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The atomic force microscope (AFM) was used to continuously follow height changes of individual protein molecules exposed to physiological stimuli. A AFM tip was coated with ROMK1 (a cloned renal epithelial potassium channel known to be highly pH sensitive) and lowered onto atomically flat mica surface until the protein was sandwiched between AFM tip and mica. Because the AFM tip was an integral part of a highly flexible cantilever, any structural alterations of the sandwiched molecule were transmitted to the cantilever. This resulted in a distortion of the cantilever that was monitored by means of a laser beam. With this system it was possible to resolve vertical height changes in the ROMK1 protein of ≥0.2 nm (approximately 5% of the molecule’s height) with a time resolution of ≥1 msec. When bathed in electrolyte solution that contained the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A and 0.1 mM ATP (conditions that activate the native ion channel), we found stochastically occurring height fluctuations in the ROMK1 molecule. These changes in height were pH-dependent, being greatest at pH 7.6, and lowering the pH (either by titration or by the application of CO2) reduced their magnitude. The data show that overall changes in shape of proteins occur stochastically and increase in size and frequency when the proteins are active. This AFM “molecular-sandwich” technique, called MOST, measures structural activity of proteins in real time and could prove useful for studies on the relationship between structure and function of proteins at the molecular level.
We have previously reported repeat-induced gene silencing (RIGS) in Arabidopsis, in which transgene expression may be silenced epigenetically when repeated sequences are present. Among an allelic series of lines comprising a primary transformant and various recombinant progeny carrying different numbers of drug resistance gene copies at the same locus, silencing was found to depend strictly on repeated sequences and to correlate with an absence of steady-state mRNA. We now report characterization, in nuclei isolated from the same transgenic lines, of gene expression by nuclear run-on assay and of chromatin structure by nuclease protection assay. We find that silencing is correlated with absence of run-on transcripts, indicating that expression is silenced at the level of transcription. We find further that silencing is also correlated with increased resistance to both DNase I and micrococcal nuclease, indicating that the silenced state reflects a change in chromatin configuration. We propose that silencing results when a locally paired region of homologous repeated nucleotide sequences is flanked by unpaired heterologous DNA, which leads chromatin to adopt a local configuration that is difficult to transcribe, and possibly akin to heterochromatin.
Frequencies of meiotic configurations in cytogenetic stocks are dependent on chiasma frequencies in segments defined by centromeres, breakpoints, and telomeres. The expectation maximization algorithm is proposed as a general method to perform maximum likelihood estimations of the chiasma frequencies in the intervals between such locations. The estimates can be translated via mapping functions into genetic maps of cytogenetic landmarks. One set of observational data was analyzed to exemplify application of these methods, results of which were largely concordant with other comparable data. The method was also tested by Monte Carlo simulation of frequencies of meiotic configurations from a monotelodisomic translocation heterozygote, assuming six different sample sizes. The estimate averages were always close to the values given initially to the parameters. The maximum likelihood estimation procedures can be extended readily to other kinds of cytogenetic stocks and allow the pooling of diverse cytogenetic data to collectively estimate lengths of segments, arms, and chromosomes.