24 resultados para Robert I, King of Scots, 1274-1329.

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli associated with human diarrheal disease utilize any of a limited group of serologically distinguishable pili for attachment to intestinal cells. These include CS1 and CFA/I pili. We show here that chemical modification of arginyl residues in CS1 pili abolishes CS1-mediated agglutination of bovine erythrocytes, which serves as a model system for attachment. Alanine substitution of the single arginyl residue in CooA, the major pilin, had no effect on the assembly of pili or on hemagglutination. In contrast, substitution of alanine for R181 in CooD, the minor pilin associated with the pilus tip, abolished hemagglutination, and substitution of R20 reduced hemagglutination. Neither of these substitutions affected CS1 pilus assembly. This shows that CooD is essential for CS1-mediated attachment and identifies specific residues that are involved in receptor binding but not in pilus assembly. In addition to mediating agglutination of bovine erythrocytes, CFA/I also mediates agglutination of human erythrocytes. Substitution of R181 by alanine in the CooD homolog, CfaE, abolished both of these reactions. We conclude that the same region of the pilus tip protein is involved in adherence of CS1 and CFA/I pili, although their receptor specificities differ. This suggests that the region of the pilus tip adhesin protein that includes R181 might be an appropriate target for therapeutic intervention or for a vaccine to protect against human diarrhea caused by enterotoxigenic E. coli strains that have serologically different pili.


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We introduced disulfide bonds to lock the integrin αLβ2 I domain in predicted open, ligand binding or closed, nonbinding conformations. Transfectants expressing αLβ2 heterodimers containing locked-open but not locked-closed or wild-type I domains constitutively adhered to intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) substrates. Locking the I domain closed abolished constitutive and activatable adhesion. The isolated locked-open I domain bound as well as the activated αLβ2 heterodimer, and binding was abolished by reduction of the disulfide. Lovastatin, which binds under the conformationally mobile C-terminal α-helix of the I domain, inhibited binding to ICAM-1 by αLβ2 with wild-type, but not locked-open I domains. These data establish the importance of conformational change in the αL I domain for adhesive function and show that this domain is sufficient for full adhesive activity.


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Using a spectrophotometric assay that measures the hyperchromicity that accompanies the unwinding of a DNA duplex, we have identified an ATP-independent step in the unwinding of a herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) origin of replication, Oris, by a complex of the HSV-1 origin binding protein (UL9 protein) and the HSV-1 single-strand DNA binding protein (ICP8). The sequence unwound is the 18-bp A + T-rich segment that links the two high-affinity UL9 protein binding sites, boxes I and II of Oris. P1 nuclease sensitivity of Oris and single-strand DNA-dependent ATPase measurements of the UL9 protein indicate that, at 37°C, the A + T-rich segment is sufficiently single stranded to permit the binding of ICP8. Binding of the UL9 protein to boxes I and II then results in the formation of the UL9 protein–ICP8 complex, that can, in the absence of ATP, promote unwinding of the A + T-rich segment. On addition of ATP, the helicase activity of the UL9 protein–ICP8 complex can unwind boxes I and II, permitting access of the replication machinery to the Oris sequences.


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The biosynthesis of the monoterpenes limonene and carvone in the fruit of caraway (Carum carvi L.) proceeds from geranyl diphosphate via a three-step pathway. First, geranyl diphosphate is cyclized to (+)-limonene by a monoterpene synthase. Second, this intermediate is stored in the essential oil ducts without further metabolism or is converted by limonene-6-hydroxylase to (+)-trans-carveol. Third, (+)-trans-carveol is oxidized by a dehydrogenase to (+)-carvone. To investigate the regulation of monoterpene formation in caraway, we measured the time course of limonene and carvone accumulation during fruit development and compared it with monoterpene biosynthesis from [U-14C]Suc and the changes in the activities of the three enzymes. The activities of the enzymes explain the profiles of monoterpene accumulation quite well, with limonene-6-hydroxylase playing a pivotal role in controlling the nature of the end product. In the youngest stages, when limonene-6-hydroxylase is undetectable, only limonene was accumulating in appreciable levels. The appearance of limonene-6-hydroxylase correlates closely with the onset of carvone accumulation. At later stages of fruit development, the activities of all three enzymes declined to low levels. Although this correlates closely with a decrease in monoterpene accumulation, the latter may also be the result of competition with other pathways for substrate.


