11 resultados para Relation of Drought to Water-Use in Nebraska

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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To investigate correlations between phenotypic adaptation to water limitation and drought-induced gene expression, we have studied a model system consisting of a drought-tolerant line (R1) and a drought-sensitive line (S1) of sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.) subjected to progressive drought. R1 tolerance is characterized by the maintenance of shoot cellular turgor. Drought-induced genes (HaElip1, HaDhn1, and HaDhn2) were previously identified in the tolerant line. The accumulation of the corresponding transcripts was compared as a function of soil and leaf water status in R1 and S1 plants during progressive drought. In leaves of R1 plants the accumulation of HaDhn1 and HaDhn2 transcripts, but not HaElip1 transcripts, was correlated with the drought-adaptive response. Drought-induced abscisic acid (ABA) concentration was not associated with the varietal difference in drought tolerance. Stomata of both lines displayed similar sensitivity to ABA. ABA-induced accumulation of HaDhn2 transcripts was higher in the tolerant than in the sensitive genotype. HaDhn1 transcripts were similarly accumulated in the tolerant and in the sensitive plants in response to ABA, suggesting that additional factors involved in drought regulation of HaDhn1 expression might exist in tolerant plants.


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We tested whether severe congestive heart failure (CHF), a condition associated with excess free-water retention, is accompanied by altered regulation of the vasopressin-regulated water channel, aquaporin-2 (AQP2), in the renal collecting duct. CHF was induced by left coronary artery ligation. Compared with sham-operated animals, rats with CHF had severe heart failure with elevated left ventricular end-diastolic pressures (LVEDP): 26.9 ± 3.4 vs. 4.1 ± 0.3 mmHg, and reduced plasma sodium concentrations (142.2 ± 1.6 vs. 149.1 ± 1.1 mEq/liter). Quantitative immunoblotting of total kidney membrane fractions revealed a significant increase in AQP2 expression in animals with CHF (267 ± 53%, n = 12) relative to sham-operated controls (100 ± 13%, n = 14). In contrast, immunoblotting demonstrated a lack of an increase in expression of AQP1 and AQP3 water channel expression, indicating that the effect on AQP2 was selective. Furthermore, postinfarction animals without LVEDP elevation or plasma Na reduction showed no increase in AQP2 expression (121 ± 28% of sham levels, n = 6). Immunocytochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated very abundant labeling of the apical plasma membrane and relatively little labeling of intracellular vesicles in collecting duct cells from rats with severe CHF, consistent with enhanced trafficking of AQP2 to the apical plasma membrane. The selective increase in AQP2 expression and enhanced plasma membrane targeting provide an explanation for the development of water retention and hyponatremia in severe CHF.


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Many bacteria use acyl homoserine lactone signals to monitor cell density in a type of gene regulation termed quorum sensing and response. Synthesis of these signals is directed by homologs of the luxi gene of Vibrio fischeri. This communication resolves two critical issues concerning the synthesis of the V. fischeri signal. (i) The luxI product is directly involved in signal synthesis-the protein is an acyl homoserine lactone synthase; and (ii) the substrates for acyl homoserine lactone synthesis are not amino acids from biosynthetic pathways or fatty acid degradation products, but rather they are S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and an acylated acyl carrier protein (ACP) from the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway. We purified a maltose binding protein-LuxI fusion polypeptide and showed that, when provided with the appropriate substrates, it catalyzes the synthesis of an acyl homoserine lactone. In V. fischeri, luxi directs the synthesis of N-(3-oxohexanoyl) homoserine lactone and hexanoyl homoserine lactone. The purified maltose binding protein-LuxI fusion protein catalyzes the synthesis of hexanoyl homoserine lactone from hexanoyl-ACP and SAM. There is a high level of specificity for hexanoyl-ACP over ACPs with differing acyl group lengths, and hexanoyl homoserine lactone was not synthesized when SAM was replaced with other amino acids, such as methionine, S-adenosylhomocysteine, homoserine, or homoserine lactone, or when hexanoyl-SAM was provided as the substrate. This provides direct evidence that the LuxI protein is an auto-inducer synthase that catalyzes the formation of an amide bond between SAM and a fatty acyl-ACP and then catalyzes the formation of the acyl homoserine lactone from the acyl-SAM intermediate.


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The ability to tolerate a low-O2 environment varies widely among species in the animal kingdom. Some animals, such as Drosophila melanogaster, can tolerate anoxia for prolonged periods without apparent tissue injury. To determine the genetic basis of the cellular responses to low O2, we performed a genetic screen in Drosophila to identify loci that are responsible for anoxia resistance. Four X-linked, anoxia-sensitive mutants belonging to three complementation groups were isolated after screening more than 10,000 mutagenized flies. The identified recessive and dominant mutations showed marked delay in recovery from O2 deprivation. In addition, electrophysiologic studies demonstrated that polysynaptic transmission in the central nervous system of the mutant flies was abnormally long during recovery from anoxia. These studies show that anoxic tolerance can be genetically dissected.


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Strategies for delaying pest resistance to genetically modified crops that produce Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins are based primarily on theoretical models. One key assumption of such models is that genes conferring resistance are rare. Previous estimates for lepidopteran pests targeted by Bt crops seem to meet this assumption. We report here that the estimated frequency of a recessive allele conferring resistance to Bt toxin Cry1Ac was 0.16 (95% confidence interval = 0.05–0.26) in strains of pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) derived from 10 Arizona cotton fields during 1997. Unexpectedly, the estimated resistance allele frequency did not increase from 1997 to 1999 and Bt cotton remained extremely effective against pink bollworm. These results demonstrate that the assumptions and predictions of resistance management models must be reexamined.


