7 resultados para Relationship content and methodology

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Objective To provide a comprehensive survey of the content and quality of intervention studies relevant to the treatment of schizophrenia.


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Although the occurrence of intracellular glasses in seeds and pollen has been established, physical properties such as rotational correlation times and viscosity have not been studied extensively. Using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, we examined changes in the molecular mobility of the hydrophilic nitroxide spin probe 3-carboxy-proxyl during melting of intracellular glasses in axes of pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds and cattail (Typha latifolia L.) pollen. The rotational correlation time of the spin probe in intracellular glasses of both organisms was approximately 10−3 s. Using the distance between the outer extrema of the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum (2Azz) as a measure of molecular mobility, we found a sharp increase in mobility at a definite temperature during heating. This temperature increased with decreasing water content of the samples. Differential scanning calorimetry data on these samples indicated that this sharp increase corresponded to melting of the glassy matrix. Molecular mobility was found to be inversely correlated with storage stability. With decreasing water content, the molecular mobility reached a minimum, and increased again at very low water content. Minimum mobility and maximum storage stability occurred at a similar water content. This correlation suggests that storage stability might be at least partially controlled by molecular mobility. At low temperatures, when storage longevity cannot be determined on a realistic time scale, 2Azz measurements can provide an estimate of the optimum storage conditions.


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To study the direct effects of photosynthesis on allocation of biomass by altering photosynthesis without altering leaf N or nitrate content, phosphoribulokinase (PRK) activity was decreased in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) with an inverted tobacco PRK cDNA and plants were grown at different N levels (0.4 and 5 mm NH4NO3). The activation state of PRK increased as the amount of enzyme was decreased genetically at both levels of N. At high N a 94% decrease in PRK activity had only a small effect (20%) on photosynthesis and growth. At low N a 94% decrease in PRK activity had a greater effect on leaf photosynthesis (decreased by up to 50%) and whole-plant photosynthesis (decreased by up to 35%) than at high N. These plants were up to 35% smaller than plants with higher PRK activities because they had less structural dry matter and less starch, which was decreased by 3- to 4-fold, but still accumulated to 24% to 31% of dry weight; young leaves contained more starch than older leaves in older plants. Leaves had a higher ion and water content, and specific leaf area was higher, but allocation between shoot and root was unaltered. In conclusion, low N in addition to a 94% decrease in PRK by antisense reduces the activity of PRK sufficient to diminish photosynthesis, which limits biomass production under conditions normally considered sink limited.


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A quantitative model of interphase chromosome higher-order structure is presented based on the isochore model of the genome and results obtained in the field of copolymer research. G1 chromosomes are approximated in the model as multiblock copolymers of the 30-nm chromatin fiber, which alternately contain two types of 0.5- to 1-Mbp blocks (R and G minibands) differing in GC content and DNA-bound proteins. A G1 chromosome forms a single-chain string of loop clusters (micelles), with each loop ∼1–2 Mbp in size. The number of ∼20 loops per micelle was estimated from the dependence of geometrical versus genomic distances between two points on a G1 chromosome. The greater degree of chromatin extension in R versus G minibands and a difference in the replication time for these minibands (early S phase for R versus late S phase for G) are explained in this model as a result of the location of R minibands at micelle cores and G minibands at loop apices. The estimated number of micelles per nucleus is close to the observed number of replication clusters at the onset of S phase. A relationship between chromosomal and nuclear sizes for several types of higher eukaryotic cells (insects, plants, and mammals) is well described through the micelle structure of interphase chromosomes. For yeast cells, this relationship is described by a linear coil configuration of chromosomes.


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To investigate the relationship between major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II compartments, secretory granules, and secretory lysosomes, we analyzed the localization and fate of MHC class II molecules in mast cells. In bone marrow-derived mast cells, the bulk of MHC class II molecules is contained in two distinct compartments, with features of both lysosomal compartments and secretory granules defined by their protein content and their accessibility to endocytic tracers. Type I granules display internal membrane vesicles and are accessed by exogenous molecules after a time lag of 20 min; type II granules are reached by the endocytic tracer later and possess a serotonin-rich electron-dense core surrounded by a multivesicular domain. In these type I and type II granules, MHC class II molecules, mannose-6-phosphate receptors and lysosomal membrane proteins (lamp1 and lamp2) localize to small intralumenal vesicles. These 60–80-nm vesicles are released along with inflammatory mediators during mast cell degranulation triggered by IgE-antigen complexes. These observations emphasize the intimate connection between the endocytic and secretory pathways in cells of the hematopoietic lineage which allows regulated secretion of the contents of secretory lysosomes, including membrane proteins associated with small vesicles.


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To investigate the proposed molecular characteristics of sugar-mediated repression of photosynthetic genes during plant acclimation to elevated CO2, we examined the relationship between the accumulation and metabolism of nonstructural carbohydrates and changes in ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) gene expression in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to elevated CO2. Long-term growth of Arabidopsis at high CO2 (1000 μL L−1) resulted in a 2-fold increase in nonstructural carbohydrates, a large decrease in the expression of Rubisco protein and in the transcript of rbcL, the gene encoding the large subunit of Rubisco (approximately 35–40%), and an even greater decline in mRNA of rbcS, the gene encoding the small subunit (approximately 60%). This differential response of protein and mRNAs suggests that transcriptional/posttranscriptional processes and protein turnover may determine the final amount of leaf Rubisco protein at high CO2. Analysis of mRNA levels of individual rbcS genes indicated that reduction in total rbcS transcripts was caused by decreased expression of all four rbcS genes. Short-term transfer of Arabidopsis plants grown at ambient CO2 to high CO2 resulted in a decrease in total rbcS mRNA by d 6, whereas Rubisco content and rbcL mRNA decreased by d 9. Transfer to high CO2 reduced the maximum expression level of the primary rbcS genes (1A and, particularly, 3B) by limiting their normal pattern of accumulation through the night period. The decreased nighttime levels of rbcS mRNA were associated with a nocturnal increase in leaf hexoses. We suggest that prolonged nighttime hexose metabolism resulting from exposure to elevated CO2 affects rbcS transcript accumulation and, ultimately, the level of Rubisco protein.