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The four major oligomeric reaction products from saponified modified hairy regions (MHR-S) from apple, produced by recombinant rhamnogalacturonan (RG) α-l-rhamnopyranosyl-(1,4)-α-d-galactopyranosyluronide lyase (rRG-lyase) from Aspergillus aculeatus, were isolated and characterized by 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. They contain an alternating RG backbone with a degree of polymerization of 4, 6, 8, and 10 and with an α-Δ-(4,5)-unsaturated d-galactopyranosyluronic acid at the nonreducing end and an l-rhamnopyranose at the reducing end. l-Rhamnopyranose units are substituted at C-4 with β-galactose. The maximum reaction rate of rRG-lyase toward MHR-S at pH 6.0 and 31°C was 28 units mg−1. rRG-lyase and RG-hydrolase cleave the same alternating RG I subunit in MHR. Both of these enzymes fragment MHR by a multiple attack mechanism. The catalytic efficiency of rRG-lyase for MHR increases with decreasing degree of acetylation. Removal of arabinose side chains improves the action of rRG-lyase toward MHR-S. In contrast, removal of galactose side chains decreased the catalytic efficiency of rRG-lyase. Native RG-lyase was purified from A. aculeatus, characterized, and found to be similar to the rRG-lyase expressed in Aspergillus oryzae.


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We have developed and characterized a system to analyze light effects on auxin transport independent of photosynthetic effects. Polar transport of [3H]indole-3-acetic acid through hypocotyl segments from etiolated cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings was increased in seedlings grown in dim-red light (DRL) (0.5 μmol m−2 s−1) relative to seedlings grown in darkness. Both transport velocity and transport intensity (export rate) were increased by at least a factor of 2. Tissue formed in DRL completely acquired the higher transport capacity within 50 h, but tissue already differentiated in darkness acquired only a partial increase in transport capacity within 50 h of DRL, indicating a developmental window for light induction of commitment to changes in auxin transport. This light-induced change probably manifests itself by alteration of function of the auxin efflux carrier, as revealed using specific transport inhibitors. Relative to dark controls, DRL-grown seedlings were differentially less sensitive to two inhibitors of polar auxin transport, N-(naphth-1-yl) phthalamic acid and 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid. On the basis of these data, we propose that the auxin efflux carrier is a key target of light regulation during photomorphogenesis.


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Cell-mediated immune responses are essential for protection against many intracellular pathogens. For Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), protection requires the activity of T cells that recognize antigens presented in the context of both major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II and I molecules. Since MHC class I presentation generally requires antigen to be localized to the cytoplasmic compartment of antigen-presenting cells, it remains unclear how pathogens that reside primarily within endocytic vesicles of infected macrophages, such as MTB, can elicit specific MHC class I-restricted T cells. A mechanism is described for virulent MTB that allows soluble antigens ordinarily unable to enter the cytoplasm, such as ovalbumin, to be presented through the MHC class I pathway to T cells. The mechanism is selective for MHC class I presentation, since MTB infection inhibited MHC class II presentation of ovalbumin. The MHC class I presentation requires the tubercle bacilli to be viable, and it is dependent upon the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP), which translocates antigenic peptides from the cytoplasm into the endoplasmic reticulum. The process is mimicked by Listeria monocytogenes and soluble listeriolysin, a pore-forming hemolysin derived from it, suggesting that virulent MTB may have evolved a comparable mechanism that allows molecules in a vacuolar compartment to enter the cytoplasmic presentation pathway for the generation of protective MHC class I-restricted T cells.


