Murine and human renal-specific cDNAs (NaPi-7 and NaPi-3, respectively) related to this cotransporter activity (type II Na+-Pi cotransporter) have been cloned. We now report the cloning and characterization of the corresponding mouse (Npt2) and human (NPT2) genes. The genes were cloned by screening mouse genomic and human chromosome 5-specific libraries, respectively. Both genes are approximately 16 kb and are comprised of 13 exons and 12 introns, the junctions of which conform to donor and acceptor site consensus sequences. Putative CAAT and TATA boxes are located, respectively, at positions -147 and -40 of the Npt2 gene and -143 and -51 of the NPT2 gene, relative to nucleotide 1 of the corresponding cDNAs. The translation initiation site is within exon 2 of both genes. The first 220 bp of the mouse and human promoter regions exhibit 72% identity. Two transcription start sites (at positions -9 and - 10 with respect to nucleotide 1 of NaPi-7 cDNA) and two polyadenylylation signals were identified in the Npt2 gene by primer extension, 5' and 3' rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). A 484-bp 5' flanking region of the Npt2 gene, comprising the CAAT box, TATA box, and exon 1, was cloned upstream of a luciferase reporter gene; this construct significantly stimulated luciferase gene expression, relative to controls, when transiently transfected into OK cells, a renal cell line expressing type II Na+ -Pi cotransporter activity. The present data provide a basis for detailed analysis of cis and trans elements involved in the regulation of Npt2/NPT2 gene transcription and facilitate screening for mutations in the NPT2 gene in patients with autosomally inherited disorders of renal Pi reabsorption.


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Diphosphoinositol pentakisphosphate (PP-IP5) and bis(diphospho)inositol tetrakisphosphate (bis-PP-IP4) are recently identified inositol phosphates that possess pyrophosphate bonds. We have purified an inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6) kinase from rat brain supernatants. The pure protein, a monomer of 54 kDa, displays high affinity (Km = 0.7 microM) and selectivity for inositol hexakisphosphate as substrate. It can be dissociated from bis(diphospho)inositol tetrakisphosphate synthetic activity. The purified enzyme transfers a phosphate from PP-IP5 to ADP to form ATP. This ATP synthase activity indicates the high phosphate group transfer potential of PP-IP5 and may represent a physiological role for PP-IP5.