9 resultados para Relation structure-propriété

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Cysteine mutagenesis and site-directed spin labeling in the C-terminal region of rhodopsin have been used to probe the local structure and proximity of that region to the cytoplasmic loops. Each of the native amino acids in the sequence T335–T340 was replaced with Cys, one at a time. The sulfhydryl groups of all mutants reacted rapidly with the sulfhydryl reagent 4,4′-dithiodipyridine, which indicated a high degree of solvent accessibility. Furthermore, to probe the proximity relationships, a series of double Cys mutants was constructed. One Cys in all sets was at position 338 and the other was at a position in the sequence S240–V250 in the EF interhelical loop, at position 65 in the AB interhelical loop, or at position 140 in the CD interhelical loop. In the dark state, no significant disulfide formation was observed between C338 and C65 or C140 under the conditions used, whereas a relatively rapid disulfide formation was observed between C338 and C242 or C245. Spin labels in the double Cys mutants showed the strongest magnetic interactions between the nitroxides attached to C338 and C245 or C246. Light activation of the double mutant T242C/S338C resulted in slower disulfide formation, whereas interactions between nitroxides at C338 and C245 or C246 decreased. These results suggest the proximity of the C-terminal residue C338 to residues located on the outer face of a cytoplasmic helical extension of the F helix with an apparent increase of distance upon photoactivation.


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A form of two-dimensional (2D) vibrational spectroscopy, which uses two ultrafast IR laser pulses, is used to examine the structure of a cyclic penta-peptide in solution. Spectrally resolved cross peaks occur in the off-diagonal region of the 2D IR spectrum of the amide I region, analogous to those in 2D NMR spectroscopy. These cross peaks measure the coupling between the different amide groups in the structure. Their intensities and polarizations relate directly to the three-dimensional structure of the peptide. With the help of a model coupling Hamiltonian, supplemented by density functional calculations, the spectra of this penta-peptide can be regenerated from the known solution phase structure. This 2D-IR measurement, with an intrinsic time resolution of less than 1 ps, could be used in all time regimes of interest in biology.


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Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) are proteoglycans of higher plants, which are implicated in growth and development. We recently have shown that two AGPs, NaAGP1 (from Nicotiana alata styles) and PcAGP1 (from Pyrus communis cell suspension culture), are modified by the addition of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor. However, paradoxically, both AGPs were buffer soluble rather than membrane associated. We now show that pear suspension cultured cells also contain membrane-bound GPI-anchored AGPs. This GPI anchor has the minimal core oligosaccharide structure, d-Manα(1–2)-d-Manα(1–6)-d-Manα(1–4)-d-GlcN-inositol, which is consistent with those found in animals, protozoa, and yeast, but with a partial β(1–4)-galactosyl substitution of the 6-linked Man residue, and has a phosphoceramide lipid composed primarily of phytosphingosine and tetracosanoic acid. The secreted form of PcAGP1 contains a truncated GPI lacking the phosphoceramide moiety, suggesting that it is released from the membrane by the action of a phospholipase D. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the potential mechanisms by which GPI-anchored AGPs may be involved in signal transduction pathways.


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ADP ribosylation factor (ARF) is thought to play a critical role in recruiting coatomer (COPI) to Golgi membranes to drive transport vesicle budding. Yeast strains harboring mutant COPI proteins exhibit defects in retrograde Golgi to endoplasmic reticulum protein transport and striking cargo-selective defects in anterograde endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi protein transport. To determine whether arf mutants exhibit similar phenotypes, the anterograde transport kinetics of multiple cargo proteins were examined in arf mutant cells, and, surprisingly, both COPI-dependent and COPI-independent cargo proteins exhibited comparable defects. Retrograde dilysine-mediated transport also appeared to be inefficient in the arf mutants, and coatomer mutants with no detectable anterograde transport defect exhibited a synthetic growth defect when combined with arf1Δ, supporting a role for ARF in retrograde transport. Remarkably, we found that early and medial Golgi glycosyltransferases localized to abnormally large ring-shaped structures. The endocytic marker FM4–64 also stained similar, but generally larger ring-shaped structures en route from the plasma membrane to the vacuole in arf mutants. Brefeldin A similarly perturbed endosome morphology and also inhibited transport of FM4–64 from endosomal structures to the vacuole. Electron microscopy of arf mutant cells revealed the presence of what appear to be hollow spheres of interconnected membrane tubules which likely correspond to the fluorescent ring structures. Together, these observations indicate that organelle morphology is significantly more affected than transport in the arf mutants, suggesting a fundamental role for ARF in regulating membrane dynamics. Possible mechanisms for producing this dramatic morphological change in intracellular organelles and its relation to the function of ARF in coat assembly are discussed.