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Expression of Thermus aquaticus (Taq) DNA polymerase I (pol I) in Escherichia, coli complements the growth defect caused by a temperature-sensitive mutation in the host pol I. We replaced the nucleotide sequence encoding amino acids 659-671 of the O-helix of Taq DNA pol I, corresponding to the substrate binding site, with an oligonucleotide containing random nucleotides. Functional Taq pol I mutants were selected based on colony formation at the nonpermissive temperature. By using a library with 9% random substitutions at each of 39 positions, we identified 61 active Taq pol I mutants, each of which contained from one to four amino acid substitutions. Some amino acids, such as alanine-661 and threonine-664, were tolerant of several or even many diverse replacements. In contrast, no replacements or only conservative replacements were identified at arginine-659, lysine-663, and tyrosine-671. By using a library with totally random nucleotides at five different codons (arginine-659, arginine-660, lysine-663, phenylalanine-667, and glycine-668), we confirmed that arginine-659 and lysine-663 were immutable, and observed that only tyrosine substituted for phenylalanine-667. The two immutable residues and the two residues that tolerate only highly conservative replacements lie on the side of O-helix facing the incoming deoxynucleoside triphosphate, as determined by x-ray analysis. Thus, we offer a new approach to assess concordance of the active conformation of an enzyme, as interpreted from the crystal structure, with the active conformation inferred from in vivo function.


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The Escherichia coli dnaQ gene encodes the proofreading 3' exonuclease (epsilon subunit) of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme and is a critical determinant of chromosomal replication fidelity. We constructed by site-specific mutagenesis a mutant, dnaQ926, by changing two conserved amino acid residues (Asp-12-->Ala and Glu-14-->Ala) in the Exo I motif, which, by analogy to other proofreading exonucleases, is essential for the catalytic activity. When residing on a plasmid, dnaQ926 confers a strong, dominant mutator phenotype, suggesting that the protein, although deficient in exonuclease activity, still binds to the polymerase subunit (alpha subunit or dnaE gene product). When dnaQ926 was transferred to the chromosome, replacing the wild-type gene, the cells became inviable. However, viable dnaQ926 strains could be obtained if they contained one of the dnaE alleles previously characterized in our laboratory as antimutator alleles or if it carried a multicopy plasmid containing the E. coli mutL+ gene. These results suggest that loss of proofreading exonuclease activity in dnaQ926 is lethal due to excessive error rates (error catastrophe). Error catastrophe results from both the loss of proofreading and the subsequent saturation of DNA mismatch repair. The probability of lethality by excessive mutation is supported by calculations estimating the number of inactivating mutations in essential genes per chromosome replication.


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Hemochromatosis (HC) is an inherited disorder of iron absorption, mapping within the human major histocompatibility complex (MHC). We have identified a multigene system in the murine MHC that contains excellent candidates for the murine equivalent of the human HC locus and implicate nonclassical class I genes in the control of iron absorption. This gene system is characterized by multiple copies of two head-to-head genes encoded on opposite strands and driven by one common regulatory motif. This regulatory motif has a striking homology to the promoter region of the beta-globin gene, a gene obviously involved in iron metabolism and hence termed beta-globin analogous promoter (betaGAP). Upstream of the betaGAP sequence are nonclassical class I genes. At least one of these nonclassical class I genes, Q2, is expressed in the gastrointestinal tract, the primary site of iron absorption. Also expressed in the gastrointestinal tract and downstream of the betaGAP motif is a second set of putative genes, termed Hephaestus (HEPH). Based on these observations, we hypothesized that the genes that seem to be controlled by the betaGAP regulatory motifs would be responsible for the control of Fe absorption. As a test of this hypothesis, we predicted that mice which have altered expression of class I gene products, the beta2-microglobulin knockout mice, [beta2m(-/-)], would develop Fe overload. This prediction was confirmed, and these results indicate beta2m-associated proteins are involved in the control of intestinal Fe absorption.


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Nerve growth cones isolated from fetal rat brain are highly enriched in a 97-kDa glycoprotein, termed beta gc, that comigrates with the beta subunit of the IGF-I receptor upon two-dimensional PAGE and is disulfide-linked to this receptor's alpha subunit. Antibodies prepared to a conserved domain shared by the insulin and IGF-I receptor beta subunits (AbP2) or to beta gc were used to study receptor distribution further. Subcellular fractionation of the fetal brain segregated most AbP2 immunoreactivity away from growth cones, whereas most beta gc immunoreactivity copurified with growth cones. Experiments involving ligand-activated receptor autophosphorylation confirmed the concentration of IGF-I but not of insulin receptors in growth cone fractions. These results indicate the enrichment of IGF-I receptors in (presumably axonal) growth cones of the differentiating neuron. Furthermore, the segregation of beta gc from AbP2 immunoreactivity suggests that such neurons express an immunochemically distinct variant of the IGF-I receptor beta subunit at the growth cone.