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Scytalone dehydratase (EC catalyzes the dehydration of two important intermediates in the biosynthesis of melanin, and it functions without metal ions or any cofactors. Using molecular orbital theory, we have examined the role of a critical water molecule in the mechanism of scytalone dehydratase. The water, together with an internal hydrogen bonding, contributes significantly to the stabilization of the transition state (or the enolate intermediate). The role of two active site tyrosines (Tyr-50 and Tyr-30) is (i) to hold the critical water in place so that it may stabilize the transition state without much structural rearrangement during the catalytic reaction, and (ii) to polarize the water, making it a better general acid. The stereochemistry of the scytalone dehydratase-catalyzed dehydration is also discussed.


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The application of a moderate water deficit (water potential of −1.3 MPa) to pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Lincoln) leaves led to a 75% inhibition of photosynthesis and to increases in zeaxanthin, malondialdehyde, oxidized proteins, and mitochondrial, cytosolic, and chloroplastic superoxide dismutase activities. Severe water deficit (−1.9 MPa) almost completely inhibited photosynthesis, decreased chlorophylls, β-carotene, neoxanthin, and lutein, and caused further conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin, suggesting damage to the photosynthetic apparatus. There were consistent decreases in antioxidants and pyridine nucleotides, and accumulation of catalytic Fe, malondialdehyde, and oxidized proteins. Paraquat (PQ) treatment led to similar major decreases in photosynthesis, water content, proteins, and most antioxidants, and induced the accumulation of zeaxanthin and damaged proteins. PQ decreased markedly ascorbate, NADPH, ascorbate peroxidase, and chloroplastic Fe-superoxide dismutase activity, and caused major increases in oxidized glutathione, NAD+, NADH, and catalytic Fe. It is concluded that, in cv Lincoln, the increase in catalytic Fe and the lowering of antioxidant protection may be involved in the oxidative damage caused by severe water deficit and PQ, but not necessarily in the incipient stress induced by moderate water deficit. Results also indicate that the tolerance to water deficit in terms of oxidative damage largely depends on the legume cultivar.


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Radiation is the primary modality of therapy for all commonly occurring malignant brain tumors, including medulloblastoma and glioblastoma. These two brain tumors, however, have a distinctly different response to radiation therapy. Medulloblastoma is very sensitive to radiation therapy, whereas glioblastoma is highly resistant, and the long-term survival of medulloblastoma patients exceeds 50%, while there are few long-term survivors among glioblastoma patients. p53-mediated apoptosis is thought to be an important mechanism mediating the cytotoxic response of tumors to radiotherapy. In this study, we compared the response to radiation of five cell lines that have wild-type p53: three derived from glioblastoma and two derived from medulloblastoma. We found that the medulloblastoma-derived cell lines underwent extensive radiation-induced apoptotic cell death, while those from glioblastomas did not exhibit significant radiation-induced apoptosis. p53-mediated induction of p21BAX is thought to be a key component of the pathway mediating apoptosis after the exposure of cells to cytotoxins, and the expression of mRNA encoding p21BAX was correlated with these cell lines undergoing radiation-induced apoptosis. The failure of p53 to induce p21BAX expression in glioblastoma-derived cell lines is likely to be of biologic significance, since inhibition of p21BAX induction in medulloblastoma resulted in a loss of radiation-induced apoptosis, while forced expression of p21BAX in glioblastoma was sufficient to induce apoptosis. The failure of p53 to induce p21BAX in glioblastoma-derived cell lines suggests a distinct mechanism of radioresistance and may represent a critical factor in determining therapeutic responsiveness to radiation in glioblastomas.


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An increasingly large number of proteins involved in signal transduction have been identified in recent years and shown to control different steps of cell survival, proliferation, and differentiation. Among the genes recently identified at the tip of the long arm of the human X chromosome, a novel gene, C1, encodes a protein that appears to represent a newly discovered member of the group of signaling proteins involved in regulation of the small GTP binding proteins of the ras superfamily. The protein encoded by C1, p115, is synthesized predominantly in cells of hematopoietic origin. It is characterized by two regions of similarity to motifs present in known proteins: GAP and SH3 homologous regions. Its localization in a narrow cytoplasmic region just below the plasma membrane and its inhibitory effect on stress fiber organization indicate that p115 may down regulate rho-like GTPases in hematopoietic cells.


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Embolism and refilling of vessels was monitored directly by cryomicroscopy of field-grown corn (Zea mays L.) roots. To test the reliability of an earlier study showing embolism refilling in roots at negative leaf water potentials, embolisms were counted, and root water potentials (Ψroot) and osmotic potentials of exuded xylem sap from the same roots were measured by isopiestic psychrometry. All vessels were full at dawn (Ψroot −0.1 MPa). Embolisms were first seen in late metaxylem vessels at 8 am. Embolized late metaxylem vessels peaked at 50% at 10 am (Ψroot −0.1 MPa), fell to 44% by 12 pm (Ψroot −0.23 MPa), then dropped steadily to zero by early evening (Ψroot −0.28 MPa). Transpiration was highest (8.5 μg cm−2 s−1) between 12 and 2 pm when the percentage of vessels embolized was falling. Embolized vessels were refilled by liquid moving through their lateral walls. Xylem sap was very low in solutes. The mechanism of vessel refilling, when Ψroot is negative, requires further investigation. Daily embolism and refilling in roots of well-watered plants is a normal occurrence and may be a component of an important hydraulic signaling mechanism between roots and shoots.