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Objectives: To assess the relation between white coat hypertension and alterations of left ventricular structure and function.


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The Drosophila mutant methuselah (mth) was identified from a screen for single gene mutations that extended average lifespan. Mth mutants have a 35% increase in average lifespan and increased resistance to several forms of stress, including heat, starvation, and oxidative damage. The protein affected by this mutation is related to G protein-coupled receptors of the secretin receptor family. Mth, like secretin receptor family members, has a large N-terminal ectodomain, which may constitute the ligand binding site. Here we report the 2.3-Å resolution crystal structure of the Mth extracellular region, revealing a folding topology in which three primarily β-structure-containing domains meet to form a shallow interdomain groove containing a solvent-exposed tryptophan that may represent a ligand binding site. The Mth structure is analyzed in relation to predicted Mth homologs and potential ligand binding features.


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The folding mechanism of a 125-bead heteropolymer model for proteins is investigated with Monte Carlo simulations on a cubic lattice. Sequences that do and do not fold in a reasonable time are compared. The overall folding behavior is found to be more complex than that of models for smaller proteins. Folding begins with a rapid collapse followed by a slow search through the semi-compact globule for a sequence-dependent stable core with about 30 out of 176 native contacts which serves as the transition state for folding to a near-native structure. Efficient search for the core is dependent on structural features of the native state. Sequences that fold have large amounts of stable, cooperative structure that is accessible through short-range initiation sites, such as those in anti-parallel sheets connected by turns. Before folding is completed, the system can encounter a second bottleneck, involving the condensation and rearrangement of surface residues. Overly stable local structure of the surface residues slows this stage of the folding process. The relation of the results from the 125-mer model studies to the folding of real proteins is discussed.


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Cell structure, emerging from behind the veil of conventional electron microscopy, appears far more complex than formerly realized. The standard plastic-embedded, ultrathin section can image only what is on the section surface and masks the elaborate networks of the cytoplasm and nucleus. Embedment-free electron microscopy gives clear, high-contrast micrographs of cell structure when combined with removal of obscuring material such as soluble proteins. The resinless ultrathin section is the technique of choice; it is simple and inexpensive, and it uses ordinary electron microscopes. The resulting pictures reveal a world of complex cell structure and function. These images necessarily change our conception of the cytoskeleton, nuclear matrix, mitosis, and the relation of membranes to cytostructure.


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Most helicases studied to date have been characterized as oligomeric, but the relation between their structure and function has not been understood. The bacteriophage T7 gene 4 helicase/primase proteins act in T7 DNA replication. We have used electron microscopy, three-dimensional reconstruction, and protein crosslinking to demonstrate that both proteins form hexameric rings around single-stranded DNA. Each subunit has two lobes, so the hexamer appears to be two-tiered, with a small ring stacked on a large ring. The single-stranded DNA passes through the central hole of the hexamer, and the data exclude substantial wrapping of the DNA about or within the protein ring. Further, the hexamer binds DNA with a defined polarity as the smaller ring of the hexamer points toward the 5' end of the DNA. The similarity in three-dimensional structure of the T7 gene 4 proteins to that of the Escherichia coli RuvB helicase suggests that polar rings assembled around DNA may be a general feature of numerous hexameric helicases involved in DNA replication, transcription, recombination, and repair.