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Flash-induced voltage changes (electrogenic events) in photosystem I particles from spinach, oriented in a phospholipid layer, have been studied at room temperature on a time scale ranging from 1 micros to several seconds. A phospholipid layer containing photosystem I particles was adsorbed to a Teflon film separating two aqueous compartments. Voltage changes were measured across electrodes immersed in the compartments. In the absence of added electron donors and acceptors, a multiphasic voltage increase, associated with charge separation, was followed by a decrease, associated with charge recombination. Several kinetic phases were resolved: a rapid (<1 micros) increase, ascribed to electron transfer from the primary electron donor P700 to the iron-sulfur electron acceptor FB, was followed by a slower, biphasic increase with time constants of 30 and 200 micros. The 30-micros phase is assigned to electron transfer from FB to the iron-sulfur center FA. The voltage decrease had a time constant of 90 ms, ascribed to charge recombination from FA to P700. Upon chemical prereduction of FA and FB the 30- and 200-micros phases disappeared and the decay time constant was accelerated to 330 micros, assigned to charge recombination from the phylloquinone electron acceptor (A1) or the iron-sulfur center FX to P700.


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We have investigated the dynamic properties of the switch I region of the GTP-binding protein Ras by using mutants of Thr-35, an invariant residue necessary for the switch function. Here we show that these mutants, previously used as partial loss-of-function mutations in cell-based assays, have a reduced affinity to Ras effector proteins without Thr-35 being involved in any interaction. The structure of Ras(T35S)⋅GppNHp was determined by x-ray crystallography. Whereas the overall structure is very similar to wildtype, residues from switch I are completely invisible, indicating that the effector loop region is highly mobile. 31P-NMR data had indicated an equilibrium between two rapidly interconverting conformations, one of which (state 2) corresponds to the structure found in the complex with the effectors. 31P-NMR spectra of Ras mutants (T35S) and (T35A) in the GppNHp form show that the equilibrium is shifted such that they occur predominantly in the nonbinding conformation (state 1). On addition of Ras effectors, Ras(T35S) but not Ras(T35A) shift to positions corresponding to the binding conformation. The structural data were correlated with kinetic experiments that show two-step binding reaction of wild-type and (T35S)Ras with effectors requires the existence of a rate-limiting isomerization step, which is not observed with T35A. The results indicate that minor changes in the switch region, such as removing the side chain methyl group of Thr-35, drastically affect dynamic behavior and, in turn, interaction with effectors. The dynamics of the switch I region appear to be responsible for the conservation of this threonine residue in GTP-binding proteins.


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Heparinase I from Flavobacterium heparinum has important uses for elucidating the complex sequence heterogeneity of heparin-like glycosaminoglycans (HLGAGs). Understanding the biological function of HLGAGs has been impaired by the limited methods for analysis of pure or mixed oligosaccharide fragments. Here, we use methodologies involving MS and capillary electrophoresis to investigate the sequence of events during heparinase I depolymerization of HLGAGs. In an initial step, heparinase I preferentially cleaves exolytically at the nonreducing terminal linkage of the HLGAG chain, although it also cleaves internal linkages at a detectable rate. In a second step, heparinase I has a strong preference for cleaving the same substrate molecule processively, i.e., to cleave the next site toward the reducing end of the HLGAG chain. Computer simulation showed that the experimental results presented here from analysis of oligosaccharide degradation were consistent with literature data for degradation of polymeric HLGAG by heparinase I. This study presents direct evidence for a predominantly exolytic and processive mechanism of depolymerization of HLGAG by heparinase I.


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The evolutionary dynamics existing between transposable elements (TEs) and their host genomes have been likened to an “arms race.” The selfish drive of TEs to replicate, in turn, elicits the evolution of host-mediated regulatory mechanisms aimed at repressing transpositional activity. It has been postulated that horizontal (cross-species) transfer may be one effective strategy by which TEs and other selfish genes can escape host-mediated silencing mechanisms over evolutionary time; however, to date, the most definitive evidence that TEs horizontally transfer between species has been limited to class II or DNA-type elements. Evidence that the more numerous and widely distributed retroelements may also be horizontally transferred between species has been more ambiguous. In this paper, we report definitive evidence for a recent horizontal transfer of the copia long terminal repeat retrotransposon between Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila willistoni.